is a max of 30 minutes on my own to solve the problem, then I go looking for a guru.
There was a time I spent several hours on some computer programing code. Guru spends five minutes looking at it… say here… ya might want to take a look at this… and it ends up to be something simple, so eventually learned my lesson.
and he’s completely free, so I can tolerate a few hours of delay if need be. This time of year he’s probably putting in 12+ days seeding in this year’s crops.
(that means a thousand thanks in Norsk) [spelled phoenetically]
Ya vell den ya yoost have to come up for a visit and vee vill get you speekin’ NDese in no time. Day might not let you cross the Iowa border on the return trip though…
That is wonderful! You’re a macro pro! The larger view is incredible!!! So what did you do to get this — any breakthroughs or interesting techniques?
It’s a three-fer coolness: (1) the awesome photo, (2) you’re now paying attention to the little things, and (3) I’ve become a timestamp (Pre-O and Post-O) … LOL.
I think I’m just getting a little smarter at working with the Coolpix 3200. And I don’t hesitate to take lots of shots, ’cause I’m remembering I can always delete the bad later.
And like those other ones I’m shooting after sunset, and using the flash, so the background is black, or nearly so.
I’m having fun, of course, but I’m not learning what I need to know about settings, like you have on the D70. So with that realization the pressure is definitely on.
It’s still loading up all the ones from itunes. It looks like it’ll take awhile and I don’t want to stop it until it’s done. I’ve stll got about 700 more to upload. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to get my album done. I know how, but God I hate to think of typing in all that information again.
I think I experienced FM anger and frustration for the first time tonight… sure am glad I’m not an mp3 player! Hope ya get it figured out soon, so it will lessen those days of mowing and fending off giant snakes. 🙂
Well that’s about as angry as I get. I’m over it now, but it make me mad when I know there’s a way to do something and I just haven’t figured it out yet.
but my stubborn streak usually wins out and I keep plugging at it until I get satisfaction or my head explodes. So far, I’ve only reached satisfaction, since I’m still here. 🙂
Back during the old 286 days and dos I was one of the few peple who sat and read the books to learn. However, in between then and now, I got left at the dock landing somewhere.
Watching the Giants and Astros. Giants are ahead 7-3 with two outs in the ninth, and Jeremy Accardo is trying to learn to get that elusive 27th out. Couldn’t do it, and Tim Worrell is coming in.
I thought Roy Oswalt of the Astros was a smart pitcher, but he threw Pedro Feliz a fastball in the strike zone earlier tonight. Feliz tattooed it; the Giants’ big hit for the night. Giants fans know that Feliz can hit just about anything in the strike zone, but opposing pitchers don’t really have to throw him anything there to get him out. Not sure what Oswalt was thinking.
Just finishing up with my nightly news fix…. John, Stephen, and Keith. The 3 musketeers. Now KO is talking about Cruise and Holmes prenuptual agreement, who gives a sh*t???
I thought the conversation between Colbert and Shere Hite was pretty hilarious. I also liked at the end of the show when Colbert had the audience say “Thank You Stephen.” Then he looked right at the camera and said “You’re welcome.” I thought that was an allusion to the Thank You Stephen Colbert website, which is now at 53,736 thank messages.
Hey there MM! As much as I loved Colbert’s smack down of Bush at that dinner, I can’t bear to watch his show very often. (Though I did when KO was the guest.) I know it’s just his tv persona, but it riles me up so much I get mad. Do like his “Word” segment though. Jon rocked tonight, as usual. Was so glad to see Samantha Bee back and looking not so pregnant anymore. Her bit on “Underage Thai prostitutes injecting heroin into penises” thing had me in stitches. Oh which reminds me… I wasn’t there in real time for the great body part resemblances thing in the previous cafe, so I’ll put in my 2c worth here with the late night crowd.
Nice going, IVG!!! ( I don’t know WHAT’S gotten into you little froggies tonight!)
I agree about SC, at first I found him a little hard to take, but now he is my hero and I enjoy his show a lot more. Plus, I think he has toned it down a little, though sometimes he can still be pretty obnoxious.
and the proverbial sap rising up in the trunks and branches? I don’t know. I just got a laugh out of that 1st time I saw it.
I have Colbert as hero status too, don’t get me wrong. And I have to admit when he had O’Liely on I watched… and stupid Bill didn’t seem to get he was being had. That was good. Besides, now I turn off the TV after Jon, and head up here to come to the lounge, so I can try to get to bed earlier. Not working so far, since I seem to close the place down most nights, LOL. (Well at least as comments go… I often see you lurking in the shadows, my dear! hehe)
Guilty as charged! Just wanted to make sure no one was talking about me behind my back. LOL!!!
I missed the O’Liarly segment, too bad. I used to turn the TV off after Jon, too, but now I am hard core Colbert fan.
Don’t miss your bedtime, IVG, you need your beauty rest! I’m really slipping to some bad habits now that I’m in the unemployment zone, staying up late every night.
I’d never wake up if I thought sleeping was gonna improve things on that end, LOL. I’m just (and have always been) a late night person who hates morning. But I tolerate it, cuz I have to earn that paycheck to pay the mortgage and bills. Otherwise I’d be writing more and spending all day in the garden making it perfect. Which would be a full time job in and of itself. hehe.
Burning the midnight oil is one of my favorite pastimes, too. It’s nice to feel free to be up late. But…. I’m afraid it won’t last long since — as in your case — there is that pesky mortgage and all those beastly bills!
or we’re gonna have to get you to write a companion piece to THE BOOK called “Olivia’s Compendium of Petal Porn!”
Btw, sorry no pic of IT tonight… it was overcast all day today and when I got home it was very dark and started raining a bit while I was out vacuuming up those damn maple spinners. The real rain is taking its old sweet time here, but it’s on the radar and heading this way!
PS… my sister loaned me that book Marley and Me so I have to read that soon, for obvious reasons. LOL
Oh indeed they do… you have such a knack for getting up so close I’m going to have to try to emulate that more as the summer progresses. I’ve so far been so focused on trying to get “specimen” type pics for the website that I neglect the ‘arty’ aspect you capture so well. You can bet we’re gonna get about 1000 odd angles of IT when it blooms, hehe. Better get going on your petal porn opus, hon. I’ll be happy to collaborate, hehe.
If I wrote it I’d end up w/ something that had to be sold w/ a brown paper cover … 🙂 hmmm, maybe I should change my blog name from parvum opus to petal porn opus … 😛
Night, dada… it’s been real, as always. Make sure you tell Bu what a good girl she is and give her some lovin for us. Most likely see you tomorrow, so until next time, as KO says… “Keep your knees loose, and Good Night and Good Luck!” Too bad you can’t see the KO man since you have those Luddite tendencies, but I understand. Flip those pancakes and rest well.
He explained it one night, but damned if I can remember what it was about… but I think it had some sports related meaning to it. I have to forgive him his sports mania sometimes, but that’s just me, because I’m such a non sports person. But I am really tired of the Barry Bonds on Roids thing… I could care less. But I forgive KO anything because he’s the only news guy I trust and truly love watching. Snark like his doesn’t come our way every day ya know, hon.
Take care sweetie, and hope it all works out well on your end soon. See you soon!
Maybe we should retire our little joke, so BooMan doesn’t get too many unwanted hits on the site. Sheesh. I hardly ever use Google (or Goggle as FM calls it, lol), but guess I should have known. People I knew years ago have found me via a comment I made on the NPR site years ago (in 1994) so who knows?
anyway, I think I’m closing down for the night, and need to get to bed to hear the rain falling gently right now. Looks like we might be getting some thunder and stuff soon, according to most recent radar.
Take care Tulip Princess, and rest well and recover from that ahem, bruised fall. Ya know, despite all that work on my hands and knees on Sunday, my hip wasn’t bothering me that much today… I’m convinced hard labor helps!
I’ll be thinking of your gently falling rain soothing you to sleep. And about your hip: I think it must be the joy you get from working in your garden. Good to hear that it feels better today.
Stick with what ya got, hon. I think dada’s right… too much googling for ogling might blow your bandwidth through the roof.
Hmm, I’d love to do the writing if it actually comes to that. But I need to get some diaries going here too… slacking too much on that lately with all the manic panic planting going on.
Ah, the rain has finally arrived! I planted some Convolvulus seeds tonight in anticipation of rain, so now they’re going to get a nice soaking and should be up in a week or so. Woo hoo!
Yes, I can hear it now … and the radar has some tantalizing shades of yellow to red coming our way soon. Our bedroom is just next door, so I can fade off listening to the rain and thunder as I go to sleep.
So no chuckles over Convulvulus? My sister always thinks that sounds dirty when we tell her what they are… they are often called “Bush Morning Glory,” and are a low growing flower with morning glory type flowers of deep blue with yellow centers… highly recommended! And easy to grow. I just wish they would self-seed, but they don’t. 🙁
Yeah, it seemed like the detail was very good throughout the depth, so you’ve obviously caught on to the depth of field tricks.
I’m headed down to the bottom to say night night. It been another great night here, and I’m looking forward to more fun evenings w/r to photograpy viewing and discussion.
I don’t know what you mean by self satisfied. I think he, like most of this administration, treats government contracting as if it were private contracting. Things that are acceptable in private contracting aren’t acceptable in government contracting and, like most of this administration, he (wilfully perhaps) doesn’t recognize that. The arrogance lies in the assumption that the way private industry works would be the best way for government to work. So far this has not proved true. IMO.
These asshats and their minions have been sticking it to people for damn near 6 years…their whole attitude is “whatta ya gonna do about it?“…Guess we’ll see come Nov., won’t we.
Oh my goodness gracious! Sheesh. It’s blasphemy to say you don’t like bu$h. Still, I don’t see why someone would walk in there after working so hard to get a contract and say they didn’t like the president. As a general rule, I don’t bring up politics (or religion) in the workplace.
but not surprising at all. Just another example of the “you’re either with me or against me” mentality of the Kool Aid asshats. Just that “don’t like it? well F*@%k you!”
Kind of reminds me of a Young Rethug student I had back in 1980, who on the morning after Reagan was elected had to smirk at me and gloat, saying: “Well you’ve heard of the New Deal, right? Welcome to the raw deal.” Still applies today, alas.
wish I had known Russ was gonna be on. Tell ya what Booman, you already know my thoughts on Russ, but I’ll be one conflicted puppy if Al Gore decides to throw his hat back into the ring in 2008. If that happens, there will be a bloodbath at my caucus come January 08.
Another awesome game — Sharks won 2-1 (again), lead series 2-0.
Glad to see Olivia in and in good form…really sorry about the OTT/BUF game. If it makes you feel better, dear, remember that Carolina dropped their first two games AT HOME in their first series, then came back to win 4 straight. 🙂
Hoping that the Sharks can take at least 1 out of 2 in Edmonton…I’d like a chance at Game 5 tickets, but wouldn’t mind if Game 5 never took place because Sharks take both Edmonton games… 😉
Okay, time to get ready to watch tonight’s Keith O. after the spouse gets home…he went to see if our prescriptions were ready…
Howdy Cali! Make sure you watch the “sticky buns” piece in the Oddball segment! It’s a hoot. And Shuster’s piece on Rove really has gotten my hopes up. (See Booman’s diary from earlier for more details.)
Oh, and glad the radio was still on from the post-game; they’re playing some great live stuff on the Sharks home station (KUFX 98.5 Classic Rock) — first live Pink Floyd, now live Jethro Tull. Great celebration music. (Jethro Tull was the second concert the spouse and I went to when we were dating — ZZ Top was the first).
Sorry to hear you have another cold NDD… depending on when you came down with it, get yourself some Zicam. That stuff works like a charm, especially if you start using it early enough on (at the sneezing sniffling stage), but even if you start later, it does help shorten the duration of the cold. It seems expensive for the little pump bottle, but it goes a long ways.
Hope you feel better tomorrow, my friend! Rest well and recuperate.
erm, I mean FM. I phoned the Pied Piper earlier and asked him to pay you a visit, so your yard work would be less frightening for ya. What are pals for, eh? I’ll stop by your blog tomorrow at work and see how you’re doing. Ya got me hooked now.
Um, I was thinking of the Pied Piper of Hamelin chasing out the snakes… but I could be confused. Was he rats? Hell I don’t know. I meant snakes, lol! Leave it to you to call me out on a childhood detail that’s long been hazy. hehe.
Oh, I am calm… just have a few misfiring synapses. I worked so hard to blank out most of my childhood that I guess I conflated those two, lol. Tell me about helpful, will ya? You and Andi are the ones who unleashed the photo posting beast in me… so suffer the consequences! hehe Ya know I still bow and scrape before the photo gods and godesses here. And rightly so.
Bring it on!…I love it, and I’m sure I’m not in the minority. I learn something here every day, keeps me comin’ back…and BTW, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve got more than a few misfiring synapses of my own…
Thx, my friend. You have plenty coming at ya as the season progresses. Just wait until the Arum blooms! I too learn something cool here every day, and I’ve become quite fond of our little late night crowd, as well as the day trippers. I may have just convinced Chris tonight he needs to dip into the pond as well. We both got hearty laughs out of that Wal Mart thing earlier. And I shouldn’t confess this, but we did a market research study recently for a certain evil “big box” store, so that had particular resonance for me. And no, I’m not talking about Target… my favorite place to shop, hehe.
All drinks are free because you have to be drunk to figure out some computer stuff.
is a max of 30 minutes on my own to solve the problem, then I go looking for a guru.
There was a time I spent several hours on some computer programing code. Guru spends five minutes looking at it… say here… ya might want to take a look at this… and it ends up to be something simple, so eventually learned my lesson.
Your lucky you have a coputer guru. I don’t know of anyone around here I could go to. I’ve had people call me for help. That’s how bad it is.
and he’s completely free, so I can tolerate a few hours of delay if need be. This time of year he’s probably putting in 12+ days seeding in this year’s crops.
for a continuing great macro experience!!
Here’s what I knew of macros pre-olivia influence
And here’s an example of post-olivia influence
Interesting what you can find when you are paying more attention to things around you, especially the little things.
Now that is cool. I’m getting so damn jealous of ya’ll.
it’s always nice to have an appreciative audience.
great pic…you’re a quick study my man!
Thanks, dada. I hadn’t thought of that, but it does sorta look like little easter eggs.
I think if I could get hold of a D70 I’d really be dangerous.
And I can just imagine the macro shots of toothpaste and other assorted oddities you’d post in “what is it?” … LOL. Hurry up and get one, will ya?
I done tink you hev got de hang uvit!
Hell, I can’t do that as well as you can. Very nice pic, NDD!
(that means a thousand thanks in Norsk) [spelled phoenetically]
Ya vell den ya yoost have to come up for a visit and vee vill get you speekin’ NDese in no time. Day might not let you cross the Iowa border on the return trip though…
That is wonderful! You’re a macro pro! The larger view is incredible!!! So what did you do to get this — any breakthroughs or interesting techniques?
It’s a three-fer coolness: (1) the awesome photo, (2) you’re now paying attention to the little things, and (3) I’ve become a timestamp (Pre-O and Post-O) … LOL.
Olivia you forget you’ve been elavated to goddess status.
I think I’m just getting a little smarter at working with the Coolpix 3200. And I don’t hesitate to take lots of shots, ’cause I’m remembering I can always delete the bad later.
And like those other ones I’m shooting after sunset, and using the flash, so the background is black, or nearly so.
I’m having fun, of course, but I’m not learning what I need to know about settings, like you have on the D70. So with that realization the pressure is definitely on.
Nice shot, NDD! Perky little feller!
and I’m really missing all your ocean shots, which used to bring back mostly fond memories of my life in N CA.
I was thinking of the contrast today when I was taking picture’s in the nursery at the Sylmar Home Depot. Ambiance is all.
melody for my soon to be hitting the sack. I miss being at the beach and absorbing the wild power of the wind and ocean.
All right where is everybody. I’m up to almost midnight and have a whole cafe to myself.
It’s still loading up all the ones from itunes. It looks like it’ll take awhile and I don’t want to stop it until it’s done. I’ve stll got about 700 more to upload. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to get my album done. I know how, but God I hate to think of typing in all that information again.
I’m really not clear how you’re doing this, but I hope it works for you. What album are you talking about?
A lot of old stuff. Albums right now I can’t even thing of except a lot of allen parson, jethro tull, and some I’m embarrassed I ever bought.
CD’s so far everything from James Taylor to Steely Dan, to Bob Marley. Kind of a big mix in some ways.
Ah nope. I’ve lead a sheltered life, what can I say. 😉
what are you typing in?
I think I experienced FM anger and frustration for the first time tonight… sure am glad I’m not an mp3 player! Hope ya get it figured out soon, so it will lessen those days of mowing and fending off giant snakes. 🙂
Well that’s about as angry as I get. I’m over it now, but it make me mad when I know there’s a way to do something and I just haven’t figured it out yet.
but my stubborn streak usually wins out and I keep plugging at it until I get satisfaction or my head explodes. So far, I’ve only reached satisfaction, since I’m still here. 🙂
Back during the old 286 days and dos I was one of the few peple who sat and read the books to learn. However, in between then and now, I got left at the dock landing somewhere.
Watching the Giants and Astros. Giants are ahead 7-3 with two outs in the ninth, and Jeremy Accardo is trying to learn to get that elusive 27th out. Couldn’t do it, and Tim Worrell is coming in.
I thought Roy Oswalt of the Astros was a smart pitcher, but he threw Pedro Feliz a fastball in the strike zone earlier tonight. Feliz tattooed it; the Giants’ big hit for the night. Giants fans know that Feliz can hit just about anything in the strike zone, but opposing pitchers don’t really have to throw him anything there to get him out. Not sure what Oswalt was thinking.
Tim Worrell. anyone with the name Worrell makes me nervous.
Well, he only stayed in long enough to give up a two-run homer. Giants ended up winning, 7-5, after giving up three to Houston in the top of the 9th.
Always glad to help our friends in St. Louis.
help always welcome. Gathering together your red gear to wear to the new ballpark? Or are you going to wear your Giants stuff? Or go incognito?
Just finishing up with my nightly news fix…. John, Stephen, and Keith. The 3 musketeers. Now KO is talking about Cruise and Holmes prenuptual agreement, who gives a sh*t???
I thought the conversation between Colbert and Shere Hite was pretty hilarious. I also liked at the end of the show when Colbert had the audience say “Thank You Stephen.” Then he looked right at the camera and said “You’re welcome.” I thought that was an allusion to the Thank You Stephen Colbert website, which is now at 53,736 thank messages.
Hey there MM! As much as I loved Colbert’s smack down of Bush at that dinner, I can’t bear to watch his show very often. (Though I did when KO was the guest.) I know it’s just his tv persona, but it riles me up so much I get mad. Do like his “Word” segment though. Jon rocked tonight, as usual. Was so glad to see Samantha Bee back and looking not so pregnant anymore. Her bit on “Underage Thai prostitutes injecting heroin into penises” thing had me in stitches. Oh which reminds me… I wasn’t there in real time for the great body part resemblances thing in the previous cafe, so I’ll put in my 2c worth here with the late night crowd.

Nice going, IVG!!! ( I don’t know WHAT’S gotten into you little froggies tonight!)
I agree about SC, at first I found him a little hard to take, but now he is my hero and I enjoy his show a lot more. Plus, I think he has toned it down a little, though sometimes he can still be pretty obnoxious.
and the proverbial sap rising up in the trunks and branches? I don’t know. I just got a laugh out of that 1st time I saw it.
I have Colbert as hero status too, don’t get me wrong. And I have to admit when he had O’Liely on I watched… and stupid Bill didn’t seem to get he was being had. That was good. Besides, now I turn off the TV after Jon, and head up here to come to the lounge, so I can try to get to bed earlier. Not working so far, since I seem to close the place down most nights, LOL. (Well at least as comments go… I often see you lurking in the shadows, my dear! hehe)
Guilty as charged! Just wanted to make sure no one was talking about me behind my back. LOL!!!
I missed the O’Liarly segment, too bad. I used to turn the TV off after Jon, too, but now I am hard core Colbert fan.
Don’t miss your bedtime, IVG, you need your beauty rest! I’m really slipping to some bad habits now that I’m in the unemployment zone, staying up late every night.
I’d never wake up if I thought sleeping was gonna improve things on that end, LOL. I’m just (and have always been) a late night person who hates morning. But I tolerate it, cuz I have to earn that paycheck to pay the mortgage and bills. Otherwise I’d be writing more and spending all day in the garden making it perfect. Which would be a full time job in and of itself. hehe.
Burning the midnight oil is one of my favorite pastimes, too. It’s nice to feel free to be up late. But…. I’m afraid it won’t last long since — as in your case — there is that pesky mortgage and all those beastly bills!
Here’s mine (click for larger):
or we’re gonna have to get you to write a companion piece to THE BOOK called “Olivia’s Compendium of Petal Porn!”
Btw, sorry no pic of IT tonight… it was overcast all day today and when I got home it was very dark and started raining a bit while I was out vacuuming up those damn maple spinners. The real rain is taking its old sweet time here, but it’s on the radar and heading this way!
PS… my sister loaned me that book Marley and Me so I have to read that soon, for obvious reasons. LOL
… the little droplets really add something extra, don’t ya think? 😉
Oh indeed they do… you have such a knack for getting up so close I’m going to have to try to emulate that more as the summer progresses. I’ve so far been so focused on trying to get “specimen” type pics for the website that I neglect the ‘arty’ aspect you capture so well. You can bet we’re gonna get about 1000 odd angles of IT when it blooms, hehe. Better get going on your petal porn opus, hon. I’ll be happy to collaborate, hehe.
If I wrote it I’d end up w/ something that had to be sold w/ a brown paper cover … 🙂 hmmm, maybe I should change my blog name from parvum opus to petal porn opus … 😛
might not be the one ya want tho…I just Googled “Petal Porn” and got 169,000 hits…you could be #1!…:{)
did you?!
And if I’m not mistaken, that late night cafe is infamous for <ahem> other reasons.
to see what you 2 are talking about… whooda thunkit?
Probably an omen to call it a night, eh. Bu just did her late night rounds and headed downstairs so guess I should heed the signs.
Be well, catch ya on the flip,
Night all.
Night, dada… it’s been real, as always. Make sure you tell Bu what a good girl she is and give her some lovin for us. Most likely see you tomorrow, so until next time, as KO says… “Keep your knees loose, and Good Night and Good Luck!” Too bad you can’t see the KO man since you have those Luddite tendencies, but I understand. Flip those pancakes and rest well.
I’ve been wondering what “keep your knees loose” means. But you are already up way past your bedtime!
He explained it one night, but damned if I can remember what it was about… but I think it had some sports related meaning to it. I have to forgive him his sports mania sometimes, but that’s just me, because I’m such a non sports person. But I am really tired of the Barry Bonds on Roids thing… I could care less. But I forgive KO anything because he’s the only news guy I trust and truly love watching. Snark like his doesn’t come our way every day ya know, hon.
Take care sweetie, and hope it all works out well on your end soon. See you soon!
Night night IVG. We will continue this discussion. Don’t let the BBs bite!
It mentions O’s name… and dada too… yikes! They’re watching us!
that’s probably not a good thing, right? 🙂
Maybe we should retire our little joke, so BooMan doesn’t get too many unwanted hits on the site. Sheesh. I hardly ever use Google (or Goggle as FM calls it, lol), but guess I should have known. People I knew years ago have found me via a comment I made on the NPR site years ago (in 1994) so who knows?
anyway, I think I’m closing down for the night, and need to get to bed to hear the rain falling gently right now. Looks like we might be getting some thunder and stuff soon, according to most recent radar.
Take care Tulip Princess, and rest well and recover from that ahem, bruised fall. Ya know, despite all that work on my hands and knees on Sunday, my hip wasn’t bothering me that much today… I’m convinced hard labor helps!
I’ll be thinking of your gently falling rain soothing you to sleep. And about your hip: I think it must be the joy you get from working in your garden. Good to hear that it feels better today.
See you tomorrow! {{{IVG}}}
Many strong hugz backatcha {{{Olivia}}}} or as the French say, grosses bises! till then, good night, and good luck. hehe
Stick with what ya got, hon. I think dada’s right… too much googling for ogling might blow your bandwidth through the roof.
Hmm, I’d love to do the writing if it actually comes to that. But I need to get some diaries going here too… slacking too much on that lately with all the manic panic planting going on.
Ah, the rain has finally arrived! I planted some Convolvulus seeds tonight in anticipation of rain, so now they’re going to get a nice soaking and should be up in a week or so. Woo hoo!
Generally not a good idea to put ‘porn’ in your posts if you want to keep certain kinds of googlers away, that’s one thing I’ve learned…
Congrats on the rain and the seeds. Can you hear it where you sleep? I like falling asleep listening to the sound of rain…
Yes, I can hear it now … and the radar has some tantalizing shades of yellow to red coming our way soon. Our bedroom is just next door, so I can fade off listening to the rain and thunder as I go to sleep.
So no chuckles over Convulvulus? My sister always thinks that sounds dirty when we tell her what they are… they are often called “Bush Morning Glory,” and are a low growing flower with morning glory type flowers of deep blue with yellow centers… highly recommended! And easy to grow. I just wish they would self-seed, but they don’t. 🙁
… to comment on the name, yes. I was behaving myself … 😀
The water droplets really add some interest to the complexity of it all.
So did you use the 50mm on that one? And still no tripod?
I think I lucked out on this one.
Yeah, it seemed like the detail was very good throughout the depth, so you’ve obviously caught on to the depth of field tricks.
I’m headed down to the bottom to say night night. It been another great night here, and I’m looking forward to more fun evenings w/r to photograpy viewing and discussion.
Now just try and interpose both pictures and I think we’ll really have some hot stuff here in the cafe.
Flowers are sexy and that’s all there is to it!!!!
Your right and that’s all there is to it. 😉
I love it when people tell me that!
I have about had it.
Why would this in particular put you over the top? As opposed to the myriad other wrong acts that our government commits every day?
because the shitpig is so self-satisfied that he just comes out and admits that in a speech. It’s just appalling.
I don’t know what you mean by self satisfied. I think he, like most of this administration, treats government contracting as if it were private contracting. Things that are acceptable in private contracting aren’t acceptable in government contracting and, like most of this administration, he (wilfully perhaps) doesn’t recognize that. The arrogance lies in the assumption that the way private industry works would be the best way for government to work. So far this has not proved true. IMO.
These asshats and their minions have been sticking it to people for damn near 6 years…their whole attitude is “whatta ya gonna do about it?“…Guess we’ll see come Nov., won’t we.
Oh my goodness gracious! Sheesh. It’s blasphemy to say you don’t like bu$h. Still, I don’t see why someone would walk in there after working so hard to get a contract and say they didn’t like the president. As a general rule, I don’t bring up politics (or religion) in the workplace.
but not surprising at all. Just another example of the “you’re either with me or against me” mentality of the Kool Aid asshats. Just that “don’t like it? well F*@%k you!”
Kind of reminds me of a Young Rethug student I had back in 1980, who on the morning after Reagan was elected had to smirk at me and gloat, saying: “Well you’ve heard of the New Deal, right? Welcome to the raw deal.” Still applies today, alas.
It’s just SOP with them Boo. Either you with us or the enemy.
“… but you do hope senior public officials are grounded, thoughtful people, and Jackson didn’t give good evidence of that.”
Yeah, right.
g’night all.
Hey i still watch that show sometimes. 🙂
Russ Feingold is talking foreign policy on C-SPAN, taking questions. Is he Presidential?
wish I had known Russ was gonna be on. Tell ya what Booman, you already know my thoughts on Russ, but I’ll be one conflicted puppy if Al Gore decides to throw his hat back into the ring in 2008. If that happens, there will be a bloodbath at my caucus come January 08.
I stole SN’s idea and took some shots in the nursery today. I love getting lots and lots of free flowers that last forever!
I love it when flowers tell me their secrets. You’d be amazed what they know about us humans!
you stink and WE smell good!
Another awesome game — Sharks won 2-1 (again), lead series 2-0.
Glad to see Olivia in and in good form…really sorry about the OTT/BUF game. If it makes you feel better, dear, remember that Carolina dropped their first two games AT HOME in their first series, then came back to win 4 straight. 🙂
Hoping that the Sharks can take at least 1 out of 2 in Edmonton…I’d like a chance at Game 5 tickets, but wouldn’t mind if Game 5 never took place because Sharks take both Edmonton games… 😉
Okay, time to get ready to watch tonight’s Keith O. after the spouse gets home…he went to see if our prescriptions were ready…
Howdy Cali! Make sure you watch the “sticky buns” piece in the Oddball segment! It’s a hoot. And Shuster’s piece on Rove really has gotten my hopes up. (See Booman’s diary from earlier for more details.)
I was watching too. I’m so happy for you guys — SJ is going to go all the way! Have a good night!
Sorry about your team, O! Way to desert a sinking ship, though. LOL! I like that! Kick em when their down!! LOL!
… and if the Sens can’t make it, I’d love to see DJ and Cali get the cup! 🙂
You’re a good sport, O!
Loved the pictures up top… 😉
Oh, and glad the radio was still on from the post-game; they’re playing some great live stuff on the Sharks home station (KUFX 98.5 Classic Rock) — first live Pink Floyd, now live Jethro Tull. Great celebration music. (Jethro Tull was the second concert the spouse and I went to when we were dating — ZZ Top was the first).
Okay, spouse home, time for Keith… 🙂
Well it’s four hours past my bedtime and I’m done for the day and probably tomorrow.
Good night everyone.
BTW, tomorrow if i make it, you have the choice of the finer points of cow chip tossing or how Chester on Gunsmoke got his wooden leg.
And ya’ll thought I never did any deep thinking. Ha.
Nite all.
I hope you do make it, and I’ll take Chester … 🙂
Sweet dreams!
I’ll take (c) both of the above.
Sleep well. I’m headed off to slumberland myself. A little extra sleep is probably what I need to cure this cold.
Staring at this screen ain’t quite as much fun with sinus headache. So I’m giving it up.
Been a great night folks, see you tomorrow sometime.
Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow. {{{NDD}}}
Sorry to hear you have another cold NDD… depending on when you came down with it, get yourself some Zicam. That stuff works like a charm, especially if you start using it early enough on (at the sneezing sniffling stage), but even if you start later, it does help shorten the duration of the cold. It seems expensive for the little pump bottle, but it goes a long ways.
Hope you feel better tomorrow, my friend! Rest well and recuperate.
See you in the morning light!
erm, I mean FM. I phoned the Pied Piper earlier and asked him to pay you a visit, so your yard work would be less frightening for ya. What are pals for, eh? I’ll stop by your blog tomorrow at work and see how you’re doing. Ya got me hooked now.
The orig….not St. Fitz…although he could make nights and days more restful w/ an indictment or two…:{)
Um, I was thinking of the Pied Piper of Hamelin chasing out the snakes… but I could be confused. Was he rats? Hell I don’t know. I meant snakes, lol! Leave it to you to call me out on a childhood detail that’s long been hazy. hehe.
we here at BT are nothing, if not helpful…Pie-eyed Piper was rats, St. Patty was snakes, and they both had the DT’s…:{)
Oh, I am calm… just have a few misfiring synapses. I worked so hard to blank out most of my childhood that I guess I conflated those two, lol. Tell me about helpful, will ya? You and Andi are the ones who unleashed the photo posting beast in me… so suffer the consequences! hehe Ya know I still bow and scrape before the photo gods and godesses here. And rightly so.
Bring it on!…I love it, and I’m sure I’m not in the minority. I learn something here every day, keeps me comin’ back…and BTW, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve got more than a few misfiring synapses of my own…
Thx, my friend. You have plenty coming at ya as the season progresses. Just wait until the Arum blooms! I too learn something cool here every day, and I’ve become quite fond of our little late night crowd, as well as the day trippers. I may have just convinced Chris tonight he needs to dip into the pond as well. We both got hearty laughs out of that Wal Mart thing earlier. And I shouldn’t confess this, but we did a market research study recently for a certain evil “big box” store, so that had particular resonance for me. And no, I’m not talking about Target… my favorite place to shop, hehe.
I learn a ton from you IVG … and I misfire all the time (bill/bob 🙂