Full Disclosure Preamble: I have not been eager to pile on Hillary and while she’s not my first choice, I have said that, as of now, I would vote for her if she becomes the Democratic nominee for President.
But cynic that I am, it’s a bit eerie that several stories appear on Mother’s Day, here, here and here –to create a nice story-line on her. And as I have quoted Peter Daou previously
“A single storyline is more effective than a thousand stories.”
If this isn’t a *CRAP* attack, it might as well be.
*”Coordinated Rovian Attack Plan” (CRAP)*
We don’t need a center-seeking, right wing pandering Democratic candidate. I said it before and I’ll say it again: If my choice is between Hillary or McCann, I’m staying home. In their runs for president, neither of them have demonstrated a core of principle or integrity.
When Murdock gives the fundraiser for Hillary, if someone gets a picture of her hugging the old fart, it will be the perfect bookend to the photo of McCann hugging Bush. Smear me, try to destroy me, oh well, I forgive you; it’s just a game of politics.
Howie, all three sources are responding to the same news item. It doesn’t require Rovian coordination for them — and me — to have the same reaction. Hillary is selling out to the corporatists and thinks she’ll make it to the WH without you and me. Maybe she’s right: You don’t need principles or integrity or ideals or a soul to be elected president — just lots of money and a cooperative media. G.W. is proof of that.
Well, you maybe correct, but the MyDD post says nothing about the Murdock story.
MY BAD, it does reference Murdock. But it leads with David Brooks.
And the AP story references Richard Cohen.
I do dearly love Arianna, but to hear her complaining about someone “partying with a Who’s Who of the GOP power elite” after posting a picture of herself and Condi-Liar Rice a few days, ago…please.
Third party or bust…
I’m sure Ralph is ready to go!
Ralph Nader my ASS.
ANOTHER loser.
Howard Dean.
Russ Feingold.
John Conyers.
Paul Hackett
Cindy Sheehan
And literally THOUSANDS of others who have stood up and been tested.
THAT third party.
Howie, while I understand why you might think this is a coordinated Rove attack, please consider the context.
The anger at Ms. Clinton from within the left is coming from a long, long string of refusals on her part to explain herself in anything other than the stilted language of the parsing public relations officer.
It’s not that she isn’t explaining her self in public to the progressive wing of the party; she is refusing to explain herself to anyone at all, even if indirectly through those who are working for her candidacy, down to the local level. I know that for a fact because in my local Democratic Executive Committee, Hillary supporters can’t explain some of her behavior.
This also comes at the end of about a year and a half of the MSM proclaiming Hillary to be the front runner, Republicans on hate radio telling any Democrats stupid enough to listen that we will have her as our candidate or no one at all, and a President telling the press what a good candidate she will be. I have a hard time understanding how the conclusion one has to draw from this is anything other than that Republicans WANT her to run. Let’s not waste our precious few resources giving them a fight on THEIR ground that they have so obviously prepared.
Sounds like the rovians would like to run against Hillary, and they would also be delighted with any “storyline” about her that makes it more difficult for her to win. Obviously, Hillary has said and done things that can be used to “swiftboat” her like they did with Kerry. The use of her connection to Murdock, her support for some aspects of Bush’s Iraq policy, etc—all these issues could be cut in other ways (reaching out to those who disagree with her, being loyal and patriotic, whatever). I just think that folks who would oppose her for the Democratic nomination should be careful about playing into the rovian’s hands. Ask Howard Dean or John Kerry about that. I don’t see how attacking Hillary right now does anything but play into their strategy of taking her down. I would prefer to see Dems working FOR their issues and candidates, offering the voters an alternative. I also know that there are some who would not support her if she was the nominee. I think this is strategy that leads to another Republican administration.
Full disclosure preamble: I will not vote for Hillary Clinton.
Why do you consider criticism of Senator Clinton a)Rovian? b) crappy?
Rove wants Hillary like Dick wants Iran. No Rovian plot here, just the opposite. The only thing Hillary has is money and look where a chunk of that is coming from. If there were medals passed out for pandering, HC would look like Snoop Dog.
To me, supporting Hillary before or after the primary just because she’s got a D behind her name, makes one as guilty of destroying our democracy as their blind Bush-loving bretheren.
Take a pass on the shit sandwiches.
Having protested Hillary during CodePink’s “Bird Dog Hillary” campaign because the Senator refuses to listen to anyone that lives in reality.
She doesn’t “have time for anti-war activists” her aides have stated numerous times.
I will not vote for her. She is a War Pig.
Who might you consider supporting?
That’s a hard one Howie because not too many Dems have done crap. They’ve seen attrocities after attrocities and they’ve all just sat back and let it happen.
I support Dean, Leahy, Conyers, for starters… but as for Presidency… I don’t know. And that is what will KILL the Democrats in 2008. No one has stood up against Bush.
Hillary is the worst of the bunch. And as a woman – it really sucks that I can’t support a woman who could have and should have been a strong voice against this facsist dictator. She hasn’t spoken up because she’s warpig.