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Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright appeared on CNN’s American Morning to announce her new book, “The Mighty and the Almighty: Reflections on America, God and World Affairs.” The new book critiques U.S. foreign policy and imperialist notions of manifest destiny. She is particularly critical of the way that George W. Bush has invoked God in the name of advancing narrow political and foreign policy goals.

In her new book, Madam Secretary Albright writes that the invasion of Iraq may be “the worst foreign policy disaster in U.S. history.” CNN’s Miles O’Brien asked Albright to explain her statement (transcript)…

M. O’BRIEN: First of all, one of the important themes of this book is your feeling about how the Iraq situation has played out. And you say this: “The invasion of Iraq and its aftermath may eventually rank among the worst foreign policy disasters in U.S. history.” You don’t even couch the statement. It’s that bad.

ALBRIGHT: I am very troubled by it, because there are so many immediate consequences and then the unintended consequences. First of all, I never believed that there was a connection between Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. But clearly now Iraq has become a major recruiting ground for everybody who hates us. Then there is the real question about what this has done to America’s authority — our moral authority as a result of what happened in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, and it has damaged us in terms of what we can do in other parts of the world.

Then I think the biggest unintended consequence is that all of a sudden, Iran is the one that has gained incredible influence in the region. And finally, it has put real question about American power. How do we use it? What are the messages that we’re sending with it? So I think Iraq is a mess. That’s a diplomatic term of art. And I am very worried about the intended and unintended consequences.

Madeleine Albright explains the damage caused by aligning the “Global War on Terror” or any policy with the idea that God is on America’s “side”. If you oppose Bush, the War in Iraq, or the way that American power is being used then you are “picking a fight with God.”, Albright says. The unbridled use of religion in foreign policy narrows our  supporters throughout the world and leads to continued conflict.