In the rush from day to day, each seemingly filled with a new outrage, sometimes it can be difficult to feel that anything we do on the internet can make the least bit of difference. After all, as our critics on the Right and in the mainstream press are fond of reminding us, we have lost far more battles than we have won. Howard Dean, Paul Hackett, Ciro Rodriguez, the Alito nomination and most telling the 2004 Presidential election. Worst of all, DNC style democrats still rule the roost, despite their history of losses in Congress and in so many state and local offices across our great Union.
Our complaints about election fraud have been generally ignored or met with outright disdain. The War in Iraq continues rolling relentlessly on from one mind numbing death to another. Veterans benefits are still being slashed by the very Congress the “Support the Troops” crowd put back in office. The twin deficits (trade and the National debt) grow ever larger even as the corporate media ignores their implications for our future. Another war, this time with Iran, still seems inevitable. Many Americans still ignore the dangers of global warming. The Medicare (D)isaster still rumbles toward a surfeit of fiscal and personal catastrophes.
So why do I assert, in the face of such a disheartening record of accomplishment, that anything we say or do here matters? For one simple reason: each of you. You now recognize the importance of politics in your lives. You have learned that the conventional wisdom generated by the favored mavens of the pundit class, whether in print or on television, can no longer to be trusted. You have taken steps to educate yourself about the events that affect your lives and the lives of those you care about. In short, you have been awakened from the trance that grips so many of our fellow Americans, and that mere fact of your awareness is making a difference.
Indeed, you are changing reality as we speak.
Democratic politicians now court you for the money you can bring to their campaigns and for the buzz you can generate on their behalf. They also fear you, afraid that you might just catch them shoveling the same old bullshit, exposing them for their own hypocrisy and lack of passion and commitment to the progressive causes you care about.
Pundits on television and in the press now take you into account, even as they deride your influence. They are rightly afraid of your refusal to accept their bland pronouncements as pearls of wisdom, and angry at your criticism of their misuse of their position.
Reporters claim to ignore you, even as they are forced to cover stories that you have kept alive through sheer doggedness and determination: the Downing Street memos, the murderous use of White phosphorus in Fallujah, the Jeff Gannon story, and Stephen Colbert’s smackdown of President Bush at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, to name but a few examples.
But even these are minor compared to the true value of an awakened mind. Many of you have become activists, attending protest marches, sending letters to the editor, creating and promoting campaigns to target specific causes or specific politicians demanding action and accountability.
Others of you now devote time spreading the word to family, friends and neighbors that the truth is not what they have been led to believe by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sinclair Broadcasting and the ready chorus of thousands of paid for right wing demagogues. Bush does lie, people have died and our nation is in peril, not only from the foreign terrorists but from the despots who have hijacked our government, and because of you that message is being heard.
Bit by steady bit, your efforts, both words and deeds, have worn away the veneer of propaganda that hides the true nature of these incompetent fanatics who now lord over us. Steadily Bush’s popularity has been eroded until he has now entered the place where only Richard Nixon has gone before. Despite the intimidation, despite the propaganda, despite the exploitation of the tragedy of 9/11, Bush, and the Republican Congress that has enabled his most egregious abuses, is supported by fewer and fewer people each day that passes. And much of that accomplishment should rightly be laid to rest at your feet.
The truth is that for too long in this country we have been asleep to the dangers and abuses of our government, and to a political system which nurtured two parties, one on the extreme right, and one seemingly less conservative only by comparison. Both of these parties have been, and still are, captives of lobbyists and corporate cash, and both have served the interests of the few at the expense of the many. Through your efforts, and those like you, here and across the blogosphere, that is changing. You, each of you, is the agent of that change.
It may seem hopeless some days, the fresh onslaught of outrages may seem overwhelming at times, but ask yourself this question: Would you really rather still be slumbering, adrift in a cloud of apathy and cynicism, or would you rather be as you are now, awake to the danger to our Republic and doing what you can to fight against it?
I think I know your answer.
I have never once wished that I had taken the blue pill instead.
Thanks Steven, I do need reminding of such a thing. There are times that I feel so very frustrated and think what is the use….but there it is again and again…I have to keep fighting against this madness. I think it was born in my nomenclature to be like this. It is just that way, anyhow with me. I do need reminding from time to time why I keep up this fight, especially when I feel as if I loose everything everytime. Hugs for the pep talk, my friend.
What I do here doesn’t matter a lot. I’m just sort of the griot, the court jester, the guy who occasionally says something so mind-blowingly obvious that I sometimes wonder if I should have bothered. (You should see the posts I write, then say “Naaaah” and discard.)
I’m no BooMan. I’m no Georgia10. I’m no Armando. I’m no Stephen Colbert. FSM knows I’m no Dood Abides. I don’t ferret out the ideas and write them out in words of fire and ice.
No, what I do here matters as far as I can tell mainly in the context of the group. It’s the old Alice’s Restaurant phenomenon:
Or as I’ve quoted from an old miners’ union song many times:
I get strength knowing I’m not the only person in this country who can see that the emperor is not only stark raving naked, but stark raving mad. And I do my best to try to give some of that strength back to you, and to pass it along when I can.
I’m sitting here with ya on the “W” bench 🙂
I always appreciate your comments here, OMIR, and I have happily used your robo-rater to assign you and every one else in this thread a token of my high esteem.
by Gene Lyons
It’s the quality writing and thinking…and honesty
The closing graf:
Recommended reading.
Yes, it does matter, and yes, I need reminding of that sometimes. With all the crap going on today, it’s a good time for a reminder. That, and my first Drinking Liberally meeting tonight… Good timing on that one too.
I stand by this essay and I stand by my sig line. Thanks for your inspirational summary of our collective effects to date.
Thank you.
that’s all.
Absolufuckinglutely on point. Meeting like minded people in wonderful communities like Booman Tribune has been simultaneously inspiring and encouraging.
I’m inspired every day when I read the incredible writings whether they be analytical, editorial or just plain rants or a mash of all three and more categories. I’m encouraged in getting out to community meetings/gatherings, protests, travelling out of state to march and protest and scream at the top of my fucking lungs with my people and getting involved on the inside and trying to start fixing things on the other side as an elected official – even if I’d represent all of 700 people or so.
It’s incredible to see, everyday, affirmation that I am not in this alone, that we have an incredible network spanning the globe, that we are changing things. But it will not happen overnight and we just gotta keep at it.
Thank you Steven D for this great piece to remind us to keep up all of our efforts and you keep up yours!
I, for one, needed this today.
Tomorrow we go out and kick some more ass.
I bet you are doing it in red heels though 😀
Typo!! I meant: I bet you AREN’T doing it while wearing red heels.
Like I will be tomorrow. ACK
Hey !!
I’m a liberal man. If red heels are what it takes, then the only thing I’m concerned about is making sure I wear matching accesorries ;o)
The only other thing I might be worried about is making sure I stay far away from Military Tracy…and her camera ;o)
you have quite a few cafe dwellers who are learning to use their macro lenses on top of it all. :-X
Oh man, I really needed this today, right now. I am tired, pissed, frustrated, overwhelmed and just straight out disgusted. It is show time and what we have been doing thus far has just been practice for THE REVOLUTION> It’s coming. People are really pissed about the datamining. I thought the gas prices would push everyone over the edge but that with the NSA datamining is the icing on the cake of Revolt.
We must remember this is where we come to get the truth and help each other handle the truth. Ok….lets rock and roll!
Me too sister. I was this close to taking a blog break. I was supposed to write a blog about tomorrow’s events, instead I’m just… trying to maintain. Good to see you all.
Me too. I haven’t been posting much the past week or so. I just have been having a hard time finding the words. I know that’s hard to believe folks but seriously, what could I add or say that would make any difference? That is what I have been feeling. Thank you all so much for pulling me along and putting up with me. You are a blessing in my life.
I snatched this from a dear hockey friend who has “a way with words”:
Two Tragic Americas Dept.
America #1: Fatcat chickenhawks making billions in war profiteering while speechifying about our great military heroes and our glorious victories in Iraq.
America #2: Santa Cruz fire depts. this month will have a barrel out front. I know most you don’t live near there. But these barrels are for sweatpants. The program is called Sweats for Vets started by a Nice Lady.
This Nice Lady from Santa Cruz was up at the veterans’ division of RMH in the head trauma center. She asked why a lot of the permanent and serious trauma victims were being wheeled around in ill-fitting, oddly-colored ladies sweatpants which in some cases only came down to their knees.
She was told that the men and women patients had to have sweatpants because they were paralyzed and the workers needed to put on and remove them easily. But there was no money for sweatpants, so they had to use whatever they could find. They couldn’t afford sweatpants. Because Bush had cut the VA funding.
Now let’s back up a bit here. These are Americans. They fought for their country. They weren’t provided by Donald Rumsfeld with adequate armoring for their vehicles, or their bodies. They got blowed up…good. They have severe brain damage. Permanent brain damage. They have little or no control of bodily functions. Many can’t talk, and never will. They are in pain, emotional and physical.
And George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, who dine in luxury, who sip champagne, who sleep on silk sheets…they deny these fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives for the corporate war profiteering schemes of these war criminals, they deny these good people the dignity of sweatpants.
So fellow poor Americans who might have an extra pair of old pants have to contribute a tiny scrap of dignity to these fallen heroes. It’s on the poorest souls to help the other poor souls. Same as it ever was.
While the criminals in Washington drink and live it up at another gala ball tonight.
That’s two Americas too many. I say we go back to one America. One in which George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney wear donated orange jumpsuits. The barrels will be overflowing for that cause.
If you want to mail sweatpants for our disabled vets, the address is:
Santa Cruz Fire Department
230 Walnut Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Attn: Sweats For Vets
you have impeccable timing, Steven. I get the feeling the tension across the country has finally ramped up enough to clue the rest of the people into the outrages we’ve been documenting/fighting everyday for as long as we decided to visit sites like this (FSM knows the print media doesn’t do the truth any justice).
It gets sooo frustrating, in fact, I shared on my blog today how it’s been affecting/contributing towards my personal mental health status. The reason I chose to write about it was to confront the fear, confront the anger, etc. and redirect it towards the fellowship that exists when I open my eyes to the fact that I really am not alone in fighting these monsters.
Our bonds really do make a difference when the rubber hits the road, as they say.
Paz y gracias.
Thanks Steven. I honestly believe that the Internet and blogs like this are the vanguard of things to come for changing the whole political playing field.
We’re slowly starting to make an impact and reports keeps popping up in the news about newspaper circulations down, Faux news viewers down(Olberman’s up), other prints like Time I believe are down which I think is directly related to people’s use of the Internet as an alternative source of news and in many cases fosters a community spirit of activism even friendships.
And yeah like almost everyone else here there are some days where I think I’m not going to sign one more damn petition or write one more email to my Senators cause it’s just pissing in the wind. Besides every damn thing bush and company does is criminal so it’s hard to keep up the steady diet of outrage we have to live with daily but then I think what’s the alternative…to quit, not only hell no but fucken hell no..hey booman I guess I’m sounding more optimistic this afternoon.
You flatter us – because we are ordinary citizens who care about our country and are so thankful we can do what we can. I think most of us have been conscious of our civic duties but have never had to be part of a tremendous collective whole in order to be heard. Before Bush we could trust our vote and spend a few days working for local and state candidates and perhaps a day working the phones for a presidential candidate. Most of us surely gave to our communities and helped those in need. We read the papers when they had real news and real reporters. NOW we all have a great need – to restore our government and demand accountability of all the wrongdoing being done by Bush & Co. NOW we know this is our only venue to scream. I have watched C-Span for some years – but mostly it was on the weekends – the book reviews, interviews, and so on. Now I recognize each senator and most of their voices. I enjoy the debates in the House and notice how shallow the Republicans’ arguments are and the Democrats craft their arguments with carefully chosen words and graphics.
Every new movement gets disdained. It always seems hopeless. But if the mainstream Dems and the mainstream press are smarter than they have been in the past, they’ll begin to open up the tent flaps.
Antiwar and New Left youth were disdained and castigated as much by mainstream Democrats as by hardhats and Republicans. But with Eugene McCarthy and RFK in 1968, and McGovern in 72, the party and the press had to recognize that many of their issues were powerful and they were on the correct side.
Democrats later blamed the 60s and the New Left for ruining their prospects and creating an opening for the New Right to exploit, from Nixon until now. But maybe they should take another look at that, and realize that it was their failure to integrate progressives and adopt progressive programs with more conviction and creativity that led to their crash.
The analogue to blogs in the 70s was the early alternative press. Many who began there were quickly integrated into establishment media, and some if not most retained their progressive convictions. But the media megacorporations and celebrity news media now have their own agenda, and having bloggers doing jobs they should be doing is profoundly threatening.
Your diary reminds me of a sci-fi book I recently read that has been in the back of my mind ever since. Its titled “Earth-Song” and is written by Suzette Haden Elgin.
In the book a group of women discover a process whereby people can replace food with listening to music. They know they have found a way to end world hunger.
But they also know that if they take this news to the men in power, it will be used and misused. So they keep it a secret and begin work they know will take generations to complete. They start a society of women that are trained as music teachers and go throughout the galaxies teaching.
By the time the folks in power catch on – its to late to corrupt. But most of the original women involved are long dead and gone before that happens.
I think about this idea a lot. While I don’t want to unecessarily slow our process down, I also think I need to feel some patience for the kinds of change we want to see happen. So that our change is not corrupted.
Sometimes you need to use patience and outsmart the motherfuckers.
These are the finest sentiments I’ve read anywhere, in days and days NL. Thanks. I especially like your last line. I would of course :o)
So you see Super, this is how we really do make a difference – a little at a time – but its happening.
As I said above, the message of this book has been rolling around in my head for about a month now. I haven’t expressed these thoughts to anyone – because I’m afraid they won’t make sense to anyone but me.
And then Steven writes this wonderful diary and I finally feel like I can take a chance and put my thoughts out there. Along you come and give me this kind of validation. So now, everyone I know is going to be hearing about this in the next week. Because now I have some confidence that maybe these thoughts aren’t so strange after all.
Thanks!! It is happening!!