Saturday Morning Meet Up
at the Froggy Bottom Café
at the Froggy Bottom Café

Grab a name tage and a cup of coffee.
Your host today is Maryb.
Your host today is Maryb.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Those 4’s are Appreciated
Who’s here today and what have you been doing this week?
I was hoping the ATM card was tucked in the flowers but it wasn’t. 🙁
yeah I need to do a big search for that today, since it wasn’t in any of my pockets.
my reply to your ‘Chicago’ comment?
I did. Sorry, I’m a little distracted because I’m making pesto cheesecake.
We need to get kansas here and plan something!
cheese cake with basil and pine nuts?
uh huh. You spread it on crackers as an appetizer. it’s really good. But I could’t find my old recipe so I googled a new one. And it’s a little different. But it’s in the oven now, so I’m back!
That sounds delicious. I wonder how it would be with chocolate frosting on top?
I was thinking that it shouldn’t be sweet at all but should have more of a sharp flavor.
yes, it’s a savory. Not a sweet.
I know that! Sheesh. I’m going to have to start wearing that great big ‘I’m kidding’ hat again.
no not yet!
Save it for later and the Kentucky Derby!
of course I believe you’d put chocolate on everything just like I’d put garlic in everything.
but there ARE some things that don’t taste good with chocolate on them.
And you were right about not being able to fall asleep. I kept wondering why I was tossing and turning since I didn’t drink coffee after noon, and then I remembered eating 6lbs of chocolate frosting by the spoonful.
Wow, that actually sounds really good, if a bit odd, Mary! I might actually like that kind of cheesecake, since it doesn’t sound as sweet as the regular stuff.
How’s everybody doing this morning? I’m gearing up to get outside today, and dispense with all the inside cleaning I did yesterday.
btw Andi, listening to Little Green right now… Joni seemed a good choice for morning coffee today. 🙂
Any time is a good time to listen Joni.
And any time is an even better time to dispense with inside cleaning.
Indeed it is, Andi… This Flight Tonight is on right now… which means I have to get the kleenex ready for River coming up next. 🙂
What I’ve been doing — as little as possible…
Brainstorming for my new blog (Walking In Darkness, on mental health/depression issues) that hasn’t quite gone live yet.
Trying to get the spouse and I on better sleep habits (and failing miserably).
Trying to get this apartment cleaned up (and again, failing miserably).
Been a rough week — the status quo is not good, and no signs of improvement in the near future… sigh
8am…probably should see if I can get the spouse stirring…wonder if I’ve got the energy to make some real oatmeal for the two of us…
I love the idea of your new blog. Be sure to post a link in the cafe when you’re ready to go live.
good luck with all the chores today. and oatmeal sounds yummmy!
Morning Cali. Hope your day gets better with each minute.
It’s raining this morning, so no tulip outing until later — (hopefully)…
Hello ‘O’.
are you getting back to normal?
Hi just got back. Yes sort of, still a little hazy. Other than dodging PMS and post menopausal land mines I’m doing fine today.
Sorry to hear it’s raining there. Wish it were here – no lawn work.
I wish I could send the rain your way … that would suit both of us.
Time to start some ‘story of O’ comments?
LOL Andi… you had to beat me to that, didn’t you?? Well, good morning woodland woman… how are the dogs today? I put Pepa and Rolly out about 1/2 hr ago and nary a peep from them so far… they’re contented.
The dogs are grumpy because we should be out walking by now but I’ve been sleepy all morning and I’m just now getting myself thinking about thinking about getting up and getting dressed.
Welcome!! Please tell us your story, O… hehe.
Sorry to hear about rain… hope you get a break in the weather so you can go to the festival. Otherwise, just teleport yourself down here and you can help me dig weeds and plant delphiniums! 🙂
Hi IVG. You got it wrong. We tell her story. Should it be one of those hot romance novel, or the girl down on the farm, or the big city girl taking on the corporate world?
how come all of you can call me O, but the first time I do it … 😛
I’d love to — maybe if I was a little older I’d be able to use that MultiDimensionalCognitiveDissonanceDisorder thing NDD and dada were talking about 🙂
I don’t think you want to touch that thingie they were talking about… that was such a surreal conversation that even I was having cognitive dissonance, and I hadn’t even been hitting the mezcal like NDD had. LOL.
Should I call you LIvvy then? or just Ia?
And that it had something to do w/ the whole age thing.
As for the name — lol — I don’t care. You’ve called me a lot of nice names, like goddess … that works. LOL 😉
LOL… I did get what it was all about, I just was marveling at the degree of goofiness it went to… that’s what made me think of that “time machine” in Napoleon Dynamite and how well that didn’t work! LOL.
Let’s see, maybe for today I’ll call you Tulip Princess does that work? 🙂
Just put some great North African pop on right now, haven’t listened to it in ages… Sawt el Atlas Donia. That’s getting my energy up… or is it the coffee kicking in?
I think the 69 and 64 were key … Tulip Princess is good … {{{IVG}}}
I’m off to visit — company just arrived. See you all later!
I can’t speak for them on the numbers thing, but I was very very young in 64 🙂
Have a great day, I’m heading out to the garden very soon, the dogs have already been out for a while, so they’ll be happy I’m joining them.
because we love you.*
* a bit of cognitive dissonance my mother used to visit on me to explain away the fact that my cousin Alan was an utter ass.
doesn’t ‘cognitive dissonance’ = ‘life as we know it’?
Have a good day Andi — see you later.
I pretty much hung out in the FBL and goofed off all week. I did get a job offer, though, and went for a hike in Placerita Canyon.
Hi MM. Wish I could have hiked in that canyon with ya. Who am I kidding. Walking 100 yards is a hike for me. I’ll just enjoy your pictures.
It would have been nice company for 100 yards, anyway!
Morning MM! I really need new glasses! Have been misreading certain words in comments all wrong lately… every time I see Placerita … I mistake it for Placenta. But then, there is that place in CA called Placentia, which has got to be one of the weirdest city names short of Woonsocket (RI) and What Cheer (IA).
Lovely pic as always….
Hi, IVG!!!
You get used to it when you live near the canyon, and then you go walking there and Placerita starts to mean gorgeous woods and a bubbling brook and a mini-water fall and abundant vegetation including a profusion of wild flowers blooming in the Spring. I don’t know what it means in Spanish! LOL
Saw the Titan Arum thing, or whatever, that you posted last night and then looked it up. Humongous weird very stinky flower… isn’t that one of the things in the Book of Revelations that signals the Beginning of the End?
Happy gardening and ditching inside housework today!
Now remember, the one I posted last night is NOT the one we have growing here… the huge one is strictly tropical or greenhouse grown and only bloom about once every 5 yrs or so. Though ours reputedly stinks as well… Olivia is eagerly awaiting to find out what variety of stench ours produces. Don’t know about any biblical allusions… don’t go telling the wingnuts that, ok?
BTW, placerita would mean “little pleasure,” which it sounds like it certainly is, from the sounds of things. Hey, our CA poppies are up all over the place now, as are the huge double pinks I’ve also posted… we’ve got a veritable field of those going in part of the newly dug section on the NE side of the house. I’m going to put some of my new delphiniums (deep purples and blues) amongst those today, so that should be fun if they bloom at the same time.
Not totally ditching housework, just hanging out here in between… just started my second load of laundry… the dusty cushions from our front porch… getting it in shape for Cabana Room Evenings coming up.
So…. you’re one of the Ladies of the Canyon now? How cool… which one do you closely match?
Why did you have to give the gory details? Now I feel totally guilty. Everywhere I look there is a job that needs to be done, and I am way overdue on a visit to my mother. Time to play computer solitaire, I guess! LOL
Can’t wait to see the pics of your garden. It sounds glorious!
Okay. I’ll go do some housework!
(Thanks for the translation. Little Pleasure. I like that!)
and hey your trees (in the background) aren’t washed out.
Morning MM.
Thnaks, AndiF! Thanks for noticing! I thought I would try using the portrait setting, with the option for landscapes. There was some improvement on some of the shots, though there were still alot of washouts.
which completely didn’t register.
First of all, congrats because even if you don’t take it, getting it is good for your ego and confidence.
How are you doing in the should or shouldn’t I deparment?
Check downthread…..
Saw that right after I posted. Well, of course any reasoning that starts out ‘Like AndiF said’ sounds like quality thinking to me. 🙂
Maybe you better start charging! LOL
I’m a consultant — I do charge but I have a sliding scale down to $0/hr for friends.
Yay, a freebie! And from a stellart role model for mythmother the [organizational development] consultant wannabee!
OK guys — read the fine print. SHE GOT A JOB OFFER.
Maybe you should start talking to yourself again MM?
It’s the reverse playboy — I don’t read, I just look at the pictures.
Hey, maryb! Sorry about that credit card and hope it turns up soon! Did you call and have it cancelled? I tend to worry [read: seriously panic] over things like that.
I think they were all with me on the job offer subject yesterday, so maybe that’s why they didn’t react. I told my wannabee boss that I would think about it and let them know on Monday!
I’m not convinced I lost it yet. I just can’t find it. But I’m going to start looking soon. I do this regularly and it always shows up somewhere.
Can’t you attach one of those remote locating beeper things?
if I knew where it was … I guess I could. But since I don’t … i can’t.
I mean when you find it. (Sheesh!) (Have to exaplain everything around here.) LOL!!!!
Since I’m not a purse person I just carry mine in my back pocket all the time. So I just look through all the pants I wore for the past few days and it always turns up.
Yeah, I’ve got the girly stuff in there like makeup (aka “war paint”) and comb/brush, but it’s also the place where I stick my radio and/or iPod, a book or two, small notebook for jotting down inspirations (or making shopping lists), and Lawd knows what else. Although if I’m out and about and wearing jeans, my wallet and change purse (which has a clear front pocket for my bus pass) will typically go in the front pocket of the jeans instead of in the purse. And if I’m going to be out for a long day, I’ll also have my daypack with me where I’ll carry newspapers and other readables, or if I’m doing a lot of shopping via bus I’ll use my wheeled daypack.
If I’m not careful, I’m less person and more pack mule… 😉
I carried a purse when I was younger and had young kids but it more resembled a diaper bag after awhile with extra underpants in case someone had an accident and little bags of cheerios and a binky or two.
But I would hate to carry my life around on my shoulder all day. What if I lost it? Just give me my license and a debit card and I’m set for the day.
That’s exactly how I feel. I’m tired of hauling lots of stuff with me; if I go out, it’s the cell phone, cash, and a debit card, if I even bring that much along.
I’m thinking more that I might take it. LIke AndiF says, I can alsways leave if something better comes along, it’s not a lifetime commitment. I don’t relish the idea of working 30 hours a week and then taking on clients and doing more fundraising stuff in my time off, which I would really love to devote to other porjects. But if I want to start consulting on my own there is going to have to be a crunch time while I get things rolling, if that makes sense! (Probably more than you wanted to know.)
That’s true — it will get you back into a routine, making money, connections etc. It definitely makes sense. Andi’s right about the other positions. As long as your new contract doesn’t stipulate anything that would bind you.
Nothing binding. It’s all “at will” these days, which basically means the worker is f**ked and has no rights and no recourse. But can also be an advantage if you happen to be in a profession and have skills where there is a demand.
That’s a lovely picture, mythmother. It makes me want to take a hike in a nice Southern California canyon myself. I love them. But I’ve never been to Placerita.
Walking In Darkness
It’s still pretty bare-bones (a few links and a couple of posts), but hopefully that will change as time progresses.
And at least now I have an excuse to be on the damn computer…
Nice work, Cali Scribe! A very worthy project. I will stay tuned!
I’m off to eat breakfast and will BRB.
I checked out your site Cali and I agree with MM. I look forward to see more of it.
Hey Cali! Already bookmarked it in this super nifty Firefox thingie. 🙂 Sounds like great stuff… I can use some more knowledge in that area.
And hey there FM, didn’t get a chance to say a proper hello to you yet… guess I was slacking subconsciously, huh?
No problem IVG. Since there is no rain right now, I have to go outside and start with the lawn.
I’ll check back with everybody later on.
Sure, FM… go running off just after I get here… lol. Well I’m just here for the coffee now… Have laundry to hang out in a little bit when it’s done. And I’m not even dressed yet… how’s that for slacking?
Oh, and for the lewd minded ones taking aim… I am wearing slippers, my chili pepper flannels and a light sweater, since it’s still rather chilly here and some doofus (me) went and opened up all the windows already!
Well done, Cali.
You should add a link to it in your sig.
Ooooooooh! Another freebie! Good call, AndiF!
if I can do it without giving up my beloved Keith quote… 🙂
Or maybe I’ll move Keith to the hockey chat — lots of radicals over there…
You’ve got 160 characters. I think you can do both (you can do the attribute as K.O.)
I’m thinking of using a bowl of chocolate frosting as my icon. Whaddya think?
But would you only use the icon during, ahem, certain times of the month?
Ahem, maybe I’ll just overturn it onto your head during ‘certain times.’ Crazy man.
It will be a great resource … looking forward to it.
I need to run an errand, I’ll be back in a few.
time for the walk — see you later.
Hope you don’t have to call Cesar Millan, Andi! (he’s the Dog Whisperer) I’m sure they’ll enjoy it… see you later. I’ve got to go hang laundry out, so I’m going to pop out for a few minutes while I do that.
I’m back.
whew, nobody trashed the cafe.
Whew, me too, Mary… just hung a load of laundry outside and started another. The pups are positively loving hanging out outside… not a peep out of them in over 2 hrs! Did you find your ATM card yet? If not, better get a St. Antonio candle and get it lit pronto. 🙂 Not that I’m Catholic, just that that’s supposed to work to find lost things.
no, i’ve been looking for it and it’s not in the usual places or the unusual places. I think I’m going to call some of the places I was over the last couple of days and see if I left it there. I’ve done that before.
Hey the place looks great. Nice to see everybody.
Thinking about BooMan and BooDog right now.
yeah, we all are. Especially those of us who’ve been through it.
Yeah, it brings it all back doesn’t it?
I had to stop reading the comments to Omir’s diary yesterday. I was at work and I worried someone would walk in and find me with red eyes.
You finished with lacrosse? Or still not there?
I’m just having a hard time gloating about our 9-2 win today.
On Monday night we play the other team from our school district (and of course, that’s really the most important game of the season), and I have a feeling we’re going to stomp them too. I’m kind of missing those exciting, closely matched games we usually have. Of course, we are the envy of the league, so I should just shut up, right?
as long as you don’t gloat to hard in front of the losers. Since as far as we know none of the losing team members are here in the cafe — gloat away!
Monday night is the game I really will gloat about, because the son of the coach for the other team has always been nasty to CBtY (they’ve played lacrosse together since they were in second grade), which will make it an especially sweet victory for CBtY.
Hi Folks!!!! Things have been really hectic and I have not been around much lately. I am still thinking of you though. I am working today to make up for taking Thursday off. I did do a new podcast this am.
Howard Dean Betrays GLBT Community Again
don’t work too hard!
Thanks!!!!! I did add a post to Omir’s dairy for him and for Booman. If you can handle another glance there is a beautiful poem waiting.
Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father.
Prepare to die.
That is one of my favorite movies!
dueling is strictly forbidden in this cafe. BUT since YOU’VE arrived, it must be time to open a new one. And we’ll allow dueling in that one 🙂
OK, that works for me.
Everybody head on over to the new cafe for a cup of coffee, some talk or just to hang out.