Hey there NDD, Mme. O and whoever else is wandering in!! Just saw O’s former PM Kim Campbell on Real Time w/Bill Maher. She rocks! I’ve seen her before, and have been impressed w/her, but she was especially admirable tonight!
Anything earth shattering been going on so far tonight?
The weather wasn’t really very warm today… only 50’s and very windy, and I never try to plant seeds on a windy day, lest they blow away. But basically, I took care of a lot of stuff that needed done indoors, like laundry (which dried in a snap outside!), and tackling that disaster known as our basement. Chock full of stuff that needed to be dealt with, so I could bring the stored Christmas decorations in from the front porch and get it cleaned so we can spend time out there now that the weather is better. It’s our 2nd living room in summer… our prime storm watching lounge. And home to Pepa’s throne by the window, from which she surveils the neighborhood. Though no gardening got done, it was time very well spent, and pretty much spent me too! But a nice hot shower earlier helped with the aches and pains.
Did you see my comment earlier today that we found Red Trilliums when we went plant shopping last night? We’re very excited about having those!
Oh, Hi Manny!!!!! Just when I was in the middle of a conversation with myself! Yup. Got the offer. Told them I would sleep on it and give an answer on Monday.
I suspect that it’s a proper name, but Porciúncula sounds kinda dirty to me. But I know what you mean about certain words… I’ve always been fond of murciélago, for more than one reason.
you’ve been gardening all this time and didn’t have one? Of all the shocking revelations I’ve seen tonight, that one almost made me fall out of my chair! LOL.
I’ve always been interested in learning the Latinate names, if for no other reason than to know what a plant that people may call by several names really is. And some simply have no common names, like those two different Ligularias we have… never have heard anyone call them anything else. Besides it’s fun to know that stuff… yes, my inner geek is coming out. Not nearly Napoleon Dynamite caliber, but that does give you an idea of what I was like at that age, and when I saw that film, I had so many painfully funny memories of geeky adolescence. <shivers>
I’m not sure, but probably leaning towards taking it since I’m not in a financial position to turn down a job. Bird in the hand, etc. But I’m also having conversations with a couple of people with great non-profits about some contractual work. Decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m in a great mood, today was great watching the young students perform traditional dances that are part of their culture. It gives me hope that the Mexican American community can continue to honor all sides of their roots. How are you tonight?
By the time the spouse and I got out of here, all the area Mexican restaurants (and parking lots) were filled to the brim…so we’ll wait for our Cinco de Mayo celebration until Seis de Mayo (hope I spelled that right, ManEE — haven’t taken Spanish since elementary school).
Looks like I missed all the fun, as usual… sigh
Olivia — sorry about the Senators loss…they were tied when we left for dinner. But just remember, the Sharks lost the first game of their last series, then stormed back to win 4 straight.
About to head for bed after watching Countdown on the DVR…spouse was on the computer waaay too late, and I fell asleep on the couch after nagging him to get off and hearing “one more minute” one too many times — one of the reasons I was a bit out of sorts today. Getting very frustrated with my boy…
basset hound softpr0n today and most people took exception to my John Ashcroft sensoring of Bud’s doghood. Who knew the Eegians were so obsessed with seeing the goods?
That looks like something out of Food of the Gods… but then, I did see claymation Walking Sticks talking in a pet shop on Creature Comforts tonight, so why should that suprise me?
Hey, where’d the turtles go?
Must have been a really busy happy hour crowd tonight. Too bad I had to take off for a few hours!
for boran2: [link]
Hey there NDD, Mme. O and whoever else is wandering in!! Just saw O’s former PM Kim Campbell on Real Time w/Bill Maher. She rocks! I’ve seen her before, and have been impressed w/her, but she was especially admirable tonight!
Anything earth shattering been going on so far tonight?
Earth shattering: Yes — the Sens l-o-s-t tonight …
I feel your pain … even though you know I don’t speak fluent hockey I can empathize. Was this a play off game? Is that the source of the dismay?
Thanks for the empathy — I’m much better now
So what’s this I read about you and day off and no gardening?
The weather wasn’t really very warm today… only 50’s and very windy, and I never try to plant seeds on a windy day, lest they blow away. But basically, I took care of a lot of stuff that needed done indoors, like laundry (which dried in a snap outside!), and tackling that disaster known as our basement. Chock full of stuff that needed to be dealt with, so I could bring the stored Christmas decorations in from the front porch and get it cleaned so we can spend time out there now that the weather is better. It’s our 2nd living room in summer… our prime storm watching lounge. And home to Pepa’s throne by the window, from which she surveils the neighborhood. Though no gardening got done, it was time very well spent, and pretty much spent me too! But a nice hot shower earlier helped with the aches and pains.
Did you see my comment earlier today that we found Red Trilliums when we went plant shopping last night? We’re very excited about having those!
That’s exciting! You know, I’ve never seen them for sale — never seen them in a nursey etc. I can’t wait to see some pix.
That sounds like you got a lot done.
at least the sen’s made a game of it…av’s-0 duck’s-5
What the heck happened to them?
How’s things otherwise?
Now that’s one determined tortoise. I wonder if he realizes his partner was carved out of granite.
I’ve had that experience myself…
You are bad …
a couple of times… or so.
I’m not touching that one …
ya mighta drove him ’round the bend…:{)
hahahahaha . . . now that’s funny
he’s a collector. I bet he already has it.
What a hot pair!
Silly, this is the cafe where we talk about electrical wiring.
yeah, and we don’t know yet whether 110, 0r 220, or European connections or N American…
that mean ya want more… or is one jolt of joules all the same to you whether 110 or 220?
110, 220, why limit your options?
AC, or DC, or ya have something else in mind?
110, 220, AC, DC, two phase, three phase, I’m flexible.
440 maybe.
Ya ever get into Nikola Tesla?
You ever watch biographies of Thomas Edison, Joey?
[having fun!]
It doesn’t take me anywhere but to a page that won’t let me look at it.
[having fun in the vernal pool!]
wow, a FROG ORGY. It’s like the holy grail for bootribbers.
ver in da ‘ell isss da video???
What have you guys been up to in the last cafe? Maybe I should go back and read it before trying to jump in here. I’m almost afraid to ask… lol.
ya, vell, den, not sure if dat necessary, but still might be worth a hoot or two.
She posted hot turtle action in the last cafe …
I always suspected she had an ornery streak like that. Agent provocateur that she is.
ain’t nothing there but a sign in to flickr
But feeling a little dizzy from humping turtles and Bell Theory. Haven’t quite got my bearings.
Hi, MM. How was your day? Did you get the job offer?
Did you get it?
Oh, Hi Manny!!!!! Just when I was in the middle of a conversation with myself! Yup. Got the offer. Told them I would sleep on it and give an answer on Monday.
that was fast, I’m glad that things are working out for you back in El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles de Porciuncula
It was fast! Just can’t seem to stay out of work these days! But maybe I’ll fail the background check. I got a speeding ticket ten years ago!
Yeah, MM… what Manny said!! He’s much more eloquent than I in such matters. Great news though!
nah, I just like to type Porciuncula. Although I forgot the accent mark. – Porciúncula.
There, mucho mejor.
I suspect that it’s a proper name, but Porciúncula sounds kinda dirty to me. But I know what you mean about certain words… I’ve always been fond of murciélago, for more than one reason.
HI, IVG! I bought a flower book today! You inspired me to learn their real names!
you’ve been gardening all this time and didn’t have one? Of all the shocking revelations I’ve seen tonight, that one almost made me fall out of my chair! LOL.
I’ve always been interested in learning the Latinate names, if for no other reason than to know what a plant that people may call by several names really is. And some simply have no common names, like those two different Ligularias we have… never have heard anyone call them anything else. Besides it’s fun to know that stuff… yes, my inner geek is coming out. Not nearly Napoleon Dynamite caliber, but that does give you an idea of what I was like at that age, and when I saw that film, I had so many painfully funny memories of geeky adolescence. <shivers>
Yup, I do have a coupla gardening books, but this one has lots o pix of flowers with names, more like an encyclopedia. Cute names, too.
Great day, thanks MM. Yes I got the offer. How many thank yous is Stephen Colbert at now? Has he broke 50,000 yet?
Stephen is at 49,854 thank yous. Wow! Bet he’ll break 50,000 tonight!
you still don’t have your bearings? So you’re just going to talk to yourself?
Or is this an announcement that you’ve found them and we can talk to you.
Just a ploy for attention. Seems to have worked, though!
Did you get the job offer?…damn echoes…:{)
Definitely seems to be an echo around this place. Hi, Olivia!
First, Congratulations!!! You said you were going to sleep on it, but are you leaning one way?
Even bigger humping turtles? LOL!!!
I’m not sure, but probably leaning towards taking it since I’m not in a financial position to turn down a job. Bird in the hand, etc. But I’m also having conversations with a couple of people with great non-profits about some contractual work. Decisions!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a difficult decision — did you do up a pro/con list. Sometimes I do that b/c it makes me go through the process systematically …
Good idea. The pro-con thing always helps.
G’night all! Those turtles made me tired.
g’night. I hope Mrs. boran2 isn’t too surprised …
here in the event comments make no sense.
were talking about the time they were up some canyon, and moments later disappeared… not to be heard from again till the next day.
and in top notch form: fully fed, recently showered and with a cold beer in hand.
you smell much better.
I don’t have rocks in my hair anymore. It was alittle too windy for my liking at the fiesta earlier.
this be tequila night, or mezcal night, get wit it mahn!!!
my hangover limit this week so I’m sticking to the Honey Brown tonight.
but just for this one night.
That does sound like a good state to be in!
I’m in a great mood, today was great watching the young students perform traditional dances that are part of their culture. It gives me hope that the Mexican American community can continue to honor all sides of their roots. How are you tonight?
That sounds wonderful Manny. I’m great tonight b/c it’s the w/e …
this week needed to end by Wednesday. I vote for a 5 day weekend instead of a workweek. Who’s with me?!?
By the time the spouse and I got out of here, all the area Mexican restaurants (and parking lots) were filled to the brim…so we’ll wait for our Cinco de Mayo celebration until Seis de Mayo (hope I spelled that right, ManEE — haven’t taken Spanish since elementary school).
Looks like I missed all the fun, as usual… sigh
Olivia — sorry about the Senators loss…they were tied when we left for dinner. But just remember, the Sharks lost the first game of their last series, then stormed back to win 4 straight.
About to head for bed after watching Countdown on the DVR…spouse was on the computer waaay too late, and I fell asleep on the couch after nagging him to get off and hearing “one more minute” one too many times — one of the reasons I was a bit out of sorts today. Getting very frustrated with my boy…
Hope everyone has a good night…
Have a great night, Cali. Hope you find some great comida tomorrow.
Thx for the cheery thoughts — hope you have a good night too!
we don’t allow no peeping toms, ya keep your nose up to the glass long enough it will flatten out ya know.
Night all
you’re bowing out this early?!?! ON A FRIDAY?
I didn’t even get to serve you a bartender’s choice drink tonight. :sniff:
Yeah, Manny, go for it… lay on the guilt! I was going to, but you beat me to it!
Night, Mary… glad to have gotten a few glimpses of you today at least.
just a fyi, they’ve got the prelim lineup out for Ott Bluesfest … here .
Thx for the link NDD.
Have a good time tomorrow — hope the lemon bars turned out!
she gone. Ain’t no resurrection…
Sleep well, dream well, turtles, or whatever…
Galapagos Island, Darwin Lecture Series: Sex on the Rocks around here tonight.
there’s also some sex with the rocks going on too. Someone spiked the hookah! (twas not me….this time)
had to backtrack to previous FBL to figure out what was up…let’s see, pictures of amorous critters…bet I could round something up…:{)
basset hound softpr0n today and most people took exception to my John Ashcroft sensoring of Bud’s doghood. Who knew the Eegians were so obsessed with seeing the goods?
ain’t that a “deja vue all over again,” or some sort of “redundency??”
SHOCKED I say! Did someone pipe psychotropic air into that last lounge? Figures, I’d miss that… damn.
It was the kind of day that you rejoice when it’s over … So I may have truly gone a little nuts …
wasn’t Yogi Bera. He said, “It ain’t over till it’s over?
Yeah, and he also coined the immortal déjà vu all over again… I suspect he never comprehended just how absurd that sounds to a French speaker. LOL
is anyone on dialup tonight?
Me too, but with Firefox, things are much zippier than IE… again, I bow down to the sage Omir of the Rain Forest in gratitude.
Mating Emperors © Rachel Lea
clik image to enlarge
That looks like something out of Food of the Gods… but then, I did see claymation Walking Sticks talking in a pet shop on Creature Comforts tonight, so why should that suprise me?
has a website here
The top one looks like it’s saying, Excuse me — do you mind? While the bottom one is just way into it and oblivious … LOL.
ain’t that the way it should be?
…that to the photographer — as in: Get lost, we’re busy …
He’s got a face full-o-tail, ain’t worried ’bout no photog…you know how fast those things fly?…:{)
I’m certainly glad you clarified that…
here’s a fresh cafe. Try not to dirty the linen tablecloths. The dry cleaning bill has been outrageous.