When Vietnam ended this Entire Nation said we “Must Learn The Lessons Of That Conflict and Never Repeat Again”!!

War is an Absolute Last Resort!!

Instead those Lessons were twisted into Teachings of How To Defeat An Enemy, in their own country, in a Guerilla/Insurgent War, and as we see even those Lessons Missed, as you cannot Fight and Win a Guerilla War! Invasions only bring about Death and Destruction to the Invaded and Invaders that Continues with no Absolute Result!

Many Vietnam Veterans went into classrooms and school assemblies, giving first hand experiances, to speak of the Real Lessons, and some still do when given the chance.

But it wasn’t enough and as we see now not enough learned the lessons for the Avoidance of Invasion Especially Based on Lies, as was Vietnam. Failed Foreign Policies, by Govenments/Businesses, long ignored by an Apathedic Society, resulting in Criminal Terrorists Attacks leading up to 9/11 and since has led this Country into Another Quagmire of Destructive Policy that can only Grow the Hatreds!

What this Trailer shows is what should have been going on since Vietnam to a Country in Denial and Short Lived Memory. Classes on Vietnam, including other Conflicts and reason for, with strong debate about the direction of our Governments Policies towards others that we wouldn’t except ourselves.

Now we have another Generation living the Wrongs of War and Policies that Must Study and Debate, and if this Country isn’t already being Destroyed from Within, Must find the Direction of Leadership, with Rethoric Matching Actions and Examples!

The long Denial of Vietnam must be brought to terms. The ball is now in the court of this Generation and must be carried to the Future Generations, which wasn’t effective untill now. You can’t Allow yourselves to become the ‘Focus Groups’ of the Future, you Must become the Leaders of Forward Policies of the Righteous Humanity we Preach but don’t Practise!!

Watch Trailer HERE