but he often is. Still love the guy… even though I’d like to strangle him certain weeks. Kim Campbell, the former PM of Olivia-land rocked though, IMHO.
for not being able to recognize details, I’m more of a big-picture type person, but EVERYTIME I see Wes on t.v. I want to get tweezers and pluck out his excessively grown eyebrows. Or ductape, that works too, as CBtY learned this week.
I’m not usually one to advocate for make up, but Wes sure could use a decent foundation when he’s on TV… he just looks so, well… um… embalmed. But I used to think that about Dennis Kucinich too, until I met him in person, and realized it was just a TV effect.
But I love it!! I thought I might get pilloried for bad mouthing Clark, but honestly, he has never impressed me much. And he was f-in stupid not to campaign in IA before the caucuses… his supporters were lonely folks at my caucus… they and the Gephardt folks all came over to us Kucinich types… hehe… And some day I’ll have to tell you about how I almost came to blows with a Kerry acolyte from MA… that was me in full rage mode, LOL.
Thx dada.. I feel better too. I’m never sure whether my dislike of Clark will get me into trouble or not. But when I say I caucused for Kucinich and helped get him delegates I usually get laughed at, so what the hell. I went with my heart on the right man, no matter how it all turned out. And my predictions about Kerry came true, so I feel somewhat vindicated.
Sorry! I KID General Clark! He really is a handsome-ish kinda guy. In a square military kinda way. I just don’t think we liberals would have ever really liked him or gotten behind him except we were so desperate for something that could compete with the [totally fake trumped up hyped and bogus] image of bu$h as War President. When I first saw the letter from Michael Moore about Clark, I thought it was a joke.
you do a great impersonation of Bill!!! Though I love his show, he does irritate the living hell outta me with his “fly over state” mentality of us middle-coasters… that stupid stereotype that we’re all a bunch of bible beatin honyocks… it’s sooo California snob and sooo passé. (Well present company excluded, that is, because you don’t ever exude that vibe.)
Thanks! He should hire me to write his jokes. He could use some help, sometimes, I totally agree.
Sometimes he says the most ridiculous, hateful things. Like arts organizations should not be able to get non-profit status to raise money. That’s totally snobbish, too. He just doesn’t get that all arts aren’t commercial, like Hollywood, and that we live in the only affluent nation where the government doesn’t support arts and culture.
Sometimes he just makes me cringe. Like last week, telling his audience to get the stick out of their ass and throw it away when they didn’t laugh at his jokes. He should listen to his audience. It’s not just because they’re uptight. Sometimes he crosses a line where people don’t want to follow.
And having that mongrel dog Ann Coulter on his show and saying she’s his friend. Oh barf, BARF!!!! There are some things that people just shouldn’t admit in public.
But the good far outweighs the bad, IMHO. So that’s why I watch him.
I think part of it is he wants to rile people up, but I also think that he has some dodgy politics he likes to hide by playing smarmy sometimes. As with Mann Coulter… how anyone could say they actually like that wretched waste of human flesh is beyond me. <ok, I just censored next remark, because it was too inflammatory>
I think my biggest beef w/Bill has always been that he is just too Libertarian for me… Ok, so I used to march with the Socialist Workers Party in my youth … but whenever I’ve had a serious conversation about politics with a Libertarian, I inevitably end up disgusted, angry and about to punch said person in the kisser. SO I just try to stay away from them, like I do rethugs.
This is an interesting theory that he might be posing as more of a liberal than he is. That would explain his IMHO totally obnoxious comments about the death penalty and we need to kill the right people. Ick. I don’t know anything about Libertarians, but I’ll take your word for it. I never thought they were a solution to the two party system, though.
and wasn’t worth a sh*t. First thing he mumbled. I can handle a southern accent, but ya add a mumble to it and I figure I missed half of what he was saying.
And then the speach was nuttin’ new, just rehash of the campaign speach stuff from the 2004 convention.
However, Max Cleland was a very impressive speaker. With no notes, just ripped’m!
I thought it was pretty good overall. (Oh, the owl is the cutie.) (Though Bill isn’t bad. Not sure about the nose. Snappy dresser.) I do agree that Wesley has a creepy side to him. I was never totally comfortable with him. Kim for Former Canadian Prime Minister is very cool. I agree 125% with everything she said.
drinker with his dodging questions and snapping at Bradley Whitford “Don’t touch me!!” ewww… I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with him, let alone touch him. I hope Whitford washed his hands thoroughly when that was all over.
No, nothing showing here yet, in fact looks pretty much the same as the last pic I posted… just that the leaves are unfolding more. Did consult a reference the other night and it said that it should be blooming here in late May or early June, so it has a ways to go. That pic is great… but makes it look so purple (which is ok by me), and our understanding is that it will be red.
Did I tell you that we got tons of new plants on Thurs night after work? FUN stuff! And 4 brand new Alpine Blue columbines, since our other ones seem to have crapped out. They never seem to last more than 2-3 years then disappear. At least my Canadensis one is back this year.
And the colour of the photo could be off — I was going more for the rod bit.
I think I did read about your new plants — you spent a bunch of money if I recall … 🙂
I was talking to someone today about their garden and they said all they did was plant impatiens — I immediately thought of you, pictured you gagging … 😉
Oh yes… I would have been retching at the thought. The ONLY impatiens worth having are those New Guinea varieties with the interesting foliage and the bright neon colors… those traditional yucky things I’d rather kill than plant. And you know that I do NOT like to kill plants!
HINT: Whenever someone says “Oh, the only thing I can plant is impatiens, because my yard is so shady,” you march em right down to the garden centre and make them buy Torenia aka “Wishbone Flower.” They like exactly the same kind of situation and are interesting and beautiful little flowers… remind me of miniature gloxinias.
So are you! Ok, I’ve been dying all night to ask you about your former PM Kim Campbell… is she as cool as I think she is, given her appearance tonight on Real Time? I’ve seen her before and wished we had a woman that cool running our country. Am I just delusional?
Oh, so in other words… she was too good to last? That’s a shame… but thx so much for your perspective, limited as it may be. So was she sacrificed for Paul Martin then? Or am I wrong on that?
she inherited a huge mess. PM Mulroney was retiring (the most hated PM) and she won the leadership of the party, and therefore the PMship. When she ran for election, the Conserv party was all but wiped out … Here’s the wikip link that lays it all out. There were so many things stacked against her …
Or was that what Bud was saying? hehe… don’t you just love those shameless show off shots dogs do for us? Pepa is a real huzzy sometimes when she assumes that position. Gets poor old Rolly positively inflamed, hehe.
Pepa loves to hurl herself on the bed, get on her back and squirm and growl … especially when I’ve just gotten home from work, or have just made up the bed neatly. She has to nest and mess everything up again to her liking. Quirky loveable beastie she is… even with the terrier attitude.
both Firefox and Safari — only one open window, but can have a mess of tabs on each one so I can check multiple sources. And some sites work better in one than the other; for some reason, text in Diaries columns comes out really small in Safari, but in Firefox it’s perfect…and sites with video don’t work at all in Firefox, but no problem in Safari.
but that was on my Intel iMac — it was running under the Rosetta emulation. I just downloaded the new version which is Universal (runs native on both PowerPC and Intel chip Macs) and no problem…the main sluggishness I noticed was when starting the program for the first time during the day — sort of like me, I’m sluggish when starting the first time during the day too… 😉
I will do that Manny… thanking you in advance. I’ll put IVG from BooTrib in the subject line in case you have a spam catcher that blocks unknown addresses.
or Cmd-T will open a new blank tab…then you can just type in the URL you want to go to or select one of your bookmarks. If you want to open a link in a new tab, you can set your preferences to open a new tab if you hold the Cmd key down when you click on the link — I love to do that with the Safari built in RSS reader so I can read an article, and if it’s not one I want to refer to later (or post on the News Bucket), I’ll just close the tab and be back at the RSS feed page.
First experience with tabbed browsing was Netscape — I think it was 6. Now have Netscape 7 as well, because there are some sites that don’t work in either Safari or Firefox for some odd reason…
Still trying to teach the spouse the joys of tabbed browsing…he’s learning, slowly…
AHA! so that’s where the odd accents and multi-realo-dimensionality-thingie thing was coming from tonight. Hehe… gotta love ya, NDD. You sleep well and remember to eat a piece of cheese before bed and drink a big glass of water. You may have to get up to pee overnight, but you’ll not have any hangover!
the time has come for me to say goodnight. Have a great night everyone, I’ll probably see you all on Monday. I’m off to my weekend blogging hiatus. Paz amigos.
Have a great day tomorrow/today. Enjoy tulip fest wkend?
PS: cam suggestion: shooting outside you may want to use a lens hood to eliminate/minimize flares…I use a rubber one that you can fold back over the lens so you don’t have to take if off if you don’t want it. Very inexpensive.
Quite all right, my friend. I was wandering, and as chilly as it is in here tonight, rack monster is sounding good, especially with a warm Pepa next to us. So this will be my final parting shot for the night, assuming Olivia has taken off and missed the Titan Arum upthread…
Let this be our neverending mantra…
Visualize whirled peas, my friend… and go give Bu some love…
highly encouraged and rewarded 🙂
I knew we could count on you!
Just finished watching Bill Maher.
me, the hootie owl or Bill? 🙂
How was this week’s episode? I missed it.
but he often is. Still love the guy… even though I’d like to strangle him certain weeks. Kim Campbell, the former PM of Olivia-land rocked though, IMHO.
for not being able to recognize details, I’m more of a big-picture type person, but EVERYTIME I see Wes on t.v. I want to get tweezers and pluck out his excessively grown eyebrows. Or ductape, that works too, as CBtY learned this week.
I’m not usually one to advocate for make up, but Wes sure could use a decent foundation when he’s on TV… he just looks so, well… um… embalmed. But I used to think that about Dennis Kucinich too, until I met him in person, and realized it was just a TV effect.
You could use his head for your next rock garden.
But I love it!! I thought I might get pilloried for bad mouthing Clark, but honestly, he has never impressed me much. And he was f-in stupid not to campaign in IA before the caucuses… his supporters were lonely folks at my caucus… they and the Gephardt folks all came over to us Kucinich types… hehe… And some day I’ll have to tell you about how I almost came to blows with a Kerry acolyte from MA… that was me in full rage mode, LOL.
Do. Not. Trust. the man…and, no bragging, I’ve got pretty good instincts in that regard.
Jezeus…he campaigned for BushCo™ in 2000…now he thinks he a D presidential prospect? Spare me.
There, I feel better now.
Thx dada.. I feel better too. I’m never sure whether my dislike of Clark will get me into trouble or not. But when I say I caucused for Kucinich and helped get him delegates I usually get laughed at, so what the hell. I went with my heart on the right man, no matter how it all turned out. And my predictions about Kerry came true, so I feel somewhat vindicated.
Sorry! I KID General Clark! He really is a handsome-ish kinda guy. In a square military kinda way. I just don’t think we liberals would have ever really liked him or gotten behind him except we were so desperate for something that could compete with the [totally fake trumped up hyped and bogus] image of bu$h as War President. When I first saw the letter from Michael Moore about Clark, I thought it was a joke.
you do a great impersonation of Bill!!! Though I love his show, he does irritate the living hell outta me with his “fly over state” mentality of us middle-coasters… that stupid stereotype that we’re all a bunch of bible beatin honyocks… it’s sooo California snob and sooo passé. (Well present company excluded, that is, because you don’t ever exude that vibe.)
Thanks! He should hire me to write his jokes. He could use some help, sometimes, I totally agree.
Sometimes he says the most ridiculous, hateful things. Like arts organizations should not be able to get non-profit status to raise money. That’s totally snobbish, too. He just doesn’t get that all arts aren’t commercial, like Hollywood, and that we live in the only affluent nation where the government doesn’t support arts and culture.
Sometimes he just makes me cringe. Like last week, telling his audience to get the stick out of their ass and throw it away when they didn’t laugh at his jokes. He should listen to his audience. It’s not just because they’re uptight. Sometimes he crosses a line where people don’t want to follow.
And having that mongrel dog Ann Coulter on his show and saying she’s his friend. Oh barf, BARF!!!! There are some things that people just shouldn’t admit in public.
But the good far outweighs the bad, IMHO. So that’s why I watch him.
I think part of it is he wants to rile people up, but I also think that he has some dodgy politics he likes to hide by playing smarmy sometimes. As with Mann Coulter… how anyone could say they actually like that wretched waste of human flesh is beyond me. <ok, I just censored next remark, because it was too inflammatory>
I think my biggest beef w/Bill has always been that he is just too Libertarian for me… Ok, so I used to march with the Socialist Workers Party in my youth … but whenever I’ve had a serious conversation about politics with a Libertarian, I inevitably end up disgusted, angry and about to punch said person in the kisser. SO I just try to stay away from them, like I do rethugs.
This is an interesting theory that he might be posing as more of a liberal than he is. That would explain his IMHO totally obnoxious comments about the death penalty and we need to kill the right people. Ick. I don’t know anything about Libertarians, but I’ll take your word for it. I never thought they were a solution to the two party system, though.
and wasn’t worth a sh*t. First thing he mumbled. I can handle a southern accent, but ya add a mumble to it and I figure I missed half of what he was saying.
And then the speach was nuttin’ new, just rehash of the campaign speach stuff from the 2004 convention.
However, Max Cleland was a very impressive speaker. With no notes, just ripped’m!
I thought it was pretty good overall. (Oh, the owl is the cutie.) (Though Bill isn’t bad. Not sure about the nose. Snappy dresser.) I do agree that Wesley has a creepy side to him. I was never totally comfortable with him. Kim for Former Canadian Prime Minister is very cool. I agree 125% with everything she said.
That was supposed to be Kim “THE” Former Canadian Prime Minister.
drinker with his dodging questions and snapping at Bradley Whitford “Don’t touch me!!” ewww… I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with him, let alone touch him. I hope Whitford washed his hands thoroughly when that was all over.
That “no touching” thing was hilarious. Sheesh!
So I found a pic that shows the rod thing more clearly … here. Nothing showing yet I suppose?
I have no idea what you’re talking about. But nice rod!
No, nothing showing here yet, in fact looks pretty much the same as the last pic I posted… just that the leaves are unfolding more. Did consult a reference the other night and it said that it should be blooming here in late May or early June, so it has a ways to go. That pic is great… but makes it look so purple (which is ok by me), and our understanding is that it will be red.
Did I tell you that we got tons of new plants on Thurs night after work? FUN stuff! And 4 brand new Alpine Blue columbines, since our other ones seem to have crapped out. They never seem to last more than 2-3 years then disappear. At least my Canadensis one is back this year.
And the colour of the photo could be off — I was going more for the rod bit.
I think I did read about your new plants — you spent a bunch of money if I recall … 🙂
I was talking to someone today about their garden and they said all they did was plant impatiens — I immediately thought of you, pictured you gagging … 😉
Oh yes… I would have been retching at the thought. The ONLY impatiens worth having are those New Guinea varieties with the interesting foliage and the bright neon colors… those traditional yucky things I’d rather kill than plant. And you know that I do NOT like to kill plants!
HINT: Whenever someone says “Oh, the only thing I can plant is impatiens, because my yard is so shady,” you march em right down to the garden centre and make them buy Torenia aka “Wishbone Flower.” They like exactly the same kind of situation and are interesting and beautiful little flowers… remind me of miniature gloxinias.
Torenia comes in a lovely shade of PINK I have actually planted in the past… hehehe.
So are you! Ok, I’ve been dying all night to ask you about your former PM Kim Campbell… is she as cool as I think she is, given her appearance tonight on Real Time? I’ve seen her before and wished we had a woman that cool running our country. Am I just delusional?
She wasn’t PM very long — a few months. I think she was sacrificed, they used her.
Oh, so in other words… she was too good to last? That’s a shame… but thx so much for your perspective, limited as it may be. So was she sacrificed for Paul Martin then? Or am I wrong on that?
she inherited a huge mess. PM Mulroney was retiring (the most hated PM) and she won the leadership of the party, and therefore the PMship. When she ran for election, the Conserv party was all but wiped out … Here’s the wikip link that lays it all out. There were so many things stacked against her …
Oh, AND you too, of course!!
I was afraid my ego was gonna shrink and make me look like Beetlejuice at the end of the movie.
I forget what he looked like at the end of the movie.
is failing me at the moment, but here’s a shot of the unlucky guy sitting next to him who suffered the same fate from the headhunter.
Thanks! That brought it all back to me…. I think that’s what bu$h is going to look like at the end of the movie.
Or was that what Bud was saying? hehe… don’t you just love those shameless show off shots dogs do for us? Pepa is a real huzzy sometimes when she assumes that position. Gets poor old Rolly positively inflamed, hehe.
passed out at the time. He will find any wall-type object and use it to flip himself over so he can sleep peacefully. Quite the character, obviously.
Pepa loves to hurl herself on the bed, get on her back and squirm and growl … especially when I’ve just gotten home from work, or have just made up the bed neatly. She has to nest and mess everything up again to her liking. Quirky loveable beastie she is… even with the terrier attitude.
it ain’t what he drank… it’s what he sniffethed!
Especially if he was ‘passed out’ — he’d be horrified to find his pic all over the net. 🙂
Basenjis blush and they yodel too!
Gotta close out some of these *$##@#!! open windows…I’m gettin’ lost…be right back.
had @ 6 browser windows open reading stuff here and there…was addlin’ my brain tryin’ to keep track.
Mo bettah now.
both Firefox and Safari — only one open window, but can have a mess of tabs on each one so I can check multiple sources. And some sites work better in one than the other; for some reason, text in Diaries columns comes out really small in Safari, but in Firefox it’s perfect…and sites with video don’t work at all in Firefox, but no problem in Safari.
Got to use the right tool for the job… 🙂
in Firefox that speeds things up nicely, if anyone wants it, email me at my addy listed below. I love Mozilla.
but that was on my Intel iMac — it was running under the Rosetta emulation. I just downloaded the new version which is Universal (runs native on both PowerPC and Intel chip Macs) and no problem…the main sluggishness I noticed was when starting the program for the first time during the day — sort of like me, I’m sluggish when starting the first time during the day too… 😉
I will do that Manny… thanking you in advance. I’ll put IVG from BooTrib in the subject line in case you have a spam catcher that blocks unknown addresses.
but I’ve never really figured the tab thingy out…plus it’s an old v.
Gets crowded on a 14″ screen reaaaal fast…:{)
or Cmd-T will open a new blank tab…then you can just type in the URL you want to go to or select one of your bookmarks. If you want to open a link in a new tab, you can set your preferences to open a new tab if you hold the Cmd key down when you click on the link — I love to do that with the Safari built in RSS reader so I can read an article, and if it’s not one I want to refer to later (or post on the News Bucket), I’ll just close the tab and be back at the RSS feed page.
First experience with tabbed browsing was Netscape — I think it was 6. Now have Netscape 7 as well, because there are some sites that don’t work in either Safari or Firefox for some odd reason…
Still trying to teach the spouse the joys of tabbed browsing…he’s learning, slowly…
don’t even want to think about RSS feeds…hate scrolling bars to boot.
than to overdo this multiplexing, multitasking… whatever it is they call circuit overloading these days.
or some such Roman Numerical function.
and a fine “vintage” it is BTW
ah hah! regards subject line: Now I know what condition my condition is in…
That sounds like a good thing!
no doubt this state of mind will be a necessity.
helps if you can compartmentalize as well…been getting a lot of practice since ’99.
ya sure that ain’t since ’69?
… on one of those other dimensions right now … haven’t a clue what your saying. 🙂
olk = ? who knows
obviously time to hang it up.
I have no clue what you’re talking about! LOL 🙂
hanging it ooop for the night.
‘Been another goot vun! See you all on the flipola!
watch out for any granite tortoise in your dreams. 😛
to call me before it’s their bedtime because I’ve got a knack for programming dreams. It’s a gift (or a curse? hmm) 😉
Hmmmm … what’s your # — LOL! 🙂 (j/k btw!)
go check out some of your pix for….inspiration. Especially the roses. :-X
AHA! so that’s where the odd accents and multi-realo-dimensionality-thingie thing was coming from tonight. Hehe… gotta love ya, NDD. You sleep well and remember to eat a piece of cheese before bed and drink a big glass of water. You may have to get up to pee overnight, but you’ll not have any hangover!
Sleep well, my Nordiferous friend!
the time has come for me to say goodnight. Have a great night everyone, I’ll probably see you all on Monday. I’m off to my weekend blogging hiatus. Paz amigos.
Night, night. Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
Good luck w/ your decision … {{{mm}}}
I was off searching for this picture to give you a sense of what the Arum family can produce… hehe. Here’s the infamous Titan Arum in bloom…

Well, if I missed ya, sleep well, and look forward to talking again… maybe it’s just as well, since this might give you nightmares! lol
Wow. It is a bit scary … 🙂
And a really stinky one by all accounts I’ve read!!
Thx dear, for the info on Kim Campbell… knew I could count on ya…
I expect a full report on the tulip festival soon… I do hope you’re going…
The Pella (Dutch town) festival is this weekend too, but you know what I’ll be doing. 🙂
Sorry I missed your exit Manny… was off uploading some pics… 🙁
relax, take Bud out for a long walk and recharge your wonderful self, and see you when you get back.
bonus notches A meego!
That abstruse ‘boat’ we’re in is slowly sinking…
clik to enlarge
Have a great day tomorrow/today. Enjoy tulip fest wkend?
PS: cam suggestion: shooting outside you may want to use a lens hood to eliminate/minimize flares…I use a rubber one that you can fold back over the lens so you don’t have to take if off if you don’t want it. Very inexpensive.
Have fun.
Be well, sleep tight.
Peace and Goodnight
Or better yet… “But, I didn’t eat the salmon mousse!” Death: “Shut up! You’re dead!”
you’d wandered off and I just assumed you’d fallen prey to the ‘rack monster’…
Have a good one IVG, catch ya on the flip.
Quite all right, my friend. I was wandering, and as chilly as it is in here tonight, rack monster is sounding good, especially with a warm Pepa next to us. So this will be my final parting shot for the night, assuming Olivia has taken off and missed the Titan Arum upthread…
Let this be our neverending mantra…

Visualize whirled peas, my friend… and go give Bu some love…
bonne nuit
Sweet dreams! Give Pepa a squeeze for me … 🙂
That’s a great pic — you’re the master. Thx for the cam tips!
Sweet dreams dada. 🙂