I posted this diary as a response to the recent diary on Medicare by Street Kid since as a comment it went beyond the 50 word limit.
It seems that the only purpose of this and other “have to fix it legislation” is to make it so complex, so hard, so legally indecipherable and convoluted that no one not even the brightest of legal minds can figure out what the hell is covered or not covered.

So all the money, time and effort spent “fixing the problem” becomes another front in a another war without end.

20 years ago I realized that the federal government is running one of the biggest scams in history called Social Security.

Social Security was the result of the policies of the five percent who ran America in the 1930’s. It was in many ways the cheap shit bastards who employed and scammed a Nation back then making some admission that they were exactly that. Cheap Shit Bastards!

These CSB’s were totally unconcerned for the welfare the people they employed to make them rich or the society they created. They had really screwed up big time in thinking they could own and control it all way back when.

So Social Security was invented by the government since the CSB’s were not about to lose a penny of profit in supporting a society where the lifetimes of the hard working employees were taken into account.

So the government took the lead and started a program to protect the workers who’s hard labor and sacrifice and made these people rich. The program was a success because it forced the worker not the employer to fund it. Everyone was happy. Well almost everyone.

Once the employer saw the incredible amounts accumulating into this account they just could not resist lobbying the government to invest or simply use this money to spur “economic opportunity and future growth of their profit making businesses”.

Pork barrel spending by the government gone wild. Everything was coming up roses in America. The government had a plan that was everything for everybody. That plan was Social Security.

When the Social Security was conceived and before the ink was dry on the original document the fix was in. A plan was developed to gut the program and turn it into the largest slush fund for the government to raid for pork barrel spending projects. Over the years it has become the lifesaver for bad economic policy and mismanagement for every administration.

Today I am convinced that there is one common thread which runs through every government program. That tread is like have the mob showing up at your door every day to demand a payoff for protection. You pay up because you do not have a choice in the matter.

Now when it come time for you to collect the measly little amount that they generously advertise as the “benefits due to you” you can just forget it because every year they have changed the rules of the game until not even they can figure out what your share is.

America is being run by the mob and the taxes your are paying are the price you pay into the “system” for this protection racket. Everything will work fine until it’s your time to collect a little of what was rightfully yours in the first place.

This mob no longer has to break your legs and arms to get you to pay them off. Instead they just take as much as they want before you ever see it deposited in your bank account.

As far as collecting any of the “supposed benefits” this protection racket advertises an individual who was forced to work on the quicksand of attempting to find steady employment which paid a living wage can forget it since this system only works in one direction.

If you look at Social Security as a pay off protection scheme then everything that happened over the last 76 years and what is happening now in the Congress will make a whole lot of sense.

Youse got a problem? Don’t worry! Joey, he take’s care of everything. Coppice?