30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
That’s the perfect time to start. Probably a little late if you ask me. Personally, I gave up non-alcoholic breakfast drinks right after the 2004 election.
Today’s been a catch up on administrative crap that I haven’t had time to do the last two weeks, including Assocate/Paralegal Evaluations and doing my time. <yawn>
I finished about 10 minutes ago. And I have to leave in 10 minutes for a 3:30 meeting. So imagine my delight that Manny decided to have happy hour at a time I could make it 🙂
This will be my first time meeting a bootribber! Apart from katiebird, of course, who lives nearby. And then next week I get to meet Raging Hippie. Life is good.
I’ll be in Phoenix next week, Manny, but don’t you dare try to get there. It would be so unsatisfying not to have time to really meet and talk. One of these days I’ll go visit my old friend in Tucson and then we’ll all go have enchiladas together.
you bring sunblock and light-colored clothes, they are supposed to go from HTH to Broil over the next few days. I’m going to be in the suburbs over the May 12-14th weekend so if you’re still around, let me know.
I can’t stand Phoenix but it does have one quite unique offering — Desert Botantical Garden. If you have any spare time, it’s worth a stop.
And congrats on the great review in the Globe, though it’s still not quite up to the level of the one in the Denver Post — kind of hard to top a “writer of substantial literary power and gravitas, showing all the signs of becoming one of the best native-born writers to emerge from the state of Kansas.” (I figure you aren’t tired of reading that yet.)
Your new book arrived in my mail today. I preordered it along with another friend’s book and it had to wait for her release date to ship. I’m looking forward to it.
Yippee, I just got out of the phone presentation we had to do with that report (the one that ruined my last weekend), and the clients were very impressed. So I’m ready to slack the rest of the day away.
Hey Manny, I’m in a margarita mood… got any of that tasty 1850 stuff? And no skimping on the Grand Marnier and the fresh limes!
That looks mighty tasty, though they got the stemware a bit off. Never let it be said that I’m a stickler for glassware (even though I kind of am, lol), but the contents look luscious and that’s what really counts!
I think I’m pretty safe at this point in the season, since serious deadheading won’t arrive in earnest till early summer. Worst I’ll be doing is digging up weeds later this week, and I should be sober by then! hehe.
And, I’m actually psyched to get this week over early, since I’m taking off Friday from work, so I can get garden work done and celebrate Cinco de mayo! I decided that all these working weekends were done for now, so I’m gonna take some me time whether they like it or not.
I have a special pair of “dirt devil” jeans I rarely wash for such purposes. If I just hosed them down, threw seeds on them, they’d probably sprout a nice crop.
Of course last weekend would have been mud wrestling had I ventured out too far… not going there, but maybe the mention will invoke our AWOL friend. hehe
LOL, man, do I really need new glasses! I misread that comment as divinity of shiksa rather than shisha the first time and was going WTF? Makes much more sense when I read it correctly… 🙂
Thanks, refinish. Not that there were any “jobs” that inspired me. Quite frankly, I don’t want a “job.” I want to work for something I really, really care about and that defines me. Unreasonable, I know!
I think Manny’s got you covered… I was going to suggest a Mai Tai, but he beat me to it. He’s such a good bartender.
Done any Oleg ogling lately DJ? Or are you just stalking hockey players hehe?
sang all the way home while my sober spouse drove us an hour one way from a Rev. Horton Heat – fronted by Nashville Pussy’s “Keep on fucking tour” show at the Mystic in Petaluma. Great gig. My hockey galpal introduced me to the Rev. She was an firefighter/EMT. Her days off .. they party HARD. I’m lucky I survived!
I woke up in bed still dressed, with my purs. With bruses most people don’t see. LOL But.. I got some Jimbo hugging TWICE. I wasn’t even asking for it.
Congrats on your presentation and your sprouting jeans ;D
Buffalo creaming Philly 4-0 with 15:00 left in the 2nd period…took a peek while watching Countdown (which is why we probably won’t see IVG for another 45 minutes).
Both spouse and I feeling a bit better…the headaches seem to have diminished. Going out for a small bite to eat, then to bed early — need to get down to the HP Pavilion tomorrow morning to try for playoff tickets. 🙂 Both home games if possible…yippee!!!
They just gave an update on the Buffalo game, saying the Sabres had just chased the Flyer’s goaltender after 5 goals and the new goalie “would finish out the Flyers’ season.” LOL
The Canes game is still tied 1-1 halfway through the second. Pretty exciting stuff.
No prob, I found what I was looking for. Unfortunately it’s telling me that Montreal just scored a power play goal. Darn, I was hoping the Canes would score early to take this crowd out of it.
There’s a teeny weeny something that’s so small you can’t see it
On the speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There’s a what?!!
There’s……..all that stuff in the bottom of the sea
There’s a teeny weeny something
There’s a teeny weeny something
There’s a teeny weeny something…..
On the speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
LOL, I love it. Songs like that are great fun, especially if you can get a bunch of giggly children singing along.
I think I might have said that a week or so ago I taught this song to my granddaughter on the condition that she never sing it to irritate me. To the tune of John Brown’s Body:
I know a song that will drive everybody nuts,
I know a song that will drive everybody nuts,
I know a song that will drive everybody nuts,
And this is how it goes:
And then of course you start it over again. Well of course she promptly started singing it.
the Mission District is not a place to miss for Cinco de Mayo. We just had our mariachi festival last weekend and I’m itching for more of that type of atmosphere.
Regarding the Sacramento rally, all I have to say is, “Excellent….”
Okay I won’t post anything pink and I won’t post about a great sport.
Just looking at homes online.
Had a hectic morning with my son. He won’t slow down for anything and yells when you correct him. Teenager. This morning he ran up the stairs, yanked the security door open and smacked his mouth on it. ACK. He’s okay. Went to school and his lip isn’t fat. Just lots of tears and me saying, “I TOLD YOU TO SLOW DOWN”…
He is a teenager and sometimes it’s hard to tell where the lines of teenager, or autism or individual human are.
Most parents of someone disabled… only focus on two lines. Teen/age line and the disability but I think it’s important to take stock in the HUGE and HUGELY ignored factor of indivudialism.
He’s trying to find his feet… and he has many different shoes.
I’m using the card reader. I like the orange curlicues better too. How neat – I never knew that’s what the buds looked like because I always kill mine before there’s any new growth.
Hi DJ!!!!! I am having a blast and enjoying the second cocktail and getting ready to head outside for a cig – don’t tell anyone- to make the affect complete. LOL
I hope DJ doesn’t mind me stealing her greeting line! Just wanted to say hey, RF and glad to hear you’re relaxing a bit down there before tackling your next meeting. I’m finally getting out of the office here and may not see you later, so here’s my friendly 2c worth for the afternoon…
I now leave you in the inimitable DJ’s capable hands 🙂
the workday is over and I need to run a few errands, if this place gets out of control froggybottom will need to temporarily steer the vessel. Stay away from the icebergs!
Crud!!!! I logged in…and each time I went to create a new diary I was “Permission Denied”. Then it wouldn’t allow me to login as myself and post. I could login but as soon as I went into a thread – I had to re-log in. Totally weird. I panicked and emailed Andi as I couldn’t even post here. I emptied out and restarted my computer. Weird.
I even pasted the cafe password and everyting. I could see all the froggy panels like the photo fair and stuff but when I went to click on anything it would dump me out, Permission Denied, and put the login thing up.
Let me try again. See if it happens again. I’ve had some weird shit happen here at the BT
or perhaps something alittle bit stronger
isn’t it, like, NOON where you are?
my mind-mush has settled on Beer30 for the remainder of the day.
That’s the perfect time to start. Probably a little late if you ask me. Personally, I gave up non-alcoholic breakfast drinks right after the 2004 election.
if it’s good enough for GeeDub, then might as well endure armageddon with a buzz.
of booze the MaryB equivalent of The Holy Chihuahua Incantation?
but boredom does.
Today’s been a catch up on administrative crap that I haven’t had time to do the last two weeks, including Assocate/Paralegal Evaluations and doing my time. <yawn>
I finished about 10 minutes ago. And I have to leave in 10 minutes for a 3:30 meeting. So imagine my delight that Manny decided to have happy hour at a time I could make it 🙂
<looks around for spiders.
I’m sure we could find some sort of magic that would work with you. It would just need to be reality-based.
I leave for St. Louis tomorrow night. Hoping for dinner with Maryb! I’ll be at the Chase Park Plaza, 633-3000.
I’ll be within email distance until late tomorrow afternoon. Also, I’ll check back here and at the new cafe after my gig in Lawrence tonight.
Npickard at kc.rr.com
I hope everything’s going great with your new book! [/commercial]
How cool that you’re both going to meet up. It’s so much fun to meet BooTribbers.
This will be my first time meeting a bootribber! Apart from katiebird, of course, who lives nearby. And then next week I get to meet Raging Hippie. Life is good.
I’ll be in Phoenix next week, Manny, but don’t you dare try to get there. It would be so unsatisfying not to have time to really meet and talk. One of these days I’ll go visit my old friend in Tucson and then we’ll all go have enchiladas together.
you bring sunblock and light-colored clothes, they are supposed to go from HTH to Broil over the next few days. I’m going to be in the suburbs over the May 12-14th weekend so if you’re still around, let me know.
(Hotter Than Hades)
Thanks for the weather tip, Manny.
I’m arriving in Phx at 8 p.m. on Tuesday and leaving at 8 a.m. on Thursday. Zip zip.
I can’t stand Phoenix but it does have one quite unique offering — Desert Botantical Garden. If you have any spare time, it’s worth a stop.
And congrats on the great review in the Globe, though it’s still not quite up to the level of the one in the Denver Post — kind of hard to top a “writer of substantial literary power and gravitas, showing all the signs of becoming one of the best native-born writers to emerge from the state of Kansas.” (I figure you aren’t tired of reading that yet.)
Lucky you because Phoenix SUCKS!!!!!!!
I so agree. Except for when it sells my books. Then I think it’s a wonderful town. 🙂
Muchas gracias, Senora Eff.
in case you haven’t seen it — there was a good review in BookPage
Thank you, thank you. The Boston Globe had one Sunday that made me want to hug a reviewer.
I just e-mailed you. Woohoo, I’m excited to meet a fellow pond dweller. My first!
But not my last …
like a veiled threat to me. 😛
You’re just jealous you can’t have dinner with me and kansas.
Actually I AM meeting another bootribber in a couple of weeks. May is such an exciting month.
Your new book arrived in my mail today. I preordered it along with another friend’s book and it had to wait for her release date to ship. I’m looking forward to it.
Yippee, I just got out of the phone presentation we had to do with that report (the one that ruined my last weekend), and the clients were very impressed. So I’m ready to slack the rest of the day away.
Hey Manny, I’m in a margarita mood… got any of that tasty 1850 stuff? And no skimping on the Grand Marnier and the fresh limes!
successful presentation, IVG. Here’s a celebratory margarita for you, courtesy of the Blogtender
That looks mighty tasty, though they got the stemware a bit off. Never let it be said that I’m a stickler for glassware (even though I kind of am, lol), but the contents look luscious and that’s what really counts!
with your garden tools. I wouldn’t want to hear a sad story about getting careless with your deadheading.
I think I’m pretty safe at this point in the season, since serious deadheading won’t arrive in earnest till early summer. Worst I’ll be doing is digging up weeds later this week, and I should be sober by then! hehe.
And, I’m actually psyched to get this week over early, since I’m taking off Friday from work, so I can get garden work done and celebrate Cinco de mayo! I decided that all these working weekends were done for now, so I’m gonna take some me time whether they like it or not.
getting down and dirty.
I have a special pair of “dirt devil” jeans I rarely wash for such purposes. If I just hosed them down, threw seeds on them, they’d probably sprout a nice crop.
Of course last weekend would have been mud wrestling had I ventured out too far… not going there, but maybe the mention will invoke our AWOL friend. hehe
but I’m afraid he might have a migraine and I hate to bother him if he does.
So many choices…
One of each? 🙂
be needing the funnel before or after the hookah session?
After…I feel a need to pace myself today.
although I’ve never heard of Drinking Liberally moderately… 😉
I had such a need to pace myslf that I fell asleep…but I feel much better now. Did I miss anything? 🙂
well it’s a bit early but wotthehell
’tis never too early for hookah. What better way to celebrate spring than to become one with the flavored divinity of shisha?
LOL, man, do I really need new glasses! I misread that comment as divinity of shiksa rather than shisha the first time and was going WTF? Makes much more sense when I read it correctly… 🙂
Daily ration of nicely chilled chardonnay at this table please. However, I MUST send out some resumes before embarking on happy hour. So BRB!!!
coming right up!
Resumes sent flying into cyberspace and nice chilled glass of chardonnay, courtesy of Manny, in hand! <contented sigh of relief>
Sending good thoughts about the resumes!!!!!
Thanks, refinish. Not that there were any “jobs” that inspired me. Quite frankly, I don’t want a “job.” I want to work for something I really, really care about and that defines me. Unreasonable, I know!
I don’t blame you. I work a job I tolerate so I can do other things. LOL
Treading the Great Compromise. It’s a skill, refinish! It’s a skill.
How about something on the pink side made with rum or tequila and has some fruit wedgies in it or eyepokers in it. Please? 🙂
you need a Bahama Mama
That thar be an eye patch drink for shure.
Psst I do like those btw 🙂
I think Manny’s got you covered… I was going to suggest a Mai Tai, but he beat me to it. He’s such a good bartender.
Done any Oleg ogling lately DJ? Or are you just stalking hockey players hehe?
sang all the way home while my sober spouse drove us an hour one way from a Rev. Horton Heat – fronted by Nashville Pussy’s “Keep on fucking tour” show at the Mystic in Petaluma. Great gig. My hockey galpal introduced me to the Rev. She was an firefighter/EMT. Her days off .. they party HARD. I’m lucky I survived!
I woke up in bed still dressed, with my purs. With bruses most people don’t see. LOL But.. I got some Jimbo hugging TWICE. I wasn’t even asking for it.
Congrats on your presentation and your sprouting jeans ;D
Anybody who says “All of the above” gets it. And probably a plate of nachos to go with it.
I love nachos. I just wish there was some way to make them without the carbs and fat (other than here, of course).
I also like chiles rellenos but they’re sometimes hard to find around here.
Ummmm I can help you with those, too. 🙂
You are just so helpful. Just like an online worry doll.
Hey, what time’s the game start? Probably 4:00 so I get to miss most of it.
Oh wait, the Sharks are on to the next round. duh.
The Flames-Docks game starts tomorrow at 6.
I think I’ll give up now. LOL
I’ve got the Habs-Canes game on now. Gonna be a big one.
Buffalo creaming Philly 4-0 with 15:00 left in the 2nd period…took a peek while watching Countdown (which is why we probably won’t see IVG for another 45 minutes).
Both spouse and I feeling a bit better…the headaches seem to have diminished. Going out for a small bite to eat, then to bed early — need to get down to the HP Pavilion tomorrow morning to try for playoff tickets. 🙂 Both home games if possible…yippee!!!
They just gave an update on the Buffalo game, saying the Sabres had just chased the Flyer’s goaltender after 5 goals and the new goalie “would finish out the Flyers’ season.” LOL
The Canes game is still tied 1-1 halfway through the second. Pretty exciting stuff.
You know what… I’m not sure. Mr.Wesley is my hockey viewing guide… and right now he’s sullen and grumpy.
No prob, I found what I was looking for. Unfortunately it’s telling me that Montreal just scored a power play goal. Darn, I was hoping the Canes would score early to take this crowd out of it.
the Canes tie it up off the faceoff.
OK, so much for the play-by-play.
🙂 he’s watching the Canes, too. Each time Glen Wesley’s name is called he gets happy.
Canes versus Montreal is on as is the Philly versus Sabres.
I’m hoping the Canes go ahead about 10-1 because I have to get on a bus in a half hour and I won’t be near a radio. 🙁
Hey I like it. Today started out so slow I could’ve used happy hour at the start of it and not lost any momentum.
So set me up a double of some Cinco Hermanos Tequila.
Si Senor, pero, ahora, quiero, quatro, por favor!!!
we haven’t had any rain, the hedgehog cacti are starting to strutt their stuff
Ooooh, pretty.
of an old poem:
and that reminds me of one of my all-time favorite Sesame Street songs: There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea.
LOL, I love it. Songs like that are great fun, especially if you can get a bunch of giggly children singing along.
I think I might have said that a week or so ago I taught this song to my granddaughter on the condition that she never sing it to irritate me. To the tune of John Brown’s Body:
And then of course you start it over again. Well of course she promptly started singing it.
Wow! I usually can’t get in here. so, umm … “hi, my nane’s ___ & I’m a compulsive reader”
I had to run down to SF yesterday afternoon Mannee — the Mission District was shuttered! there were 40,000 people out marching here in Sac . . .
& it’s warm gorgeous weather 🙂
the Mission District is not a place to miss for Cinco de Mayo. We just had our mariachi festival last weekend and I’m itching for more of that type of atmosphere.
Regarding the Sacramento rally, all I have to say is, “Excellent….”
Okay I won’t post anything pink and I won’t post about a great sport.
Just looking at homes online.
Had a hectic morning with my son. He won’t slow down for anything and yells when you correct him. Teenager. This morning he ran up the stairs, yanked the security door open and smacked his mouth on it. ACK. He’s okay. Went to school and his lip isn’t fat. Just lots of tears and me saying, “I TOLD YOU TO SLOW DOWN”…
some things they just have to learn for themselves.
And now we have that all to look forward to again with the Queen of the Universe.
It was a bit on the side of Instant Karma.
He is a teenager and sometimes it’s hard to tell where the lines of teenager, or autism or individual human are.
Most parents of someone disabled… only focus on two lines. Teen/age line and the disability but I think it’s important to take stock in the HUGE and HUGELY ignored factor of indivudialism.
He’s trying to find his feet… and he has many different shoes.
I’m just so happy to have my camera back.
view larger
view larger
view larger
The white and blue one looks neonish. Very pretty. It almost pops right off the screen.
Pretty, pretty (though I think I like the orange curlicues best).
Did the camera actually start working with the puter again or are you using the card reader?
I’m using the card reader. I like the orange curlicues better too. How neat – I never knew that’s what the buds looked like because I always kill mine before there’s any new growth.
I like that glowing blue color in the middle one.
Howdy folk!!!!! Stopped for happy hour at Mother Egan’s before going to a meeting tonight. Having a Vodka Tonic and thinking of my pals in the pond.
Remember to breath and take time to smell the tequila and limes. 🙂 I am so proud of your activism! whoot!
Hi DJ!!!!! I am having a blast and enjoying the second cocktail and getting ready to head outside for a cig – don’t tell anyone- to make the affect complete. LOL
I hope DJ doesn’t mind me stealing her greeting line! Just wanted to say hey, RF and glad to hear you’re relaxing a bit down there before tackling your next meeting. I’m finally getting out of the office here and may not see you later, so here’s my friendly 2c worth for the afternoon…
I now leave you in the inimitable DJ’s capable hands 🙂
LOL!!!! thanks and hello to you also!!!!
Your secret is safe with me, RF69! I won’t tell anyone you’re sneaking out for a smoke break. Nope, I won’t tell a soul. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!!! Hey, I have to have some vices!!!!
Vices are much better to have – than voices. 🙂
Well, I do listen to what the little voices tell me to do. LOL
the workday is over and I need to run a few errands, if this place gets out of control froggybottom will need to temporarily steer the vessel. Stay away from the icebergs!
Manito, I can create one for you. I have to leave in about 30 mins.
Getting my froggybottom pink shirt on now.
“Geev me momunt”. – Ivan Humpalot
I am vack so poot my naime az dee host. Tank yoo Ivan(a).
Crud!!!! I logged in…and each time I went to create a new diary I was “Permission Denied”. Then it wouldn’t allow me to login as myself and post. I could login but as soon as I went into a thread – I had to re-log in. Totally weird. I panicked and emailed Andi as I couldn’t even post here. I emptied out and restarted my computer. Weird.
I am so sorry Manny
have mounted an assault on your CPU! 🙂
No prob, I’ll open up the hookah lounge. [evil grin]
ACK Andi sent me an email reply saying she’ll get it.
ACK I’m so sorry.
I don’t think it was gnomes… my hockey chat and email were doing well.
Each time I went to do something.. I had to re-log in.
Veronica Mars and didn’t see your email till just now. But the lounge isn’t that full anyway.
Is your computer okay?
I even pasted the cafe password and everyting. I could see all the froggy panels like the photo fair and stuff but when I went to click on anything it would dump me out, Permission Denied, and put the login thing up.
Let me try again. See if it happens again. I’ve had some weird shit happen here at the BT
give it a whirl
Psssst, Andi, I think she figured out that we locked her out of the froggybottom club. bwahahahahahahaha!
Moi? Nevah!
Pillows and futons are in abundance. Come on over. (don’t forget to unrecommend this lounge)