Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Last night some people in the FBL tried it and some people were still loading the page, others weren’t.
on May 6, 2006 at 10:42 am
Can you reset the diaries for “illusionsofmagicians?”
He is dead but I inherited his poetry, all of which disappeared when he was banned. I am pretty sure he will not be resurrected anytime before the Rapture…
Most of it was crap but there are a couple I wish to download for posterity. Thanks
but just regret the loss of another human being…hell, I’m known to be a bit prickish (or the female equivalent) at times, just ask the spouse… 🙂
I’ll even mourn a bit when Bush and Cheney go to meet their Maker…mainly the wasted lives that could have been more fruitful if they’d chosen a different path…
It’s just part of my religious/spiritual path to pay respect to the dead, as well as to wonder what might have been…
on May 6, 2006 at 11:10 am
If Brinnainne was still posting here she would tell you (warn you actually)that “illusionsofmagicians” was an alter ego of yours truly, just like “pete richards” was or still is. I think pete still lives as a dormant member. For some inexplicable reason he was never banned and if anything he was a bigger prick than IOM.
Shoot, I should have pete recommend all my diaries just like all the liberal street fighters who seem to always recommend each others diaries to the top of the charts! 🙂
Appreciate your sentiments, tho. I feel the same way. Actually, I hate to admit this but I kindve like Bush. Without him would we be feeling so good about ourselves and our electoral chances today?
How is he dead? As a userID or as a real person? How did he die at such a relatively young age (50)? And how did you inherit his poetry? Are you related? Why would some of his poems only exist in the archives of BooTrib? One would think he would have copies in a Word.doc or scribbled in a notebook…
Excuse me for asking what may be personal info but this has pricked my curiousity.
Also doing some reading about Goss et al. Some snips (via Josh Marshall):
Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, is the subject of a review by the CIA’s inspector general. The agency is examining whether Foggo arranged for any contracts to be granted to companies associated with Brent R. Wilkes, a contractor and longtime friend of Foggo’s who had connections to Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.).
Cunningham left Congress and was sentenced to more than eight years in prison for corruption. Foggo has said he has done nothing improper, and the agency has said the review is standard practice in such situations, not an indication of any wrongdoing. After Goss’s announcement yesterday, Foggo told colleagues that he will resign next week. Last week, the agency confirmed that Foggo attended private poker games with Wilkes at a Washington hotel.
The WSJ makes it “official,” and it’s free access for now.
Mr. Goss’s resignation also comes amid the controversy regarding the man he appointed to the CIA’s third-highest post, Mr. Foggo. Mr. Foggo is under federal criminal investigation relating to the awarding of CIA contracts, people with knowledge of the inquiry said Friday.
When Mr. Goss became CIA head in 2004, Mr. Foggo was his surprise choice for executive director. Although Mr. Foggo had been with the CIA for more than 25 years, he had mainly been assigned to middle-management logistical and administrative jobs, and had never held any senior headquarters position.
Mr. Foggo has been a close friend since junior high school with Poway, Calif., defense contractor Brent R. Wilkes. The criminal investigation centers on whether Mr. Foggo used his postings at the CIA to improperly steer contracts to Mr. Wilkes’s companies.
Mr. Wilkes earlier this year was implicated in the charges filed against Mr. Cunningham, as an unindicted co-conspirator who allegedly had paid about $630,000 in bribes to Mr. Cunningham for help in obtaining federal contracts.
( Dec. 4, 2005 — According to past and present CIA officials interviewed over the past month, CIA executive director Kyle “Dusty” Foggo — whose career duties have encompassed letting CIA contracts — has had a long, close personal relationship with two contractors identified (though not explicitly named) in court papers as bribing Cunningham: Brent Wilkes of the Wilkes Corp., whose subsidiaries include defense contractor ADCS; and former ADCS consultant Mitchell Wade, until recently president of defense contractor MZM, Inc. It is a relationship, the CIA officials say (with some putting a particular emphasis on Wilkes), that has increasingly been of concern.
One current and two retired senior CIA officials told Government Executive that (as noted last week by reporter Laura Rozen in The American Prospect’sTAPPED blog) the relationship of Wilkes and Foggo — who the CIA’s Web site declares is “under cover and cannot be named at this time,” even though he is pictured and identified on a federal charity web page — has been a subject of increasing concern by some at Langley.
WASHINGTON D.C. (ABC News Exclusive) March 3, 2006 — A stunning investigation of bribery and corruption in Congress has spread to the CIA, ABC News has learned.
The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency’s executive director, Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, and his connections to two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.
The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo.
Odd isn’t it, just a week after Porter Goss sacked Mary McCarthy… working for the IG at the CIA!
Opening of Larry Johnson’s diary ::
The case against the CIA Intelligence Officer, Mary McCarthy, fired for her alleged role in leaking information about secret prisons to the Washington Post’s Dana Priest smells a little fishy.
Going to see the Padres v Cubbies today. It’s the one day a year I root for my hometown Cubbies instead of the Padres. Always a fun day at Petco Park. You all have a good day!
Yesterday the excellent public radio show To the Point had a short interview with Ray McGovern on his confrontation with Rumsfeld in Atlanta. In his softspoken, reasonable way, McGovern demolishes the Regime’s spin and sets a context for ongoing resistance to the lies around us. It’s must-hear radio and must-pass-around information. You can listen here. A bonus: the program actually had the guts to play a clip of what Rumsfeld really said 3 years ago. Such a simple thing, and yet the “major news” organizations are incapable of following suit.
Thanks for this link. I’d only seen the quick clips on the MSM – he really is amazing. I loved it when he talked about being challenged by the press as being impertient with Rumsfeld. How amazing is that! Being lied to is pro-forma. Challening the lies is impertinence.
And I agree with your comment about how easy it is to play Rumsfeld three years ago next to this – why can’t the press do that? I’ve thought that so often – especially about what they said before we went to war. Like, when they report on what we’re spending in Iraq and Afganistan – why can’t they play Wolfowitz saying it all would be paid for by Iraq oil proceeds. It would be so easy to do and so enlightening for those who don’t pay alot of attention.
I see Paula Zahn had him on and went after him, asking if he had an ‘axe to grind against Rummy’ and so on..hey you idiot why don’t you focus on the context of Rummy lying…Tucker Carlson doing basically the same thing…forget rummy’s lies lets start to swiftboat McGovern. How many times can we say we hate the MSM-and no I don’t watch it I usually get my news of what the ‘news’ is saying from Mediamatters and other internet reporting.
Olberman once again had the only real coverage/reporting on this story.
Did you also notice that the “talking points” distributed for dealing with this confrontation seem to be to congratulate Rumsfeld for letting McGovern stay? What kind of f’ing country do we live in that administration officials get special props for NOT stifling dissent? Paging George Orwell…. is Orwell in the house?
Yeah I heard that also..and it is pretty sickening isn’t it..just shows how far the descent into a quasi police state we’ve come to when as you say the Rummy gets props for letting the quy try and have a debate with him.
The MSM to my mind deserves a high(or would that be low) place in that circle of hell with me they’ve become a monstrous enabler and have helped perpetrate all the evil bushco is doing by their abdication of being the so called 4th Estate. And we have to look no further than the polls concerning Iran and how most Americans think bombing Iran is a good idea…..and that is strictly the MSM fault plain and simple.
I hope it’ll be a place for sharing information about depression and mental illness — treatments, legal issues, and other matters related to the topic, as well as personal discoveries during my own voyage. (My depression seems to be mostly situational, triggered by life events of which there are too damn many right now.)
Hoping I can keep up with it…at least it gives me an excuse to be on the damn computer…
I’m wondering where Raw Story has gone.
That is wierd. We must have been posting at exactly the same time. I guess it’s not just me.
I’m still getting it. Try this link.
Raw Story
Wierd, supersoling. That link actually works. Why would that be?????
I have no clue, whatsoever. Glad it works for you MM/SS :o)
It doesn’t work for me. I wonder if they no longer take Safari.
on both Firefox and Safari — no problem getting to the main page at least…
It must be personal then! Thanks for saving me the effort of digging out the old program.
Nope, I’m on Safari and supersoling’s link worked. Maybe someone is messing with their website.
Could be they were overloaded by hits on the Goss thing. Seems to work fine now.
I try to do that once a week right before I backup…seems to prevent too much weird stuff…
Is something going on with them? I haven’t been able to load their page since last night. Just get a page that reads “Currently awaiting resolution.”
That’s all I get as well.
Last night some people in the FBL tried it and some people were still loading the page, others weren’t.
Can you reset the diaries for “illusionsofmagicians?”
He is dead but I inherited his poetry, all of which disappeared when he was banned. I am pretty sure he will not be resurrected anytime before the Rapture…
Most of it was crap but there are a couple I wish to download for posterity. Thanks
of his passing — though I didn’t read a lot of his work, we’re all diminished when one is lost…
I wouldnt lose any sleep over his passing. He was a prick.
but just regret the loss of another human being…hell, I’m known to be a bit prickish (or the female equivalent) at times, just ask the spouse… 🙂
I’ll even mourn a bit when Bush and Cheney go to meet their Maker…mainly the wasted lives that could have been more fruitful if they’d chosen a different path…
It’s just part of my religious/spiritual path to pay respect to the dead, as well as to wonder what might have been…
If Brinnainne was still posting here she would tell you (warn you actually)that “illusionsofmagicians” was an alter ego of yours truly, just like “pete richards” was or still is. I think pete still lives as a dormant member. For some inexplicable reason he was never banned and if anything he was a bigger prick than IOM.
Shoot, I should have pete recommend all my diaries just like all the liberal street fighters who seem to always recommend each others diaries to the top of the charts! 🙂
Appreciate your sentiments, tho. I feel the same way. Actually, I hate to admit this but I kindve like Bush. Without him would we be feeling so good about ourselves and our electoral chances today?
Ahh…so you’re the condescending prick.
Dude…tjhe meds must finally be working. Either that or Super feels played.
Illusions of magicians, Pete Williams, 50 yr. old college student…same guy. Prick? Yup. Condescending prick.
Uh actually it was “richards” not Williams…and he was me as I am he and we are all together!
How is he dead? As a userID or as a real person? How did he die at such a relatively young age (50)? And how did you inherit his poetry? Are you related? Why would some of his poems only exist in the archives of BooTrib? One would think he would have copies in a Word.doc or scribbled in a notebook…
Excuse me for asking what may be personal info but this has pricked my curiousity.
While I was posting, you were replying…
He (it) lives…still. See comments above.
Just what I need right now, a troll.
I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, super. You’ve been having a streak of difficult issues to deal with. I hope you are holding up okay.
Thanks Booman, I’m good.
I’m hoping you don’t have to do what you don’t want to do today. I know you’ll do what’s best though.
I am going over there at 1:30. It’s time.
Big guy had a nice London Broil dinner last night. He really enjoyed that.
Thanks for you good thoughts. Difficult times…
Please know that we’ll all be going with you today.
Also doing some reading about Goss et al. Some snips (via Josh Marshall):
The WSJ makes it “official,” and it’s free access for now.
( Dec. 4, 2005 — According to past and present CIA officials interviewed over the past month, CIA executive director Kyle “Dusty” Foggo — whose career duties have encompassed letting CIA contracts — has had a long, close personal relationship with two contractors identified (though not explicitly named) in court papers as bribing Cunningham: Brent Wilkes of the Wilkes Corp., whose subsidiaries include defense contractor ADCS; and former ADCS consultant Mitchell Wade, until recently president of defense contractor MZM, Inc. It is a relationship, the CIA officials say (with some putting a particular emphasis on Wilkes), that has increasingly been of concern.
One current and two retired senior CIA officials told Government Executive that (as noted last week by reporter Laura Rozen in The American Prospect’s TAPPED blog) the relationship of Wilkes and Foggo — who the CIA’s Web site declares is “under cover and cannot be named at this time,” even though he is pictured and identified on a federal charity web page — has been a subject of increasing concern by some at Langley.
WASHINGTON D.C. (ABC News Exclusive) March 3, 2006 — A stunning investigation of bribery and corruption in Congress has spread to the CIA, ABC News has learned.
The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency’s executive director, Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, and his connections to two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and Pentagon officials.
The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo.
Odd isn’t it, just a week after Porter Goss sacked Mary McCarthy… working for the IG at the CIA!
Opening of Larry Johnson’s diary ::
The case against the CIA Intelligence Officer, Mary McCarthy, fired for her alleged role in leaking information about secret prisons to the Washington Post’s Dana Priest smells a little fishy.
● The Duke Of Hurl! :: Connections MzM Inc. ◊ by Connecticut Man1
Mon Nov 28th, 2005 at 11:12:22 PM PST
≈ Cross-posted from Larry Johnson’s diary — Why Did Goss Resign? ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Going to see the Padres v Cubbies today. It’s the one day a year I root for my hometown Cubbies instead of the Padres. Always a fun day at Petco Park. You all have a good day!
Yesterday the excellent public radio show To the Point had a short interview with Ray McGovern on his confrontation with Rumsfeld in Atlanta. In his softspoken, reasonable way, McGovern demolishes the Regime’s spin and sets a context for ongoing resistance to the lies around us. It’s must-hear radio and must-pass-around information. You can listen here. A bonus: the program actually had the guts to play a clip of what Rumsfeld really said 3 years ago. Such a simple thing, and yet the “major news” organizations are incapable of following suit.
Thanks for this link. I’d only seen the quick clips on the MSM – he really is amazing. I loved it when he talked about being challenged by the press as being impertient with Rumsfeld. How amazing is that! Being lied to is pro-forma. Challening the lies is impertinence.
And I agree with your comment about how easy it is to play Rumsfeld three years ago next to this – why can’t the press do that? I’ve thought that so often – especially about what they said before we went to war. Like, when they report on what we’re spending in Iraq and Afganistan – why can’t they play Wolfowitz saying it all would be paid for by Iraq oil proceeds. It would be so easy to do and so enlightening for those who don’t pay alot of attention.
McGovern implied the answer: the press thinks it would be impertinent.
I see Paula Zahn had him on and went after him, asking if he had an ‘axe to grind against Rummy’ and so on..hey you idiot why don’t you focus on the context of Rummy lying…Tucker Carlson doing basically the same thing…forget rummy’s lies lets start to swiftboat McGovern. How many times can we say we hate the MSM-and no I don’t watch it I usually get my news of what the ‘news’ is saying from Mediamatters and other internet reporting.
Olberman once again had the only real coverage/reporting on this story.
Did you also notice that the “talking points” distributed for dealing with this confrontation seem to be to congratulate Rumsfeld for letting McGovern stay? What kind of f’ing country do we live in that administration officials get special props for NOT stifling dissent? Paging George Orwell…. is Orwell in the house?
Yeah I heard that also..and it is pretty sickening isn’t it..just shows how far the descent into a quasi police state we’ve come to when as you say the Rummy gets props for letting the quy try and have a debate with him.
The MSM to my mind deserves a high(or would that be low) place in that circle of hell with me they’ve become a monstrous enabler and have helped perpetrate all the evil bushco is doing by their abdication of being the so called 4th Estate. And we have to look no further than the polls concerning Iran and how most Americans think bombing Iran is a good idea…..and that is strictly the MSM fault plain and simple.
And Supersoling dear — your story was a partial inspiration:
Walking In Darkness
I hope it’ll be a place for sharing information about depression and mental illness — treatments, legal issues, and other matters related to the topic, as well as personal discoveries during my own voyage. (My depression seems to be mostly situational, triggered by life events of which there are too damn many right now.)
Hoping I can keep up with it…at least it gives me an excuse to be on the damn computer…
When I get back from camera shopping with my daughter I’ll take a good look Cali. I hope it helps you in some way. Getting things out always helps me.
Take care