I know this sounds very crazy but lets look at the facts in no uncertain terms.

When you think of how America got to where it is today 10 years ago I would have called anyone who suggested America would elect a President like GWB crazy. So I’m going to breach this subject in an attempt to take a critical look at what everyone in America might consider to be an impossible event.
What makes me suspect that the 2006 elections might be suspended is best summed up by the recent actions and decisions of this administration.

Background: Setting the Stage.

1. The Executive Branch of the American government has to date Displayed a Total Disregard for the Rule of Law.

To make my case here I refer everyone to the latest scandal of this president to simply ignore the Rule of Law (750 and counting) in addition to the illegal domestic NSA wiretapping, the outing of Mr. Wilson’s Wife as a CIA operative and the constant refusal to provide complete information to Congress by the White House. I am not going to elaborate any further since these subjects have been covered extensively in the media and on blogs like Dkos.

At the same time the Execuive Branch has turned back the hands of time and destroyed 150 years of social progress by appointing political agent provocateurs to gut agencies and programs that worked as non-partisan agencies in past administrations.

2. Both the Senate and House of Representatives

have abdicate their sole function as a responsible legislative body to rein in the abuse and concentration of power in the Executive Branch preferring to be only a conduit for every corporate special interest group concerned only with making double and in some cases triple digit profits.

Lawmaking is limited to maximizing the benefits for the rich at the expense of social, economic and educational programs that provided for and defined the common good in America.  

3. The Judicial Branch

of the government is now positioned by the appointment of agenda driven Judges to “hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil” on important issues such as the Rule of Law, Violations of Basic Constitutional Rights, torture, abortion, social responsibility and many other concerns which define a Democracy from a Banana Republic Dictatorship.

4. The Mainstream Media

has abdicated all objective reporting and is in fact a government controlled propaganda machine which fails to ask any `hard questions” or follow up with a challenge to information which everyone knows is a complete and total fabrication or outright lie. This failure has lead to a unstated policy that the Freedom of the Press is now the Freedom to Suppress any dissenting voices by the silent treatment, playing dumb and distorting actual facts and events.

5. Multi National Corporations

involvement and backing of the politics of this administration has turned the War on Terror into the War for Cheap Labor no matter what in may cost America in long term stability for future generations. This long standing war on the worker in America has entered a phase where Corporations no longer have to fear strikes by labor unions and rights groups since most of what America consumes is made in other countries. Boycotts, Labor Strikes and Lockouts are a thing of a past era.

6. Polls that show

over 50% of people in America do not care if this administration violates their Constitutional Rights in the name of Security and Waging the War on Terror. This indicates that this majority has little or no understanding of the basic legal principles enshrined in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The War on Terror is in fact and reality a War on the American Worker to deprive the masses of countering the governments increasing Abuse of Power and it’s most basic responsibility to provide for the common good.

7. A Pervasive Mass Insanity

of self absorption and image without any substance has over the years eroded the ability of all Americans to think independently for themselves in a logical, sane and reasonable fashion. Reality is now defined in terms of an opinion, religious belief or the poltically correct response.

Facts are no longer used to connect the dots since the only thing that counts is who can shout the loudest and longest. This has allowed a general atmosphere of fear, intolerance, indifference and unconcern to prevail and has rendered mass protest against the never ending attacks by the government on the common good all private citizens meaningless.

8. The Questionable Methods Employed

in the last two Presidential Elections has instilled a sense of generalized doubt that such elections will ever be fair in America.

Summation of Above Points

Now given the above background any sane person in America will wonder where all this is headed. I have left out many other events and incidents in this background assessment. The reason being that many of those events and incidents were intended to distract attention from the real issues that are facing America.

So let’s be honest and try to make an attempt to add up the past 6 years and speculate where this is all going to end.

George W. Bush Jr. jokingly commented just after taking office in his first term that “this job would be a lot easier if I were a dictator.”

Today, 6 years after his election America is waking up to the fact that he might not have been joking on this subject.

Now if you take into account the long background of some of the people appointed to his administration you find that these same people worked for various administrations or associated with agencies and organizations who’s espoused a new vision of America as “God’s most favored Nation”.

Many of these people in the administration have direct and indirect ties to extremist religious organizations that openly dismiss Democracy as an unworkable institution. The rational is that America is a “One  Nation under Christ” and that the only recognize law is “God’s Law” as presented in the 10 commandments.

Ironically the Christian Extremist very closely resemble their Extremist Muslim Counterparts in that their methods, politics and absolutism parallel each other in their intolerance to moderation, open dialogue and compromise which would result in everybody finding effective solutions to the problems the world faces today.

When you take into account that the American public is starting to wake up to the fact that the entire government of America has been hi-jacked by a religious political doctrine for a secret agenda which has resulted in some of the largest corporate profits ever seen by multi-national corporations it stands to reason that most if not all of this is part of some larger complex plan.

Now throw into this explosive mix an administration with the lowest poll rating of any administration in history, the very real possibility of a limited nuclear war looming with Iran, the hyper exposure of Biological threats and the fear of a nuclear terrorist attack within the continental United States. The overall situation is one of never ending crisis after foreseeable crisis.

It is even at this moment being reveled that prior to the last Presidential this administration manipulated and suppressed information to retain it’s hold on the power of the Executive and Congressional Branches of the government shows that this group with the full backing of the media and multi-national corporations will stop at nothing to retain it’s grip on power.

It is because of all these points I have detailed that I can come to say that there is a very real possibility that a crisis of such magnitude will arise just in time for this administration to postpone or declare that no elections can be held until the situation becomes stable and order is restored.

What that crisis may be includes the following,

  1. A war in Iran where nuclear weapons are used.
  2. Massive rioting and unrest in all major cities from the use of nuclear weapons on Iran.
  3. A WMD terrorist attack in America similar to 9/11.
  4. The outbreak of a pandemic or other biological threat.

This are just a few of the justifications which might be used to postpone or call off all elections in November of 2006.

Desperate Times for Desperate Men breed Desperate Acts.

So now that I’ve laid out my reasons for why the elections of 2006 might not happen.

What are your thoughts on this subject?