My lust for Veronica is no secret. And the warning for Lost applies. And I watch Gilmore Girls. And Mythbusters, though I guess I don’t have to worry about spoilers there.
I believe you have a certain fluidity in your perception of your gender. Of course, if Indy were here she could explain it six or seven paragraphs. So let’s just go with the birkenstocks (which could also make you an ex-hippie).
I just read what you and SN were talking about and I’m bringing it over here. The key at a mandatory social event is to find someone else who is comfortable w/ not talking (b/c the whole not talking thing can really freak a certain type of person out). That way no one has to say anything AND no one gets upset/offended/etc. by it.
So you’re saying you’re not the least bit worried that I’ll someday make a pass at you? I may dress like Ellen but if George Clooney looked at me I’d pull my own eyebrows off with ductape.
or Breathless or That Man From Rio … now that was sex on legs! Too bad he hasn’t aged very well, but he has a very handsome son who has taken over his dad’s mantle of hotness.
Is today like some kind of national “do something foolish day” for 11 and 13 year old boys or something?
MY 11-year-old put duct tape on his eyebrows and ripped it off on the a dare on the bus ride home today. He needs a haircut, and now I don’t want him to get it because he’ll look like Bob Geldof in the movie of the Wall…
And I’m annoyed with him for being so dumb, and laughing because it’s so ridiciulous, and sad because he has to hope and pray his eyebrows grow back before his fifth grade graduation.
And I’m sure there isn’t anything in the user’s manual about this…
I’m sorry to laugh, but since he’s not my kid it’s really funny! Maybe I should try the ductape thing. Not 2 minutes ago I found a hair in my eyebrow that was about 2 inches long. I thought it was a head hair, but no, it was attached. I need to look in the mirror more often.
Sometimes the stupidness stays way past when it should have disappeared. My 16 year old had a boo-boo on his hand and I asked him how he got it. He said that when he was done with his math test no one was allowed to talk so he and another kid played bloody knuckles.
I’m like – you weren’t allowed to talk but it was okay to play bloody knuckles?
That’s a nightmarish image, what with the accompanying music:
Hush now baby, baby, don’t you cry
Momma’s gonna check out all your girlfriends for you
Momma won’t let anyone dirty get through
Momma’s gonna wait up until you get in
Momma will always find out where you’ve been
Nope…nothing in there about duct tape…fatwa or otherwise.
Poor kid. This is one of those times when you can be the comforting mother and the consequences will speak for themselves. And just think how much enjoyment you’ll have get out of this in about ten years.
BTW – of course they’ll grow back. Why do you think salons make so much money waxing brows every 3 weeks?
Remember that commercial for a digital camera and printer where the guy fell asleep and his buddies shaved off his eyebrow and then took pictures and posted them all over the place? He’s not alone.
Tell him someday if he’s camping with this dude he can put his hand in a cup of warm water and make him wet himself in his sleep.
Um, in my long-ago punk rock past, there are many stories of lost eyebrows, which is why you never wanted to pass out at a punk party. I confess this only to reassure your son that his will grow back. Ones that are pulled out take a little more time than shaved ones, though, so tell him to be patient. In the meantime, he could start wearing punk t-shirts or something.
Whatever happens, do not let him convince himself that eyebrow pencil looks normal. It doesn’t. Oddly, people don’t notice the lack of eyebrows that much. Neither Whoopi Goldberg nor Maralyn Manson has any. I’m not sure if that helps.
I want to know what kind of kid carries duct tape in his book bag?
After the initial “What the hell did you do to your eyebrows?” comment, CBtE has actually been pretty sympathetic, but his story about when his buddy’s sister shaved his eyebrows off hasn’t helped much.
Maybe he could convince his friends it’s some kind of hip-hop stylin thing. Remember when those guys used to cut lines in their brows that used to signify something? Or was it gang related? I’m kinda thinking it was Vanilla Ice and we all know how absolutely cool he was! 😀
who has lost his eyebrows twice in his short-lived life, and looks perfectly normal (I hear the snickering, SN), tell CBtY that everything will work out.
And since I’m sure the suspense is killing you, the first time was when I was in second grade and two of my older cousins held me down and applied a facial mask on my entire face (ouch), and the second time involved a goofy scoutmaster, a colman stove and a lighted match (ouch again).
I know I shouldn’t be laughing, but this is the funniest thread probably ever. Poor CBtY <she says as she wipes tears of laughter from her eyes>. Boys! They’re such … boys!
I agree with the other “experts” — they’ll grow back.
Jeebus, CG! Poor dumb kid! LOL. But seriously, I think a friendly phone call to the parents of the [sadistic] kid who dared your son to do this [twisted thing] is warranted. They might want to search his room for whips, chains, spikes, and toe jam gremlins running amok.
All that’s left is pruning 3 huge dogwoods [bushes] and cleaning out the N window well…got drizzled on for 3+ hrs this PM and raining now. 60% cop tomorrow, so I may be done, like it or not.
Actually these are hardy ferns… Maidenhairs and Leatherwoods … we also have a nice, growing crop of Ostrich Plumes, Male ferns and Tassel ferns as well. Looking to expand the repertoire some more this year on the north of the house (which is where these live).
We have two Boston ferns that winter inside, then go out for summer, as well as an asparagus fern … which reminds me, I need to put him outside soon. Thx for the reminder, dada. You know, those ones in the pic should be winter hardy for you too, I would think… they’re hardy down to at least Zone 4. We love maidenhairs, and will probably put in a new one this year, though they are starting to naturalize on their own (finally).
I don’t think I’ve seen outside ferns anywhere up here in 36 yrs. that weren’t potted.
They’re really messy indoors.
Mine can’t go out till after the 15th…I’ve drug the potted canna’s in and out od the garage 3 X so far this spring…they went back in today…can still freeze for another 2 wks.
I agree w/the messy part, especially the asparagus ferns. That’s why I keep my super duper shop vac handy … not only to terrorize Pepa, but also to keep up with the stuff the ferns drop all winter long. I think the trick with Boston ferns is less an issue of humidity (though that helps… I keep mine in a big saucer with pebbles in the bottom and keep water in there), and more an issue of being close to heating vents. They like it very cool at night so I keep mine near bright windows, yet far away from the heat sources.
I’ve never had much luck w/ Boston ferns growing indoors year round here. The only good experience was hanging it in the bathroom window so it got humidity from shower but it would still drop leaves and make a mess.
I’ve never taken my houseplants outside — IVG was mentioning that he does as well … hmmm.
Hey there O, D and I! I was off hunting down some pics to upload, and again realized just how disorganized they all are… I have to get them in some semblance of order, lol. (Famous last words) Anyway… how about some nice ferns for the bar… remember fern bars??? I do…
I’m actually really tired again, and have to be in really early tomorrow, but the good thing is… I’m officially taking Friday off, so I can slack all day if I want. Though actually I’ll most likely be outside weeding all day.
Fern bars were oh so trendy back in the mid-80’s when I was in grad school… I remember one in particular where they had nice wood tables and panelling, and had “jumbo shrimp” for 10c each at happy hour on Fridays. All of us TAs used to flock down there with about $5 and gorged ourselves in lieu of dinner… ah, my shameful memories. LOL
Oh well, I’m not worried about admitting I’m 40 something and wiser for it (I hope). I still have an ornery streak of a 25 yr old, I just know when to keep it in check these days. (Well, most of the time.)
Really though, I always marveled they’d put ferns in bars where they invariably died due to lack of light, humidity and such… guess that’s why they’re not around these days. But at least people tried real growing things back then, unlike the faux greenery everywhere these days.
I wanted to return all of it last week. Small steps, right. If I get really stuck on something technical would you mind if I emailed you? Just in case I have one of those really low lows again… 🙂
I think not having a backgrd in photography makes it hard b/c I’m learning the jargon/language/terms etc., and at the same time trying to figure out the camera … Thanks! :*
Uh oh, does that mean some wicked vortex is going to open up and wreak havoc? I hope not, because I’m too tired for havoc tonight. I’ll settle for my wee dram of bourbon, then bed here in about 20 min.
a tad under the weather today, not much energy, but I’m taking my echinacea and astralagas, so we’ll see who wins the battle tomorrow. Can’t complain as I haven’t had a cold or flu all winter, but still hoping to beat this one too.
I agree w/the people putting fake flowers out in the garden… I think we’ve finally broken our neighbor behind us from doing that… she used to hang pots of fake geraniums and had plastic tulips around a tree… but they have disappeared, now that we have gotten her to plant real things. She’s into it now since she realized that it’s not that hard to make them grow and bloom if you just pay attention … and since she’s having “empty nest syndrome” now, I think she’s even more into it. She actually comes over to ask if we have any stray plants that might grow for her, which of course we always do, and send them home with her. We’re just happy to see no more fake flowers in her yard!
Seriously, that is a very sweet thing to do. It would give her something to focus on that needs her care … So sweet (… despite being a co-conspirator :P)
No, she got rid of them herself! We gave her some hostas a few years ago, then a volunteer bleeding heart that we recommended she plant in a bed on the side of her fence where there’s a walnut on the neighbor’s side. Believe it or not, bleeding hearts are not killed by walnuts and hers has actually thrived… so when she came over a couple of weeks ago asking if we had any more, we sent her home with 3 more! lol
Funny story, the first year we started the garden here and didn’t know her very well, we planted 13′ Castors and broom corn along the fence line and they terrified her! We don’t do that anymore out of respect, and knowing that she will hack the leaves off on her side if they get too scary LOL.
Okay, East coasters, remember — no Alias or Lost spoilers!
Hm, somehow I don’t think I need to add a warning for no America’s Next Top Model spoilers. I think I’m the only one who watches it.
with me, anyway.
Somehow, Andi, I get the feeling none of these warnings apply — am I right? Or do you have a secret obsession with Veronica Mars?
My lust for Veronica is no secret. And the warning for Lost applies. And I watch Gilmore Girls. And Mythbusters, though I guess I don’t have to worry about spoilers there.
That’s right! It’s all coming back to me now. Sorry — the green tea cocktail had me confused.
I wasn’t very happy with Gilmore Girls last night. One episode left and I hope they’re not planning some cliffhanger stunt.
You too have a thing for women. Things are becoming clearer now…
I admitted this long ago — Indy said it gave me a smattering of genderqueer cred. It was as I recall a moment of great pride for me.
Does having well-loved birkenstocks give me genderqueer cred? Or possibly that people always ask me if I’m gay?
I believe you have a certain fluidity in your perception of your gender. Of course, if Indy were here she could explain it six or seven paragraphs. So let’s just go with the birkenstocks (which could also make you an ex-hippie).
I just read what you and SN were talking about and I’m bringing it over here. The key at a mandatory social event is to find someone else who is comfortable w/ not talking (b/c the whole not talking thing can really freak a certain type of person out). That way no one has to say anything AND no one gets upset/offended/etc. by it.
to broadband and never have to worry about it again.
Fortunately for me, my person who is comfortable not talking comes ‘attached’.
I believe I remember Indy saying the same thing about fluidity in my perception of my gender. I’m not sure how to take that.
I think it’s mostly attitude in both our cases — a disinterest in feminine accouterments and a general openness — and the birkenstocks, of course.
So you’re saying you’re not the least bit worried that I’ll someday make a pass at you? I may dress like Ellen but if George Clooney looked at me I’d pull my own eyebrows off with ductape.
but George Clooney does nothing for me.
Hey, I’m almost 56 — I’m going to be delighted if anybody makes a pass at me.
George Clooney does nothing for you?! You cold, cold woman.
Go watch Jean-Paul Belmondo in Cartouche to see who can heat me up.
or Breathless or That Man From Rio … now that was sex on legs! Too bad he hasn’t aged very well, but he has a very handsome son who has taken over his dad’s mantle of hotness.
How’s things?
You mean Lost isn’t a re-run?
It’s new – quick, go catch the rest!
I can’t watchnow, I’m having a parenting crisis…then again, that may be a good reason to go watch.
Here’s this incomparable wesite: Is Lost A Repeat
Is today like some kind of national “do something foolish day” for 11 and 13 year old boys or something?
MY 11-year-old put duct tape on his eyebrows and ripped it off on the a dare on the bus ride home today. He needs a haircut, and now I don’t want him to get it because he’ll look like Bob Geldof in the movie of the Wall…
And I’m annoyed with him for being so dumb, and laughing because it’s so ridiciulous, and sad because he has to hope and pray his eyebrows grow back before his fifth grade graduation.
And I’m sure there isn’t anything in the user’s manual about this…
I’m sorry to laugh, but since he’s not my kid it’s really funny! Maybe I should try the ductape thing. Not 2 minutes ago I found a hair in my eyebrow that was about 2 inches long. I thought it was a head hair, but no, it was attached. I need to look in the mirror more often.
That’s the worst part! I don’t know whether to laugh or holler or what…he’s going to be psychologically scarred for life, I’m sure.
Maybe I should find out who the brainiac is that dared him to do it…
Sometimes the stupidness stays way past when it should have disappeared. My 16 year old had a boo-boo on his hand and I asked him how he got it. He said that when he was done with his math test no one was allowed to talk so he and another kid played bloody knuckles.
I’m like – you weren’t allowed to talk but it was okay to play bloody knuckles?
Um, that’s comforting.
Will his eyebrows even grow back? What was he thinking? (Never mind, thinking obviously wasn’t part of the plan)
I can’t even imagine the teasing he’s going to get at school for the rest of the year. Painful.
Yeah, just let him grow long bangs and hope they grow back.
Luckily they’re already on the long side. Oy.
is to watch “A Chistmas Story”.
Which I actually have here on DVD. Good call!
That’s a nightmarish image, what with the accompanying music:
Nope…nothing in there about duct tape…fatwa or otherwise.
If that DARE program had only gone over what to do when an evil child offers you ductape in the back of the bus, it might have been helpful…
This sucks.
So, how thoroughly did he de-brow?
He just stopped sobbing. It’s really bad.
Poor kid. This is one of those times when you can be the comforting mother and the consequences will speak for themselves. And just think how much enjoyment you’ll have get out of this in about ten years.
BTW – of course they’ll grow back. Why do you think salons make so much money waxing brows every 3 weeks?
I pointed out to him that he’d be laughing about this someday…I don’t think he believes me, though.
I believe the expression is
Someday we’ll look back on all this, laugh nervously, and change the subject.
I feel for him — and for you. Do you have a soundproof room you can go to when you need to howl with laughter?
I’m sorry for the other comment CG. I’m told that his eybrows should be getting semi normal within a month.
Oh, thank goodness. I’ll go tell him.
Do you know this from someone else doing something dorky? Maybe a goofy story I can tell him to make him feel like he’s not the lone ranger?
Let’s just say that the source works in hair salons, and knows all about this stuff.
Remember that commercial for a digital camera and printer where the guy fell asleep and his buddies shaved off his eyebrow and then took pictures and posted them all over the place? He’s not alone.
Tell him someday if he’s camping with this dude he can put his hand in a cup of warm water and make him wet himself in his sleep.
Sounds like the kid needs a blanket party after doing this to CBtY.
Um, in my long-ago punk rock past, there are many stories of lost eyebrows, which is why you never wanted to pass out at a punk party. I confess this only to reassure your son that his will grow back. Ones that are pulled out take a little more time than shaved ones, though, so tell him to be patient. In the meantime, he could start wearing punk t-shirts or something.
Whatever happens, do not let him convince himself that eyebrow pencil looks normal. It doesn’t. Oddly, people don’t notice the lack of eyebrows that much. Neither Whoopi Goldberg nor Maralyn Manson has any. I’m not sure if that helps.
I wish I was a fifth grader so I could explain a thing or two to the guy that put him up to it.
Is CBtE giving him grief over it?
I want to know what kind of kid carries duct tape in his book bag?
After the initial “What the hell did you do to your eyebrows?” comment, CBtE has actually been pretty sympathetic, but his story about when his buddy’s sister shaved his eyebrows off hasn’t helped much.
If this were a movie we would all help plot his revenge…
and he likes supersoling’s idea of a blanket party…and he’s feeling much better knowing that his eyebrows will grow back in weeks rather than years.
And he even laughed at the thought of ManEe losing his eyebrows TWICE! I think he’ll fall asleep now.
Maybe he could convince his friends it’s some kind of hip-hop stylin thing. Remember when those guys used to cut lines in their brows that used to signify something? Or was it gang related? I’m kinda thinking it was Vanilla Ice and we all know how absolutely cool he was! 😀
Forgive me Mom for laughing my ass off :o)….but I have a suggestion. Maybe you should shave his head and shop him around as a Mini Me impersonator ;o)
You are so wise.
Great, I’m trying to be compassionate without giggling, and you have to make suggestions like THAT? Help!
I’m already going to be in deep trouble with him if he realizes I posted all this here…
who has lost his eyebrows twice in his short-lived life, and looks perfectly normal (I hear the snickering, SN), tell CBtY that everything will work out.
And since I’m sure the suspense is killing you, the first time was when I was in second grade and two of my older cousins held me down and applied a facial mask on my entire face (ouch), and the second time involved a goofy scoutmaster, a colman stove and a lighted match (ouch again).
If it’s okay with you I’ll light the grill at the BT cookout.
Thanks ManEE, this one made him laugh.
they’ll grow back faster than he can imagine. and YES, he will laugh about it someday.
Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to put some distance between me and Second Nature’s barbeque pit. I’m sure you will understand why. <:-)
I know I shouldn’t be laughing, but this is the funniest thread probably ever. Poor CBtY <she says as she wipes tears of laughter from her eyes>. Boys! They’re such … boys!
I agree with the other “experts” — they’ll grow back.
Well, at least my life is rarely dull…glad YOU think it’s funny!
Jeebus, CG! Poor dumb kid! LOL. But seriously, I think a friendly phone call to the parents of the [sadistic] kid who dared your son to do this [twisted thing] is warranted. They might want to search his room for whips, chains, spikes, and toe jam gremlins running amok.
Is everything up to date in Kansas City?
Everything except me. I think I’m expired.
Ah yes, I know that feeling. It goes right along with the how-many-days-till-I-can-retire count.
Not you, Andi — don’t say that!
Night, Andi! Sleep well.
I just missed you — ah well. Good night.
Down, here on the left…before I fall asleep.
Hi dada! I’m not sure where O and IVG are — I’m just taking a quick break from Lost (we’re so behind here on the west coast!).
So how did the progress go today … finished?
All that’s left is pruning 3 huge dogwoods [bushes] and cleaning out the N window well…got drizzled on for 3+ hrs this PM and raining now. 60% cop tomorrow, so I may be done, like it or not.
60% cop tomorrow … hmm, what happens to the other 40%? Is that the one actually patrolling the beat while the 60% eats donuts?
with the cops up here…they couldn’t catch a cold, unless it was dui.
How do you grow ferns like that outdoors? Or are they potted in winter inside like mine.
Actually these are hardy ferns… Maidenhairs and Leatherwoods … we also have a nice, growing crop of Ostrich Plumes, Male ferns and Tassel ferns as well. Looking to expand the repertoire some more this year on the north of the house (which is where these live).
What kind are they?
they winter indoors and stay out in the ctyd in summer…it’s pretty shady.
We have two Boston ferns that winter inside, then go out for summer, as well as an asparagus fern … which reminds me, I need to put him outside soon. Thx for the reminder, dada. You know, those ones in the pic should be winter hardy for you too, I would think… they’re hardy down to at least Zone 4. We love maidenhairs, and will probably put in a new one this year, though they are starting to naturalize on their own (finally).
I don’t think I’ve seen outside ferns anywhere up here in 36 yrs. that weren’t potted.
They’re really messy indoors.
Mine can’t go out till after the 15th…I’ve drug the potted canna’s in and out od the garage 3 X so far this spring…they went back in today…can still freeze for another 2 wks.
I agree w/the messy part, especially the asparagus ferns. That’s why I keep my super duper shop vac handy … not only to terrorize Pepa, but also to keep up with the stuff the ferns drop all winter long. I think the trick with Boston ferns is less an issue of humidity (though that helps… I keep mine in a big saucer with pebbles in the bottom and keep water in there), and more an issue of being close to heating vents. They like it very cool at night so I keep mine near bright windows, yet far away from the heat sources.
I’ve never had much luck w/ Boston ferns growing indoors year round here. The only good experience was hanging it in the bathroom window so it got humidity from shower but it would still drop leaves and make a mess.
I’ve never taken my houseplants outside — IVG was mentioning that he does as well … hmmm.
Getting drizzled on … 🙂
She’s smarter than me. Had to get the front done…not fun it was…
Hey there O, D and I! I was off hunting down some pics to upload, and again realized just how disorganized they all are… I have to get them in some semblance of order, lol. (Famous last words) Anyway… how about some nice ferns for the bar… remember fern bars??? I do…
I’m actually really tired again, and have to be in really early tomorrow, but the good thing is… I’m officially taking Friday off, so I can slack all day if I want. Though actually I’ll most likely be outside weeding all day.
Have some in my front and side gardens … I had to google fern bar though lol … I learn so much from you IVG! 😉
Fern bars were oh so trendy back in the mid-80’s when I was in grad school… I remember one in particular where they had nice wood tables and panelling, and had “jumbo shrimp” for 10c each at happy hour on Fridays. All of us TAs used to flock down there with about $5 and gorged ourselves in lieu of dinner… ah, my shameful memories. LOL
I was in public school then … so no fern bars for me lol. 🙂
Oh well, I’m not worried about admitting I’m 40 something and wiser for it (I hope). I still have an ornery streak of a 25 yr old, I just know when to keep it in check these days. (Well, most of the time.)
Really though, I always marveled they’d put ferns in bars where they invariably died due to lack of light, humidity and such… guess that’s why they’re not around these days. But at least people tried real growing things back then, unlike the faux greenery everywhere these days.
… who leave people out of conversations … 😉 After a certain point age is all relative, right … ‘
Yeah, we live in a time where people even put plastic flowers in their gardens (my grandma … ack!) 🙂
from the earlier cafe? Take a quick look at my current blog post (and look at the previous photo link too …) I’m really excited about it.
small aperture = greater depth of field…glad JF helped you sort it out.
The D70’s got it’s hooks in you now…:{)
I wanted to return all of it last week. Small steps, right. If I get really stuck on something technical would you mind if I emailed you? Just in case I have one of those really low lows again… 🙂
the XT after 8 mos, you’re doing great!
email me anytime…I’d be pleased to help in anyway I can…although I don’t have a D70…one SLR’s pretty much like another tho.
Also, I don’t always check that addy every day, so give a shout out if I don’t respond…:{)
I think not having a backgrd in photography makes it hard b/c I’m learning the jargon/language/terms etc., and at the same time trying to figure out the camera … Thanks! :*
smartalecks from up North.
How ya doing o farmer dude of the north (lack of) woods?
started out the day behind the 8 ball and still a tad behind it. Good to see the night crew is alive and kickin’
How’s it going NDD?
Uh oh, does that mean some wicked vortex is going to open up and wreak havoc? I hope not, because I’m too tired for havoc tonight. I’ll settle for my wee dram of bourbon, then bed here in about 20 min.
I thought you all had a hand in it … 😉
a tad under the weather today, not much energy, but I’m taking my echinacea and astralagas, so we’ll see who wins the battle tomorrow. Can’t complain as I haven’t had a cold or flu all winter, but still hoping to beat this one too.
… without one. I hope your remedies work. Getting a good nights sleep would go a long way too.
but IVG was wafflin’ there for a sec.
Great! We’ll have think of sumptin’ that’ll fortify that young chap!
I agree w/the people putting fake flowers out in the garden… I think we’ve finally broken our neighbor behind us from doing that… she used to hang pots of fake geraniums and had plastic tulips around a tree… but they have disappeared, now that we have gotten her to plant real things. She’s into it now since she realized that it’s not that hard to make them grow and bloom if you just pay attention … and since she’s having “empty nest syndrome” now, I think she’s even more into it. She actually comes over to ask if we have any stray plants that might grow for her, which of course we always do, and send them home with her. We’re just happy to see no more fake flowers in her yard!
Seriously, that is a very sweet thing to do. It would give her something to focus on that needs her care … So sweet (… despite being a co-conspirator :P)
No, she got rid of them herself! We gave her some hostas a few years ago, then a volunteer bleeding heart that we recommended she plant in a bed on the side of her fence where there’s a walnut on the neighbor’s side. Believe it or not, bleeding hearts are not killed by walnuts and hers has actually thrived… so when she came over a couple of weeks ago asking if we had any more, we sent her home with 3 more! lol
Funny story, the first year we started the garden here and didn’t know her very well, we planted 13′ Castors and broom corn along the fence line and they terrified her! We don’t do that anymore out of respect, and knowing that she will hack the leaves off on her side if they get too scary LOL.
now that’s funny!
in the Great White North…O’s led a sheltered life.
I’ve had a few moments … but it’s that obvious, is it? 😉
Okay, Lost is over. Wow! It got full in here! I’ll go put up a new cafe.
The new cafe is now open!