Morning Andi and everyone else. I spent so much time going back and answering on bloggs this am I had no time for the cafe. I am at work and it is slow for the moment. LOL
Mornin’ Andi, mornin’ all. It’s raining this morning, so I have a good excuse to get caught up on the news and hang here for a little bit.
Momma goose had her babies, 5 fine little goslings, but I didn’t get pictures. She was very secretive with them and herded them away from the people. (the very same people who have fed her ass for the past few months I might add) Now they’re gone to the beaver pond across the street… from now on we’ll only see them once in a while as she shuttles them from pond to pond. Waaaa! I wanted new gooslet pictures.
It’s been raining here for five days and it looks like we’ve got one or two days more. Plus it’s been in the fifties for the same amount of time. So at the moment, I am not feeling beloved by the weather gods.
Maybe you need to construct a photo bird blind (oh and a photo horse blind, too).
The garden is planted for now. Poop is the name of the game now… lots of it. See, the horses are good for something after all. And they are kind enough to keep making it.
A duck blind! I’ll have to make something that can sit on my head, because I need to move in for those closeups. Oh, that brings some dandy images into my head…
As for the horses, I can see it now… the headlines will read “Dalton woman trampled by pet horses while wearing bushes on her head”.
you’re not a photography addict. If I said something like that to my husband, he would have looked at me wistfully and said, with as sad as tone as he could manage, “If only I had a 400mm lens …”
That’s why Jim’s photos are wonderous and full of beauty and my best shots exist only in that photoalbum in my head.
That reminds me of last year, when I was on a mission to record the coyotes. I actually got a 10 second recording that still gives me chills, but don’t know how to get it on my computer. I also have about 5 minutes of video of a coyote in a neighboring field, but don’t know how to get THAT on my computer, either. I get all interested and obsessed with something, get so far, then get distracted by the next big thing which, unfortunately, this week happens to be horse poop.
It’s really nifty that you having recordings and video, regardless of what you do with it. Because of our dogs, the coyotes don’t get very close.
If you used equipment w/o a connection (usb, firewire), then you’ll have to use some indirect method. There are ways to hook up equipment (tape players, vcrs) to computers (not that I can tell you how). Of course, the simple way to do the recording would be to simply play in front of your microphone.
The problem with the audio redording is that I didn’t use my digital recorder, which has all the hookups needed for computer recording. Oh no. I happened to catch the howlers on a little dish thing with earplugs (I call it my miracle ear) that has a 10 second record capability. Only can listen with earplugs. I probably have the right connectors somewhere but got frustrated fast and moved on. Thanks for the suggestions.
Nag I can’t find mine now, but there are external converters that you can hook up the RCA cables to and then use your computers usb port. I used it for all my albums and since I can’t find the CDs anymore I’m going to have to find it again. The samething goes with the Video.
Thanks, Family Man. I think perhaps that may work with the video. The video was taken before I had this laptop with all the media bells and whistles. I had actually forgotten about it before Andi’s conversation jogged my memory. Hmmm something to do on a rainy day besides housework? THANKS!!!!!
Aaahhh, fresh coffe, a bagel, and cream cheese of course…..and on the road.
Returned to the panhandle yesterday, here at the swamp, but will be back on the road, a return trip to Miami tomorrow….geesh…
I’m in the process of selling the swamp, and possible move to Miami, at least a temporary move there, time will tell….. It all depends on how my business does there…..(keeping my fingers crossed)
Glad to hear the ol’ gang is still kick’n and rais’n some hell here at the pond.
As for me, I’ve been on the road for the past 8 months, and have been converting dis-enchanted Republicans with great pleasure, so far the count is steadily climbing…gotta make a change this year, and then the next presidential election…keep up the good work folks…..I’ll be stopping by…
Been busy, busy, busy Brenda, glad to hear from you.
I’ve been going 7 days a week for the past 8 months, non stop, but finally making a move for a little more relaxed working life.
Finally making the move, my partner and I, to launch our Environmental business, and we should have the contract in hand this week to ensure financing, and get it off the ground….keep those fingers crossed ; )
It will mean a complete change in life style, but one that has been coming. I recluse every so often in my life, and the swamp has been one of those times, but now, it’s time to move on, and a welcome change I might add.
It’s been wonderful here, time to watch mother earth, and reflect, but now I will have the chance to change some of the bad things mankind has done to our mother earth, and I am embracing it with wide open arms.
This week is a very tight schedule, but I’m excited, and welcome every challenge with a smile. Been working with the financial people for the past week, and they seem to feel there will be no problem with the new contract in hand. This week will make the final hurdle, if I can procure the contract. The calls are set for today, and then I return to make the site plan, and final numbers. LMAO…I feel like a kid in a candy store ; )
Great to hear from you, and the others that have commented yesterday as well….will be looking forward to returning, with more time to kick Repugs Ass’, and take names….; )
Hi IP!! I still miss your particular brand of humour around here. It’s nice to hear from you now and then. Sounds like your life is wonderful these days… all those months of hard work seems to be paying off for you. Good luck with your business! I hear they have the internet now even in Miami, so you can still keep in touch with us here in the frog pond. 😉
Hey there Nag, good to hear from ya, and yeppers, we all need a lil’ laugh now and then ; )
Life is not great just yet, it’s a very nervous time right now, but I have nothing but solid faith that it will happen, and very soon.
It’s been a long 3yr road to this point, and many dissapointments in the process, but I believie it will finally pay off.
Yeppers, they do have internet in Miami..LOL…and dayum, is it faaasssssssssssssssstttttt….Hooooooooooooo Laaaawwwwwwd…it’s damt neer a fast as a frog a sett’n his ass on a hot tin roof, and watch’n him JUMP……
Unlike the dial-up hell yere in da swamp, hell, I kin hit dem dar keys, and go out and catched up a big ol’ bass, whilest I’m a wait’n on the page to load.. ; ) (an probably skin out a gator’s tail too)
It sure sounds like you have everything all tied up for now. The greatest of luck on getting things done they way you want. I will hope for you that it does…
Will be glad to see more of you around these parts of the pond as things slow donw for you.
As always it is so very good to see and hear from you…hugs…
I sure had a very busy w/e. Maybe with the work week, I will be settling down some..:o) I bought some planting flowers this w/e and got that job done. They are planted in deck hangers for the rails of the deck–in moss. Got some shepards hangers to hang humongous petunia hanging planters…they all look so pretty.
Ate too much starting on Sat and then again on Sun. The kids are sooooo nice on Mom’s day. Did not have to get called in…yea!
Hope all had a great day. I am tired today. I need a day off just to recoup…:o) Anyhow, am looking forward to next w/e for the meet up in Memphis. Wish each of you could come. Memphis in May is always a great time to have fun. Nex w/e will be the
BBQ cookoff. Should present to have a great time.
One cat this am is running the derby down the hall….back and forth, back and forth…one is sitting in my office just watching that one run, perched as if to jump out after that one running.
I guess that the confirmation of Hayden is on Thursday of this week. I wonder if dubya’s mouthing this evening will help lower his polls more. I will not watch…can’t for the sight of him makes me sick, the sound of his voice is hard to take.
Anyhow…so good to see ya all today. Will see ya all later on. hugs….
Thanks Andif. I must say they try hard to spoil me all the time, if I were to let them. I am not one to be spoiled but at least twice a year…on moms day and my birthday….:o)
Hi Brenda. Your plants sound beautiful. I absolutely love petunias in hanging baskets. The hummingbirds love them also. I bought some flowers for my flower boxes and they’re still sitting there unplanted. (Yup, there’s petunias in that bunch) That’s because I’ve been totally obsessed with my vegetable gardens this year. You’ve inspired me, Brenda. Even though it’s raining here, I can plant my flowers on the porch out of the rain.
Glad you had a good Mother’s Day.
Speaking of cats, my little Smudgie has developed a fetish for seeed packets. I don’t know if it’s the sound of the seeds inside, or the smell, or what… but she loves to rub her nose on them and roll and writhe in them. And I thought I was wierd!!!
Hey Nag, I am sure you will get the flowers done…I just love the rail planters. Keeps them off the ground and makes for a much easier time for mowing. I have something in the soil around here that makes me get cellulitis on the face…so cant work in the soil. It is so much more easier to do the flowers up to my level anyhow. I am glad to hear that the hummingbirds like the petunias. I bought the red begonias so that it might attract them. I can now sit on my deck and watch and see….:o)
What kinds of plants do you plan on doing this year?
Well, every year I try to add a few perennials… this year it will be salvia. (big purple spikes… like lavender) My porch boxes will have petunias, violas and begonias. I also have a flowering almond bush that EVERYONE wants, so now that it’s finished blooming, I have to start to dig out the runners for everyone. Oh, and I have a corkscrew willow that needs to go in.
I go in spurts… this year, I’m on fire in the gardens.
No blue sky. Of course, I could a brief reprieve like my 35 minutes yesterday but it looks like Wednesday will the day for the sun to make more than a cameo appearance.
The asklets’ mother is a bit of a character (to put it mildly). She has suddenly decided to cut off their contact with me. Getting a lawyer’s appointment today.
Good Morning, Ask. Wow, that’s not good news about the asklets, I’m so sorry. I hope you can get it straightened out without too much ummm, controversy.
Plus it gave me a little chuckle. 🙂 We all have our moments … although, the best imo was when you posted in the wrong thread. That was priceless and I had tears running down my cheeks. So thank you!
Just like with slacking, it takes practice to do creative nonsensical things. Since I started at such an early age with both, just part of my daily routine. 🙂
I’ve got a knocking on the door with my nephew saying, “Gorg, Uncle FM are ya’ll awake”. Since George is barking I think he already knows the answer.
It’s still ongoing — lasts about 3 weeks. We still have tulips just coming up from the ground. Which is a good thing considering the lack of sun lately. 🙂
This is what I’m planning on taking pix of next: showy lady slipper orchids. I went a couple years ago (my pre-camera days) and it was breathtakingly stunning. There are 100s and 100s of these wild orchids — like a lake of orchids — along w/ pitcher plants etc.
Morning, Olivia. I have just enough time to say hey and then get up and get ready for work. I hope that I can drop by during the day to see ya all. have a great day, ya’ll. take care and hugs….
Mornin’, Olivia. Do you know what one of my absolute favorite flowers is? The lowly dandelion. In spring they are one of the first to peek their sunny little heads out to the sun. I ADORE seeing them in lawns and fields. Of course, this did not make me the most favorite person in my last neighborhood where almost everyone used a lawn service.
Thanks, Nag. I owe this shot to olivia (like so many others) because her inspiration made me look at them closer and see how nice a side shot of this one would be.
That you would look at something you might have passed by b/c of me! You really captured it well — w/ a sense of movement: you can almost see the petals reaching for the sun.
because you really deserve great thanks for what you’ve done. At the risk of embarrassing you, I think that you have made profound changes in just about everyone who looks at your photos. Our world becomes a much richer place.
Dandelions are okay in my book too. There’s something to be said of the sturdiness of a plant, and they are one of the tops. I think the whole idea of what is a weed and what isn’t is interesting. Often, it’s largely dependent on our (in)ability to contain a plant’s growth. Dandelions do their own thing. And you’re right, there’s nothing nicer than to see their little yellow heads popping up first thing in the spring.
is excellent medicine for regulating blood sugar.
We’re not supposed to know that, though. Free medicine? OMG! Kill it!
‘Morning, everyone. Good to see y’all doing relatively well.
The day threatens rain here yet again. It’s been a continual tease, but I’m fine with it either way. The mountains have greened up terrifically; my little apple tree is full of blossoms.
I do wish I could pass on the rain to you. I don’t mind rain but so many days in a row does get to me. On the upside, my dogs are as soft as a stieff teddy bear.
Hey there, Andi.
Happiness is a warm puppy, no? Warm and soft!
Our weather systems do seem somewhat stalled, don’t they?
Clouds are definitely accumulating here. Ergo, I’ve got to pop down to the general store & PO before we see any rain, as I’m riding on a bald tire & it tends to slip in water.
I’ll be back asap, as usual.
Need more coffee. Posted reply first in the old thread…
But this is what it said.
“Good morning, NDD.
curly is here just heading out the door. Says, yes, she knows it is in MN – and that many Fargoians head to Vergas for the Loony Daze festival in the summer.”
and don’t have to go anywhere to find it. Ha! I’d never heard of it before, but I’m going to ask some of the local there and see what they say about it.
Morning Andi!!!!
I hope all is well with you this morning.
Morning Andi and everyone else. I spent so much time going back and answering on bloggs this am I had no time for the cafe. I am at work and it is slow for the moment. LOL
Morning Refinish. I’m surprised you have time for anything, ‘O constantly moving one’.
Mornin’ Andi, mornin’ all. It’s raining this morning, so I have a good excuse to get caught up on the news and hang here for a little bit.
Momma goose had her babies, 5 fine little goslings, but I didn’t get pictures. She was very secretive with them and herded them away from the people. (the very same people who have fed her ass for the past few months I might add) Now they’re gone to the beaver pond across the street… from now on we’ll only see them once in a while as she shuttles them from pond to pond. Waaaa! I wanted new gooslet pictures.
Hi Nag. Glad the rain did something good.
It’s been raining here for five days and it looks like we’ve got one or two days more. Plus it’s been in the fifties for the same amount of time. So at the moment, I am not feeling beloved by the weather gods.
Maybe you need to construct a photo bird blind (oh and a photo horse blind, too).
How’s the garden coming?
The garden is planted for now. Poop is the name of the game now… lots of it. See, the horses are good for something after all. And they are kind enough to keep making it.
A duck blind! I’ll have to make something that can sit on my head, because I need to move in for those closeups. Oh, that brings some dandy images into my head…
As for the horses, I can see it now… the headlines will read “Dalton woman trampled by pet horses while wearing bushes on her head”.
you’re not a photography addict. If I said something like that to my husband, he would have looked at me wistfully and said, with as sad as tone as he could manage, “If only I had a 400mm lens …”
That’s why Jim’s photos are wonderous and full of beauty and my best shots exist only in that photoalbum in my head.
That reminds me of last year, when I was on a mission to record the coyotes. I actually got a 10 second recording that still gives me chills, but don’t know how to get it on my computer. I also have about 5 minutes of video of a coyote in a neighboring field, but don’t know how to get THAT on my computer, either. I get all interested and obsessed with something, get so far, then get distracted by the next big thing which, unfortunately, this week happens to be horse poop.
It’s really nifty that you having recordings and video, regardless of what you do with it. Because of our dogs, the coyotes don’t get very close.
If you used equipment w/o a connection (usb, firewire), then you’ll have to use some indirect method. There are ways to hook up equipment (tape players, vcrs) to computers (not that I can tell you how). Of course, the simple way to do the recording would be to simply play in front of your microphone.
The problem with the audio redording is that I didn’t use my digital recorder, which has all the hookups needed for computer recording. Oh no. I happened to catch the howlers on a little dish thing with earplugs (I call it my miracle ear) that has a 10 second record capability. Only can listen with earplugs. I probably have the right connectors somewhere but got frustrated fast and moved on. Thanks for the suggestions.
Nag I can’t find mine now, but there are external converters that you can hook up the RCA cables to and then use your computers usb port. I used it for all my albums and since I can’t find the CDs anymore I’m going to have to find it again. The samething goes with the Video.
Thanks, Family Man. I think perhaps that may work with the video. The video was taken before I had this laptop with all the media bells and whistles. I had actually forgotten about it before Andi’s conversation jogged my memory. Hmmm something to do on a rainy day besides housework? THANKS!!!!!
I haven’t said Morning yet Nag. Horse poop. Have had a lot of experience with that.
Good Morning, Family Man. Yes, horse poop is always a good conversation starter. Is your experience just olfactory, or is it more “hands on”?
It’s hand, foot, and olfactory. Nothing like waking out in a pasture barefooted. 🙂
Aaahhh, fresh coffe, a bagel, and cream cheese of course…..and on the road.
Returned to the panhandle yesterday, here at the swamp, but will be back on the road, a return trip to Miami tomorrow….geesh…
I’m in the process of selling the swamp, and possible move to Miami, at least a temporary move there, time will tell….. It all depends on how my business does there…..(keeping my fingers crossed)
Glad to hear the ol’ gang is still kick’n and rais’n some hell here at the pond.
As for me, I’ve been on the road for the past 8 months, and have been converting dis-enchanted Republicans with great pleasure, so far the count is steadily climbing…gotta make a change this year, and then the next presidential election…keep up the good work folks…..I’ll be stopping by…
peace to all
Hey IP. So good to see ya today..How’s it goin?
Been busy, busy, busy Brenda, glad to hear from you.
I’ve been going 7 days a week for the past 8 months, non stop, but finally making a move for a little more relaxed working life.
Finally making the move, my partner and I, to launch our Environmental business, and we should have the contract in hand this week to ensure financing, and get it off the ground….keep those fingers crossed ; )
It will mean a complete change in life style, but one that has been coming. I recluse every so often in my life, and the swamp has been one of those times, but now, it’s time to move on, and a welcome change I might add.
It’s been wonderful here, time to watch mother earth, and reflect, but now I will have the chance to change some of the bad things mankind has done to our mother earth, and I am embracing it with wide open arms.
This week is a very tight schedule, but I’m excited, and welcome every challenge with a smile. Been working with the financial people for the past week, and they seem to feel there will be no problem with the new contract in hand. This week will make the final hurdle, if I can procure the contract. The calls are set for today, and then I return to make the site plan, and final numbers. LMAO…I feel like a kid in a candy store ; )
Great to hear from you, and the others that have commented yesterday as well….will be looking forward to returning, with more time to kick Repugs Ass’, and take names….; )
Hi IP!! I still miss your particular brand of humour around here. It’s nice to hear from you now and then. Sounds like your life is wonderful these days… all those months of hard work seems to be paying off for you. Good luck with your business! I hear they have the internet now even in Miami, so you can still keep in touch with us here in the frog pond. 😉
Hey there Nag, good to hear from ya, and yeppers, we all need a lil’ laugh now and then ; )
Life is not great just yet, it’s a very nervous time right now, but I have nothing but solid faith that it will happen, and very soon.
It’s been a long 3yr road to this point, and many dissapointments in the process, but I believie it will finally pay off.
Yeppers, they do have internet in Miami..LOL…and dayum, is it faaasssssssssssssssstttttt….Hooooooooooooo Laaaawwwwwwd…it’s damt neer a fast as a frog a sett’n his ass on a hot tin roof, and watch’n him JUMP……
Unlike the dial-up hell yere in da swamp, hell, I kin hit dem dar keys, and go out and catched up a big ol’ bass, whilest I’m a wait’n on the page to load.. ; ) (an probably skin out a gator’s tail too)
LOL…good to hear from you ….peace
It sure sounds like you have everything all tied up for now. The greatest of luck on getting things done they way you want. I will hope for you that it does…
Will be glad to see more of you around these parts of the pond as things slow donw for you.
As always it is so very good to see and hear from you…hugs…
Good Morning All.
I sure had a very busy w/e. Maybe with the work week, I will be settling down some..:o) I bought some planting flowers this w/e and got that job done. They are planted in deck hangers for the rails of the deck–in moss. Got some shepards hangers to hang humongous petunia hanging planters…they all look so pretty.
Ate too much starting on Sat and then again on Sun. The kids are sooooo nice on Mom’s day. Did not have to get called in…yea!
Hope all had a great day. I am tired today. I need a day off just to recoup…:o) Anyhow, am looking forward to next w/e for the meet up in Memphis. Wish each of you could come. Memphis in May is always a great time to have fun. Nex w/e will be the
BBQ cookoff. Should present to have a great time.
One cat this am is running the derby down the hall….back and forth, back and forth…one is sitting in my office just watching that one run, perched as if to jump out after that one running.
I guess that the confirmation of Hayden is on Thursday of this week. I wonder if dubya’s mouthing this evening will help lower his polls more. I will not watch…can’t for the sight of him makes me sick, the sound of his voice is hard to take.
Anyhow…so good to see ya all today. Will see ya all later on. hugs….
Morning Brenda. I’m glad you’re kids spoiled you on M’Day. I’m sure you deserve it.
Thanks Andif. I must say they try hard to spoil me all the time, if I were to let them. I am not one to be spoiled but at least twice a year…on moms day and my birthday….:o)
Did you have a nice moms day?
Hi Brenda. Your plants sound beautiful. I absolutely love petunias in hanging baskets. The hummingbirds love them also. I bought some flowers for my flower boxes and they’re still sitting there unplanted. (Yup, there’s petunias in that bunch) That’s because I’ve been totally obsessed with my vegetable gardens this year. You’ve inspired me, Brenda. Even though it’s raining here, I can plant my flowers on the porch out of the rain.
Glad you had a good Mother’s Day.
Speaking of cats, my little Smudgie has developed a fetish for seeed packets. I don’t know if it’s the sound of the seeds inside, or the smell, or what… but she loves to rub her nose on them and roll and writhe in them. And I thought I was wierd!!!
Hey Nag, I am sure you will get the flowers done…I just love the rail planters. Keeps them off the ground and makes for a much easier time for mowing. I have something in the soil around here that makes me get cellulitis on the face…so cant work in the soil. It is so much more easier to do the flowers up to my level anyhow. I am glad to hear that the hummingbirds like the petunias. I bought the red begonias so that it might attract them. I can now sit on my deck and watch and see….:o)
What kinds of plants do you plan on doing this year?
Well, every year I try to add a few perennials… this year it will be salvia. (big purple spikes… like lavender) My porch boxes will have petunias, violas and begonias. I also have a flowering almond bush that EVERYONE wants, so now that it’s finished blooming, I have to start to dig out the runners for everyone. Oh, and I have a corkscrew willow that needs to go in.
I go in spurts… this year, I’m on fire in the gardens.
Morning Brenda. Big day planned?
Good morning everyone.
Good morning. Big slacking plans today?
Morning Andi. Nope, I got to reclean the house. All the cleaning I did earlier this week, looks like a tornado came through the house.
How’re you today? Any blue sky?
No blue sky. Of course, I could a brief reprieve like my 35 minutes yesterday but it looks like Wednesday will the day for the sun to make more than a cameo appearance.
Just think of it as somethig to look forward to.
I know that was stupid. You are already looking forward to some sun. 🙂
Good Morning FM. Good to see you up and at em today. Is it gonna rain for you today? Sure looks like it here…
Sorry just said good morning upthread and didn’t see this one. We’ve got a 30% chance, but I don’t think I’ll be lucky enough to get it.
I think today will be the epic battle of the weedeating and the snake. At least during the epics of battling dragons, they did at least have armor.
Good morning all.
Good to see IP stopping by, we need to see you more – but also see that you’ve been busy.
Morning Ask.
Good morning, FM.
I did not come by much this weekend, but note you survived mother’s day.
Still trying. The last of the relatives leaves today.
How was your day with the asklets? Do anything special?
The asklets’ mother is a bit of a character (to put it mildly). She has suddenly decided to cut off their contact with me. Getting a lawyer’s appointment today.
I’m sorry to hear that Ask. I’m sorry to hear for you, but more so for the asklets.
BTW, I know we have a lot of lawyers here, but you have my complete sympathy going to one. Phewwwww.
Sorry to hear this, ask. I hope you’re able to get it resolved quickly and without too much stress all round.
Good Morning, Ask. Wow, that’s not good news about the asklets, I’m so sorry. I hope you can get it straightened out without too much ummm, controversy.
I’ll try to stop by more often, time has been a valued commodity lately, but hoping it will change.
The last company had me going 7days a week, and mostly 18hrs a day, 6-7 projects at a time going..geeesh…slave drivers..LOL
Take care….peace
But surely not even hard work could stop you from building up your store of gator tales to share with us.
Did the lousy weather in flyover country finally reach New York or did you all have nice weather for the weekend?
Good morning, Andi.
Grey and showers here for several days, though we had a few hours of sun on Saturday.
Heading for the cubicle.
[dialup today folks, sorry, no 4s]
Morning NDD. Dial up, It’s that like a victrola?
Mut be difficult to keeep rotating the handle and typing with one hand. Multi-tasking – I never could do it.
the guy can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.
So rubbing head and patting belly at the same time would be like getting a Phd?
learn that????
Are you kidding. I’m still going through the, where’s your toes, where’s your nose, where’s you ears thing.
My 3 y.o. great nephew is much farther along in that area than me.
I was up earlier to take some photos of the sunrise but there was none today!
I’ll check back in a half or so.
Hi NDD, ask, Brenda, FM, IP, Nag, r69, and Andi!!! Hope you all have a great day.
IP! — you’re spoiling us w/ all these visits LOL 😉
ask — sorry to hear that. I hope things work out with the least possible strife to you and your family! {{{ask}}}
Morning Olivia. How are things in the land of the Flower Goddess?
Andi and I are experiencing similar weather I think… No sun since last Tuesday. So, that’s why I haven’t had any new flower photos at the b. 🙁
I hope it ends soon then. I don’t feel awake in the mornings until I click on your b and get my daily flower fix.
Hope your day is going to going to go good today.
Plus, I fear I’m going to lose all the knowledge JimF has passed my way — use it or lose it you know … 🙂
I hope you have a good day there FM!
I hope it goes better than that last sentence I wrote you. I can’t even make sense of that one. 🙂
Plus it gave me a little chuckle. 🙂 We all have our moments … although, the best imo was when you posted in the wrong thread. That was priceless and I had tears running down my cheeks. So thank you!
Just like with slacking, it takes practice to do creative nonsensical things. Since I started at such an early age with both, just part of my daily routine. 🙂
I’ve got a knocking on the door with my nephew saying, “Gorg, Uncle FM are ya’ll awake”. Since George is barking I think he already knows the answer.
Gotta go. See ya’ll later.
how were the last days of the tulip festival?
It’s still ongoing — lasts about 3 weeks. We still have tulips just coming up from the ground. Which is a good thing considering the lack of sun lately. 🙂
This is what I’m planning on taking pix of next: showy lady slipper orchids. I went a couple years ago (my pre-camera days) and it was breathtakingly stunning. There are 100s and 100s of these wild orchids — like a lake of orchids — along w/ pitcher plants etc.
I see you decided on a quiet, subtle flower to go with your Big I™.
I hope you get some sun soon Andi, and then pass it along our way.
for you today. Tomorrow looks a little better and Wednesday, the chance of rain drops to 20% so I hope I’ll have some to share then.
Morning, Olivia. I have just enough time to say hey and then get up and get ready for work. I hope that I can drop by during the day to see ya all. have a great day, ya’ll. take care and hugs….
Hope you have a good day at work caring for people. {{{Brenda}}}
Mornin’, Olivia. Do you know what one of my absolute favorite flowers is? The lowly dandelion. In spring they are one of the first to peek their sunny little heads out to the sun. I ADORE seeing them in lawns and fields. Of course, this did not make me the most favorite person in my last neighborhood where almost everyone used a lawn service.
This is so great. I love the curlicues!
a lot of opportunities for macro shots of flowers, so I don’t get to be picky.
Oh, Andi… that is just georgous!!!! Olivia is right… it’s the curycues that get me.
Thanks, Nag. I owe this shot to olivia (like so many others) because her inspiration made me look at them closer and see how nice a side shot of this one would be.
That you would look at something you might have passed by b/c of me! You really captured it well — w/ a sense of movement: you can almost see the petals reaching for the sun.
because you really deserve great thanks for what you’ve done. At the risk of embarrassing you, I think that you have made profound changes in just about everyone who looks at your photos. Our world becomes a much richer place.
Dandelions are okay in my book too. There’s something to be said of the sturdiness of a plant, and they are one of the tops. I think the whole idea of what is a weed and what isn’t is interesting. Often, it’s largely dependent on our (in)ability to contain a plant’s growth. Dandelions do their own thing. And you’re right, there’s nothing nicer than to see their little yellow heads popping up first thing in the spring.
is excellent medicine for regulating blood sugar.
We’re not supposed to know that, though. Free medicine? OMG! Kill it!
‘Morning, everyone. Good to see y’all doing relatively well.
The day threatens rain here yet again. It’s been a continual tease, but I’m fine with it either way. The mountains have greened up terrifically; my little apple tree is full of blossoms.
Hi/bye WW. I was just leaving, but couldn’t until I said hello.
Hope your day is going good and I want to find out about the bolts.
Howdy, FM. Thanks for the greeting before you head out!
How kind of you to remember the bolts thing. Looks like the bolts are ‘achievable’.
I do wish I could pass on the rain to you. I don’t mind rain but so many days in a row does get to me. On the upside, my dogs are as soft as a stieff teddy bear.
Hey there, Andi.
Happiness is a warm puppy, no? Warm and soft!
Our weather systems do seem somewhat stalled, don’t they?
Clouds are definitely accumulating here. Ergo, I’ve got to pop down to the general store & PO before we see any rain, as I’m riding on a bald tire & it tends to slip in water.
I’ll be back asap, as usual.
Need more coffee. Posted reply first in the old thread…
But this is what it said.
“Good morning, NDD.
curly is here just heading out the door. Says, yes, she knows it is in MN – and that many Fargoians head to Vergas for the Loony Daze festival in the summer.”
and don’t have to go anywhere to find it. Ha! I’d never heard of it before, but I’m going to ask some of the local there and see what they say about it.
Good morning ask. Sorry to hear of your difficulty on the kids visting…good luck on that one…just keep the faith and I am sure you will conquer…
New cafe open