We’ve got rain forecast through at least Monday (already had two days of rain) and 55 is the high temp — so if it weren’t for the lovely green forest, I would believe it is fall.
I’m useless as inspiration since all I’m doing is reading and trying to get warm. The dogs, though, just took off tearing through the woods after some deer that they know perfectly well they can’t possibly catch — so there they are putting that much energy into doing something purposeless while your efforts actually have a payoff. (inspiring?)
{{Andi}} That is so kind of you. Especially today when my brain feels totally empty and not inspired at all.
I’ve been experimenting with something that’s been helping. And that is to get dressed while I’m feeling blank instead of just staring at the computer screen or reading ‘fun’ stuff.
So, I’ll be back in a bit — but I’m going to see if getting dressed helps at all.
I watched my little huntress toy with a cockro-I mean palmetto bug as big as a field mouse on the kitchen floor while I was making coffee. I was both fascinated and repulsed. She would bat it around and pounce on it, then turn her back and walk a couple steps away and then pounce on it again. It lost several legs in the battle and couldn’t walk anymore and then in boredom she flicked it under the stove where it will hopefully die before I get a broom under there.
One of my dear departed dogs loved to eat millers and she was masterful in hunting them down. But even better was the dog who loved june bugs. All summer long, the evenings would be filled with sudden thumps against the side of the house as she made her move to grab one off the house, bit it so that it gave a satifying snap, spat it out, and then watched for her next victim.
I really think this young cat of mine has some feline form of schizophrenia. Most cats, as you know, will occasionally chase their own tail but quickly tire of it when they realize it belongs to them. Not this cat. She will chase her tail the Tasmanian Devil for 10 minutes or more, sometimes while sitting on your lap. She also jumps 6 feet or more into the air to bat at dust motes floating in a stream of sunshine.
How are you all? It’s finals time here, which means I’m super busy with work AND school.
They are going to be renovating the third floor of the library this summer, which is where all the good stuff is (history, economics, social sciences, etc.) And we won’t be able to get at the books until September. So I have to check out anything I might possibly want to read this summer, today. Suggestions are welcome.
Someone brought donuts to the office. Time to go get one.
Have to concur with Andi and KB on the brrrr factor today! We had horrendous wind all yesterday and last night, and it’s carrying on through this morning. Down to about 43 here (think it’s finally up to 49) and not what we like to wake up to in mid May.
Hope everyone (who’s chilly) warms up and that FM can find some work to avoid today. I’ll probably pop in and out today, since I anticipate another slow day at work. Which means that next week probably all hell will break loose! Gotta enjoy the slackdom while I can. Take care all…
Good morning, all! Wonderful to see you, as usual, on this ultra-rainy Catskills day.
Hope everyone’s set to enjoy a mellow Springtime weekend, watching our world awaken (in more than one way, we desperately hope).
Our entire NE weekend looks to be terrifically wet. Thankfully, the rain stalled on its predicted course yesterday & we were able to get in a little warm-weather fun — especially the resident felines.
Here’s the Queen of the Woods, taking flight toward a second story balcony on imperial winglets:
The result? An optimal perch from which to survey her domain:
While her masculine progeny engages in some ultra-butch feline yoga:
All in all, a lovely day for all. Today, not so much. They’re both inside at the moment, safely warm & dry, looking out at the rain in a heartbroken manner.
I don’t know… I’m feeling rather odd. I think it’s pre-march unease. I woke up this morning to see Cindy and Medea going into court and the footage of past arrests. This weekend is HUGE going ons for CodePink. I haven’t diaried about it because… well I don’t know.
Found out we have $40 to last till NEXT Friday. Not this friday. Pest/repair extortionists want another $500 and the stress of closing escrow is getting a bit hard.
Been having a bit of an out of bloggy experience here.
I am thrilled you are around and your pootie pictures are a great joy to see today :0) XOXOX
Glad my contributions to The Black Pootie Club helped cheer you a bit. I think that’s partly what our feline friends are here to do — when appropriate, of course.
The whole money bit is such a drag, isn’t it? I’ve been in that ‘$40 ’til next Friday’ spot quite a bit this year. When it comes down to that, we take care of what we absolutely must, leave the big debts to hang. No choice, is there? Blood from a stone & all.
Thankfully, change & miracles do both consistently occur. Not to worry — we squeeze through. The important thing is to love & support one another.
I fully understand about ‘pre-march’ unease. ‘Course, the general unease about financial situation’s got to be seeping in there, too. I know that you’ll do as you absolutely must to both nourish & protect yourself. The heart doesn’t lie in these matters; keep your ear close to your personal emotional ground, find the still place of serenity & peace there, draw your strength & wisdom from it & you’ll do fine.
Whatever occurs, whatever horrors are inflicted on us, whatever BS the world shovels out at us, cannot touch that place.
I think the unease is because all the Mothers Day crap that I see everywhere… It reminds me of how fucked up this country is how so many just go along with it. Even women… they’ll take that romantic dinner out instead of “think” and stand up.
More and more are talking about how this is all going to come down on the heads of a few who will risk it all so that the killing and the lying will stop. I’m worried about more bloodshed on a weekend that most who consider themselves political active will be sucking chocolate off their fingers.
Normally you feel the support behind you… I dont this time. I feel like we’re “intruding” on women getting some extra goodies. I know… I’m batshit loony today LOL
Ah, yes — a Mother’s Day, yet another single day allotted for appreciation for sacrifice, for love, for support, for life, for women. Give ’em a card/candy/phonecall; the rest of the year can go hang.
It’s hooey.
Either women buy into this ‘one day only’ as something significant, according to their own emotionality & imposed cultural norms, or not. If so, what can you do?
Ideally, we manifest that appreciation for the force of life as embodied by women every day, including ‘Mother’s Day’.
but I don’t think it’s as binary as that. Everybody makes compromises in their life. I love my mother; I have to always judge the trade-offs between what will give her peace and what will compromise my beliefs. Lots of other people make the same kind of calculations.
Menu suggestion for the next week: beans and rice, followed by rice and beans, then maybe some beans with a side of rice.
Sorry DJ, I’ve been in the position before where I scoured couch cushions for loose change for diapers or milk. At least you see an end in sight and that cool house is there!
I called Damnit Ryan and he’s gonna help a bit till Friday. Fucking sucks having to call and ask for help from anyone. Yeah the house… what i skilling us is the other down in Calif and the delays with that has caused the money tight sitch.
Y’know, certain spiritual beliefs dictate that giving is just as much of a blessing as receiving. If help is offered, one doesn’t refuse it or take it badly; we allow others to express their compassion as they will & everyone benefits. We also do our part to help others in turn when we’re able.
As for the property stuff, since this particular journey started for you I’ve had a deep feeling that all will work out fine for you in the end. Generally I find that despite a thousand stresses, things usually do — & so all that anxious energy, worry, lack of sleep etc has been basically for nothin’!
I’ve had these stresses for a while now and I’ve been okay…
I think what set me off is seeing the news show Medea and Cindy being arrested (it was old footage)
and… I’m a bit upset that the “plan” was ot be dressed up as ste-ford housewives/50’s and I’ve been giving some red high heeled shoes. Which are fine to go in with – me and two others are going in but… afterwards there’s a march. This doesn’t make sense to me LOL
And I didn’t blog about it yesterday. Bloggy shit got the best of me I must say.
I’m of the opinion that arrest footage is meant to impose just this type of feeling.
Nothing — but nothing — on tv is there accidentally. It’s ‘our’ most valuable tool of social conditioning, after all.
Wonderful pootie pics you got there! Love the ‘studly mouser’ pose … you caught a great moment there. Whenever I catch one of our dogs doing something cute like that and get ready to take a pic, of course they cease immediately and stare at me. Contrarians!
Sounds like a dreary weekend for you with rain on the way (or already there), but just think of the benefits it will bring to the woods and plants and nature. Looks like we may get some tonight ourselves, which may put a bit of a damper on planting tomorrow, but we’ll see. What’s been bad here is all the wind we’ve had of late… hopefully that will subside by tomorrow, as we have big plans for the neighborhood “Scrub Day,” which means getting rid of lots of junk from around the house. Then off to dig in the dirt and get more flowers planted and weeds dispatched to the compost! If I don’t see you again this weekend, you and the kitties have a great one!
Howdy, IVG. Glad I ‘caught’ you yet again before heading out into the supposedly real world.
I don’t mind the rain at all; it sure will help Springtime along & we need precipitation here desperately.
We had some pretty kick-ass winds come through last night as well. I was afraid we’d all take flight like the Woodland Queen — living as we do in a metal storage container.
Alas, was not to be. The winds have died down & what breeze remains hold the smell of budding green.
Ergo, out into the wetness I go to perform my wenchly duties.
Hope you can enjoy a pleasant planting day, Gaia permitting.
Hey Andi… yes, we are! Fickle spring… wouldn’t have it any other way, even if it does cramp the comfort style a wee bit. Time for me to get serious again, so will catch you later!
Hope at some point you can enjoy some of the woods with the dogs today.
Glad you enjoyed them, Andi. I sure enjoyed taking ’em! Could hardly believe it when I saw The Empress absolutely flying through the air — 1.5 tall stories, effortlessly! Talk about ‘Springy’.
Hi WW. I now understand how the Queen of the Woods can magically go from window to roof. LOL.
I’ve got two cats (Cat & Tom) that once they’ve gotten up on the roof or a tree, I’ve had to climb up to get them down. I haven’t fully understood that one yet. Maybe they are training me. 🙂
Do NOT let your loved ones bastardize Mother’s Day!!!! It’s an anti-war proclamation. Treating it like a gift giving day is an insult to all the women before us who have had to clean up the bloodbaths of the warpigs.
Historically women have been silenced… don’t add to it. Stand up and demand that Mother’s Day be seen and respected for what it is… the Mother of Anti-War. Can check my diaries for actions and pledges you can take part in.
Today, I’ll be going in to a federal bldg to demand our money be returned to us. Then marching around that building with our carts full of rockets red glare, while dressed up as Step-ford wives. Problem is our heels. My feet will be blistered and bloody ths weekend.
But at least I’m free.
I will NOT say HappyMothersDay… instead I will say
Everybody has to decide what they’ll do and how. We make choices everyday that aren’t necessarily in accord with our most hoped-for outcomes and cherished beliefs. We have to try to do the best we can but we also have to live in the world. It’s the most intricate juggling act.
(((Andi)))) I didn’t mean to come off as pissed off at women here. Truly. It’s those women that sit in the manicure shops with their SUV covered in W04 stickers that have no clue about the risks this weekend.
And I didn’t blog about because I felt a “shift” and so now I’m totally off-kilter LOL I’ll just blog about it afterwards hopefully with photos and no kitties in the air.
Hanging out on the computer till I can log into Ticketmaster and try for tickets to Sunday’s Sharks game. 🙂 Have to wait till 10am, about 45 minutes or so.
DJ — we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with the in-laws, and their best friend and her grandson…but since everyone at the table will be staunch progressives, we’ll probably slip in an “F- Bush” in with the Mother’s Day greetings… 😉 (My mom-in-law: “I firmly believe that man was not elected in 2000.” I absolutely adore her…)
Should go update my blog (haven’t had a chance the last couple of days), but got an absolutely disgusting item for the Friday News Bucket… 🙁 Oh, and spouse bought the new Neil Young album, so need to import it into iTunes so I can stick it on the iPod… 🙂
Hope to be back by Happy Hour for the Random 10s… 🙂
(((Cali)))) Mrs. Ski will alert the hockey peeps if there is anything “amiss” and maybe you could post here? Mr. Azul will alert SallyCat.
I doubt anything will go wrong. I am just exceptionally nervous today… and I have to be “cool”. It’s not a recruiting station, or newsroom, or just the streets… its a federal builiding whre CodePink has been arrested before.
Plus… I’d better get home in time for the hockey game!! OH NO!!!! 🙂 ROFLMHockeyAO
I’m right outside New Orleans right now…can’t check into my place down here for a couple hours, so I thought I’d drop by the local Barnes & Noble, hop online, and give a quick update.
My trip started out with a good omen, as I was greeted with one of the brightest rainbows I’ve ever seen just off my port side:
This was in FSM-forsaken Ohio, of all places.
My overnight jaunt took right around 16 hours, fueled by chex mix, corn nuts, and diet mountain dew. I was right around Tuscaloosa when the sun came up this morning, and there are still downed trees everywhere.
In addition, I drove past a field of literally hundreds and possibly thousands of trailers. It didn’t look like anyone was living in them (I’m almost certain of this). I seem to remember that FEMA had acquired a bunch of trailers but never deployed them to where there are needed…could these have been them? I don’t remember exactly where they were, somewhere on I-59.
Lastly, I drove through Bogalusa, LA, and I would estimate that about 30-40% of the houses I saw there still have roof damage (evidenced by tarps on the roofs). I saw one house that looked to be deserted, as the branch that caved its roof in was still in its resting place.
That’s all I have for now…I’ve been up for about 30 hours straight now, but believe me every last iota of sleep was expunged from my body this morning when in the rising sun Katrina became completely real to me.
It’s 45° F (7° C) here. Damn.
Oof, sounds like fall.
It’s been pouring down all night here, a bit lighter now.
rey and rainy day ahead.
So what! It’s Friday.
Morning ask.
We’ve got rain forecast through at least Monday (already had two days of rain) and 55 is the high temp — so if it weren’t for the lovely green forest, I would believe it is fall.
But it’s Friday!
If you get too confused, come on out here to the Lower Left Coast where yet another hot-and-dry-as-hell summer is getting an early start!
Morning Andi and Ask.
Is it Friday already?
Good morning, FM.
You bet. I double checked, weekend is close.
Got any big plan?
That one thing I always loved about the city. Always something to do.
Hi FM.
But if you lived in the city, think of all the temptations to non-slackdom.
Are you kidding. I could be in the park all day, or there would be pubs within walking distance.
Drive for get it anywhere. Nope, call a cab. I could ride up and down elevators all day and think, I don’t have to climb stairs.
The possibilities are unlimitless.
No big plans.
Picking up the asklets tomorrow morning, we’ll see what they want to do.
Sounds like it’ll be fun. Nevery any telling what kids want to do.
It’s 46.2 degrees here in Kansas City. No wonder my feet feel a little cold (I just shut the window.)
I’m struggling with my morning E4T tasks. And thought I’d come over here for some inspiration.
Morning KB. It’s cold there.
I just wish my brain would warm-up, I can’t think of a thing to write.
Well KB you put up two or three different things eveyday. I find it hard to do one sentence.
Maybe just a morning open thread with what are you concerns today?
I’m useless as inspiration since all I’m doing is reading and trying to get warm. The dogs, though, just took off tearing through the woods after some deer that they know perfectly well they can’t possibly catch — so there they are putting that much energy into doing something purposeless while your efforts actually have a payoff. (inspiring?)
{{Andi}} That is so kind of you. Especially today when my brain feels totally empty and not inspired at all.
I’ve been experimenting with something that’s been helping. And that is to get dressed while I’m feeling blank instead of just staring at the computer screen or reading ‘fun’ stuff.
So, I’ll be back in a bit — but I’m going to see if getting dressed helps at all.
(This cold weather in May sucks)
I watched my little huntress toy with a cockro-I mean palmetto bug as big as a field mouse on the kitchen floor while I was making coffee. I was both fascinated and repulsed. She would bat it around and pounce on it, then turn her back and walk a couple steps away and then pounce on it again. It lost several legs in the battle and couldn’t walk anymore and then in boredom she flicked it under the stove where it will hopefully die before I get a broom under there.
Morning SN.
Morning FM. Is it as pretty a morning there as it is here? This is the nicest spring since I moved here in 2002.
Yes it is. It’s a little cool outside, but sunny. It appears to be a very nice day.
Now what excuses can I use not to do anything?
One of my dear departed dogs loved to eat millers and she was masterful in hunting them down. But even better was the dog who loved june bugs. All summer long, the evenings would be filled with sudden thumps against the side of the house as she made her move to grab one off the house, bit it so that it gave a satifying snap, spat it out, and then watched for her next victim.
I really think this young cat of mine has some feline form of schizophrenia. Most cats, as you know, will occasionally chase their own tail but quickly tire of it when they realize it belongs to them. Not this cat. She will chase her tail the Tasmanian Devil for 10 minutes or more, sometimes while sitting on your lap. She also jumps 6 feet or more into the air to bat at dust motes floating in a stream of sunshine.
or she just has a high level of exuberance and is enjoying herself.
And I finally got something up. I don’t know how inspiring it is — some days are better than others 🙂
It’s another part of making that daily commitment — that’s inspiring in itself.
That’s true — in more ways than one.
(well — it’s that time . . . slipping into lurker mode)
As much as I hate to, I’ve got to run and start errands.
See ya’ll later.
How are you all? It’s finals time here, which means I’m super busy with work AND school.
They are going to be renovating the third floor of the library this summer, which is where all the good stuff is (history, economics, social sciences, etc.) And we won’t be able to get at the books until September. So I have to check out anything I might possibly want to read this summer, today. Suggestions are welcome.
Someone brought donuts to the office. Time to go get one.
Have to concur with Andi and KB on the brrrr factor today! We had horrendous wind all yesterday and last night, and it’s carrying on through this morning. Down to about 43 here (think it’s finally up to 49) and not what we like to wake up to in mid May.
Hope everyone (who’s chilly) warms up and that FM can find some work to avoid today. I’ll probably pop in and out today, since I anticipate another slow day at work. Which means that next week probably all hell will break loose! Gotta enjoy the slackdom while I can. Take care all…
Good morning, all! Wonderful to see you, as usual, on this ultra-rainy Catskills day.
Hope everyone’s set to enjoy a mellow Springtime weekend, watching our world awaken (in more than one way, we desperately hope).
Our entire NE weekend looks to be terrifically wet. Thankfully, the rain stalled on its predicted course yesterday & we were able to get in a little warm-weather fun — especially the resident felines.
Here’s the Queen of the Woods, taking flight toward a second story balcony on imperial winglets:
The result? An optimal perch from which to survey her domain:
While her masculine progeny engages in some ultra-butch feline yoga:
All in all, a lovely day for all. Today, not so much. They’re both inside at the moment, safely warm & dry, looking out at the rain in a heartbroken manner.
Loved those photos!!! Kitty Yoga 🙂
Yes, it’s the ‘Studly Mouser’ pose.
I thought of you as I posted them, DJ.
How are you?
I don’t know… I’m feeling rather odd. I think it’s pre-march unease. I woke up this morning to see Cindy and Medea going into court and the footage of past arrests. This weekend is HUGE going ons for CodePink. I haven’t diaried about it because… well I don’t know.
Found out we have $40 to last till NEXT Friday. Not this friday. Pest/repair extortionists want another $500 and the stress of closing escrow is getting a bit hard.
Been having a bit of an out of bloggy experience here.
I am thrilled you are around and your pootie pictures are a great joy to see today :0) XOXOX
Glad my contributions to The Black Pootie Club helped cheer you a bit. I think that’s partly what our feline friends are here to do — when appropriate, of course.
The whole money bit is such a drag, isn’t it? I’ve been in that ‘$40 ’til next Friday’ spot quite a bit this year. When it comes down to that, we take care of what we absolutely must, leave the big debts to hang. No choice, is there? Blood from a stone & all.
Thankfully, change & miracles do both consistently occur. Not to worry — we squeeze through. The important thing is to love & support one another.
I fully understand about ‘pre-march’ unease. ‘Course, the general unease about financial situation’s got to be seeping in there, too. I know that you’ll do as you absolutely must to both nourish & protect yourself. The heart doesn’t lie in these matters; keep your ear close to your personal emotional ground, find the still place of serenity & peace there, draw your strength & wisdom from it & you’ll do fine.
Whatever occurs, whatever horrors are inflicted on us, whatever BS the world shovels out at us, cannot touch that place.
I think the unease is because all the Mothers Day crap that I see everywhere… It reminds me of how fucked up this country is how so many just go along with it. Even women… they’ll take that romantic dinner out instead of “think” and stand up.
More and more are talking about how this is all going to come down on the heads of a few who will risk it all so that the killing and the lying will stop. I’m worried about more bloodshed on a weekend that most who consider themselves political active will be sucking chocolate off their fingers.
Normally you feel the support behind you… I dont this time. I feel like we’re “intruding” on women getting some extra goodies. I know… I’m batshit loony today LOL
Ah, yes — a Mother’s Day, yet another single day allotted for appreciation for sacrifice, for love, for support, for life, for women. Give ’em a card/candy/phonecall; the rest of the year can go hang.
It’s hooey.
Either women buy into this ‘one day only’ as something significant, according to their own emotionality & imposed cultural norms, or not. If so, what can you do?
Ideally, we manifest that appreciation for the force of life as embodied by women every day, including ‘Mother’s Day’.
Unfortunately, every day is also Chores Day for your woodland pond-mate.
Real life beckons. Catch you soon!
but I don’t think it’s as binary as that. Everybody makes compromises in their life. I love my mother; I have to always judge the trade-offs between what will give her peace and what will compromise my beliefs. Lots of other people make the same kind of calculations.
I definitely do, concerning my own mom.
ACK I didn’t mean to go off or paint with a wide brush.
I prefer pointilism… lots of itty bitty dots that make up one photo when you look at it in diffrently 🙂
I’mjust a nervous cat today. 🙂
Menu suggestion for the next week: beans and rice, followed by rice and beans, then maybe some beans with a side of rice.
Sorry DJ, I’ve been in the position before where I scoured couch cushions for loose change for diapers or milk. At least you see an end in sight and that cool house is there!
I called Damnit Ryan and he’s gonna help a bit till Friday. Fucking sucks having to call and ask for help from anyone. Yeah the house… what i skilling us is the other down in Calif and the delays with that has caused the money tight sitch.
Y’know, certain spiritual beliefs dictate that giving is just as much of a blessing as receiving. If help is offered, one doesn’t refuse it or take it badly; we allow others to express their compassion as they will & everyone benefits. We also do our part to help others in turn when we’re able.
As for the property stuff, since this particular journey started for you I’ve had a deep feeling that all will work out fine for you in the end. Generally I find that despite a thousand stresses, things usually do — & so all that anxious energy, worry, lack of sleep etc has been basically for nothin’!
OK, gotta git.
I’ve had these stresses for a while now and I’ve been okay…
I think what set me off is seeing the news show Medea and Cindy being arrested (it was old footage)
and… I’m a bit upset that the “plan” was ot be dressed up as ste-ford housewives/50’s and I’ve been giving some red high heeled shoes. Which are fine to go in with – me and two others are going in but… afterwards there’s a march. This doesn’t make sense to me LOL
And I didn’t blog about it yesterday. Bloggy shit got the best of me I must say.
I’m of the opinion that arrest footage is meant to impose just this type of feeling.
Nothing — but nothing — on tv is there accidentally. It’s ‘our’ most valuable tool of social conditioning, after all.
As for the shoes, the truth will out ..
Wonderful pootie pics you got there! Love the ‘studly mouser’ pose … you caught a great moment there. Whenever I catch one of our dogs doing something cute like that and get ready to take a pic, of course they cease immediately and stare at me. Contrarians!
Sounds like a dreary weekend for you with rain on the way (or already there), but just think of the benefits it will bring to the woods and plants and nature. Looks like we may get some tonight ourselves, which may put a bit of a damper on planting tomorrow, but we’ll see. What’s been bad here is all the wind we’ve had of late… hopefully that will subside by tomorrow, as we have big plans for the neighborhood “Scrub Day,” which means getting rid of lots of junk from around the house. Then off to dig in the dirt and get more flowers planted and weeds dispatched to the compost! If I don’t see you again this weekend, you and the kitties have a great one!
Howdy, IVG. Glad I ‘caught’ you yet again before heading out into the supposedly real world.
I don’t mind the rain at all; it sure will help Springtime along & we need precipitation here desperately.
We had some pretty kick-ass winds come through last night as well. I was afraid we’d all take flight like the Woodland Queen — living as we do in a metal storage container.
Alas, was not to be. The winds have died down & what breeze remains hold the smell of budding green.
Ergo, out into the wetness I go to perform my wenchly duties.
Hope you can enjoy a pleasant planting day, Gaia permitting.
sounds like we are all experiencing the whims of the weather godds.
Love the pics, WW.
Hey Andi… yes, we are! Fickle spring… wouldn’t have it any other way, even if it does cramp the comfort style a wee bit. Time for me to get serious again, so will catch you later!
Hope at some point you can enjoy some of the woods with the dogs today.
Glad you enjoyed them, Andi. I sure enjoyed taking ’em! Could hardly believe it when I saw The Empress absolutely flying through the air — 1.5 tall stories, effortlessly! Talk about ‘Springy’.
Don’t mean to say she jumped 1.5 stories; that’s how high the balcony is that she jumped to.
She ain’t that springy.
Nice catch, WW. What a cutie!
The kitten? He’s great. Sweet as pie, too.
Good to see you, mythmother! Sorry I have to head out.
Hi WW. I now understand how the Queen of the Woods can magically go from window to roof. LOL.
I’ve got two cats (Cat & Tom) that once they’ve gotten up on the roof or a tree, I’ve had to climb up to get them down. I haven’t fully understood that one yet. Maybe they are training me. 🙂
Do NOT let your loved ones bastardize Mother’s Day!!!! It’s an anti-war proclamation. Treating it like a gift giving day is an insult to all the women before us who have had to clean up the bloodbaths of the warpigs.
Historically women have been silenced… don’t add to it. Stand up and demand that Mother’s Day be seen and respected for what it is… the Mother of Anti-War. Can check my diaries for actions and pledges you can take part in.
Today, I’ll be going in to a federal bldg to demand our money be returned to us. Then marching around that building with our carts full of rockets red glare, while dressed up as Step-ford wives. Problem is our heels. My feet will be blistered and bloody ths weekend.
But at least I’m free.
I will NOT say HappyMothersDay… instead I will say
(don’t be “safe” – be honest! Stand up)
Beautiful post, DJ. Thank you.
Will definitely have a look at your diaries.
Vaya con Dios, dear one — in all the ways that Power Within supports you.
forgiveness because my 84 year old mother, despite her dislike of Bush and this war, would never understand.
But along with the forgiveness, I hope you’ll feel my spirit marching along with you.
That’s okay – I just wished we could understand and remember.
Send her a bouquet of Pink flowers 🙂 Or a pink candle to light for peace vibes. 😉
Everybody has to decide what they’ll do and how. We make choices everyday that aren’t necessarily in accord with our most hoped-for outcomes and cherished beliefs. We have to try to do the best we can but we also have to live in the world. It’s the most intricate juggling act.
We need a bunch of juggling kitty photos 🙂
Or you could just learn to juggle them and have the kids take pictures.
That way we’d have the pics and you’d have one hell of a distraction. 😀
(((Andi)))) I didn’t mean to come off as pissed off at women here. Truly. It’s those women that sit in the manicure shops with their SUV covered in W04 stickers that have no clue about the risks this weekend.
And I didn’t blog about because I felt a “shift” and so now I’m totally off-kilter LOL I’ll just blog about it afterwards hopefully with photos and no kitties in the air.
No kitties being juggled? 🙁
How about chipmunks smoking pot?? 🙂
I’ll post an “I’m back” in the cafe tonight/today when I get back. 😀
If anything goes slightly not as planned… Cali or Sally will hopefully alert you guys.
Janet I just got back. You be careful!
Take care.
Hanging out on the computer till I can log into Ticketmaster and try for tickets to Sunday’s Sharks game. 🙂 Have to wait till 10am, about 45 minutes or so.
DJ — we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day with the in-laws, and their best friend and her grandson…but since everyone at the table will be staunch progressives, we’ll probably slip in an “F- Bush” in with the Mother’s Day greetings… 😉 (My mom-in-law: “I firmly believe that man was not elected in 2000.” I absolutely adore her…)
Should go update my blog (haven’t had a chance the last couple of days), but got an absolutely disgusting item for the Friday News Bucket… 🙁 Oh, and spouse bought the new Neil Young album, so need to import it into iTunes so I can stick it on the iPod… 🙂
Hope to be back by Happy Hour for the Random 10s… 🙂
(((Cali)))) Mrs. Ski will alert the hockey peeps if there is anything “amiss” and maybe you could post here? Mr. Azul will alert SallyCat.
I doubt anything will go wrong. I am just exceptionally nervous today… and I have to be “cool”. It’s not a recruiting station, or newsroom, or just the streets… its a federal builiding whre CodePink has been arrested before.
Plus… I’d better get home in time for the hockey game!! OH NO!!!! 🙂 ROFLMHockeyAO
Does the Portland jail system accept Western Union for bail money??? 😛 Between Sally and I, we’ll get you out of the hoosegow somehow… 😉
Hey there Tribbers!
I’m right outside New Orleans right now…can’t check into my place down here for a couple hours, so I thought I’d drop by the local Barnes & Noble, hop online, and give a quick update.
My trip started out with a good omen, as I was greeted with one of the brightest rainbows I’ve ever seen just off my port side:
This was in FSM-forsaken Ohio, of all places.
My overnight jaunt took right around 16 hours, fueled by chex mix, corn nuts, and diet mountain dew. I was right around Tuscaloosa when the sun came up this morning, and there are still downed trees everywhere.
In addition, I drove past a field of literally hundreds and possibly thousands of trailers. It didn’t look like anyone was living in them (I’m almost certain of this). I seem to remember that FEMA had acquired a bunch of trailers but never deployed them to where there are needed…could these have been them? I don’t remember exactly where they were, somewhere on I-59.
Lastly, I drove through Bogalusa, LA, and I would estimate that about 30-40% of the houses I saw there still have roof damage (evidenced by tarps on the roofs). I saw one house that looked to be deserted, as the branch that caved its roof in was still in its resting place.
That’s all I have for now…I’ve been up for about 30 hours straight now, but believe me every last iota of sleep was expunged from my body this morning when in the rising sun Katrina became completely real to me.