Saturday Night at the Froggy Bottom Lounge

Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Everybody behave themselves toni… aaaw, do what you want π
Everybody unrecommend the last (2) cafes please.
The FBL…not to be confused w/ the FBI, NSA, CIA or any other acronym… (Hi guys!)
Later yawl, gotta go find dinner.
with just enough wind for the smaller ones, but try as the kids did, rolling this one along the ground to get it up, it never quite left the ground. Pretty one though.
That kite looks like it could take out the electricity for a whole neighborhood if it hit a pole.
That kite looks like it could take the kids away with it.
you can see the guy wires/ropes going back to some solid anchor. I forget now what they had it attached to, maybe playground equip imbedded in concrete.
I would love to go to something like that. Especially with such large kites.
I just happened to be driving by. One guy was flying a kite made to look like a miniature biplane, but he had packed it up before I got a shot. But it looked really cool when it was up in the sky.
I met him and said, that looks like fun… he demurred slightly, looked at the huge roll of twine he’d just wound up. And then I remember what we did as kids.
We had a short piece of broom handle with a long bolt through a small wire spool, then had another wood handle (probably wood sewing thread spool) attached to the outer edge of the wire spool.
Anyway, it was much easier to crank in 100s of feet of line with that contraption.
My blog is moving along well — thanks to everyone who’s sent comments.
I’m up to three links (one for National Alliance on Mental Illness that I knew from my in-laws’ work with them), one from Mrs. Pastor over at Street Prophets, and one from a diary that Mary Julia wrote over at dKos on Patrick Kennedy.
And the spouse and I had a good talk, and we agree that I might be better off finding a therapist without having to jump through the assorted hoops his insurance puts up…so I’m on the Grand Therapist Quest. π (Hopefully easier than the Grand Ticket Quest that went awry last week…)
Heading out to dinner shortly…
Cali I think your new blog could turn out to be very helpful to a lot of people — including me — Thanks for thinking of it. I rarely have time to write much but I try to look in to a few blogs regularly — starting here at the Pond, natch — and yours will be one.
You need to ask BooMan to put a link to it on the blogroll. Tribber blogs are at the bottom.
a bit more before I make the Grand Jump into Blogrolldom Immortality… π
I think it will be a great asset added to the blogroll.
Here’s a may apple flower that will become the may apple fruit.
and a fleabane just because the picture came out nice

view larger
Andi, Olivia is starting to get some stiff competition on the flowers.
Nice of you to say but Olivia towers above everybody else. She is amazing.
But I figure I get some props because I have to go out in the woods to find my flowers and take pictures with dogs in my face and the wind blowing.
So much more the amazing pictures. I agree Olivia has a talent few have. But I think yours and Jims pictures are just as good, but in a different way.
Oh do I ever need a drink! er um, a nice long pale ale actually. I just came back from mailing off a statement in support of annulment of my brother’s marriage. It was agony to write — had to get up out of my chair after each sentence. I had to write about his childhood, parent and family relations, etc. and of course that meant reflecting on my own. Oh please pour me another.
And it really made me want a cigarette. Haven’t had any in a couple of months…
I’m joining you with some wine.
Cheers, boran2! Have you been painting this week? Or do you paing only on Sundays?
or, paint?
too much pale ale already?
not yet!
I guess a sobriety test in the lounge would have to be some ratio of spelling errors to length of post. Then again, on that basis I’m drunk most of the time.
Wotthehell, have one of my favorites.
Don’t mind if I do! I’ve never tried one before <she spelled carefully, slurring her lettters>
I love it but it’s probably not for everyone — my husband calls it ‘the beer you can eat with a spoon’.
Andi I always mean to tell you that I really like your sig line. And I love that you have quoted Edward Abbey. I miss him and it’s good to be reminded of him. (In a literary way — never met the man)
I’m glad it has that effect. It’s certainly a sentiment that I believe with all my heart.
Have a great time at the circus. Come back and tell us all about it.
I paint whenever I can find a few moments when the boran2 boy is otherwise occupied.
I’m back. Has everybody started getting drunk without me? How rude. I’ll take 27 of anything available.
I’m off to see a young friend perform in a circus act. Good night all!
Night and have fun.
Anyone still here?
Where ya been? George is already drunk.
Did you just come to say hello and then leave?
I think she did. How rude can some people be?
Or maybe she found people she liked better than us. ::sniff::
Oh the pain, the pain. SN has deserted us.
OK we got by that, now lets talk bad about her. π
Hi folks!!! Couple of new designs to show you.
Support Our Troops
The Only Thing Lower
I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!!!!
Howdy Refinish. I’ve been wondering where you were.
HI there. I have been so busy it has been crazy!!!! I have been thinking of you all of course. I posted a link to my new podcast in an earlier cafe today.
Yea I finally got to hear the stupid people one and I agree with you.
Thank you!!! Now if I can just get people to record responses….. hint hint!!! LOL
I hear the hint, but it probably won’t happen. I sound much more intelligent typing than talking, and you know how bad I type.
LOL I have heard your recorded voice and you sound like a wise southern gentleman.
Flattery might get you a recording, but I’n not so sure.
I just call it as I see or hear it.
So off subject, how’s the lawn going? I’ve gotten mine up to semi-tropical now.
LOL Good segway. It has been storming so much that I can not get it cut. I will have to do it tomorrow in between meetings and storms. LOL
I was supposed to do mine today, but put it off long enough for the rain to get here. Planning, it’s all in the planning.
LOL well by the time I got home today there was thunder and lightning. I will not mow grass in conditions like that. LOL
Yea I saw on the news a lot of damage in Texas. Hope none of it gets your way.
So far so good. I have friends who lost all the shingles off their roof and some who have not been into work in the last 3 days. We are waiting to hear how bad the damage is out on their property.
I hope you’ve got a cellar or a safe place to go in your home. It seems like there are a lot more tornadoes than before.
LOL No cellar or basement. It is called do what you can do to be prepared but if it is your time, kiss your ass goodbye. LOL
I’d sound yooost like I got offa da boat from Norvay.
Now see for me that would be a treat. How many people with Norwegian accents do you think I hear in Alabama?
I would love it. I could interview you and say it was the sweedish cook from the muppets. LOL
sort of inanimotously den maybe I veel t’ink ’bout it, den.
I’ll wear it tomorrow most likely.
(The black one with “I survived Bush, so far.”)
Great!!! Glad you like it!!!! Have someone take your picture and send it to me. I will use you as a model on my site.
How ya been doing?
The impeach bush design is really good.
HI Andi!!! Thanks!!! I am good just to busy to think. LOL How have you been?
You busy? Now that’s a real shocker. π
Everything been just fine here.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I know I should just say things are normal for me. Unusual is when I have down time. LOL
Must have been a couple hundred people out in the park. Lost of kids (some aged 75) whooping it up.
I think the last time I flew a kite was when my daughters were young. There was a park near us and we’d go there.
It sounds like it might be a good summer time activity for me when I’m trying to forget about the lawn.
I have always loved kites and could never fly them even as a kid. LOL
I loved kites as a kid. My Uncle made me a home made one and it flew like a beauty to, until my brother got hold of it and trashed it.
Hey when I selected larger I thought I was going to get a much bigger kite!
for some reason the term size queen comes to mind. LOL
presently available to me.
Instead of doing all that work, you should have told Andi it was much bigger, it’s just her eyes going bad.
Much better. Now I don’t have to peer through the sweet spot in my bifocals.
And back to the first picture: you do have a damn lot of sky out there.
Here’s my newest love

Lava 7’5′ wingspan stunt kite
A bit tempestuous…hence her christened name Maryb:{)
I got this in an email and had to share it.
You just described my home. π
You can blow snot out your nose without needing to use a handkerchief…
Down here we just call that mustache wax.
have not slept much the last 3 nights cause of storm. I am heading to bed before the next round comes to get some much needed sleep.
gotta keep those brain cells rested enough for more creative work,,, I can see where it could be costly to me though…
Night Refinish.
Are you on one of your stay up late nights? It’s kind of early to open a new cafe but I’m heading off to bed in a few and if you aren’t staying up either, I’ll go ahead and open one.
I was just going to ask you the same thing. It’s past my bedtime, so you can put up one or I will if you want me to.
I’ll get it.
OK, then goodnight all.
Have a good night in the pond.
Why are you two still up?
I just watched The Squid and the Whale and then I came back here and scanned the comments and saw FM talking about mustache wax and I thought it was porn night again.
You’ve missed your chance to pick on him about it for tonight.
I’ve opened a new cafe. I’m staying up for a little bit if you want to go over there.
New cafe here.