This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
A very sleepy Sunday to you all.
Morning Andi. It’s a sleepy, rainy, slackerly day here. Perfect weather for me.
Morning FM. So is it nap time already?
No I have to pace myself. First I’ll get dressed and look outside and think it’s to wet to mow the lawn. Then I’ll have to take George out and then it’ll be nap time.
I try to give myself a 30 minute window between naps. Don’t want to overdo it.
How’re ya doing today?
An absolutely stunning morning here. Heading out for a walk.
So early and already exerting yourself. Enjoy.
Good morning everyone!
Andi, your picture up there reminds me of my own yard this morning – it’s all leafy and green and shady now. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to stop the grass from growing….
Morin CG. Grass growing huh. See why I love the winter.
Well, I do love hanging out in my swing in the shade, so I guess I have to the good along with the bad on that one. And you know, I do have 2 boys here to mow the lawn (although I mowed it last week for fun).
You just need a heavier canopy. The only grass we have is over the septic field. Everywhere else there’s not enough light and we just have whatever scaggly forest undergrowth manages to survive.
The grass is always greener over the septic field.
Morning SN.
Morning FM. I’ve been mulling over your blog entry from yesterday.
Did I say something wrong? I hope not.
No, it was sweet. I read it right before bed and didn’t respond due to lack of functioning brain cells.
Good I’m glad you thought so. I had mulled over posting it, but it was something I was thinking about.
If there’s grass, there’s a septic field.
Heavier canopy = no sun = sad CabinPeople. Guess we’ll have to keep mowing the grass. 🙂
heavier canopy = no sun = shady house
(and not only does that keep it cooler but best of all, I don’t have to mess with any house plants because they never survive and why do I need house plants when I’m surrounded by forest)
Heavier canopy = no sun = shady house = weird critters dropping from canopy onto my roof and making their way into my bedroom. Not squirrels, mind you. But weird bugs and large cockro- I mean palmetto bugs.
It does keep the house cooler…and most of my house and patio are surrounded by deep woods:
There’s just a noticeable difference in the amount of daylight we get inside in the summer with the leaves out.
That’s the idea — we purposely sited our house so that south side would be in the shade. And the roof line on the north side always keeps the sun out.
If I want sun, I have a little camp chair that I can take outside and follow the sun around.
That looks like such a great, comfy place to read or just hang out with the boys.
Thanks. It’s a nice place for a summer snooze, too.
I have never used mowing and fun in he same sentence. I guess except now. I always try for the ambiance of the lived in white trash look. But, my neighbors always have their lawns perfect, so as soon as it dries, I’ll have to do it.
It is nice to sit outside here until it gets to hot, or mosquitoes, or snakes start coming out.
Yes I like the safety of a comfortable couch away from the heat and preying animals.
Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, or blueberry pancakes for breakfast? No one here can decide today…
Oh God, is this even a question? Of course the Belgian waffles.
Give em grits I say.
that’s dinner.
Grits are for all day. I’ve got another million dollar idea. Grits on a stick. Just got to figure out how to make them stay on the stick.
Too similar to that staple of fair food – the corn dog.
Another million dollar idea shot down. However, it could be touted as the meatless corn dog with corn so finely ground it’s white as snow.
I don’t think Grit on a Stick would be to catchy of a name.
No, dinner is when you add sausage or bacon to the waffles or pancakes. 🙂
Not for me — having lived in a kosher house until I was 18 I never really developed for either. I don’t mind bacon in some soups but don’t care for it much otherwise and I don’t like sausage at all.
Definitely not a southern diet.
heh, not even close.
works for me as I’m definitely not meant to be part of the South™
Ah come on Andi. We’ve got plenty of woods (stills included) for long walks. Of course during hunting season, it’s not to safe for wood walking.
Yes but hamhocks and beans literally make me gag.
(btw, fools-with-guns is not a southern phenomenon; we get a full load here too)
We are big fans of chicken or turkey sausage here. The kind with feta cheese and spinach in it, and there’s a ginger-soy one we had recently that was pretty good. Can you tell I’m hungry this morning?
Me too. I guess I’ll go have a bowl of Crispix and pretend it’s belgian waffles and crisp bacon.
Well, I want your french press coffee this morning, if that makes you feel any better.
I picked up two of them at Goodwill for about $3 apiece.
I’ll have to make my Goodwill/hospital thrift store rounds this week and see if I can find one, then. And it’s yard sale season now too.
No doubt both of my french presses were cast off during the whole “the French are gutless pussies” time period during the buildup to our liberating Iraq.
to the french press we got as a wedding gift and had packed up years — the Freedom Fries coalition liberated it from our attic. We’ve finally moved into a larger house and can’t find the damn thing now that we need it.
I’ll have to hit thrift stores and yard sales ISO another one, I guess.
I wish I didn’t like bacon so much…but the fact that it gives me a screaming headache usually stops me from eating it.
I’m not a big bacon fan, just because it’s so messy to make. Actually my favorite is usually a breakfast casserole or hash brown casserole. If you’re in the south it has to be a casserole.
With tons of cheese and sour cream no doubt. Sounds wonderful and forbidden.
No sour cream, but cheese and cheese and cheese.
I have a date with a saucy little french press, and then maybe I’ll have something more intelligent to say.
Well it’s time for me to start the day. George is ready to go out and I have to look at the yard. Just look mind you.
See ya’ll later.
in my absolute favorite way — up an hour ahead of the rest of the family, with no one to bother me while I putter around the kitchen listening to NPR.
My husband taught me this week how to roast coffee, so I did that this morning. Was going to get the bread machine fired up, too, but then the 4yo woke up, and now I’m just riding herd and trying to get us out the door to Quaker Meeting on time for a change.
Hope everyone has a nice day.
Good Morning everyone!!!!! I had a great nights sleep and I hope everyone else did also. I have been up for a few hours but have been doing laundry and other things. Today will be a fun day. I will try and get at least the front yard cut before going to a bloggers luncheon later today. I did record yet another new podcast this am.
Forget Dinner, I just filled the gas tank
Of course I have a design that goes with it. LOL I know you have seen this design before but I wanted to share it again- nothing wrong with a little self promotion. LOL
Forget Dinner
Hi, Refinish, et al. Love the “Forget Dinner” series. . .I ‘ve got to get one of the t-shirts.
I’ve been up since 6am or so, too: livestock calls. Cats fed, last year’s baby possum stomping on the back porch to get fed, her massively pregnant mom waiting to get fed, too. Saw huge pile of Cheney-lions that spouse wrestled out of the daylily bed yesterday and decided to postpone yardwork until a little later in the day.
Cheney-lions are my term for the worst mutation of dandelions I’ve ever seen: leaves with sharp, sharp stickery points, massive furry leaves, and many large seediferous flowers. It takes leather gloves, long sleeves of thick cloth, and a careful grab to hold on with one hand while digging out the tap root with the other. Today our arms are streaked with red from digging out those @#$@# things!!
We only have a couple dozen more to dig out, encase in lead, and drop off at the hazmat collection site. We must be careful that they don’t cross-breed with kudzu, or the whole county will be lost.
Whew! I”m tired thinking about all the yard work yesterday. Time for the Sunday am post-breakfast nap.
Did someone say nap?
Hi Kidspeak and Refinish. Now don’t ya’ll overdo it today.
Thank you!!!!
Good morning whoever is up and about. It’s a beautiful morning here.
Good Morning Mary. Have a good time last night?
yes, it was a lot of fun. But usually the real me doesn’t drink as much as the virtual me. Last night the real me was indistinguishable from the virtual me. So I’m moving a little slowly this morning.
You lush. Apparently you’re not going to the early mass today.
trust me, even back in the days that i went to mass, i never went to EARLY mass.
I liked the early ones because they were very quick. But usually I just pretended to go to mass and hung out at my grandmother’s house across the street.
I went to a catholic mass for the first time in 20 years several months ago. Funny how the responses just come back to you like you’ve been programmed.
I went to Catholic Mass a couple of time with two nurses I used to work with. I had to watch them to know what to do, but I enjoyed it.
Trust me it was much more fun than trying to stay awake sitting on a hard pew for hours on end at the chruch I was in as a kid.
yeah except they’ve changed a few words here and there. I can’t remember specifically what, but I went to a wedding last fall and was responding along when I suddenly realized I had said a few different words than the “regulars”
I was waiting for the spotlight to shine on me and a big voice to say “aha, a lapsed catholic” (that would be the priest or one of the holier than thou sanctuary society people, not god).
I don’t know. I stopped going to church as soon as I was old enough to tell my parents no. I looked at a lot of religions and beliefs and decided to take a little from each. I look at it, whatever you believe should make you feel good and fear should never be a factor.
I look at it as long as you try to be the best person you can be and treat others good, what more can you do.
LOL I’m almost choking on that one.
Drink plenty of water, take two asprins and drink half a bottle of tabasco sauce. You’ll soon get to moving faster. 🙂
think i’ll skip the tabasco but do the water and aspirin
OK, but sometimes today when you get your head together, you’ve got to explain the significance of the Guys and Dolls scene yesterday. It’s been on my mind ever since you brought it up.
I know you’re probably in a blurry haze, so anytime today will be ok.
a link would help my blurry haze
i’m going to run over to starbucks, i’ll check when i get back
If I knew how to link to a specific comment, I would.
It was the Stubby Kaye scene, Don’t Rock The Boat.
I don’t feel like looking it up, but as I remember it, YOU said if we asked nicely you would do … something. And I said, who’s nicely? And Omir posted the picture of Stubby Kaye playing the character named “Nicely Nicely” in Guys and Dolls.
If you’re looking for more than that, I don’t have it.
Good enough for me.
Sounds like someone had a rough night…
Dinner is cooking — barbecue ribs. One of my easier recipes — just stick the ribs in the slow cooker, pour a bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce over them, and cook for 10 hours. Actually, I put one layer (half the ribs) in, pour half the bottle of sauce over those, then put in the rest and pour the rest of the bottle — that way they all get relatively covered. I usually use the boneless ribs but couldn’t find any last night so I’m doing the short ribs instead; I’ll have to get out a couple of bowls so we’ll have a place to put the bones.
(If you want to, you can add sliced onion rings but I was too lazy to do that today.)
Think I’ll head back to bed for about an hour, then get up and be productive…
Morning Cali. Sounds like you’re going to have a great dinner.
yes, that was me this morning. but I’m better now.
Got to run, be back later.
My daughter has a myspace page and I’ve been reading it. She didn’t send me the link but if you know someone’s email address it’s ridiculously easy to look them up. So she doesn’t know I’m reading it and it feels a little unethical to be doing so, like sneaking into your kid’s room and reading their diary tucked under the mattress.
I’ve already discovered an equivication: She told me, “just one beer,” but told her blog audience “a beer and a shot” led to a bad situation with her college professor. She called me all pissy that the prof took exception to her showing up for class with alcohol on her breath. “I’m over 21!” She protested, “I can have a drink for lunch if I want to!” I pointed out that drinking at lunch was unprofessional behavior and in many corporate environs it will get you fired. She hadn’t thought of that and by the end of our convo said she would apologize to the prof and never do it again. From the attitude in her blog entry — the prof is an “uptight bitch” — I’m not sure she really did apologize or see the error in her behavior.
So here’s the dilemma: Should I call her on it and lose this avenue of insight into her true state of mind? Should I stop looking at her blog? Should I not tell her and continue reading the details of her drunken, slutty life?
I really got a laugh from her blog this morning: She was rude to a clerk in a convenience store and he friggin’ found her myspace page and left a comment that was really hysterically funny. She’s already had to delete a couple of her entries because a guy she just dumped took exception to her depiction of him. It was that bru-ha-ha that led her to tell me about her blog in the first place. She didn’t name him or physcially describe him so I thought she should have left the entries up and told him, “Tough luck, you shouldn’t date writers ’cause if you don’t like what I said on my blog you’re really gonna hate how you’re gonna look in my novel.” har.
I’m no great authority to be giving out advice, but it would seem to me that the potential for you losing her trust is high if you continue.
At 12-16,17,18? yrs-of-age I could see a rational for monitoring her life where and when you can.
I never, absolutely never, snooped on her when she was a teenager. I believed we had open rapport then and thought we did now. So why did she leave out the part about the shot of tequila? Maybe it was just an oversight in the midst of re-telling the drama and asking for my opinion.
The other thought I had after posting about this: A blog is hardly a diary hidden under a mattress. If it’s there for convenience store clerks to find, well…
I hope you don’t mind me jumping in, but I agree a blog is hardly like a hidden diary. However, if she hasn’t shared the info about the blog with you and finds out you’ve seen it, then where do you go from there?
I’m asking for feedback. She did tell me she had a myspace page or I never would have gone looking for it. Surely, she knows I’m bloggercated enough to be able to find it? har. All the same, it gives me a creepy feeling to read it so I think I’ll delete the bookmark and let it go.
It sounds like you both have a good, open and honest relationship. I think you’re making a wise decision.
then whatever is written there is written for an audience. As opposed to a personal under-the-mattress type diary, for which the author is generally assuming there is no audience.
If it would be a young male blogging, I’d assume a certain amount of “embroidery” to the story, since he would be attempting to boost his ego with his peers.
While I’d not necessarily assume that with a young female that could also be possible in her case. So there’s at least the possibility that the shot of tequila never existed.
Or as you say the shot just didn’t make it into the verbal story.
I got along fine with my parents, but they never ever heard the full story.
I have a orange diary up on the reclist (just barely).
on my cybershot. She wanted me to post it to a hockey friend, I tried to talk her out of it because it’s such an ugly face she makes 🙂 but she insists.
She calls this
The Geroge Bush face
oh… and great news!!! We found THE NEW HOME friday and they accepted our bid Saturday!!! It’s perfectly perfect. The house I’ve always wanted with the great neighborhood and schools for kids. We move in when CA escrow bs is done.
Congrats on the house, and Danni is to cute to ever have a GB face. Although with that face I’d hate to be around her when she’s mad. 🙂
I believe that’ll get you to the hastily made photobucket of the house 🙂 I didn’t realize they could be made public.
The house looks wonderful and I love the big bay window. Looks like a good neighborhood too.
The house looks great, DJ! When do you think you’ll be able to close?
both inside and out. The yard is gorgeous, especially that back deck. But the kitchen is what really struck me — I love kitchens that are meant to be hung around in.
I’m so happy for you.
Thanks – the house is just so incredible. It was well worth the wait and getting the hell out of Calif. 🙂
Danni loves the outside so much!
Umm we’re supposed to move in on the 30th of May, however if anything goes wrong with the CA pest repairs we have a contingency for an addendeum … thingy. This was an investor remodel so it’s not like they are waiting for escrow to close and stuff like we are LOL
The kitchen… totally redone. All new appliance. We have a cool fridge to put in that is also black and Stainless steel (it’s in storage) I wanted an entertaining kitchen and patio… and it’s perfect for that. By the dining room wood fireplace to the left, is the computer hook up for a small writer’s desk/computer 🙂
There’s also a fireplace in the cozy living room which is ideal setting for movie flick buffs like us.
I’m really happy for you Janet, and I’m sure the house will be everything you want. We’ll have to have after pictures too though. 🙂
a really comfortable house. I think that is the best thing a house can be.
to move in.
There is a nice flow to the house. It’s not Fen-Shui but the realtor who does all that said it had a very positive flow to it. Very hard to find a FS house unless you build it. The kids are totally cut off from us… GOOD. there rooms are on one end while ours is on the other. Lots of pocket doors, too. All the energy goes to the center of the house andthe house was meant to share with friends. The garden and backyard…
Now I really hate the apartment LOL
Congratulations! It really looks perfect!
Tell us all about the house.
Do you have pictures or link the realtor website?
(Nice face, Danni.)
Andi!!! 🙂 It was really odd. Friday, I had such a feeling of.. “missing out on something. Something was not right. I had this hunch to call our realtor to see … I dunno. I just had to call him. He told me that one of the houses had sold before we got to see it. We were supposed to go out on Sat. He asked if we’d like to go that minute to see the remaining 3 houses before the weekend. We jumped!
The house is a rare find. It wasn’t going to last. It’s in an established hood, not gated or HOA, just older and quiet and proud. It’s 77 but totally remodeled by an investor. Granite counters, solid maple cupboards, Brazillian Cherry hardwood floors that are 2 inches thick. BIG backyard with twolevel patio. Canopied by trees. Small above ground garden. Front yard is incredible. Rose garden with each bush labled. Azaleas, trees, bushes… It’s beautiful.
I hope those links above work.
Hey there DJ! And congratulations!!!!!
Fantastic news about the house… and it looks really nice too! No wonder you and all the other Damnits are so excited… I would be too. I bet that’s a real load off your mind, now that you’ve got this little (BIG) piece of the puzzle solved.
Time to celebrate, hon… and prepare for what I hear is a big hockey night tonight (at least I gleaned that much from Olivia and Cali last night… I’m a hockey moron, remember).
Great to hear your wonderful news… and Danni appears to be the spittin image of her mom… must be the good genes. 🙂
When I saw this tree…I knew this was home. It also made me think of Andi and CabinGirl.
It’s 3 bdr. 2 bath. Large 1/3 acre lot. The garage is pretty cool, too. It’s such a beautiful garden all around.
Sorry so slow – I’m on dial up and today is so suhhhlow it seems
This is the house and neighborhood I’ve always wanted since I was a little girl and realized not everyone moved every few years in the Navy.
OH!! !all the street names which are wide and slow are named after horses!!!
The pictures of the neighborhood remind me a little of where I grew up — quiet and peaceful. We played kickball in the street. I loved that house and neighborhood almost as much as I love where I am now. I wish you every joy possible with your new home.
Thank you!!! I can’t wait to move in and begin our new days! 🙂
The neighborhood… is incredible! It’s only 5 mins from Wayne’s work but no noise. Our friend who went over there last night with wayne, said you drive off the main drag and you’re in a different world. You go into our backyard and again, you’re in another world.
The property goes all the way to the street. So you are responsible for the sidewalk and trees/bushes along it. Every house has done something different. It’s really cool to walk around there. Unlikes the gated, hoa types of hoods.
OMG I have so many roses, bushes, and trees!!! I have to learn how to care for them all. ACK!!!
and… this house was not over our loan. In fact it was under. 🙂 A rare rare rare find on so many levels.
Just holler if you need help with the flowers, DJ… for the trees, you better ask Andi (ducking) … I know a bit about bushes, but the ones I loathe the most come from the satan spawn of Babs, Ole George and their ancestors. Holly I can do… hehe.
I have 40 acres of trees and they all get the exact same care — none.
I took a picture of a may apple flower (which becomes the may apple fruit) for you yesterday but you missed the cafe where I posted it. Here’s a link.
Beautiful as always Andi! I think I’ve seen those growing in one of the parks here in town, but as I’ve said previously… never seen the fruit. If you see it, I’m sure you’ll treat us to a great pic! Thanks!
Thanks! I know there’s azalaes (sp0 and that they are hard to care for. I’m going to get a book on the roses. Portland is the city of roses.. so that garden is such a treat. The rhodadendron wont be a problem. Not sure what the fire bright red bush is. The ivy and juniper bushes — cut back and cut back and cut back LOL.
OH and they have a sprinkler system set up. WOWIE!
Yup and there’s hockey tonight!! Go Sharks!!!
Azaleas… well feed em with Miracid once in a while to keep em happy. Same with rhododendrons, I believe. Eek, junipers… such messy things and way too much work for what they’re worth… but you’ve got the idea. Ruthless with the pruners hon.
Again, very excited about your good news. Enjoy the hockey tonight!
Is that a big leaf maple or an alder in the photo?
Congrats on the house.
Hi everyone, and Froggybottom, can I duck duties today on the cafe…I am just too lazy to spend much time on the computer and you guys just handle it all so well.
Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!
If ya’ll want and give me a little time, I’ll open up a new cafe.
We’re getting kind of full here so I can just go ahead and open part II of this cafe (unless you really want to go ahead).
That would be awful kind of ya, slackeroo.
I cut mine and my neighbor’s front yard and my back yard. I have to get showered and drive into Austin for a luncheon at 2. I have 55 minutes to get ready and get there. LOL Check you guys later.
Big hugs to all too numerous to name here today! Have to cut short my slacking and go get some gardening done yesterday due to impromptu shopping therapy instigated by my sister. I was properly scolded by Olivia last night for not planting, hehe. So I’ll finish my coffee with you folks here in a bit, then get outside… the dogs are already out there enjoying the sunshine… and tentatively scoping out what apparently seems to be a new dog moving in next door. Fear and trepidation there… our really nice neighbors just moved out. And, given the dicey history of the place, we’re apprehensive about the new people moving in (it’s a rental). We’ll see how it goes… in a few weeks I may be telling stories of privacy fencing, but I hope not.
Maybe you will get a neighbor like me. LOL
RF… you would be a delightful neighbor and we’d love having you next door. The couple that just moved out was wonderful… unfortunately one of them is in end stage dementia now (due to AIDS) and has maybe a couple weeks to live. His wife (pre-op TS) couldn’t afford the place on her own, and just bought a smaller place… we’re going to miss them both sorely!
The dicey history I referred to was 2 yrs of hell with methamphetamine addicts/dealers there … and a landlord and cops who didn’t do a thing to stop it. Thus our fear and trepidation…
Would be my fear also!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you and will send warm thoughts of Love & Healing to the former neighbors.
Now you know why we would much prefer having you there! Yeah, Gordon and Marla were the best people who ever lived there, sigh. Oh well, life moves on, but it’s often sad as it does.
New Café here