30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Been a bit under the weather — mild fluish bug (mostly diarrhea, but not to the point I have to take the laptop into the bathroom lol).
Didn’t have a chance to update my blog today, but got some good links to check out for tomorrow’s entry. I did write a diary (available in green and orange) on Richard “Dick” Pombo (CA-11) under attack from both sides…worth a read for anyone interested in bringing some sanity back to the House of Representatives. (And wouldn’t mind a few recommends over at the Orange Empire so the West Coasters have a chance to see it after work…) 🙂
OMG! Happy hour and chardonnay. That was supposed to be {{{{{{{{{{{DJ}}}}}}}}}}}}}} but {{{{{{{{{{{{{{MT}}}}}}}}}}}}}} gets lots of love and hugs in there also. I could be losing it. Has to do with accepting employment that I don’t think I really want, yikes.
Tonight – going to take the kids to the CodePink work party to complete the MOther’s Day tasks.
I emailed to CodePink my rambling emotional crap and a Pink Lady said I need to come by tomorrow to City Hall for the Impeachment Resolution to get me back into my own skin and she sent me an update about Jared and the Recruiting crap.
No drinkies for me till I’m back home. And I’ll have one of my Calypso Coolers. Complete with a drink stirrer thingy. 🙂
Good strategy. Get a big paper and some helpers. Don’t get why LA has to be so dry with a humongous f**king ocean sitting right beside it. Just pick up the water and dump it down on us. What’s so hard about that?
Ack! After more than 6 solid weeks of rain and mudslides and cold and wind, all I can say is it had better not rain until November!
I swear, we in the Bay Area get so spoiled with our 7 or 8 months of not too hot and not too cold and always sunny weather, that a little bit of extra rain and its all doom and gloom. :>)
I don’t know either. Have some of the problem re: my late utility bills worked out–the bills were sent to my old PO Box. That was the big mix-up. I wasn’t receiving them. How the hell can you pay a bill that you haven’t received? And, it was only the heating company for the complex that I live in that screwed up, while I was previously told that all was taken care of.
I love it when they screw up and have to admit it. I hate the trouble of it though. Just another problem that could have been avoided if someone was doing their job.
They are saying that I should have let them know earlier about the mix up. I did. And, this all started during the time I had pneumonia and was recovering from it.
Hey Street Kid. Sorry I had to shut down for bad weather again. Just a thought. When you let them know did you send it in writing? If you got it in writing they don’t have a foot to stand on.
I not sure I clear. I re-read about the heating company in the complex screwing up. I guess what I’m trying to say is, the company that wants to charge you late fees, who were they contacted by?
What do you mean,who were they contacted by? The complex contracts the heating info out to another company. The management company of the complex wants to charge me the late charges.
I think I’m beginning to understand what you’re saying. I just don’t see how they could charge you late fees though. It seems so obvious it’s their fault.
Yeah, but I need something legal that says that! Any sugggestions. Am in MI. Just emailed a lawyer from this blog that I know is in the state. (Boston Joe)
I got something from them w/my old address that was never changed. And, I do have it in writing that it was changed today. But, I am being told that if I don’t pay up, I will get more late fees and court costs.
sound like the $4.00 per minute phone bill I got from MCI on one my business phone lines…they said the line was never put on my account…but I faxed them the bill on January 2006…which showed the number on my bill with a .05 cent rate I then asked why it disappeared…no response.
Heck this is just the prelude to hurricane season. It doesn’t hardly affect us like the coast, but we’re still close enough that during Katrina we drove two hour north to my brothers house. He has a basement. Yes a basement in the south.
Anyway we get home the day after and trees down everwhere, no power, no nothing. It took me two week just to get the front cleaned up.
Heyas all…. you still up FM? I thought you went to bed with the chickens!
How’s everyone doing tonight? KO’s Worst Person in the World was that HUD guy BooMan was pissed off about last night… that story sure is making the rounds today!
Ice cream eh? Lordy, can’t remember the last time I ate any of that stuff… how you doing tonight Manny? Sorry I missed ya speeding my way down to the bottom here tonight.
Yeah, very low energy here today… disheveled sounds like a good way to describe it! Turned out very nice late this afternoon… low 70s still, I can sit around in a t-shirt and not shiver anymore so that’s progress! Dogs snoozing, got my KO fix out of the way… usual banal night, lol.
was up too late (as you know), work was boring today for a switch, and I had to nap a bit before KO tonight. So I have that kind of spacy feeling too. lol
I don’t know. It takes a great deal of laziness. I don’t know if ya got it in ya.
We’ll take you on a trial basis though. For your first assignment you have to nap well enough at work to where people are thinking you are working very hard, but you’re off in la la land.
Ya — I’m in the slightly fuzzy headed stage right now, I was actually dreaming about FM’s snake!
Needless to say I’m not fully coherent right now.
Of course there’s hockey tonight — this is Canada! I was watching the Avs (for dada), and the OHL eastern conf championships (Peterborough beat London) and highlights from the World’s (Canada beat USA today). This is p-off time in Canada, believe me … I’ve got my hockey fix … 🙂
game tonight — been stuck on the computer actually accomplishing something. Decided to update my blog; some great stuff out there in the mental health category. Did you know that today is Childhood Depression Awareness Day?
Okay, moving to the couch to get caught up…I know it’s tied at 1-1 because I checked my ESPN Widget…can’t believe that COL actually scored on Bryzgalov!!!
Need to get some real food in me soon, when chris gets home from work. Had lunch brought in today at work because we had to endure a “webseminar” which was worthless, and ate some chips when I got home (I know, nasty, but tasty). Sure wish I could have napped through that seminar thingie… but there were only about 6 of us, so it would have been noticed, lol.
Does hockey ever end up there? Doesn’t the ice melt sometimes? Don’t the zambonis break down? So many pressing questions I don’t really need answered, since I’m such a sports moron. LOL.
I have a snoring dog behind me right now, though. hehe
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Sorry, Manny, wet noodles just don’t do it for me. I’ll take a floatie just because I’m too lazy to swim at the moment.
I’ll let you use the inflatable throne for the evening.

Been a bit under the weather — mild fluish bug (mostly diarrhea, but not to the point I have to take the laptop into the bathroom lol).
Didn’t have a chance to update my blog today, but got some good links to check out for tomorrow’s entry. I did write a diary (available in green and orange) on Richard “Dick” Pombo (CA-11) under attack from both sides…worth a read for anyone interested in bringing some sanity back to the House of Representatives. (And wouldn’t mind a few recommends over at the Orange Empire so the West Coasters have a chance to see it after work…) 🙂
Hope everyone’s having a great day… 🙂
Did and done Cali.
Got close down for a minute. Lighting outside.
Nothing wrong with taking the laptop to the bathroom. Especially since newpapers are so useless nowadays.
newspapers can double for toilet paper in an emergency, especially since I think Sears Roebuck discontinued their catalog… 😉
I’ve always wanted a swimming pool like that. Nothing big, just olympic sized and enclosed.
you prefer your swimming pool without water snakes. Call it a hunch 😉
Here’s a happy (but meditative) poolside froggy for you!
I’m assuming that the meditation is being done in preparation for the hookah lounge later 😛
Could well be but I’m not entirely sure what his froggy is thinking about.
Was supposed to say what “this” froggie is thinking about.
because he can’t even sing Kermit’s theme… It ain’t easy being green 🙂
((((((MM)))))))) great exception about Jane Austen! You guys make me so smart with all your posts 🙂
Thanks, and…. You make me so passionate with your posts {{{{{{{{MT}}}}}}}}s
OMG! Happy hour and chardonnay. That was supposed to be {{{{{{{{{{{DJ}}}}}}}}}}}}}} but {{{{{{{{{{{{{{MT}}}}}}}}}}}}}} gets lots of love and hugs in there also. I could be losing it. Has to do with accepting employment that I don’t think I really want, yikes.
((((MM)))) so many have rattle nerves… we could form a symphony 🙂
count me in!
adrenaline of giving it to a recruiter – could be Bass! 🙂
Let’s make music!
Sounds like you’ve got the makings of a virtual Gamelon Orchestra…video of a contemporary jazz trio that emulates the classic form.
Other than the shakes…Wuzup?
Wuzup dada?
when I really should be doing something else…did ya get your weedwacker back from the evil serpent or was it coiled around it? :{)
It’s still out there and got rained on. Tomorrow maybe.
You’re not loosing it and you are going to do fine with whatever you’ve decided.
Thanks, FM. I do feel better having made the decision with a paycheck attached to it that can help with all those bills, etc.
I’ve still got the stockings hung by the chimney with care in hopes that old Santa Fitz soon will be there.
are sexier than pantyhose… yup! 🙂
I think I would prefer pantyhose hung by the fire place. They could hold a hell of a lot more gifts.
Queen size for me, please!
you could place a microwave oven
Is there a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX size. I’d want a car in mine.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Think of what you would normally fill pantyhose with. Maybe if you’re really really bad you’ll get one of those.
Me, I’m an old guy, I’ll just settle for some nice juicy indictments and an impeachment or two.
Is this one of those it so good to be bad things.
But, I’ll take the indictments and an impeachment too.
Starting to thunder and lighting again.
See ya.
Tonight – going to take the kids to the CodePink work party to complete the MOther’s Day tasks.
I emailed to CodePink my rambling emotional crap and a Pink Lady said I need to come by tomorrow to City Hall for the Impeachment Resolution to get me back into my own skin and she sent me an update about Jared and the Recruiting crap.
No drinkies for me till I’m back home. And I’ll have one of my Calypso Coolers. Complete with a drink stirrer thingy. 🙂
You be careful.
Just going to a home to finish up. My main worry is do I have enough gas to get there and back LOL
Travel as much as I do and you could have filled up 1 1/2 weeks ago and still have a 1/2 tank.
I’m back! It’s raining, but the thunder and lighting has stopped. I’m sure as soon as I post this the lights will go out.
what’s that?
It’s what I’ve got too much of at the moment. Don’t mind the rain, just the wind, thunder and lighting.
I thought you lived in the Southwest waterland? L)
Don’t know where that L) came from. 🙂
Gimme rain, here.
I’ll go out with a paper and fan it your way. 🙂
Good strategy. Get a big paper and some helpers. Don’t get why LA has to be so dry with a humongous f**king ocean sitting right beside it. Just pick up the water and dump it down on us. What’s so hard about that?
I thought ya’ll were getting inundated with rain a while back.
But geez, you guy have the fire, mud slides, earthquakes and and give it time but tsunami. I can understand why so many people love it out there.
BTW I hit rush hour today. There were six car in front of me at the red light. 🙂
Ack! After more than 6 solid weeks of rain and mudslides and cold and wind, all I can say is it had better not rain until November!
I swear, we in the Bay Area get so spoiled with our 7 or 8 months of not too hot and not too cold and always sunny weather, that a little bit of extra rain and its all doom and gloom. :>)
Just wondering if these weather extremes are the first chapter of what’s in store for us over the next coupla centuries or so.
It like when you take a shower, except it comes from the sky.
Hey, what’s up, everyone?
Hey Street Kid. How ya been doing?
Been writing a lot, and still don’t have all of the crisis in my life resolved. But, now I am starting to feel a bit hopeful.
Not exactly sure why though.
I’m glad to hear that. I see you have been writing a lot.
Yeah, deleted that one. Other than that, I haven’t posted a thing for awhile. Or did I miss something?
Maybe I’ve missed something. I don’t know.
I don’t know either. Have some of the problem re: my late utility bills worked out–the bills were sent to my old PO Box. That was the big mix-up. I wasn’t receiving them. How the hell can you pay a bill that you haven’t received? And, it was only the heating company for the complex that I live in that screwed up, while I was previously told that all was taken care of.
I love it when they screw up and have to admit it. I hate the trouble of it though. Just another problem that could have been avoided if someone was doing their job.
They are still saying that I owe late fees. I don’t think so!
If they were the ones that screwed up I don’t see how you could.
They are saying that I should have let them know earlier about the mix up. I did. And, this all started during the time I had pneumonia and was recovering from it.
Hey Street Kid. Sorry I had to shut down for bad weather again. Just a thought. When you let them know did you send it in writing? If you got it in writing they don’t have a foot to stand on.
Clarify that please.
Can’t recall off the top of my head…need some more clarification please!!!!!
I not sure I clear. I re-read about the heating company in the complex screwing up. I guess what I’m trying to say is, the company that wants to charge you late fees, who were they contacted by?
What do you mean,who were they contacted by? The complex contracts the heating info out to another company. The management company of the complex wants to charge me the late charges.
I think I’m beginning to understand what you’re saying. I just don’t see how they could charge you late fees though. It seems so obvious it’s their fault.
Yeah, but I need something legal that says that! Any sugggestions. Am in MI. Just emailed a lawyer from this blog that I know is in the state. (Boston Joe)
I wish I had some suggestions, but I’m sorry I don’t. Hopefully BostonJoe will.
He must really enjoy sending flowers to wingnuts.
I got something from them w/my old address that was never changed. And, I do have it in writing that it was changed today. But, I am being told that if I don’t pay up, I will get more late fees and court costs.
sound like the $4.00 per minute phone bill I got from MCI on one my business phone lines…they said the line was never put on my account…but I faxed them the bill on January 2006…which showed the number on my bill with a .05 cent rate I then asked why it disappeared…no response.
Pays to keep good records. Somethings you’ve got to be a pack rat with.
ECG…2.5¢ min. great service…I’ve been using them for @ the last 18+- mos…very pleased.
I think I feel a nap coming on. Hope I can stay awake through KO! Well, if not he’s back on again at 9 PM.
Yep I’m getting to bed early tonight. I was up until 2:30 last night with this itune thing.
Who’s lurking?
I’m around for awhile Manny. We just got through with more thunder, lighting, and rain.
so long since we had a real storm around here, I’m almost jealous (although I am with you about the dislike of lightning and wind).
Heck this is just the prelude to hurricane season. It doesn’t hardly affect us like the coast, but we’re still close enough that during Katrina we drove two hour north to my brothers house. He has a basement. Yes a basement in the south.
Anyway we get home the day after and trees down everwhere, no power, no nothing. It took me two week just to get the front cleaned up.
Heyas all…. you still up FM? I thought you went to bed with the chickens!
How’s everyone doing tonight? KO’s Worst Person in the World was that HUD guy BooMan was pissed off about last night… that story sure is making the rounds today!
Ain’t nobody here but us…
and not for long. Bu wants dinner and I’m a bit hungry myself…
catch up to ya in the Hookah Lounge with the late shift.
some leftovers and feasted as soon as I got home from work. Now I’m debating some ice cream. O:–)
What brand? I got hooked on blue bells out in Texas. Had to have a big bowl every night before I went to sleep. Now it only as a treat.
Rocky Road, my favorite!!! I bought some over the past weekend (don’t tell kbird).
Me tell KB. Never.
I’ve never been called the biggest TATTLER in the world. 🙂
Ice cream eh? Lordy, can’t remember the last time I ate any of that stuff… how you doing tonight Manny? Sorry I missed ya speeding my way down to the bottom here tonight.
I’m alright, feeling alittle disheveled today, but I’ll get over it. How goes it in yer neck o’ the woods?
Yeah, very low energy here today… disheveled sounds like a good way to describe it! Turned out very nice late this afternoon… low 70s still, I can sit around in a t-shirt and not shiver anymore so that’s progress! Dogs snoozing, got my KO fix out of the way… usual banal night, lol.
What’s up IVG? Slackadazegal day?
was up too late (as you know), work was boring today for a switch, and I had to nap a bit before KO tonight. So I have that kind of spacy feeling too. lol
Well I can up way to late last night and I had to much exertion today. So I’m hitting the bed early tonight.
Looks like it’s been quiet here tonight. I just woke up from a nap! 🙂 Watching the Ana v Col on TV …
I was never much of a napper as a young child but I’m starting to discover their benefits in my cafe training.
My message is spreading far and wide.
Slackeatude = naps.
from just waking up — and can I really call it a nap if it’s 9:30pm? 🙂
btw, everyone should know that colorado has broken Bryzgalov’s s-o streak. The score is 1-1. Go Avs!
I see some sever slackatude there Olivia.
Go Avs! I guess?
The Slacker club? 🙂
I don’t know. It takes a great deal of laziness. I don’t know if ya got it in ya.
We’ll take you on a trial basis though. For your first assignment you have to nap well enough at work to where people are thinking you are working very hard, but you’re off in la la land.
It’s your first test grasshopper. 🙂
Whew, that’s a tough one. I’m sure a dog could pull that off, but I don’t know about me… maybe Olivia can do it though!
Hey there Tulip Princess… caught ya napping eh? LOL What, no hockey tonight?
Ya — I’m in the slightly fuzzy headed stage right now, I was actually dreaming about FM’s snake!
Needless to say I’m not fully coherent right now.
Of course there’s hockey tonight — this is Canada! I was watching the Avs (for dada), and the OHL eastern conf championships (Peterborough beat London) and highlights from the World’s (Canada beat USA today). This is p-off time in Canada, believe me … I’ve got my hockey fix … 🙂
How’s it going w/ you?
game tonight — been stuck on the computer actually accomplishing something. Decided to update my blog; some great stuff out there in the mental health category. Did you know that today is Childhood Depression Awareness Day?
Okay, moving to the couch to get caught up…I know it’s tied at 1-1 because I checked my ESPN Widget…can’t believe that COL actually scored on Bryzgalov!!!
I didn’t know that Cali — you’re already pulling together the information. Btw, hope you’re feeling better (read earlier about your upset tummy)!
Need to get some real food in me soon, when chris gets home from work. Had lunch brought in today at work because we had to endure a “webseminar” which was worthless, and ate some chips when I got home (I know, nasty, but tasty). Sure wish I could have napped through that seminar thingie… but there were only about 6 of us, so it would have been noticed, lol.
Does hockey ever end up there? Doesn’t the ice melt sometimes? Don’t the zambonis break down? So many pressing questions I don’t really need answered, since I’m such a sports moron. LOL.
I have a snoring dog behind me right now, though. hehe
And then we wait … usually starts up again around late August w/ pre-season training camps etc. 🙂
I love chips — one of my weaknesses.
Is it Rolly that is snoring?
Warm towels are available for you to dry off first, then come on over.