The new Keystone poll just out today has got to be sending some very nervous tremors through the halls of the DSCC, the DNC, and the Bob Casey for Senate campaign. Even while confirming that Rick Santorum remains very vulnerable in the upcoming Pennsylvania Senate race, the poll suggests that the DSCC-annointed Democratic candidate, Bob Casey jr., will have a very difficult time defeating Santorum this fall if he wins the primary on May 16th.
In a nutshell: Casey’s once-dominant double-digit lead over Santorum is in a free-fall. As undecideds learn more about Casey they are overwhelmingly opting for Santorum in a hypothetical (until the voters decide in the May 16th primary) Casey v Santorum Senate race, this despite the fact that a growing majority of Pennsylvanians want someone other than Santorum to represent them in the Senate.
Rick Santorum
Bob Casey, the son of a former Pennsylvania Governor with the same name, has been running a pretty much invisible campaign, ducking debates in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh where extensive media coverage would be insured, and referring most press inquiries to his campaign manager, rather than offering up his own sound bites. Casey is a very conservative Democrat whose positions on the issues are often indistinguishable from Rick Santorum’s, and his stealth campaign seems geared toward shielding the voters from learning too much about where he stands on the issues.
That strategy does not appear to be working. The Keystone poll suggests, as others have before it, though not in such stark terms, that as voters learn more about Casey they opt for Santorum in a still-theoretical two-man Casey v Santorum Senate race.
The current situation is eerily reminiscent of the 2002 Pennsylvania Gubernatorial race when Bob Casey squandered a double-digit lead in the early polls, eventually suffering a double-digit defeat in the primary to Ed Rendell, who went on to win the governorship. Then as now, Casey ran a largely stealth campaign, and it backfired, as Dr. Terry Madonna, who today presides over the Keystone Poll at F&M college, ably chronicled at the time. Is this deja vu all over again?
According to the Keystone trends voters appear to feel, and by an ever-expanding margin, that it is time for a change in the U.S. Senate:
- March 2005: 41% feel it is time for a change
- June 2005: 42% feel it is time for a change
- Sept. 2005: 47% feel it is time for a change
- Feb. 2006: 50% feel it is time for a change
- May 2006: 52% feel it is time for a change
That trend represents quite an opportunity for Bob Casey Jr., the candidate the design of this poll questionaire clearly assumes will be the Democratic nominee (Democratic challengers Chuck Pennacchio and Alan Sandals are mentioned in only one question, despite the fact that this is a very long questionaire). Is Casey up to the task?
Since the last Keystone poll in Feb’06 here is how the “Favorable/Unfavorable” numbers have changed:
- Santorum’s favorable rating increased from 38% to 39%; His Unfavorable rating decreased from 34% to 33% (+2 net change). 28% are undecided or don’t know.
- Casey’s favorable rating is at 30%, unchanged. His unfavorable rating increased from 8% to 13% (-5 net change). 57% are undecided or don’t know. The percentage of respondents who said they “Don’t know enough about” Casey to have an opinion about him dropped from 45% in February to 38% in Late April/early May, yet apparently none of those voters developed a favorable opinion of Casey. They all migrated into the “unfavorable” category (+ 5) or into the “undecided” category (+4).
After asking lots of questions about Ed Rendell, Lynn Swann, Rick Santorum, and Bob Casey Jr. the poll finally gets around to asking how voters will vote in the primary, and here for the first and last time the names of Chuck Pennacchio and Alan Sandals come up. Not surprisingly, 63% say they will vote for Casey versus a combined 7% for Pennacchio and Sandals (still Pennacchio and Sandals vote total is + 74% versus February). By the time Pennacchio and Sandals are mentioned, the notion that this is a pre-ordained Santorum v Casey election has been firmly implanted in the consciousness of the respondents. The validity of this question and its response is further illustrated by the fact that 62% of respondents say they are “certain” to vote in the primary. Only 8% say they probably will not vote in the primary. Contrast that response with the fact that historically less than 10% of registered voters actually do vote in primaries. Clearly the Keystone poll’s assessment of the viability of Pennacchio or Sandals cannot be taken seriously.
Finally, the $64,000 question. Who would you vote for if the Senate election were held today?:
- Casey: 47% (-3)
- Santorum: 41% (+ 2)
- Net change: 5-point shift toward Santorum and away from Casey. Casey’s edge over Santorum has declined from +16 in November’05 to plus 11 in February’06 to a slim 6-point lead in Late April/early May’06. That trend represents a 63% slide.
Have Casey’s numbers bottomed out? The trend lines suggest otherwise.
Virtually 100% of the voters who formed an opinion of Casey since the last Keystone poll in February 2006 have decided that they are now “unfavorably” disposed toward him or are undecided. His favorable rating remained unchanged.
As Casey’s unfavorable’s increased, a statistically significant 5-point shift occurred toward Santorum in a still-hypothetical Casey v Santorum Senate race.
38% remain in the “don’t know enough about” Casey to have an opinion column. If the trend continues on its current path, the majority of those voters will opt for Santorum as they learn more about Casey.
- The voters are tired of Rick Santorum. They want a new Senator.
- Casey is not the new Senator they want!
The official Democratic leadership line that “only Casey can beat Santorum” in November now appears to ring pretty hollow. The developing trends suggest that Santorum will catch and pass Casey, perhaps months before the November election, despite the evidence that Santorum is a very vulnerable candidate. The mounting evidence would seem to suggest that Casey is even more vulnerable than Santorum.
Ranking of the “favorable” ratings of those Polled by Keystone:
- Ed Rendell: 48%
- Rick Santorum: 39%
- George Bush: 33%
- Bob Casey Jr,: 30%
- Lynn Swann: 29%
Can you spell Pennacchio?
no. but i’d still vote for him if i lived in pennsylvania.
And you know of the allegedly bass ackwards conservative Alabama in between Philly and Pitt that Carville has helped spread? Well, dead in the middle of the state are nine editorials by the readers of the largest paper in the region – all pro-Pennacchio – in a special primary election editorial edition.
from today’s article in the [Daily News]:
Nice of them to blame Pennacchio supporters, instead of Casey’s lack of a campaign and positions on the issues, now could it?
ah yes Madonna, one of Casey’s biggest state level cheerleaders. damn those bastards for bringing facts and issues into this race! this is politics! not… oh wait.
“Everybody expected this race to tighten. Nobody expected it to tighten this quickly,” said G. Terry Madonna….
Oh bullshit. It astonishes me that these men actually get paid for what they do. The race started rapidly ‘tightening’ (which is to say the execrable Casey started dramatically demonstrating what a fucking loser he, in fact, is and will be) immediately after he outed himself and proclaimed his support for Mr Alito.
The Democratic party has for the past several decades successfully sought funding all over the friggin country by insisting that Democrats would never, ever vote to confirm men like Scalia and Roberts and Alito. Mr Casey appears to be unaware of this.
This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Santorum is so extreme that I just don’t believe he’s attracting Dem or genuinely undecided voters. So where are Casey’s former voters going? What’s Santorum been doing in the way of campaigning — trying to con people into thinking he’s near the “center”?
In any case, it’s unbelievable that ANYBODY would have a problem beating the shit out of a total ass like Santorum. Casey must trying to lose, because only a concerted effort could accomplish that outcome.
It looks more and more like PA is an excellent case for running a 3rd candidate if Casey is nominated (after working like hell to spread the word on Pennachio before the primary).
Casey’s former voters are probably deciding they aren’t going to bother to vote.
This divides too camps. Those that will not vote at all, and those that will just not vote in that specific race! I am in the latter camp unless a more socially progressive is available.
No it doesn’t make sense. A dirty sock should be able to beat Man-on-Dog and yet it looks like Casey is the only living creature in PA who cannot beat him. Some Republican “mole” probably told Democratic leadership they could beat Santorum if they ran someone conservative, the Dems bought it hook, line, and sinker and Republicans are laughing their asses off right now.
I think the fraudster, women’s-studies, issue-centric crowd called this one.
Are you surprised?
I am not.
This is classic DINO/DemocRat procedure.
1-Loft a mediocre candidate against an aggressively bad one. With other options…more left-leaning…available but “discouraged” by whichever know-nothing centrists are in place at the moment. People who are ONLY in place because they have taken money from the same people who back BushCo and thus been able to buy their way to power.
2-The polls soar a little. But then peope take a good look at the DemRat guy and back off. No passion. At least the Ratpub assholes have some fire.
3-The DemRat loses, the Ratpub wins, and we are one step closer to Armnageddon.
Quite ;iterally.
Small K kerry writ even smaller.
And you wonder why I favor a third party.
Hear me, now.
If this behavior gets writ large again in 2008, we are through. There will BE no more “last chances.” That will be it.
Bet on it.
I am.
If a Ratpublican or right-wing DemRat wins in 2008, I’m outta here while there is still time.
Bye bye…
There were indeed “good Germans”.
And then there were the SMART germans.
The ones who left in time.
See ya…
I’m telling you…as long as people like Schumer and Emmanuel run who gets elected…it’s not going to make any difference.
Plan A or Plan A Lite will be the only options.
As the political parties roll around in the holographic mud shouting:
“More taste!!!”
“Less filling!!!”
“More waste!!!”
“Less thrilling!!!”
What utter BULLSHIT this all is.
Here is just one more example of the stupidity of the national democratic organizations. In a state with a historically strong willingness to support a local canditate that appears to be diametrically opposed to a sitting ultra-conservative that continuously pusts his big feet all the way down his throat, the “Wise-asses” in the dem party choose the “party line stooge that is a pro-life dem!(better known as a gop-liter!
Like I have been screaming out for months– NOT A DIME for the Dem party. Not a dime!
If I may boast a little, one of the first diaries I wrote on here was why Bob Casey would lose. Not necessarily the outcome I want, but it’s becoming closer to reality every day.
Let’s stop predicting a Casey loss in November and start working toward a Casey loss in May and a Pennacchio victory in November!
true dat!
This looks like another Schumer, Al From, DLC, pseudo-centrist disaster in the making, as many here on these pages have been predicting for several months.
I don’t know why anyone is surprised that “wingnut light” might likely lose to “wingnut authentic”.