Jonathan Weisman of the Washington Post has an article on the Democrats’ strategy for taking back the House. It’s a typical Washington Post piece, in that it relies heavily on former GOP House leader Dick Armey as a source, and that it makes the following extraordinary claim (emphasis mine):
This year, the House is engulfed in bribery and influence-peddling scandals that have forced the resignation of former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), sent former representative Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.) to jail, and yielded guilty pleas from two former DeLay aides and former lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
But those scandals are also linked to a Democrat, Rep. William J. Jefferson (La.), leading some Republicans to conclude they have been inoculated.
No Republican thinks that they have been inoculated, and for Weisman to write that unattributed sentence is just dishonest. It’s disgusting. It’s a disgrace. But, that is the formula for print journalism these days…as Stephen Colbert said:
But, listen, let’s review the rules. Here’s how it works: the president makes decisions. He’s the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put ’em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know – fiction!
Weisman’s wife must be a happy woman.
midterm elections
Despite Weisman’s buffoonery, he has put together an interesting article. First, let’s look at the prognostications. We need a net pick up of 15 seats to take over the House of Representatives.
Despite waves of redistricting that have solidified the positions of incumbents from both parties, Pelosi said 50 Republican seats are in play, while fewer than 10 Democratic seats face strong challenges. That figure of GOP seats is disputed by independent analysts, but even the most cautious estimates put more than 15 Republican seats in jeopardy.
Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, said his most expansive estimate classifies 52 seats as “unsafe,” 40 of them Republican, 12 of them Democratic. But, he said, only a tidal wave would dislodge the incumbent party from many of those seats, and more realistically, 30 Republican seats and five Democratic districts are vulnerable.
By Rothenberg’s analysis, then, in a best case scenario we could pick up 40 seats, lose none, and have a 25 seat majority in the House. That’s kind of depressing, considering that the Republicans picked up 54 seats in 1994. I think it is still possible for the Dems to match that total, but we will need some help from the Cunningham and Abramoff scandals to get there. We’ll also need a powerful nation-wide message that resonates with the voters. The Dems seem to have settled on the following platform:
Their leaders said a Democratic House would quickly vote to raise the minimum wage for the first time since 1997. It would roll back a provision in the Republicans’ Medicare prescription drug benefit that prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services from negotiating prices for drugs offered under the program.
It would vote to fully implement the recommendations of the bipartisan panel convened to shore up homeland security after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Democratic leaders said.
And it would reinstate lapsed rules that say any tax cuts or spending increases have to be offset by spending cuts or tax increases to prevent the federal deficit from growing.
Armey dismissed the substance of the Democratic proposals as demagoguery but said that the politics “really, frankly, are not too bad.”
To recap, the Dems are going to run on raising the minimum wage, lowering the costs of prescription drugs, strengthening our homeland security, and balancing the budget. In addition to these themes, they are going to provide government oversight.
[Nancy] Pelosi also vowed “to use the power to investigate” the administration on multiple fronts, starting with the task force convened in secret by Vice President Cheney to devise the administration’s energy policy. The administration has successfully fought lawsuits since 2001 that sought to reveal the names of energy company executives tapped to advise the task force.
“Certainly the conduct of the war” in Iraq would be the subject of hearings, if not a full-fledged House investigation, Pelosi said. Another subject for investigation could be the use of intelligence on Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction to make the case for the 2003 invasion.
[Steny] Hoyer added that he would like to see investigations into the extent of domestic wiretapping by the National Security Agency, and the billions of dollars wasted by contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As Dick Armey noted, the politics of this “are not too bad”. It does have a few weaknesses. There is nothing in here about getting our troops out of Iraq. The war there is costing us $10 billion a month. Silence on a withdrawal from Iraq allows the Democrats to speak with one voice, but it also undercuts our credibility when it comes time to investigate the handling of pre-war intelligence and it undermines our seriousness over balancing the budget.
This platform is also strangely silent on a number of things. It says nothing about some of our most pressing issues: global warming, outsourcing, foreign ownership of key infrastructure, illegal immigration, and gay rights. It deals only obliquely with energy prices, stating that Cheney’s 2001 energy task force will be the highest priority investigation, but offering no concrete policy proposals.
By choosing to push the minimum wage and the cost of prescription drugs, the Democrats are going back to their bread and butter base. If they really want to make inroads into the Republicans’ base they need to work on a better message on energy prices and foreign ownership of key infrastructure. They also need to better articulate the manifest ways that the Republicans are screwing the little guy. Sportsmen need to hear a strong environmental message. Church going Christians need to hear more about the values inherent in raising the minimum wage and making medical care more widely available and more affordable.
The Democrats are on the right track here. But, they need to expand their net to be more inclusive and more ambitious. They don’t want to promise a bunch of things they cannot deliver. But they do need do a better job of explaining why they are pushing this agenda and for whom these policies are designed. And if they cannot come to a consensus on Iraq, gay rights, or illegal immigration, they should also know that they will pay a price for that. Wedge issues cannot be safely ignored, that’s why they are called wedge issues.
… Offer some glimpses fo what you’d like to do if you’re given a majority, but for the most part, hope that the Republicans continue to implode under scandal and discontent over some bills they’ve passed and win the majority by default.
available in orange.
Recommended at orange.
The strategy is about curling up into a small, tight ball in the corner, to be as invisible as possible, while letting your (incumbent) opponent lose. Sometimes this will work if the opponent is deeply reviled, but there is also a risk that voters will look at you and realise that you stand for nothing. Or they will fail to notice you or realise that there is an alternative to the incumbent.
The best strategy is to go on the offensive with strong policies that provide an alternative.
Of course, the most important point is that even when it works it doesn’t work as well as actually standing for something would have. Democrats are so scared of pissing off a few million voters who would never vote for them anyway that they aren’t doing anything to energize all of the potential campaign workers who could lead them to a landslide.
Haven’t they paid any attention the last 6 years? This is the polar opposite strategy from the one that has been winning. It’s pathetic how little the professionals seem to notice what works and what doesn’t.
I don’t think their strategy is that bad. It’s timid, but it’s not toothless.
We have to remember that they are only talking about what the House of Representatives would do under Democratic leadership. If we have the Senate too, then the agenda can be bolder. We have to balance the need for a concise message with the need to be clear where we stand on a host of issues.
I agree in theory, but they don’t have the guts to be against unpoular wars because they’re afraid they won’t get enough support and I think that is toothless. If we don’t have a debate on what our strategy against terrorism should be now, how many people in how many countries have to die before we finally have it?
Republicans are disgraced on so many subjects, now is the best time to stick the final stake in this pre-emptive war idiocy. To me, this is one of those rare instances where black and white is obvious, so it is extremely upsetting that so few politicians are willing to do the right thing.
Pelosi is about to talk about withdrawal from Iraq on MTP.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Thanks for the heads-up.
by focusing on domestic issues, it gives the Democrats an additional opportunity to show how the Bush misAdministration has disregarded the needs of the American people in his focus on Iraq (and it seems, Iran), aided and abetted by the Republicans in Congress.
And by taking the focus off Iraq, they avoid the Republicans using the “Well, you voted for it too” attack…
Is there a website that shows which seats are in play? I have little money but if I do donate, I want it to go to seats that are in play plus I want to donate to Mary Jo Kilroy since she is competing against the republican rep in my district (Deborah Pryce). I have no idea how Mary Jo is doing at the moment (re: money). I have been a very busy woman.
Here are some sources for you:
Thank you Booman. I will add these to my bookmarks.
Thank you, BooMan. Very useful links, which I’ve bookmarked!
“No Republican thinks that they have been inoculated, and for Weisman to write that unattributed sentence is just dishonest.”
Armey at this point is desperately grasping at straws. It just makes him look like another $100 rebate ASS CLOWN.
Shaman Weisman as usual is throwing bones in hopes of tapping into this GOP wisdom. Everything is revealed by the bones…..
Heeheehe….Ya better watch yourself or you’re liable to get a potty mouthed e-mail.
at the rate of one heavily publicized pr disaster per week, come november, we could be looking at a republican-less congress.