You know a party in power is exhausted when you start to see editorials like this that ask the question:
What kind of party is it that can’t do anything more convincing than point at the dire and dirty alternatives? The kind of party the Republicans have become? That is the truly troublesome question for Americans who have looked to the GOP for action, as well as common sense, on vital questions like taxes, national defense and immigration. Are the Republicans as drained and divided and nervous and wrung-out as they look? And if they are, would the Democrats be that much worse?
It’s fascinating to see the Republican commentariat begin to ask the same questions about their party that the left-wing blogosphere has been asking about the Democrats: “can we win just by not being the other guy?”
The Democratic Party has its problems. We are familiar with them. But we have a lot of advantages over the Republicans. I’ll lay out a few of them.
The Bush administration has been a colossal failure on every front. And it has taken a toll on their leadership. Let’s take a look at where their leaders stand. In the House, Tom DeLay is under indictment. Dennis Hastert has been implicated in taking bribes. Roy Blunt lost his bid for majority leader to John Boehnert, a man best known for passing out checks from the tobacco industry on the House floor. Their leadership is badly compromised, and none of them have any prospects for advancing their careers or becoming viable Presidential candidates in ’08.
When we look at the Senate, we see similar, although less catastrophic, patterns. The first majority leader of the Bush era, Trent Lott, had to resign his post after obliquely praising segregation. His replacement, Bill Frist, is under investigation for insider trading. He has also been an ineffective and unpopular leader of his caucus who has stumbled badly on issues like Terry Schiavo and has been frequently outmaneuvered by Harry Reid. The only Republican Senator that appears to have a real chance to become President in ’08, John McCain, is also a Senator that is out of step with the Christian base of the party.
The administration leaders have faired no better. Colin Powell has been badly compromised by his WMD presentation to the United Nations. Donald Rumsfeld is openly opposed by his own military. George Tenet and Porter Goss have been forced out of the CIA. John Snow and Paul O’Neill have flopped as Treasury Secretaries. Michael Chertoff has flopped at Homeland Security. Fleisher and McClellan have discredited themselves and are gone. The Vice-President has been exposed as a warmongering liar, has shot a man in the face, his chief-of-staff is on trial, and other members of his staff are cooperating witnesses. He is polling at 18%. Karl Rove and National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley face the prospect of indictment. Condi Rice has left a trail of deception and incompetence. And Bush? Well, what can we say about Bush?
We can add to this the prospect of many more Republican lawmakers facing indictment over their roles in either or both the Abramoff or the Cunningham scandals. Prominent Senators like Rick Santorum and Conrad Burns face the real prospect of defeat.
When we contrast this with the Democrats the result is striking. The Democrats have two high profile politicians, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, that are largely free from scandal and are ready to step into the White House tomorrow. They have promiment lawmakers like Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Bill Richardson that could provide a palatable alternative without upsetting the status quo. Harry Reid has been an effective and largely popular majority leader. Nancy Pelosi is less effective, but is not besmirched with taint of corruption.
It’s unfortunate that neither party can articulate a bold, coherent, and sensible platform. The Democrats are still behaving with an astonishing lack of self-confidence and are displaying an appalling lack of fight and principle. However, when you compare the respective statuses of the parties, the Democrats are in an enviable position.
You know, you just gotta love a conservative editorial that starts out like this:
They deserve prison sentences too…
Another long list of what’s wrong w/ the Republicans. As for the prominent Dems listed:
Hillary Clinton: shameless hack who panders with crap like her Flag Burning thing, a warhawk deeply in the pockets of the Military-Industrial complex and a faux liberal who sells out the Democratic Party base at every opportunity.
Al Gore: The one bright spot on your list, except for that pesky problem of not having the stones to fight for an election he actually won and an embarrassing unwillingness to stand up for African American voters, not-to-mention his shameful mocking of the Congressional Black Caucus in 2000 when they tried to make an issue of it.
Joe Biden: Another warhawk, only he’s owned by both the Military-Industrial Complex and MBNA and the rest of the credit industry.
John Kerry: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha … aforementioned lack of stones, PLUS he’s done nothing of consequence since the Iran/Contra scandal.
Bill Richardson: Wen Ho Lee witchhunt, mismanagement of the Department of Energy. OH, and another warhawk.
Harry Reid: Inarticulate and ineffectual leader. MUCH too cozy with the Republican Senator from his state. A forced-birth advocate and in the pocket of the mining industry and NV real estate interests.
Lest we forget, they are also all doctrinaire “free” traders and completly unable (except for Gore) to speak powerfully and passionately about anything that matters to average working Americans.
It’s a dead party. Nothing more than handmaidens for the Republicans and the Investor Class.
with the democratic party is not the leaders…its the people….the little people…the activists (which dont actually exist in my opinion)…the local party leaders who are nothing more than opportunistic machine operators.
when the people lead the leaders follow and the people are not leading.
whether its general apathy or exhaustion or that they are just stupid and anaesthetized, its the people of the party i have the most problem with.
Yes the people, in this case the democratic rank and file, should demand accountability of their leaders, but it is the responsibility of the leaders to actually lead. When they fail, as they have within the democratic party, new leaders must arise from the rank and file to get the party back on track. This is happening, but slowly, and the old guard are fighting against it to preserve their power bases.
So stop blaming the people. Energy and unity within a political party are the product of leaders able to appeal to their people’s common interests and shared ideals. The reason there is so little energy and unity in the Democratic party is that the leadership has failed to offer that appeal and now works to actively stifle those who would.
It’s not a dead party. In a two-party system, when one party dies, this time the Republicans, the other springs to life.
What it is, is a party that has lost the ability to stand for the people.
The Reps problems are pretty obvious, tho it’s good to see them all summarized in one place. The Dems have one overriding problem that could still sink them: their only plan is to hope the GOP keeps tripping over its own feet so they can win by default without making anybody mad at them. Even if this supine wish comes to pass, I don’t see how this will leave us with a party anybody can feel much more than contempt for. In fact I’d venture to predict that a victory this year for the Dems as currently configured will unleash a huge push for third parties.
The one hope for lasting renewal of the Dem Party would be if their few bright spots, ie Feingold, Boxer, Conyers, maybe Durbin and Obama, and a few others somehow manage to drag them kicking and screaming into line with their historic soul. Otherwise, the next elections will be sorta like having mortgaged the farm to attend a bobsled match between Jamaica and Malaysia.
PS, Boo: in the post it’s “fared”, not “faired”. (Sorry, nails on blackboard thing, ya know.)
From The Desk of Mark Stephens, Executive Director, NRSC
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Dear Friend,
I want to share with you what I believe to be one of the dangers of a Democrat victory this November.
It’s becoming clear that if the liberal Democrat leadership takes control of Congress, they will embark on a destructive agenda of politically motivated “investigations” of President Bush and his administration.
The Washington Post reported this week that House and Senate Democrats are salivating over the possibility of convening hearings on everything from the War in Iraq to the National Security Agency’s terrorist surveillance program.
They want nothing more than to create a three-ring political circus they know will get favorable coverage from the liberal media so that they can discredit, and then undo the Bush tax cuts and other important elements of the Bush agenda.
And it’s even likely that Democrats – should they take over the House and Senate – will try to impeach President Bush.
Senator Russ Feingold has a measure pending on the Senate floor that would “censure” the President over his efforts to stop terrorism.
Just a few weeks ago on a national news program, Senator Durbin of Illinois, the second most powerful Democrat leader in the Senate, refused to rule out the eventual impeachment of President Bush.
The likely Democrat Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (where impeachment begins), has already made it clear that he supports such action. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has already sponsored a resolution calling for an investigation with the clear aim of initiating impeachment proceedings against President Bush. Already, 35 Democrats plus Senate candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have signed on as cosponsors.
And this week on Meet The Press, House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi (who will likely become Speaker if Democrats take control of the House) said of the possibility of impeachment: “you never know where the facts take you.”
Well, I think it’s pretty clear where the Democrats will take us.
If Democrats control the House and Senate, there will be a series of irresponsible hearings, and President Bush will be impeached. That’s not the kind of “leadership” this country needs, and that’s one of the reasons we need your help to prevent Democrats from taking control of the Senate.
The Senate is our last line of defense against the ultra-liberal coalition of fringe groups and their friends in Congress. We cannot allow them to hijack the government and use it as a vehicle for their angry, revenge politics. Click here to read the Washington Post article I referred to, which spells out exactly what Democrats are preparing to do if they take control of Congress.
I hope you’ll forward this article to your friends, and spread the word about how important this election is. You can also learn more about the NRSC here and how to get involved the 2006 Senate races by clicking here.
Mark Stephens
Executive Director
National Republican Senatorial Committee
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Bwahahahaha! Paybacks are hell, and this is one I’m really looking forward to.
I so agree! Isnt it funny tho to see them squirm? I just had to laugh at this emailer. But if you notice they are all stating the very same talking points…every one of them!
This mirroring is a regular trick of Republicans. They can achieve many things this way: preempt exposure of their weeknesses by projecting them onto Democrats, or diminish strengths of Dems by claiming them first… Just remember, how Gore became dull, wooden and boring, or Kerry clueless flipflopper, while Bush “became” non-elitist regular guy and steady leader in everything.
In the considered case, they seem to be modelling the outraged or concerned mindset of liberals for the market of conservative public. That’s not new either – it is not too difficult to copy or recycle appealing thoughts or effective arguments, to apply them regardless whether that is genuily appropriate or not. Even this thought will be copied some time ;-))
I was expecting you to post something positive about the democratic party. Instead, apparently, the strength of democrats is the weakness of the republicans. If that’s all you have to go on…
’tis grass roots efforts that will win our country back…not the democratic party.