Keeping Things in Balance

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Copies of Zen and the Art of Cafe Maintenance on every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
but not very good — it’s 42 outside and raining, heading for a high of 54 and a bunch more rain. Bleech.
Sorry to hear you have another cold morning.
A bit warmer here, but lingering showers.
Any big plans? I’m going for a lot of relexation this weekend.
Other than taking my mom out for mother’s day, nothing much — I’ll have the rainy day exercise in dog psychology where if it’s raining they won’t want to go outside but if we go for a walk in the woods, they’re delighted to get soaked.
They don’t want to get wet by themselves. Smart dogs.
Morning Andi!!! Sorry about the bad weather. You can send some of the rain our way.
Just Noticed Sniff in the picture. What a cute puppy!!!!!
He loves walking on tree trunks — I think it’s because it makes him big.
Morning Andi, Ask, & Refinish.
Howdy FamilyMan!!!!!
Howdy Refinish. What’s the plans for the day.
I’ve just given up on you and slacking. 🙂
Senate District 5 meeting and maybe some live blogging from there.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I just saw the comment about slacking. I really should read all of a comment before responding
considering how late you stayed up.
How ya doing?
Tired. It was a everytime I turned around somthing was going on night.
I got back just in time to see you say good night and put a few coments in the 24/7.
Did you guests show up last night?
Nope, it will probably be today. It one of those things where when they say they are going to be here, you know for sure when they finally show up.
I knew it, but wasn’t thinking about this is Mother’s Day weekend. So it will be a multitude of sibling, nieces, and nephews in and out this weekend.
My Mom was alredy pointing out everything I need to get done in and around the house in non FM timing.
sounds like you’re going to have to be the Southern Sage of unSlothful Slacking this weekend.
I know and it goes totally against my grain. I’m more to the point of it’s clean, but not sparkling. Mom is more to the point to it needs to be sparkling, not just clean.
One funny note. The other day I drove my Mom out to the farm. We were waiting for two cars to go by and I had seen them. My Mom kept going, now wait for this car. I kept saying yes mam it see it. When the last one went by, I asked her if I should look for turtles and wait for them. My mom never uses profanity, but she asked me, “When did you get to be such a smart ass.”
I didn’t say it, but the first thought that came to mind was, “Well I know a few people in this cafe…..”
you ain’t talkin’ ’bout me are ya?
I’m talking the whole cafe. But you have to admit, since I’ve first came here, I have become more, lets say, vocal. 🙂
you’ve been here about as far back as I can remember…
I told thereisnospoon last night that all you guys were nuts and I was the only normal one, ha ha got the jump on ya there!!!
Hey if both of us can look at dada’s picture of the clock and say it’s normal, then we must be the only ones that are normal. I just look at the screen and think – pretty colors.
Good morning, NDD.
Don’t know if you saw a link I posted in yesterday’s newsbucket. It contained a lutefisk joke that may already be in your reportoire, but repeated here anyway:
missed your post, how’d that happen.Anyway, around here we say skunks instead of rats.
Back when Sven Triloquist was posting here we discussed us getting a bunch of Vikings together and throwing the lutefisk into the WhiteHouse. We thought that might work to get rid of those skunks.
(Seems Sven only posts at ET these days, I I’ve forgotten to go there for a while.)
my BT B&B is in eastern ND, about 90 mile N of Fargo and that area she was asking about, was it Minot, Killdeer, whatever is 275 NW of Fargo.
We actually had a look at the map after the previous exchange and realized the geography was off.
That mean you’re coming for a visit sooner rather than later?
Hi NDD –
Maybe we can make it for the “Loony Days” festival on Lake Lizzie(?) in July?
My memory is a bit fuzzy on details of time and place – but human bird calls are unforgettable!
Actually not familiar with that one, but any time you guys want to come for a visit just drop me a note at the email in my sig line.
Can’t believe you don’t know about Looney Daze! You call
yourself a North Dakotan! Just looked up a site – it’s actually
in Vergas – where they have that giant loon on display in town. Here is a link.
Vergas is actually in Minnesota, about 60 miles east of Fargo which is on the ND-MN border. You guys just have to come for a visit and re-orient yourselves geographically, ha!
Good morning, NDD.
curly is here just heading out the door. Says, yes, she knows it is in MN – and that many Fargoians head to Vergas for the Loony Daze festival in the summer.
You’re a work in progress, FM, we’ve still got a ways to go. But I’m so proud that your mom is noticing. (She sounds so cute!)
It’s beautiful here! Sunny and cool, one of those bright, sparkling mornings that just seem so alive. Now as soon as I make coffee I might feel that way too.
I like the work in progress. I’m still thinking of getting that marble spray paint and becoming Michelangelo’s David out on the front yard. I’m trying to picture David in bib overalls though.
Sure it will — just accentuate the right parts since that’s all anybody cares bout anyway.
I ain’t gonna say it, I ain’t gonna say it. 🙂
Couldn’t do it then. I couldn’t live with myself after seeing all the dead and blind squirrels and birds falling out of trees after seeing me.
at all costs!!!
Not to mention the plant life.
Wait a minute, I think I just figured out my lawn problem.
Smarting off to your mom (and right before mother’s day). You’ve done us proud!
No, I said I just thought it.
One more funny story. My brothers and I have always been very tall. My Mom is normal to short. She has never spanked us, but when we got older and smarted off and she would get mad enough, she would pop us on the arm. To reach up and pop us on our arm/shoulder she had to jump. We used to take bets on who could make her jump the highest.
I’m such a terrible son. 🙂
It’s always strange when your children first get taller than you are and you are still trying to exert your authority while standing on a step stool.
Be happy you aren’t my sister-in-law. My 13 Y.O. nephew is already 6’4″. Then again she’s 6’0″.
My 5’1″ sister has a husband, a son, and a(step)grandson who are all 6’5″. She’s definitely in charge — attitude is everything.
Couldn’t agree more. Attitude is everything, plus a cast iron skillet helps sometimes.
even though those under 45 probably never heard of such a thing.
Oh I don’t know. There are enough cooking shows on TV to show off such antiques.
Nope, she never needs an external assistance — she does it all with tone of voice and a steely-eyed gaze.
That’s scarier than a skillet or rolling pin.
I’ve probably mentioned this before but my best friend in Ohio is a dwarf and she’s 3’11” – and she’s married to a guy who’s 6’5″.
okay, I’m officially a terrible person. And I’ll bet you can guess why.
Maybe you were drunk when I mentioned it.
I must have been, because I don’t remember it.
Oh, and you’re wondering either how they have sex, or what it looks like when they dance together. Everyone does.
I wasn’t, but I’m sure Andi was. 🙂
I wasn’t wondering, I was imagining.
That’s the first I’ve heard of that one SN. It really is pretty interesting.
I’ve caught a couple of times this show on either TLC or Discovery about a family of little people. It’s every interesting.
The mother on that show looks astonishingly like Catherine’s daughter. Two of her three kids are dwarfs. One of them has been my son’s best friend (now long distance) since he was 5.
You’re talking about your son and one of the kids on the show?
No, I’m sorry to be vague – need more coffee. My son is best friends with my best friends son, both of them dwarves. Clear?
Oh, I understand now and I’m sorry if you talked about it earlier and I missed or misunderstood it.
I had an aunt who threw shoes at her boys. Her aim and velocity were amazing.
My Mom usually used the wait until your father gets home. My Dad was a good man and hardly ever spanked us, but for me once or twice was enough.
Still we would usually just ignore my Mom until Dad did get home.
This event didn’t exactly brighten my Mother’s Mother’s Day weekend. My brother and I finally drifted into the home town that Sunday, somewhat as personas non gratas(sp?)…( But this wiki needs some editing, as there was no “full-fledged riot” as they have stated. However, I do have photos of the national guard with bayonets fixed marching down the mainstreet.)
It sounds like ya’ll live in a major metro area.
only one in the state that could be considered that would be Fargo.
total pop of ND now only some 636,667, over 70, 665 sq miles.
I feel like I live in NY or LA compared to ya’ll.
had 312 in 1960 now 117 in the summer and 87 in the winter, the rest go to Phoenix.
I grew up on a farm in Arkansas. The nearest town, I guess you could call it that, has a pop of 47 and was about 12-15 miles away. Once we started high school we had to ride a bus 43 miles one way everyday.
BTW I hada total of 9 in my high school graduation class.
Those would be some great graphics for one of your diaries.
Would you like to help me look for the photos at the rural location… my “filing” system needs help.
We still have our original filing system – a drawer stuffed with pictures that would take hours to go through. Fortunately, when we started taking ‘serious’ vacations, we started doing actual photo albums.
Since I somehow missed a few hours last night. Catch up with ya later in the day.
Catch ya later.
With all the news about Rove possibly being indicted finally and all the others and even some convictions, I could not resist this design. LOL
Republican Convention
I will be away all day at a Senate District 5 meeting. It is a chance for many of the delegates to the state convention to meet and greet before June. I have to hit the shower in a few as we are meeting here and then car pooling to Navasota which is somewhere in BFE. LOL
Don’t answer above, I see here the plans.
LOL too late!!!! You know I am quick to respond anyway.
I know. I think I’ve had two or three conservations going on at once with you before.
Good morning, FM and refinish.
Wow, I’m gone a few minutes and suddely we go from 2 to 17 comments. What energy.
Maaybe Refinish, but energy and I haven’t been acquainted in a long while.
you’re keeping your ‘affliction’ very well hidden, then.
First rule of slacking. Appear to be doing something while slacking away.
That sounds quite challenging and I sense a slight inconsistency here; to have to focus on appearence is draining in itself, no?
Practice Ask, it all takes practice.
Well energy is my middle name I think. LOL
Hi rf,
I liked today’s design. Will check out some of the previous ones.
Thanks!!!! Here is the shirt I am wearing to the meeting today.
Can You Believe?
Goodness Refinish. That’s so subtle do you think anyone will understand it. 🙂
Just back from the site, saw that one and many others.
Will order one for my daughter, she’ll get to pick later today.
the one with “I survived the Bush Administration, so far”, been too nippy here lately to wear it, but I like it, and it’s good quality cotton. 100%
I’m going to go ahead and open a new cafe. By the time I get it open there should be around 100 comments.
Breakfast Time Café Opened