I just finished it. Can’t say it made me think of my childhood in any way but I loved the ‘voice’ of Frederica. Was it the tone that made you think of your childhood?
No, it was the parents. My parents aren’t professors, but inspite of that they are very similar to Frederica’s parents. I’m not much like her, however.
Aside of disposing of IP’s whoopie cushions, I’m taking it easy. We had about 43 minutes of rain today, allowing me to feel just dandy about slackin’ off. I’ve offered my LP collection to our local public radio station, which they’ve happily accepted (surprise, surprise!) so I’ve been going through the vinyl pulling the wheat from the chaff.
Not terribly exciting, but necessary lest I embarrass myself.
I told the station manager that my LPs were all in very good condition. Not true — ergo the pickin’ & pullin’. Some of ’em look like heirloom doorstops.
You can imagine my dismay when the station actually accepted the things. I was deeply unhappy for a good 15 minutes — before realizing that the alternative was to haul them all up a mountainside on my back, only to store them under less-than-ideal conditions.
Better to share them with the community at large. I might hear the music sooner, considering there’s no power up there.
I’ve still got all the crapped-out ones, though. Not sure what their fate will be.
These are mainly from a collection abandoned at our recycling center — so they arrived here in their present condition.
I’ve hardly heard them at all! I’ve just enjoyed having them.
Talk about a pack rat. Comes a time ..
Not a bad thought, FM.
I’ve actually figured out how to transfer analog to digital here at home, on my computer — but I just don’t have the time before moving day.
The radio station operates on an absolutely minimal budget, with all the volunteers wearing a thousand hats each. I wouldn’t ask for more from them than they’ve already offered, which is to give the music a home.
Howdy, NDD! Thanks for asking. I believe I have.
Still shoring up pennies for materials, so I haven’t done any actual shopping yet.
Tick, tick, tick ..
… in the url LOL. That is way worse than Magda! And aren’t you on a roll tonight w/ the lovely compliments. Let’s see, according to dada I’m not: sweet, sensitve, intellegent, or Cdn. But I’m: wine-y and have a fat butt. Lovely.
Now, now you two make up and play nice now, will ya?
Yo O and dada-o! Looks like I missed all the fun earlier. That’s what I get for snoozing off after trying to go out to take some pics… was sunny for about an hour when I was about to leave work, then after I got home, put the dogs out, changed my clothes, fed them and got online… and it decided to pour for about 20 minutes. At least I didn’t have to go water in the stuff we just planted yesterday!
Speaking of treats, we have some of these downstairs if you’d like me to go get some for dada… I’m sure Pepa and Rolly won’t object too much as long as they get some!
We retreated in fine fashion and nobody got hurt. And we all came away reminded that we really like each other, which is the point of those things anyway.
I could even go into more detail… since I’m home alone… out here in the boonies tonight…
Great that all went well. And everyone avoiding “getting hurt” is certainly one parameter to monitor. Does that mean that there’s been times when the reverse was true?
We were just especially nervous this time because we had to do outdoor team building exercises, and that was new.
But the planners did a good job working with the team building group and we didn’t have to climb walls or swing on ropes. We mostly had to solve logistical problems of moving large groups of people according to certain rules.
They were actually fun and since it was sunny out, it was better than being stuck in a meeting room.
drinking and talking. And some of the people played poker (not me).
My main contribution to the logistical problems was to do what I was told. You know — be part of the TEAM!
One of my partners is a mountain climber and a total outdoors person. He seldom participates in firm management because he just isn’t interested. After about 5 minutes in the field (literally) with us though, he’d had enough of our ineptness and just started organizing us. After a few times of not listening to him and failing, we finally gave in and made him the de facto team leader. It made it a lot easier.
I was once on a 12 day back packing trek one time in the Marble Mtns of N CA. I had no problem placing 100% trust and faith in a yougster, our guide, who was some 20 years my junior.
‘Course I knew the father years before I met the adult son, but I worked with both of them at their place prior to the trek. Both are EMTs, so that would tell you something. The father did not join the trek, only one other guy mid point between us in age.
Anyway, whilst in their territory doing projects they are familiar with I’d place my life in their hands again, any time.
But should they come to ND, and not repect my knowledge of blizzards/windchill/hypothermia, they have a hell of a fight on their hands.
Anyway, it would be fun to hear the verbal-inperson story of that sometime. I think it would be fascinating for me.
I’m glad to be back, although the weather was much, much better there than it is here. Two days of sun was almost heaven, even though it was still chilly and windy.
It’s still there. I did retrieve the weedeater, but as far as the snakes. Don’t know. If I’m around during the next ice age, I might venture down to the pond.
while I was retreating. Each room had a helpful laminated two sided sheet of paper. One side identified poison plants (poison ivy, poison oak, etc.) that could be found in the woods. The other side identified all the poisonous snakes that were native to the area. I never knew Missouri had rattle snakes. I usually only worry about water mocassins.
I mowed an area back in the old orchard that hasn’t been mowed for a few years. Had to mow high, so I’ll have to go back on mow again W, or TH.
And then I have to rake up the grass on much of the rest of it. Don’t mind really as I need mulch for this year’s garden.
And my brother helped set up scaffold as I need to replace a small deck off the 2nd floor. Joists are rotting due to having idiotically “saved money” and not used either treated lumber or cedar the first time, some 27 years ago. Anyway, it as nice to have help to do that.
Night night, sleep well to WW, FM, and who ever else is signing off as I write this, akkkk impossible to keep up tonight…
Yeah, I was thinking of FM the whole time I was mowing.
Snakes are no problem here in E ND, just garter snake, or called “garden snakes”. Western ND they have rattle snakes, but I’ve never had the opportunity of getting acquainted with one.
I might drop a weedeater and run for the house if a rat was after me, or a woodchuck (nothing but a much bigger rat). We have had rabies in the area for years. So if any wild animal is obviously not healthy, acting weird, just obviously not normal, they are dispatched with no regrets. Skunks are usually the ones with the rabies. Which reminds me of some funny stories… but we’re reaching diary length as it is, ha!
I was out running in the woods along a trail, and I heard this rattle noise — which startled me. I looked down and saw this fair size brown snake rattling!!! Up to that point I had never seen a rattlesnake in my life and didn’t know they even lived in my part of the world (Ontario). And this is how stupid I was: I poked at it with a stick b/c I was so shocked to see the rattles! Turns out it was a Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake.
I’ve got to start getting here when the drinks are really flowing… but that damn thing called home responsibilities seems to get in the way right after work.
So… let’s see if I can remember to say hello to the recently departed (from the lounge, mind you)… Sorry I missed you: Andi, MaryB, WW, FM, NDD, KB, IP, and there my memory fails. Sucks being a neo-geezer.
I think O and dada are lurking around here in the ether … let me try my super secret flashlight to see if I can flush them out … hehe.
I should have known! LOL… never know what kinda pork butts you’ll see at the fair, and yes, they do parade the prize pig around, though fortunately I’ve only seen photos of that in the paper.
Not bad here… was a slow Monday at work (thus my spotty appearances in the cafe), so not so bad to ease me back into the work week. Still very achy from too much diggin and plantin yesterday, but better now. I think I’m going to see if I can wrangle 4 days of vacation to coincide w/Decoration Day so I can really relax and tie up the loose ends of the spring planting early this year. We’ll see if I can do that.
How’s you and Bu doing out there?
Btw, left treats for you up thread, hehe.
So are we done for now? I have a serious thing to ask you: remember the time warp picture — would you happen to have the link to the bigger size handy so I don’t have to go searching back through your comments to find it … I’ve got it as my wallpaper at work, but I realized I didn’t make a note of the url.
LOL, Olivia… whatta fun site. Have you seen that linked page for the make up for A Dirty Shame?? If not, you must see that… stuff for the most recent John Waters movie (which I of course loved, being a long term Waters fan from waaaay back to the time I bet even dada remembers!).
I asked my sister and she remembers my grandmother saying that too, but still no clue where it originated.
I’ve been around, lurking mostly. Also, trying (not always succcessfully) to go to bed at a reasonable hour. It was a busy weekend with my son’s recital.
are we going to stop meeting like this?
Gosh, I hope not. It’s all we’ve got.
What ya sippin’ tonight?
Water. No more booze for me. It doesn’t agree with the drugs.
How about you?
I’m on the last few pages of My Latest Grievance. So I’m reading and few and then refreshing the cafe.
I really enjoyed reading it. In a strange way, it reminded me of my childhood.
I just finished it. Can’t say it made me think of my childhood in any way but I loved the ‘voice’ of Frederica. Was it the tone that made you think of your childhood?
No, it was the parents. My parents aren’t professors, but inspite of that they are very similar to Frederica’s parents. I’m not much like her, however.
It was fun to read.
(quietly leaving whoopee cushions on all the seats, and slips out the door ; )
You’ve been out to my place this week too, haven’t you, IP?
Lentils, my eye!
Finally! I now know what happened to those porn test shots I did in the early ’90s.
And how are you all this evening? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself not listening to His Crooked Highness.
Porn Test Shots ? ; )
hell with the Lentils…..I’m look’n ~0-0~
Well, those are not really me.
We change all of our bodily molecules every seven years.
Living the sheltered life I have, I’ve never known about porn test shots. But, I’d be more than happy to make sure the lighting and so on was right. 😉
Heck, I’m surprised there was film in the camera!
How are you, FM?
I’m doing fine WW. Past my bedtime though.
Hope you’re doing good and not to cold tonight.
Glad to hear you’re well.
Nope, not too chilly here tonight. Upper 40s, most likely. Cloudy, no wind.
(go and check your email again … I’m not done w/ you!)
Been there, done that. Thanks, thanks, and thanks again. 🙂
LMAO….my molecules left my body…in disgust…ROTFLMAO
Mine too.
Damn!,looks like I missed you again.
Hang around a bit next time…
Peace bro
So you’ll get my hello in ‘real’ time so-to-speak! {{{IP}}} Hi!
yeppers Olivia…and a big Hello to you as well..
good to see you and hope all is well in your world.
What’s new on the new home front?
Hey there, Andi.
Aside of disposing of IP’s whoopie cushions, I’m taking it easy. We had about 43 minutes of rain today, allowing me to feel just dandy about slackin’ off. I’ve offered my LP collection to our local public radio station, which they’ve happily accepted (surprise, surprise!) so I’ve been going through the vinyl pulling the wheat from the chaff.
Not terribly exciting, but necessary lest I embarrass myself.
Giving LP’s to the public radio station — great idea; I’ve wondered what to do with my old copy of A Child’s Garden of Grass.
That was an album? I’ve got the book.
I told the station manager that my LPs were all in very good condition. Not true — ergo the pickin’ & pullin’. Some of ’em look like heirloom doorstops.
I’m actually not sure I could make myself give away my old albums — it’s the one thing I packrat.
You can imagine my dismay when the station actually accepted the things. I was deeply unhappy for a good 15 minutes — before realizing that the alternative was to haul them all up a mountainside on my back, only to store them under less-than-ideal conditions.
Better to share them with the community at large. I might hear the music sooner, considering there’s no power up there.
I’ve still got all the crapped-out ones, though. Not sure what their fate will be.
The crapped out ones are probably your favorites anyway 😉
The ones in good condition are the ones you didn’t play much.
These are mainly from a collection abandoned at our recycling center — so they arrived here in their present condition.
I’ve hardly heard them at all! I’ve just enjoyed having them.
Talk about a pack rat. Comes a time ..
After I’d told her what I had, she said the DJs were ‘already drooling’.
Can’t disappoint them now. I like them.
One thought just hit me. They got all that equipment there. In exchange for all your albums, couldn’t they make cd’s for you?
Not a bad thought, FM.
I’ve actually figured out how to transfer analog to digital here at home, on my computer — but I just don’t have the time before moving day.
The radio station operates on an absolutely minimal budget, with all the volunteers wearing a thousand hats each. I wouldn’t ask for more from them than they’ve already offered, which is to give the music a home.
I’m not too worried. It comes, it goes.
Yes I’ve done the analog to digital thing too and because of some very stupid mistake, I’m getting ready to do it again. Just so time comsuming.
I understand the many hats, but who said it had to be done all at once. I guess I’m just to much of a pack rat. 🙂
One thing I hope to learn from this whole relocation process is how to recognize & value the essentials, while leaving the rest behind in good spirit.
Maybe you should just keep the covers of the crapped out ones — for the sentiment and the great cover art of the good ole days.
That would definitely make transport easier.
We’ll see what happens. Things tend to find their proper place, regardless.
Howdy, NDD! Thanks for asking. I believe I have.
Still shoring up pennies for materials, so I haven’t done any actual shopping yet.
Tick, tick, tick ..
Hi Andi, Hi WW.
Sunshine finally today about 5:00 for a little while. Maybe it will make it to Indiana and give you a break Andi.
We actually had some sun right before sundown so maybe it will have gotten over its shyness and show up tomorrow.
Sun came out here too for about 20 minutes. A little tease.
unappealing pictures taped under the tables? I’d rather see them tape some of your appealing pictures to the top of the tables?
Do I need to go back and read the last cafe to understand?
but, yes, omir and olivia were scaring folks.
what did we do?
omir posted that picture for keres and you posted the one that dada hates.
… I had to get back at him! Did you see what he said here?
uh oh, now ya got me goin’…I’ll be back…<wicked grin>
It better not have anything to do w/ cat litter.
Just a little twisted cheesecake to accompany your wine…<chortle>
WARNING! Not Recommended for the faint of humour.
… in the url LOL. That is way worse than Magda! And aren’t you on a roll tonight w/ the lovely compliments. Let’s see, according to dada I’m not: sweet, sensitve, intellegent, or Cdn. But I’m: wine-y and have a fat butt. Lovely.
Just funin’ with ya. But if you’re takin’ this personal…guess I better give it a rest, huh. :{(
Now, now you two make up and play nice now, will ya?
Yo O and dada-o! Looks like I missed all the fun earlier. That’s what I get for snoozing off after trying to go out to take some pics… was sunny for about an hour when I was about to leave work, then after I got home, put the dogs out, changed my clothes, fed them and got online… and it decided to pour for about 20 minutes. At least I didn’t have to go water in the stuff we just planted yesterday!
Oh, and that pig butt was rather, well, porcine.
… but I’m just updating the scorecard … 🙂 Looking around for a treat for you, but haven’t been able to find it yet … <evil laugh>
Speaking of treats, we have some of these downstairs if you’d like me to go get some for dada… I’m sure Pepa and Rolly won’t object too much as long as they get some!
… beggin’ strips LOL!
he didn’t post that cat litter picture again. I was reading along bracing myself for it.
Not sure I understand lol.
or did I already miss the spine tingling report on another thread?
didja miss me?
We retreated in fine fashion and nobody got hurt. And we all came away reminded that we really like each other, which is the point of those things anyway.
I could even go into more detail… since I’m home alone… out here in the boonies tonight…
Great that all went well. And everyone avoiding “getting hurt” is certainly one parameter to monitor. Does that mean that there’s been times when the reverse was true?
We were just especially nervous this time because we had to do outdoor team building exercises, and that was new.
But the planners did a good job working with the team building group and we didn’t have to climb walls or swing on ropes. We mostly had to solve logistical problems of moving large groups of people according to certain rules.
They were actually fun and since it was sunny out, it was better than being stuck in a meeting room.
I was figuring ya just sat around all day drinking, playing pinochle or shuffle board, or something.
Ya keep this up I might have to add you to my roster of “The Dirty Dozen” (ever see that movie with Lee Marvin, etc.)
I put people on my “Dirty Dozen” who I think could handle most anything. So far I have two women and two men.
So what part did you plan in “solving the logistical problems”?
drinking and talking. And some of the people played poker (not me).
My main contribution to the logistical problems was to do what I was told. You know — be part of the TEAM!
One of my partners is a mountain climber and a total outdoors person. He seldom participates in firm management because he just isn’t interested. After about 5 minutes in the field (literally) with us though, he’d had enough of our ineptness and just started organizing us. After a few times of not listening to him and failing, we finally gave in and made him the de facto team leader. It made it a lot easier.
Who to place trust in?
I was once on a 12 day back packing trek one time in the Marble Mtns of N CA. I had no problem placing 100% trust and faith in a yougster, our guide, who was some 20 years my junior.
‘Course I knew the father years before I met the adult son, but I worked with both of them at their place prior to the trek. Both are EMTs, so that would tell you something. The father did not join the trek, only one other guy mid point between us in age.
Anyway, whilst in their territory doing projects they are familiar with I’d place my life in their hands again, any time.
But should they come to ND, and not repect my knowledge of blizzards/windchill/hypothermia, they have a hell of a fight on their hands.
Anyway, it would be fun to hear the verbal-inperson story of that sometime. I think it would be fascinating for me.
Howdy, y’all! Glad you’ve all ‘seen the light’, so to speak.
I guess it really does move west. Today we went without.
Hi Mary. Glad to see you back from your wonderful retreat.
I’m glad to be back, although the weather was much, much better there than it is here. Two days of sun was almost heaven, even though it was still chilly and windy.
How’ve you been? Did I miss anything?
Didn’t miss much and I’ve been OK.
But I’ll tell ya, the Saturday lounge just wasn’t the same without Mary.
but I’m sure you all had a fine time. Everyone here is very good at entertaining themselves 😉
How’s the yard? <duck>
It’s still there. I did retrieve the weedeater, but as far as the snakes. Don’t know. If I’m around during the next ice age, I might venture down to the pond.
while I was retreating. Each room had a helpful laminated two sided sheet of paper. One side identified poison plants (poison ivy, poison oak, etc.) that could be found in the woods. The other side identified all the poisonous snakes that were native to the area. I never knew Missouri had rattle snakes. I usually only worry about water mocassins.
Nothing like being thought of for your phobias. 🙂
fond thoughts 😉
I was relating to you too — I didn’t want to meet any of those snakes.
Have a good night, Andi.
I’m headed out as well. It’s after 11 & the cats still haven’t presented me with my dinner.
I placed my order hours ago — sheesh.
See y’all soon! Enjoy.
sleep well
hard to keep up with all you guys whilst on dial-up!
Did you get your lawn done?
I mowed an area back in the old orchard that hasn’t been mowed for a few years. Had to mow high, so I’ll have to go back on mow again W, or TH.
And then I have to rake up the grass on much of the rest of it. Don’t mind really as I need mulch for this year’s garden.
And my brother helped set up scaffold as I need to replace a small deck off the 2nd floor. Joists are rotting due to having idiotically “saved money” and not used either treated lumber or cedar the first time, some 27 years ago. Anyway, it as nice to have help to do that.
Night night, sleep well to WW, FM, and who ever else is signing off as I write this, akkkk impossible to keep up tonight…
Any snakes? And if you found snakes, would they bother you?
Yeah, I was thinking of FM the whole time I was mowing.
Snakes are no problem here in E ND, just garter snake, or called “garden snakes”. Western ND they have rattle snakes, but I’ve never had the opportunity of getting acquainted with one.
I might drop a weedeater and run for the house if a rat was after me, or a woodchuck (nothing but a much bigger rat). We have had rabies in the area for years. So if any wild animal is obviously not healthy, acting weird, just obviously not normal, they are dispatched with no regrets. Skunks are usually the ones with the rabies. Which reminds me of some funny stories… but we’re reaching diary length as it is, ha!
I was out running in the woods along a trail, and I heard this rattle noise — which startled me. I looked down and saw this fair size brown snake rattling!!! Up to that point I had never seen a rattlesnake in my life and didn’t know they even lived in my part of the world (Ontario). And this is how stupid I was: I poked at it with a stick b/c I was so shocked to see the rattles! Turns out it was a Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake.
Andi is still the supreme geezer. She beat me to it.
I’m outta here too.
Goodnight Everyone.
Good night, FM. I wish you good dreams.
I’ve got to start getting here when the drinks are really flowing… but that damn thing called home responsibilities seems to get in the way right after work.
So… let’s see if I can remember to say hello to the recently departed (from the lounge, mind you)… Sorry I missed you: Andi, MaryB, WW, FM, NDD, KB, IP, and there my memory fails. Sucks being a neo-geezer.
I think O and dada are lurking around here in the ether … let me try my super secret flashlight to see if I can flush them out … hehe.
… to turn that frown upside down LOL. I think your flashlight worked!
That lovely beast was, according to the web site, photographed at the Iowa State Fair…:{)
Howgoes it, Hardest workin’ man in gro-business?
I should have known! LOL… never know what kinda pork butts you’ll see at the fair, and yes, they do parade the prize pig around, though fortunately I’ve only seen photos of that in the paper.
Not bad here… was a slow Monday at work (thus my spotty appearances in the cafe), so not so bad to ease me back into the work week. Still very achy from too much diggin and plantin yesterday, but better now. I think I’m going to see if I can wrangle 4 days of vacation to coincide w/Decoration Day so I can really relax and tie up the loose ends of the spring planting early this year. We’ll see if I can do that.
How’s you and Bu doing out there?
Btw, left treats for you up thread, hehe.
… STOP! Warning! Graphic! Might make you go blind! Okay? proceed … here ya go! No underwire required! LOL
I took off my glasses and covered one eye…Maryb’s not gonna be happy tho…and don’t be Bogartin’ the Beggin’ Bits…:{)
pfft. That’s not me. I DO have lovely breasts 😉
And why would mary b not be happy w/ this?
for clarity…and maryb has assured me that that’s not her.
So are we done for now? I have a serious thing to ask you: remember the time warp picture — would you happen to have the link to the bigger size handy so I don’t have to go searching back through your comments to find it … I’ve got it as my wallpaper at work, but I realized I didn’t make a note of the url.
Try This if you wish…:{)
I was a little cautious about the link … but you behaved. 🙂
LOL, Olivia… whatta fun site. Have you seen that linked page for the make up for A Dirty Shame?? If not, you must see that… stuff for the most recent John Waters movie (which I of course loved, being a long term Waters fan from waaaay back to the time I bet even dada remembers!).
Where’s the action??
Hey there MM! Been wondering where you were! How’s tricks?
I asked my sister and she remembers my grandmother saying that too, but still no clue where it originated.
I’ve been around, lurking mostly. Also, trying (not always succcessfully) to go to bed at a reasonable hour. It was a busy weekend with my son’s recital.
How are all the froggies doing?
I’ve opened a new cafe. Come over whenever you’re ready.