Troll Rated By Kos Himself:

Stop It! Stop It!

There ain’t gonna be no freakin’ election this year and I’m freakin sick of folks talkin’ like there’s gonna be one.

Can anyone in the whole freakin’ blogsphere give me one single incentive that Bush has to hold an election this year??

Can anyone in this freakin’ blogsphere give me 20 reasons why Bush doesn’t want an election this year.

Sorry folks, your Democracy has been swallowed by giant frogs that should have been marched on Sept 12.

And no one here has a Plan B.

 Maybe not a real troll (2+ / 0-)

but sure as heck sounding like one.

by kos on Fri May 12, 2006 at 07:59:56 PM PDT
I can’t believe that anyone in the blogsphere can look at the body of my work and call me a troll. I performed at the Wall Street Station duringThanksgiving AND Christmas week 2001. I wrote 8 songs for Howard Dean.

I really think it’s naive to imagine that there is going to be a free and fair election this year. Dictatorships don’ need no steenking elections. I wholeheartedly believe that BushCo is about to put forward a lame excuse for declaring Martial Law, and the “Left” doesn’t seem to get it. There’s no Plan B.

Think about it. Sy Hirsch says that we already have troops on the ground in Iran. Then there’s that 700 ton test that’s about to happen in Nevada that’s gonna spray most of the nation with fallout from previous tests. Then there’s the whole phone thingie with the data mining (Ok so now they know I bought the video of the woman from the Swimsuit Issue getting spanked.)

But really, what incentive does BushCo have to hold a vote? And why would Kos call me a troll for raging against the blindness of the Left?
