I think it’s easier being the one who leaves than the one who stays. But I only have to be the one who stays once a year so maybe Jim is more used to it.
Sorry I missed you twice today FM! Oh well, hopefully I’ll catch you tomorrow, since I have the day off, so I’ll probably have my morning coffee with the morning crowd. Glad to see you back!!
only to find the last cafe closed when I’m done. So ‘ve brought it here.
A note on the uniqueness of Australia.
We are actually better off felling trees than collection deadfall. Australia has spent more time being eroded down, and less time having new soil brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic action, than any other continent. Consequently, we have extremely poor soils and most of the neutrient value of the bush is in it’s trees. Which is why fire is such an intregal part of the regrowth pattern here. Harvesting tree trunks, while leaving deadfall and cut branches to either rot or burn helps spur new growth. Taking out standing trees also opens a “window” of sunlight that will further fuel young trees and understory plants.
Australia really is “upside-down” when compared to the experiences and practices of most of the northern hemisphere. And we whites are only just beging to catch up with the Australian Aboriginals in understanding the uniqueness, and the unique needs, of this place.
Is that what all the wood we use would look like if we split and stacked it all at once, rather than cutting and splitting as we use it?
I think it just might. Although our house is small, and I’m not sure it gets as cold here as it does there. Still, we probably use at least three tonnes. Which is one of the reasons we planted 50 new trees last year. And we’ll be planting even more soon.
You can’t tell in the picture but there are three rows (about three cords). We use about a cord and a half to two cords but try to let our wood season for a full year.
That’s one of my more spectacularly dyslexic efforts.
Now that I’ve hung the laundry inside, it’s beautifully sunny outside. Anyone sensing a pattern for Tasmanian weather would not be wrong – whatever the pattern they picked.
“Don’t like the weather? Wait a minute,” is a common joke here.
Off to release a mouse I trapped this morning. Back shortly.
Good evening everyone. Just finished writing a small tribute to Buster since I wanted Booman to be able to read it to him. I believe that all creatures understand what we say, we just have to say to them!
I have my drink in hand and figure I stick around for awhile. I did not want to play in Pogo tonight and just need to spend some time talking with you folks on the pond!
I already started a blogspot space for my lil Jasper girl, as a tribute to her, when she wasn’t breathing two weeks ago. Of course, I have no idea where it (the blog) is now, as I was a bit out of sorts when I did that. She’s ok now, and seems to be much better, but yes, I will need somewhere to go and post pictures and stories when her time is up. So, point of story, I agree…
It does not surprise me to hear Buster is a trooper. I just wish we, as human beings, could have the love passion and tolerance for life in the same manner.
This Pond reflects the care and love that I wish we all could find and thanks for establishing it!
Hey, Booman, I’m really sorry to hear about Buster. We just lost our cat a few weeks ago. It feels impossibly hard, but gets better. I know just from reading the site that you’ve given him a great life. Take care.
Say ‘Kaynahorah’ to ward off the Evil Eye. And my grandmother always recommended spitting over your left shoulder to make sure the Evil Eye backs away.
Sounds like another bump in the road but something that you can deal with. Something I wonder how I was able to make ends end during my time in the military. With a wife and three kids, it just seems like a endless tunnel with the lights coming everyday.
I do not understand why you have to go to court for a back heat bill! It should not have to be resolved with a judge. Guess the utility company is more interested in getting money, not ensuring the customer is able to deal with the cold weather in the winter time. It shows the reason why folks are slowly starting to see the true society we live it and it has to change or we might have our own “civil war” in the 21st century!
Live in an apartment–terms of the lease. Like I said, I am past the point of caring. I have had more than my share of bumps in the road, and I am fucking tired of it.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Being tired is something I can related to and I “know” the feeling. Just hold on and remember if the train runs you over, they get nothing!!!
Well, we had a 10-15 minute sobbing episode when CBtY got home this afternoon (teasing at school), but after we told him again that we love him whether he has eyebrows or not, he finally stopped trying to walk around the house with his hands covering his face. This morning he wanted to wear his sweatshirt backward with the hood up over his face…so we’ve made big progress.
But there is almost nothing left of his eyebrows. I’m afraid it will take longer than a month for them to grow back.
No Chihuly yet, it just opened. I’m waiting for crowds to get lighter. It’s here until October.
Well, they will eventually grow back, so until then I guess you have to let him wear his hair hanging down into his eyes. Poor kid. It’s such a hard time of life; I would NEVER want to go back to that age. But at least he has a great mom!
Just back from coaching Kid GR #1 and her 7-9 year old teammates in a (I won’t say to a) thrilling machine pitch Little League victory. Most enjoyably, while the kids that are usually stars didn’t have great games, some others picked them up. That one kid (you know the one, there’s one on every team) who’s never been able to hit the ball even hit a line drive — even though that one was caught, it was great to see. Some of the parents have even begun to accuse me of being a good coach. I dunno about that, but I hope it means their kids are having fun and learning something. So I’m feeling pretty good tonight.
The ctyds ready for mulching and spring annuals come Decoration Day…got all the pots out and just waiting on the weather.
Got the worst of the stuff finished yesterday, everything else is just normal housekeeping stuff that won’t gen. huge quantities of brush and can be done as mood and time inspire.
How’s your garden coming along?…appears from your pics you’ve got a lot of things starting to bloom.
I’ll have to spend some serious time myself out there this w/e getting it under control — dividing and edging and repositioning the flagstones in the paths and weeding (already w/ the weeds 🙂 etc.
don’t have a long enough season nor a good spot for one, too shady overall. Do have raspberries, wild plums and apples…though prob minimal fruit this year because freeze got most of the blossoms…and herbs; sage, basil, oregano, chives, etc…most of it in pots.
I don’t have veges either … other than runner beans last year, but they were more for the hummingbirds. Got a herb area too, and I’m definitely going to try out that dried sage … 😉
I’m heading to bed — I’ve got an early morning meeting (8am EST ugh) over in Quebec so I should probably get some sleep.
Sweet dreams dada. And good night maryb, ej, Omir, and any other lurking froggies.
I’m sure we’ll cross paths tomorrow, if I’m not zonked out from all the garden work I have planned on my day off! Yippee… finally a day off on Friday away from the evil office!
And good night, chère O, je t’envie l’occasion de visiter le Québec si facilement! Que ce soit aussi facile pour moi… en rêvant…
I didn’t have a book for her to autograph — and frankly I’m not much into autographs.
However, when she sets her next mystery in a cafe named the Froggy Bottom and the main character is named Maryb — I’m hoping she’ll dedicate the entire book to me 🙂
I’m going to be down near New Orleans in a week, where the ties to voodoo are much stronger than they are here in Michigan (duh). I am hoping that I can find something decent. And of course, that I can avoid being cursed myself.
uh, I was unaware that there were any ties to voodoo in Michigan.
You can probably get voodoo dolls made to order in the bayous near NOLA — although there may be a backlog of orders for dolls that look like Chertoff and Bush.
I’m going for fun. I’ll be down there for a week. I’m staying about an hour outside the city itself, but I plan on making a couple trips down there. It’s an area I’ve wanted to visit for a long time, and even though it won’t be the same as the New Orleans of old, I think that makes it more intriguing, in a lot of ways.
I’m also going to try to hit the Memphis meet-up on my way back. It’s not that far from St. Louis to Memphis, ya know 😉
I hear the old French Quarter is still intact but parts of the rest of the city are devastated. I assume you’ll take your camera? We’ll expect pictures of the city.
Memphis … I want to go to Memphis but work is causing problems. I have to spend Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week on retreat (because, ya know, spending 5-6 days a week together isn’t nearly enough bonding for us). So it would be next to impossible for me to take off any time the following week.
Then I have to be in Washington MO first thing Sunday morning for a client meeting. So that leaves only Saturday. I guess it’s not completely out of the question, but, practically speaking, it’s unlikely.
I will definitely be taking my camera. I’m planning on spending a day in the French Quarter, but I really want to spend some time checking out other areas of the city as well. From what I hear, there are still places that you can’t go in unless you’re a resident.
I’ll be sure to post a photo diary when I get back, assuming I get any post-worthy photos.
Don’t you just hate it when work gets in the way of fun? It would be great to meet you but it sounds like it would definitely be pushing it for you to go. I’ll only be there for Friday night and Saturday until evening-ish.
Yes, life would be perfect if I’d just win the lottery and didn’t have to work. Memphis isn’t that far, but it’s just far enough to not want to do the whole thing for only a day.
Maybe when Indylib finally gets to Ohio you and I can invite ourselves along to the mini meetup that Indylib and Andi are planning. (I know, it’s Ohio, but you can go into Ohio for a day).
I’m sure you’ll get at least a few post worthy photos. But I suspect that you’ll say the same thing everybody does — the pictures don’t really show how bad it is.
I’d definitely be up for a Tribber gathering in god-forsaken Ohio. I’ll just be sure that I don’t have any U of M paraphernalia on my person or my car.
I think everyone here already has a pretty good idea how bad New Orleans is…I think if / when I post photos, I’ll try to keep it a little more positive. Not in a ‘Republican propaganda’ kind of way I hope, but more as a celebration of what makes the area special.
I’m still awake, for about five minutes or so. I’m trying to think my way through a poem but my granddaughter is chattering in my ear, she has a Disney video on the TV, I’m tired and it’s hard to get the words in proper marching order.
Been out and about (or as the Canadians would say, oot and aboot — got to practice my Canada-speak with the Sharks playing Edmonton) most of the day. Spouse and I drove all the way over to Milpitas to go to one of my favorite stores…and found it closed!!! 🙁 Will have to go to the location here in town (a little smaller so not as good a selection) and see if they know what happened; maybe it just moved. At least I didn’t make a bus trip over there for nothing… We also went out to dinner, I stopped and got yarn for a new project (I’m going to try my old trick of crocheting as a substitute for stress eating, especially when watching TV), and stopped by the new Lowe’s for a bunch of home care type crap.
Once spouse out of the bathroom, we’ll settle in to watch tonight’s Countdown, so I’ll be disappearing shortly.
Still in shock over BooMan’s sad news…mortality sucks, whether it’s human or aminal… 🙁
hey Cali — looking forward to round 2. Even though I’d love to see a western Cdn team make it, I don’t think I can root against you and DJ … However, if the Avs and Sharks eventually meet I’ll have to back-up dada seeing as how he’d be outnumbered … 🙂
Drinks are free and food for everyone. Come on in and enjoy yourself.
I think I will … 🙂
Sure you show us just as I’m leaving. 🙁
I’ll see ya tomorrow.
See you tomorrow FM! 🙂
what’s up — besides you?
Not too much. How ’bout you?
The house is really quiet without Jim in it, although the dogs did entertain me earlier with a three-part harmony howl fest.
Oh yeah, I forgot Jim was camping with the kids. He’s a real saint to do that and LIKE it. When does he get back?
Jim is many things but I’d hold off on granting him sainthood.
He’s back tomorrow.
Plus, St. Jim just doesn’t have the same substance that, say, St. Bartholomew or St. Methodius has.
But at least you have the ‘howlers’ to keep you company.
I think it’s easier being the one who leaves than the one who stays. But I only have to be the one who stays once a year so maybe Jim is more used to it.
okay maybe not.
Sorry I missed you twice today FM! Oh well, hopefully I’ll catch you tomorrow, since I have the day off, so I’ll probably have my morning coffee with the morning crowd. Glad to see you back!!
Good night, Family Man. Sweet dreams!
Good night all you froggies. I’m calling it an early night tonight.
Have fun in the pond.
only to find the last cafe closed when I’m done. So ‘ve brought it here.
A note on the uniqueness of Australia.
We are actually better off felling trees than collection deadfall. Australia has spent more time being eroded down, and less time having new soil brought to the surface by tectonic or volcanic action, than any other continent. Consequently, we have extremely poor soils and most of the neutrient value of the bush is in it’s trees. Which is why fire is such an intregal part of the regrowth pattern here. Harvesting tree trunks, while leaving deadfall and cut branches to either rot or burn helps spur new growth. Taking out standing trees also opens a “window” of sunlight that will further fuel young trees and understory plants.
Australia really is “upside-down” when compared to the experiences and practices of most of the northern hemisphere. And we whites are only just beging to catch up with the Australian Aboriginals in understanding the uniqueness, and the unique needs, of this place.
I just read it and left a (not worth reading) comment in the old cafe. But I’m glad you re-posted it so other people will be able to read it.
And some inspiration for you — maybe.

Hopefully that wood-splitting is an end of summer chore and not July. Otherwise I’d be second guessing a certain invite.
It’s a spring or fall activity and we already have most of next years anyway. But did I mention that those second story windows need washing?
I myself prefer the gauzy view from my windows. Everything looks so much younger.
btw, I can’t figure out why you can’t see the sign but it wasn’t that big a deal anyway.
You’ll love our kitchen windows — they’re permanently gauzy because something got in between the double panes.
Is that what all the wood we use would look like if we split and stacked it all at once, rather than cutting and splitting as we use it?
I think it just might. Although our house is small, and I’m not sure it gets as cold here as it does there. Still, we probably use at least three tonnes. Which is one of the reasons we planted 50 new trees last year. And we’ll be planting even more soon.
You can’t tell in the picture but there are three rows (about three cords). We use about a cord and a half to two cords but try to let our wood season for a full year.
That’s one of my more spectacularly dyslexic efforts.
Now that I’ve hung the laundry inside, it’s beautifully sunny outside. Anyone sensing a pattern for Tasmanian weather would not be wrong – whatever the pattern they picked.
“Don’t like the weather? Wait a minute,” is a common joke here.
Off to release a mouse I trapped this morning. Back shortly.
Good evening everyone. Just finished writing a small tribute to Buster since I wanted Booman to be able to read it to him. I believe that all creatures understand what we say, we just have to say to them!
I have my drink in hand and figure I stick around for awhile. I did not want to play in Pogo tonight and just need to spend some time talking with you folks on the pond!
thanks for the note. It was very nice.
It helps to have so many people that care about him and about me.
I still can’t believe this diagnosis. I look at him and I can’t believe that he is this screwed. And he isn’t complaining. He’s such a trooper.
You should just take time off and spend it with him and post some ‘best of Booman’ stories on the front page to you can write some new stuff.
I already started a blogspot space for my lil Jasper girl, as a tribute to her, when she wasn’t breathing two weeks ago. Of course, I have no idea where it (the blog) is now, as I was a bit out of sorts when I did that. She’s ok now, and seems to be much better, but yes, I will need somewhere to go and post pictures and stories when her time is up. So, point of story, I agree…
It does not surprise me to hear Buster is a trooper. I just wish we, as human beings, could have the love passion and tolerance for life in the same manner.
This Pond reflects the care and love that I wish we all could find and thanks for establishing it!
Hey, Booman, I’m really sorry to hear about Buster. We just lost our cat a few weeks ago. It feels impossibly hard, but gets better. I know just from reading the site that you’ve given him a great life. Take care.
Just thought that I’d stop in. I swear, if anything in my life can go wrong, it will–now another mess to straighten out.
Just don’t say ‘can it get any worse?’- because then you’re really tempting fate.
I did not need to hear that.
Say ‘Kaynahorah’ to ward off the Evil Eye. And my grandmother always recommended spitting over your left shoulder to make sure the Evil Eye backs away.
Thanks for trying to make me laugh. Didn’t work though.
Yeah, there’s a good reason why I work with computers instead doing comedy. But my grandmother wasn’t kidding — she took the Evil Eye very seriously.
Dammit! I’ve been spitting over my right shoulder all these years!
That explains everything, doesn’t it.
always “knock on wood.” Seems to help considerably.
What is the mess, if you do not mind me asking?
Caseworker screwed something up–back heat bill. And I found out that I have to go to court as well to clear this mess up.
I tell you, I am past the point of caring anymore.
Sounds like another bump in the road but something that you can deal with. Something I wonder how I was able to make ends end during my time in the military. With a wife and three kids, it just seems like a endless tunnel with the lights coming everyday.
I do not understand why you have to go to court for a back heat bill! It should not have to be resolved with a judge. Guess the utility company is more interested in getting money, not ensuring the customer is able to deal with the cold weather in the winter time. It shows the reason why folks are slowly starting to see the true society we live it and it has to change or we might have our own “civil war” in the 21st century!
Live in an apartment–terms of the lease. Like I said, I am past the point of caring. I have had more than my share of bumps in the road, and I am fucking tired of it.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Being tired is something I can related to and I “know” the feeling. Just hold on and remember if the train runs you over, they get nothing!!!
Whatever. Like I said, I am past the point of caring anymore.
Just dropping by to say hi, now that the CBs are off to bed. Long day.
BTW, does anybody know anything about Fort McHenry in Baltimore?
How is the eyebrow situation?
Well, we had a 10-15 minute sobbing episode when CBtY got home this afternoon (teasing at school), but after we told him again that we love him whether he has eyebrows or not, he finally stopped trying to walk around the house with his hands covering his face. This morning he wanted to wear his sweatshirt backward with the hood up over his face…so we’ve made big progress.
But there is almost nothing left of his eyebrows. I’m afraid it will take longer than a month for them to grow back.
What’s new with you? Go see that Chihuly yet?
No Chihuly yet, it just opened. I’m waiting for crowds to get lighter. It’s here until October.
Well, they will eventually grow back, so until then I guess you have to let him wear his hair hanging down into his eyes. Poor kid. It’s such a hard time of life; I would NEVER want to go back to that age. But at least he has a great mom!
But my mom is from Baltimore. Does that help? 🙂
Well, are you coming down for the Memorial Day weekend meetup then?
I guess google will have to be my friend on this one…
Just back from coaching Kid GR #1 and her 7-9 year old teammates in a (I won’t say to a) thrilling machine pitch Little League victory. Most enjoyably, while the kids that are usually stars didn’t have great games, some others picked them up. That one kid (you know the one, there’s one on every team) who’s never been able to hit the ball even hit a line drive — even though that one was caught, it was great to see. Some of the parents have even begun to accuse me of being a good coach. I dunno about that, but I hope it means their kids are having fun and learning something. So I’m feeling pretty good tonight.
That sounds great! A good night of baseball is a good night overall.
Thanks for your concern.
I’m out of here. I am NOT in the best of moods and getting really irritated about something. Later.
but good night Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
Good night Andi!
Good night and sweet dreams.
Be well.
I should wander over to see?
I was just putting up a new post … so sure!
How ’bout you — How was your day?
Rained off and on all day (still is), and my knees were screaming for mercy when I got up, so it worked out well.
Since you’ve been working on it all week … They coming to p/u tomorrow?
they got the other side of the street late this afternoon.
Not too sore overall, surprisingly. But the knees are the result of many years of abuse and must be taken seriously.
A few straggling limbs is not worth wrecking your knees over …
And as long as you’ve got your courtyard area under control, you’re all set … 😉
The ctyds ready for mulching and spring annuals come Decoration Day…got all the pots out and just waiting on the weather.
Got the worst of the stuff finished yesterday, everything else is just normal housekeeping stuff that won’t gen. huge quantities of brush and can be done as mood and time inspire.
How’s your garden coming along?…appears from your pics you’ve got a lot of things starting to bloom.
I’ll have to spend some serious time myself out there this w/e getting it under control — dividing and edging and repositioning the flagstones in the paths and weeding (already w/ the weeds 🙂 etc.
Do you plant an eating garden – veges etc.?
don’t have a long enough season nor a good spot for one, too shady overall. Do have raspberries, wild plums and apples…though prob minimal fruit this year because freeze got most of the blossoms…and herbs; sage, basil, oregano, chives, etc…most of it in pots.
That’s too bad …
I don’t have veges either … other than runner beans last year, but they were more for the hummingbirds. Got a herb area too, and I’m definitely going to try out that dried sage … 😉
I’m heading to bed — I’ve got an early morning meeting (8am EST ugh) over in Quebec so I should probably get some sleep.
Sweet dreams dada. And good night maryb, ej, Omir, and any other lurking froggies.
actually I think dada forgot to list one…
I’m sure we’ll cross paths tomorrow, if I’m not zonked out from all the garden work I have planned on my day off! Yippee… finally a day off on Friday away from the evil office!
And good night, chère O, je t’envie l’occasion de visiter le Québec si facilement! Que ce soit aussi facile pour moi… en rêvant…
I was just responding to some email so I’m checking in one last time … Have fun tomorrow — I’ll be thinking of you having fun in your garden …
Oh, and I’m sorry to say that I don’t really enjoy visiting IVG … <ducks> … Bonne nuit mon amie!
and the grey text is much better…imo…
thx for the f/b — I still find it difficult to read, but haven’t had a lot of time to spend on it … 🙂
OK, who’s still awake and what do you want to do?
How’d your meet up with Kansas go?
I was a little nervous about whether we’d really have anything to talk about. But it was just like hanging out in the cafe.
Wonderful. Hobnobbing with a famous author…:{) Did you get her to autograph a book for you?
I didn’t have a book for her to autograph — and frankly I’m not much into autographs.
However, when she sets her next mystery in a cafe named the Froggy Bottom and the main character is named Maryb — I’m hoping she’ll dedicate the entire book to me 🙂
Always a good idea. I approve.
I also want to find a NY Mets voodoo doll that I can start sticking with pins and lighting on fire.
I think you may have to get a generic voodoo doll and adapt it into a Mets doll. You’ll probably need something actually touched by a New York Met …
I’m going to be down near New Orleans in a week, where the ties to voodoo are much stronger than they are here in Michigan (duh). I am hoping that I can find something decent. And of course, that I can avoid being cursed myself.
much stronger
uh, I was unaware that there were any ties to voodoo in Michigan.
You can probably get voodoo dolls made to order in the bayous near NOLA — although there may be a backlog of orders for dolls that look like Chertoff and Bush.
Are you going for business? Or fun?
I’m going for fun. I’ll be down there for a week. I’m staying about an hour outside the city itself, but I plan on making a couple trips down there. It’s an area I’ve wanted to visit for a long time, and even though it won’t be the same as the New Orleans of old, I think that makes it more intriguing, in a lot of ways.
I’m also going to try to hit the Memphis meet-up on my way back. It’s not that far from St. Louis to Memphis, ya know 😉
I hear the old French Quarter is still intact but parts of the rest of the city are devastated. I assume you’ll take your camera? We’ll expect pictures of the city.
Memphis … I want to go to Memphis but work is causing problems. I have to spend Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week on retreat (because, ya know, spending 5-6 days a week together isn’t nearly enough bonding for us). So it would be next to impossible for me to take off any time the following week.
Then I have to be in Washington MO first thing Sunday morning for a client meeting. So that leaves only Saturday. I guess it’s not completely out of the question, but, practically speaking, it’s unlikely.
I will definitely be taking my camera. I’m planning on spending a day in the French Quarter, but I really want to spend some time checking out other areas of the city as well. From what I hear, there are still places that you can’t go in unless you’re a resident.
I’ll be sure to post a photo diary when I get back, assuming I get any post-worthy photos.
Don’t you just hate it when work gets in the way of fun? It would be great to meet you but it sounds like it would definitely be pushing it for you to go. I’ll only be there for Friday night and Saturday until evening-ish.
Yes, life would be perfect if I’d just win the lottery and didn’t have to work. Memphis isn’t that far, but it’s just far enough to not want to do the whole thing for only a day.
Maybe when Indylib finally gets to Ohio you and I can invite ourselves along to the mini meetup that Indylib and Andi are planning. (I know, it’s Ohio, but you can go into Ohio for a day).
I’m sure you’ll get at least a few post worthy photos. But I suspect that you’ll say the same thing everybody does — the pictures don’t really show how bad it is.
I’d definitely be up for a Tribber gathering in god-forsaken Ohio. I’ll just be sure that I don’t have any U of M paraphernalia on my person or my car.
I think everyone here already has a pretty good idea how bad New Orleans is…I think if / when I post photos, I’ll try to keep it a little more positive. Not in a ‘Republican propaganda’ kind of way I hope, but more as a celebration of what makes the area special.
Not in a ‘Republican propaganda’ kind of way I hope
I certainly hope not. I’d troll rate you if you did. BTW did you see that diary at the Orange place that has over 1000 comments? About troll rating?
And are we the only ones in this cafe?
You’d never troll rate me. At least not here. Maybe at dKos.
I did see that diary, but I read it when it had about 40 comments and haven’t felt like trying to wade through the other 1200.
I think that dada and olivia are still around.
I’m still awake, for about five minutes or so. I’m trying to think my way through a poem but my granddaughter is chattering in my ear, she has a Disney video on the TV, I’m tired and it’s hard to get the words in proper marching order.
Maybe this is something best left for tomorrow.
Or a 2 minute chat with me in the cafe might clear up the whole problem.
I’m available for muse-duty oh great inventor of the Roborater.
If you’re not writing about a specific topic you migh tharness your current state of being as inspiriation … 🙂
I’m over here. I was feeling marginalized.
You can’t be sure I wouldn’t troll rate you — just try me. Write that republican propaganda diary.
Maybe we should just start a flame war now.
This ought to get it all started…
Well that should shake some people out of the woodwork.
Or is this supposed to start another argument about just exactly how naked they are. Less than that girl on the picnic table.
I had totally forgotten about the girl on the picnic table.
At least she wasn’t used in an advertisement.
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, at this photo.
Just for that you get to open the next cafe 🙂
you’re good.
I know 😉
I mean …
eek! a lurker!
Please stop encouraging her.
hop to it … new cafe. Now!
They’re young; they still fight it 😉
ha ha, I my first laugh on Friday.
new cafe …. where ARE you?
see ya in ej’s cafe…?…
Ya might miss more of my fascinating macro shots.
Been out and about (or as the Canadians would say, oot and aboot — got to practice my Canada-speak with the Sharks playing Edmonton) most of the day. Spouse and I drove all the way over to Milpitas to go to one of my favorite stores…and found it closed!!! 🙁 Will have to go to the location here in town (a little smaller so not as good a selection) and see if they know what happened; maybe it just moved. At least I didn’t make a bus trip over there for nothing… We also went out to dinner, I stopped and got yarn for a new project (I’m going to try my old trick of crocheting as a substitute for stress eating, especially when watching TV), and stopped by the new Lowe’s for a bunch of home care type crap.
Once spouse out of the bathroom, we’ll settle in to watch tonight’s Countdown, so I’ll be disappearing shortly.
Still in shock over BooMan’s sad news…mortality sucks, whether it’s human or aminal… 🙁
I was thinking that I’d like to learn how to crochet.
Yeah, mortality sucks. It especially sucks for those left behind to miss the friend who leaves.
Mortality rules.
Who wants to be stuck on this f’d up planet for eternity? Not me.
hey Cali — looking forward to round 2. Even though I’d love to see a western Cdn team make it, I don’t think I can root against you and DJ … However, if the Avs and Sharks eventually meet I’ll have to back-up dada seeing as how he’d be outnumbered … 🙂
Good night! {{{Cali}}}
Head towards the liquor.