I’m looking for the right metaphor to describe what I see happening in Washington D.C. In the past I’ve called it a slow-motion coup. But, the pace has picked up considerably ever since Dick Cheney shot his lawyer buddy in the face. Simply put, powerful people in our national security apparatus are trying to take the Presidency out. The task is complicated by a most essential prerequisite: taking out the Vice-President and Secretary of Defense. I believe this is happening, not as a conspiracy, but as a result of disastrous policies that have created a confluence of interests among disparate groups: military generals, career CIA, disgruntled employees, disillusioned whistleblowers, emboldened Democrats, scared straight Republicans, and even some true patriots. Today, we have another “Senior Administration Official” dropping a bomb where it could be expected to do the most good: on the heads of the bigfoot press.
Brian Ross and Richard Esposito of ABC News quote this official as saying, “It’s time for you to get some new cell phones, quick.” Why?
[He] tells us the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.
…We do not know how the government determined who we are calling, or whether our phone records were provided to the government as part of the recently-disclosed NSA collection of domestic phone calls.
Other sources have told us that phone calls and contacts by reporters for ABC News, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, are being examined as part of a widespread CIA leak investigation.
A lot of bloggers are going to focus on how this is just more evidence of Bush’s lying. That’s true. But, for me, it is just more evidence that powerful people know they have Bush-Cheney staggered and they are not looking to let this fight go to the cards. They’re looking for a knockout. Stephen Colbert picked up on this in his recent performance.
Look, folks, my point is that I don’t believe this is a low point in this presidency. I believe it is just a lull, before a comeback. I mean, it’s like the movie Rocky. The president is Rocky Balboa, and Apollo Creed is everything else in the world. It’s the Tenth Round. He’s bloodied. His corner man, Mick, who I guess in this case would be the Vice President, he’s yelling, “Cut me, Dick, cut me,” and every time he falls everyone says, “Stay down, Rock, stay down!” But does he stay down? No.
-Stephen Colbert, White House Correspondent’s Dinner, 2006.
It’s beginning to look a lot more like the famous George Foreman-Joe Frazier fight:
As the first round began, Foreman and Frazier stood center ring sizing each other up, and then the leather started to fly. It was apparently clear to those at the fight and those viewing it closed-circuit, that Frazier would not last the distance as Foreman pummeled him mercilessly. Frazier tried everything that he could think of, but it was not enough as he tasted the canvas six times in less than two rounds. Frazier’s will and heart were never in question, as he kept getting up after each knockdown. George Foreman’s skill in the ring was not as impressive as his power, but his ability to keep Frazier on the outside at the end of his powerful punches does suggest that he had enough intelligence and skill to know how to go about his job professionally and efficiently.
Yes, the Bush administration is a two-time World Champion, ferocious and with tremendous heart. But they are no match for the intelligence community and the real power brokers in Washington. The Bushies are trying everything they can think of, but they keep tasting the canvas. In the end, when historians look back on this era, they’ll say that it was never an even fight. In the first term, Bush-Cheney convinced the intel community to take a fall and bribed the judges for good measure. But in the rematch, they found themselves out there in the middle of the ring with a young George Foreman and their cutman on trial for obstruction of justice.
The fix is STILL in.
It’s just a different fix.
Any better?
Does a fix EVER really fix anything?
I think not.
Business as usual.
Now the left wing of the right wing will rule for while.
Remember what happened to Foreman?
After the Frazier fight?
A REAL visonary exposed him for the one-dimensional fraud that he was.
Whence comes OUR Ali?
well, look for the rope-a-dope…there is the savior.
You mean…HILLARY?
Laying back on the establishment ropes. making believe she’s taking a beating? Playing nice with the Rats, setting them up for the knockout punch?
Or Fitzgerald?
Not saying a damned thing while the Rats dig their own graves?
Or the Hispanics, who really are taking a beating, but will have the final say when the Malkins of the world expend too much energy in the early rounds.
Look at Greenwald today. The anti-immigration crowd wants to help us impeach Bush. With allies like that?!!!?
But we CANOT let the fight go to the judges.
It HAS to be a KO, because the judges are fixed already.
Arthur, I stumbled across this photo while researching something else. I thought you would find it amusing, or chilling, or infuriating, or something.
Ah yes…the good grey flannel intel brigade, ready to do war by any means necessary for God, Country, the middle aged white race (male subdivision) and whatever other twisted set of ideas lifelong sexual repression has conjured up w/in them.
These are the motherfuckers I fought against from the time I was old enough to know something was fishy in the land of suburbia…11 years old, to be precise….and their inheritors are running the same game now on all of us.
Minus the suits when it’s time to dress down for a photo op, of course.
I outsmarted ’em when I was 12, again when I was 19, and I continue to outsmart them to this day. Which is no big accomplishment, because they are as dumb as sticks. They win by numbers. Numbers, inherited position, and an inborn talent for deceit.
Fuck ’em all.
We will piss on their graves.
The past ALWAYS loses.
According to Greg Palast this morning, in an interview with Amy Goodman:
But they’re supposedly doing it to protect classified information from being leaked during a war, so it’s okay to spy on journalists. I wonder what their excuse will be for spying on democrats? Cause you know they haven’t been able to resist the temptation to do that too.
Didn’t John Kerry say at some point that, during the campaign, he came to believe that his phone was being bugged?
This is going to be the ugliest political climate I may ever witness. Does anybody think that Laura even has an inkling of what is going on around her? Does anybody think that Laura could have ever been a Mean Girl?
I’m not as sanguine as you are Boo. I think BushCo still has a lot of life left in them, and the chance to do tremendous damage to this country.
so do I. I just think they are too punch drunk to do shit but huddle with lawyers and media consultants these days. And there has been no let up in weeks.
Yer usually fucked on their field! I think the Mean Girls are playing now in full force.
Did you see the Washington Post yesterday about why Mary McCarthy was fired? She had the nerve object to the CIA lying about torture to both houses of Congress!
Mean gals rock!
Laura Rozen
just posted a piece begining with “My God…[.] It’s staggering if true.”
She links to a letter from Russell Tice to Sen. Warner. A strong hint of what he’ll disclose…the use of military satellites…to… Go read.
No need to impeach, huh.
Corporate Media is still in denial; perhaps their bosses still have them under tight reign. Last week on NewsHour nobody pointed out to Jim Lehrer, Mark Shields or even David Brooks that every one of their telephone calls is now in a government data base and if a government official is interested in whom they have contacted the information is available almost instantaneously.
Corporate media still act like a government that implemented this without oversight or explanation is rational instead of radical ideologues which they actually are.
most of the ppl who is blooging on that sight of abc are calling the journalists traitors and as well as their sources. I presume that these ppl are republicans or their plants.. The republicans are less trustworthy than anything I have ever known in my lifetime. They will lie about just everything they say. One can not believe in them no matter what…Just remember this. They want to harress us and others. They are and will be less than honest the more they are pushed to the end of their safty zone. And it is getting rather tight and less safe for them as the days go on.
Has anyone read Glenn Greenwald this morning? Apparently Malkin and her ilk have been so pissed at Bush for the last week over immigration that they’re discussing impeachment. I hadn’t realized the issue was fracturing the religious nuts from the business wing quite this thoroughly. This is beyond stunning. How is it possible to hate millions of people so deeply that you put it above everything else?
I haven’t read it yet, but am on my way. Sounds delicious!
Personally, I think it is like they are having a tamtum like that of a child. They are a bunch of hypocrits anyhow. Hell will one day be so full of those critters!
It supports my belief that taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay the National Guard because corporations break the law. This, by golly, is pretty damn direct!
Now I’ll finish the thing. Joy, joy! Thanks again.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day. It actually looked fairly new. It read: “John Rocker for President.” Remember John Rocker?
“The biggest thing I don’t like about New York are the foreigners. I’m not a very big fan of foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?”
Perhaps he will re-emerge as “the movement”‘s poster child. Heaven knows he’s the right man for the job.
They were against impeachment before they were for it…
Yes! I’ve been promoting the idea for quite a while now that the battle between the gang who used to control US policy, (the Carlyle Group types epitomized by such creatures as Brent Scowcroft, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, etc.), and the neocon psychopaths who seized that power from them with the installation of the “Moron King” Bush; that this battle for control of the White house and the Pentagon and the full foreign policy pallette has been “kicking up” in intensity in recent months, and the neocons are losing more and more power daily.
I think the Carlyle gang is going to win this fight to push the neocons back into their caves just like they did during Reagan’s reign and during the reign of Pere Bush. My hope is that they can do it before the neocons figure out a way to launch their lunatic attack plan against Iran.
(I have a feeling the just announced news that Israels new PM Olmert is going to make a state visit to the US is a further sign of Carlye gang ascendancy over an ever weakening neocon machine. Similarly, I have a feeling that despite all current indications to the contrary, Rumsfeld will in fact be sacrificed before the “06 elections in one last desperate attempt by the Cheney cabal to retain their power, but that such a sacrifice will not work for them anyway.)
If the Carlyle Group bunch includes the power brokers at the very top of the US economy, I think we’re on the same wavelength here.
The horror movie is rapidly approaching this point in the script:
The Carlyle Group gang does have enormous clout in the arena of international business interests and economics, and clearly there is astrengthenig of awarenes amidst this rapacious class that the neoconservative, Straussian cult insanity as propagated by Cheney and Kristol and the rest of the PNAC crowd is ultimately very bad for business in the long run. I believe even big oil is starting to turn away from supporting the Cheney/Bush regime as they realize that none of the neocon prognostications has turned out to be accurate and that further war in the oil and natural gas rich geography of the Middle East will now lead to diminished returns, not enhanced ones.
Certainly the neocons will remain extremely dangerous aslong as they stil have a voice in government; and like cornered rats they are capable of insane and irrational viciousness even against our own country, but I do believe the Carlyle gang will defeat them.
Lest anyone sense otherwise, I do want to make it clear that while I would like to see the Carlyle gang beat the neocons for the good of the country and the world in the short term, I still believe that all theplayers in Carlyle are criminals deserving of life sentences in prison for their crimes against humanity going back many decades. It’s just that the neocons are worse and I think Carlye are the only ones positioned to beat them.
I don’t think it is because the neocons are bad for business, I think it is because they endangering the C Group by being so inept. The neocons are so inept at being corrupt that they risk bringing down the whole cabal. If the public ever wakes up to how the system really works, the C Group will taste some canvas, too. This is what has the C Group unhappy.
I think it’s both. Crtainly the scale of neocon ineptitude is staggering in it’s scope, but the Carlyle gang also knows that it’s easier and more profitable in the long run to make deals with dictators than it is to try to kill everyone and grab control of all the oil and then have to defend that control constantly in a violent militarized environment.
Not to mention that they realize that a certain level of environmental regulation, public health care, etc. are necessary costs of doing business for the long-term if they want to continue to have a flock of happy sheeple buying their what-nots, rather than rioting in the streets.
We see this one exactly the same.
William Engdahl had similar thoughts in The US’s geopolitical nightmare & relates it specifically to the failure of their Central Asia energy policy, which concludes:
Thus Bush meeting again last week with the ‘elder statesmen’ (Albright & Cohen among them) and the recent increased visibility of Kissinger & Brezinski. “Lesser evils” indeed . . .
It is precisely this group of people and interests who I refer to as, (for lack of a better term), the Carlyle Group gang who’ve been the driving architects of US foreign policy going back to the 1930’s and who are described in certain circles as the “Foreign Policy ‘Realists'”.
The neocons use the term “foreign policy realists” as an epithet because they regard the Carlyle types as their direct and mortal enemy, their prime challenger for power and the single entity capable of characterizing the ideology of the neocons as a delusional, irrational and dysfunctional bunch of crap, and of combatting that ideology effectively in the public forum.
So, for me, it’s the re-emergence of these so-called “realists’s” influence that I find so significant. The neocon insanity has damaged the ability of the US to dominate world affairs so much that I think it’s unlikely the country will ever fully recover, but if the Carlyle cabal can stop the spread of the neocon war-aggression that will at least be an improvement.
Followed the link over to ABC, and decided to read the comments from readers. There sure are lots of people still suffering from Kool-Aid intoxication. Very scary. And in the middle of it was this interesting item:
Has anyone heard of people being offered a job by the administration to publicly disseminate the party line in this way in blog postings?
That sounds like another juicy scandal, should it pan out…
Or have I been too busy watching disintegrating comet fragments, volcanoes on Java, and the NHL playoffs of late?
Dearest Readers:
“Truthout” is not quite the most trusted news source in our bloglines list. So, while they did announce on Saturday that Karl Rove has been indicted, we’re not particularly inclined to believe it, especially as it is now Monday, and not even Raw Story has picked it up …
The Huffington Post
By the way, Rove was scheduled to speak at the America hating American Enterprise Institute on Monday. It appears they have now removed the details of his appearance from their website. If his appearance has been cancelled we might be looking to a great Monday. Let’s hope!
By: ConsAreCrooks on May 13, 2006 at 09:12pm
Sorry about that :: Today at the AEI
● The Fitzgerald Filing – May 12
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
RAWSTORY did not pick up Leopold’s piece because they had a falling out last fall when Jason posted at Truthout a breaking item on the investigation. Rawstory -the article not yet posted at his site, btw-claimed Jason had given undertakings that the piece would be exclusive to them.
I recall quite clearly since my diary, on the rec list, at DKos was based on Jason’s Truthout article. Rawstory posted an angry comment, blah blah this was to be exclusive to Rawstory, blah blah and the big hunchos took down the recommended dairy. Jason has not contributed to Rawstory since that window closed.
Apparently the ’24 hrs to get affairs in order’ reference has been clarified by Truthout editor, WIlliam Pitt (front paged here). This was the ‘legalese 24 hrs’ starting Monday: 3 x 8 hrs business day. We should soon know. Leopold is said to have stated he’ll OUT his source if his story falls.
And is Karl Rove playing Don King?
“I’m a Bush Republican.” Don King, Crossfire, CNN 1/6/2003.
I love the diary, but I hope you’re not channeling Pollyanna here. While it may be that the fact of the leaks is evidence of rampant dissatisfaction with Bush and his cronies in the “professional” positions within the Administration and military, these revelations are also more evidence of the grotesque and unconstitutional power accumulation that Bush and his fascistas are attempting.
If you’re right, then we have to analyze the reasons why the “real power brokers in Washington” and the “intelligence community” are doing what they’re doing. Quite frankly, we don’t need other power brokers wieldling power for the purpose of enriching themselves and their cronies. We already have that.
We need what we’ve never had: a democracy with an ethos that reflects Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and heeds Eisenhower’s warning about the “military-industrial” complex. The Economy with its market fetish has replaced the Polity as the source of order and meaning for our society. That’s something that needs to be reversed, and most likely can only be reversed with a recovery of our republican virtue of citizenship. Public good must be contrasted with private benefit.