My Golly, where to begin?
Let’s start with a Secretary of Defense who uses the expression “my golly,” or “gee willikers.” I did a Yahoo search for this term and Donald Rumsfeld’s name was in the first ten results. Jumpin’ Jehosephat who is writing this script, Lewis Carroll?
What rabbit hole have we entered, what twisted hall of mirrors are we trapped in and how do we come down from this psychedelic trip that we seem to be on.
My golly, the buzz I’m hearing and reading is that we’re going to war. Yes, I know, we already have two wars going, but they are so unfulfilling aren’t they, bogged down as we are, three years after we accomplished our mission in Afghanistan and made Kabul nearly safe for the foreign press and killed or captured most of a deck of cards in Iraq and hired Halliburton to build us a house of cards which is falling down around us.
Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She’ll beat you if she’s able
The queen of hearts is always your best bet
Our criminally insane President and his Vice Madman along with a large percentage of the senior inmates of this carnival administration are poised to go to war with Iran, Russia, China and anyone else who dares to stand in the way of their delusional lust for power, religious dominion and corporate control of the world’s resources.
The signs are clear, Cheney’s carefully crafted and threatening insults hurled so harshly in Vilnius, Condi’s blithely arrogant dismissal of Ahmadnejad’s apparent overture, no, there will be no diplomatic solution, the Oracle has spoken. The Gods of greed once again call man to war.
The rumbling of thunder in the distance presages the rapidly advancing storm. The flashes of lightning, now low on the horizon, will soon be overhead and upon us. The time to take shelter is now.
But wait. There is no shelter from this storm, just as the world was nearly consumed sixty years ago by an unelected band of self styled saviors of Der Volk, another group has risen to bring about their own version of the twelve year Reich.
Will they succeed in their criminal designs as they nearly did in the years before my birth? There is nothing in my tea leaves or the bones I cast on my table that give me an answer.
I know that they have an open field to run on and only limited resistance in sight, just as the Nazis in the thirties. There are no military powers capable of withstanding their onslaught, no statesmen who will stand and raise voices of truth against them. The Fourth Estate is in their palm although they make great pretense otherwise.
And so begins another bestial assault on the history of mankind, just as it began in the years before my life, when weak and frightened men said nothing and cowered in the face of the mad brutality of the black clad minions of another popular movement for the enrichment of self.
All were complicit in the carnage that ensued. Every nation in Europe and Asia, in Africa and the Americas in every land and ocean there was no respite to be found from the terrible trauma of war. Millions died, tens of millions died, perhaps sixty millions died and hundreds of millions more were maimed and brutalized and thousands of millions more remember.
At the heart, at the very center, of this darkness was a virulent strain of evil men who cared only for their own advancement, and now, their spiritual decendents have returned to haunt us with their horror once again.
I am but one but I’m not alone, and I tell you
I tell you this, America, I love you, land of my fathers, of my birth, I tell you that I know your heart, I know the light that the idea of you lit in my soul. I know that you are being misused and trampled by those who despise you and I will not remain silent.
I will soothe your fever with a voice of truth and remove your lust for death. I will stand against this madness with a retarding hand and a simple no will pass my lips.
Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust
Thanks Bob, very powerful statement!!
I got up this morning thinking about the fact that our basic problem in this country and with this administration is that too many conflicts still seem to come down to “mine is bigger than yours.” It is the only language that Bushco seems to know how to speak.
Time for a more nuanced conversation.
That’s about all we can expect from this “all hat no cattle dime store Connecticut Cowboy.”
Well, hopefully, we can expect him to go away soon and allow us to spend a generation repairing the damage that his criminal administration has done to America.
Thanks NLinStPaul
Worldwide Sawdust