Well, since honey gets its flavor from agents like clover and various nectars, it sure seems like one could be allergic to one kind of honey but not another.
Or maybe you could be allergic to whatever bee-stuff turns nectar into honey. I am far from an expert on this topic, despite suffering allergies pretty much all my life.
Yes, honey is an allergin for many people – if I’m one, life is over.
I went to a naturopath yesterday, and she suggested that I go three weeks without wheat, glutin, dairy, eggs, nuts, and foods high in amines – which includes alcohol.
I think I could manage pure distillates of alcohol on this diet – if I could find some.
Amine exclusion means only whisky, gin and vodka are allowed. But if you add in the wheat exclusion, then that cuts out whisky, and some vodkas. Besides the potato skin (amines) exclusion nixes vodka on it’s own.
And I find gin vile. I’m not really sure, other than juniper berries, what’s in gin. I guess I’ll have to find out.
I actually have homebrewed beer and meads for nearly two decades now. And I can safely say that there is not a single food that hasn’t been used to make alcohol at some point.
Theoretically, I could make turnips into a mild alcoholic beverage, that could be futher distilled with the copper coil method. But by the time I was ready to drink it, I might be off the diet anyway.
Hmmmmm. I do have that old copper-lined water heater . . . .
An imagination, a very mechanical mind, a stockpile of things that “just might come in handy someday,” and plenty of power tools (although you can never have too many power tools).
Actually, I was saving the old copper water heater liner to use as a solar preheater for the new water heater.
Painted black and set out in the sun it will prewarm water going into the electic heater – thus cutting back the number of degrees the electric heater has to add to the water – cool huh?
Now, it’s just a matter of finding time to do it. That and talking my partner into letting me buy a welder. I really only need a brazer for copper, but I may as well get a welder if I’m gonna get a bigger torch.
so are you trying to eliminate things from your diet that cause allergic reactions or trying figure if there is something in your diet that you are allergic to?
I’ve heard that lots of people can eat rice who can’t eat much of anything else. If you can find a couple of vegetables you can tolerate and a thickening agent you might be able to make a stir fry.
Just did a search for millet. It is low amine and gluten free – yea! So send those millet recipes my way.
Rice is A-OK, and I eat a lot of it anyway. For example, right now I have on hand short-grain brown, Black Japonica, sticky rice, Jasmine, Basmati, Shushi, and Arborio. I usually have wild rice as well, but I’m out at the moment.
I’m a big fan of the stir fry. Unfortunately, soy sauce is fermented, hence amine rich. So, I’ll have to figure out how to make asian sauces it out it.
Basic millet recipe:
1 cup millet
2 T. butter or olive oil
2 c. boiling water
Toast millet in butter/oil until the millet is lightly browned. Add the boiling water. Turn down heat and cover tightly. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes until water is absorbed. Let stand 10 minutes before using.
I like to make a millet pilaf with peas, celery, onions, and carrots. So you could substitute leeks for onions and just use a small amount of carrots. The hard part is the seasonings. It looks like everything good is on the high list but since you would be using small amounts maybe that would be okay. At least garlic is okay.
You could make variations with most of the veggies in the low category.
I’d at least heard of amaranth, but I’m not sure about teff or quinoa. Maybe I saw it being sold in the froo-froo grocery I used to live next to, but if I did I can’t remember for sure. They had a bunch of products made out of alternative grains with unpronounceable and therefore hard-to-remember names.
A while back people were posting pictures of cakes for BT’s birthday. I went out and found a picture of a cake made with crumbled yellow cake, vanilla pudding, and properly shaped Tootsie rolls (an elongated kind of chocolate taffy, if the term isn’t familiar to you down under) that very much resembles an uncleaned catbox and posted it.
In deference to Olivia, who I think is still carrying deep psychological scars from the incident, I won’t repost the picture here. 🙂
Yeah, having never been to Australia I have no idea what kinds of imported food stuffs people down there know about. About the only Australian food products I know about that are available anywhere around here are Vegemite and tinned kangaroo meat. There are probably others that I just don’t know their point of origin.
In 10 days much better. I’ll actually be doing better if this crappy weather ever breaks and I can start racking up miles on my bike. Thanks for asking.
Sorry about the Sens. They looked slow in this last series. Were they tired, or do they need to draft and trade for the post lockout rules changes?
I knew it was getting close. Maybe by the time you’re done, the rain will take a break for a bit.
Sens? Who are they? Oh, you mean those bums pretending to be hockey players. Ha. 🙂
You know what the coach said today in defence of their crappy showing: they didn’t respect Buffalo and so they weren’t trying at first. Duh! Can you imagine? I’m almost glad they lost for that alone.
I think there were a few key players w/ injuries — Hasek obviously, and Chara, Redden’s mother just passed a couple weeks ago from cancer. They’re talking big shake ups, but we’ll see. I’m sure the new salary cap is going to make it interesting in terms of who stays and who goes.
NHL hockey is only one form of the sport … The Memorial Cup is about to get started here, plus the Worlds is ongoing. Did you know you have a US team playing in a world championship right now? Did you?
Then you might be in luck … 🙂 Heck, if you moved up here you could watch it from August to June. And then you’d become enamoured of it too. And you could help me w/ my garden — no snakes!
Can you believe it? I’m dragging my feet about it b/c I have to clean up my computer (dealing w/ all my photos etc.) before I load it on b/c it’s a big program.
Are you impressed w/ my slackerly attitude or put off by my procrastination lol.
This w/e I’ll get it set up. I’d like to try lightening the bee and pollen photo for comparison and then I can send it to you. It’s sitting right here beside me just waiting …
If I have any questions you said you were familiar w/ it right?
I’m only rooting for the Oilers if they happen to take out SJ. But, I really want SJ to win for DJ and Cali, and only if they don’t make it will I then root for stanley to come home. 🙂
I had a bit of an uncomfortable day. Let’s just say that the underwire in my bra b/came outerwire LOL. I had to do emergency shopping after work, and I really hate shopping.
who toddled over to recommend my little diary — I thought it was too important to stick in the News Bucket (there must be a way to get more publicity for it, other than the occasional front paging).
Heading out to dinner shortly — too damn hot to cook…
Howdy everyone – what’s shakin?
Does that mean we have to close the lounge with only two comments?
I think 5 will surfice. 🙂
It’s breakfast time here.
And I’ve just been put on an allergy clense diet – so I have yet to figure out what I can eat for breakfast – which is why I look so grumpy.
I’ll have another cup of tea please, and don’t spare the honey.
Sorry to hear about the allergy clense diet. Just one question. If it’s allergy clense, would honey not be in that list.
He ducks fast before a tea cup is thrown at him. 🙂
Well, since honey gets its flavor from agents like clover and various nectars, it sure seems like one could be allergic to one kind of honey but not another.
Or maybe you could be allergic to whatever bee-stuff turns nectar into honey. I am far from an expert on this topic, despite suffering allergies pretty much all my life.
Yes, honey is an allergin for many people – if I’m one, life is over.
I went to a naturopath yesterday, and she suggested that I go three weeks without wheat, glutin, dairy, eggs, nuts, and foods high in amines – which includes alcohol.
My God the foods wheat, glutin, dairy, eggs, and nuts I could do without. But alcohol.
Did you tell her if you get enough in your system it sterilizes everything. That should be one plus.
I think I could manage pure distillates of alcohol on this diet – if I could find some.
Amine exclusion means only whisky, gin and vodka are allowed. But if you add in the wheat exclusion, then that cuts out whisky, and some vodkas. Besides the potato skin (amines) exclusion nixes vodka on it’s own.
And I find gin vile. I’m not really sure, other than juniper berries, what’s in gin. I guess I’ll have to find out.
I guess it’ll be distilled water and dreams.
Sigh [slumps sholders]
I needed to lose some weight anyway.
I would suggest getting some copper tubing and so on. But what would be put into it to make the, ah, substance you wouldn’t be able to imbibe.
I actually have homebrewed beer and meads for nearly two decades now. And I can safely say that there is not a single food that hasn’t been used to make alcohol at some point.
Theoretically, I could make turnips into a mild alcoholic beverage, that could be futher distilled with the copper coil method. But by the time I was ready to drink it, I might be off the diet anyway.
Hmmmmm. I do have that old copper-lined water heater . . . .
A person with imagination. I love it.
An imagination, a very mechanical mind, a stockpile of things that “just might come in handy someday,” and plenty of power tools (although you can never have too many power tools).
It’s a potent combination.
I have everything except the mechanical mind and power tools. I love gadgets though.
Actually, I was saving the old copper water heater liner to use as a solar preheater for the new water heater.
Painted black and set out in the sun it will prewarm water going into the electic heater – thus cutting back the number of degrees the electric heater has to add to the water – cool huh?
Now, it’s just a matter of finding time to do it. That and talking my partner into letting me buy a welder. I really only need a brazer for copper, but I may as well get a welder if I’m gonna get a bigger torch.
Eliminating foods high in amines appears to end eating as I know it…good luck with figuring out what the problem is.
Doesn’t it though?
Oh, an I’m vegetarian to start with. It’s gonna be a fun three weeks.
allergy clense diet
so are you trying to eliminate things from your diet that cause allergic reactions or trying figure if there is something in your diet that you are allergic to?
We’re trying to find out which foods I’m allergic to, or if foods are contributing to, or aggravating, other conditions, such as fatigue.
of restricted food. No wonder you’re cranky — just about everything good is on the list.
My chore for today is making a grocery list, and coming up with recipies to suit, for the next three weeks.
I’ve already learned to use a lot of grains: quinoa, teff, amaranth, etc., that I can use in place of wheat.
Unfortunately, all the high amine vegies are also my favorites.
And then, there’s the CHOCOLATE exclusion. Have I mentioned that I’m a chocoholic?
Quinoa is very good — it makes a nice base for a pilaf or a salad.
What about millet?
Not sure about millet. I’ll have to ask.
I’ve heard that lots of people can eat rice who can’t eat much of anything else. If you can find a couple of vegetables you can tolerate and a thickening agent you might be able to make a stir fry.
Just did a search for millet. It is low amine and gluten free – yea! So send those millet recipes my way.
Rice is A-OK, and I eat a lot of it anyway. For example, right now I have on hand short-grain brown, Black Japonica, sticky rice, Jasmine, Basmati, Shushi, and Arborio. I usually have wild rice as well, but I’m out at the moment.
I’m a big fan of the stir fry. Unfortunately, soy sauce is fermented, hence amine rich. So, I’ll have to figure out how to make asian sauces it out it.
keres I just did a google also. I don’t know if this will help but here’s a link. Gluten free foods
Thanks. Between the gluten and amines there will be much cross referencing.
Black Japonica, btw, when cooked 1/4 Japonica to 3/4 white rice turns the whole batch a lavender purple color. Cool huh?
Is that the stuff they make dessert sticky rice out of? Sounds like a great way to play with your food.
Basic millet recipe:
1 cup millet
2 T. butter or olive oil
2 c. boiling water
Toast millet in butter/oil until the millet is lightly browned. Add the boiling water. Turn down heat and cover tightly. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes until water is absorbed. Let stand 10 minutes before using.
I like to make a millet pilaf with peas, celery, onions, and carrots. So you could substitute leeks for onions and just use a small amount of carrots. The hard part is the seasonings. It looks like everything good is on the high list but since you would be using small amounts maybe that would be okay. At least garlic is okay.
You could make variations with most of the veggies in the low category.
I’ll have to swap canola oil for the butter (dairy) or olive oil (amines), but I think it will turn out OK.
Being the sheltered soul I am, I’ve never heard of quinoa, teff, or amaranth.
It’s goggle time.
I’d at least heard of amaranth, but I’m not sure about teff or quinoa. Maybe I saw it being sold in the froo-froo grocery I used to live next to, but if I did I can’t remember for sure. They had a bunch of products made out of alternative grains with unpronounceable and therefore hard-to-remember names.
I daresay that’s the best reaction I’ve gotten for a picture in the cafe since I posted the catbox cake. 🙂
I’m just waiting for someone to say “How did you get ********* to pose.
Notice I didn’t mention any names and to many *’s for anyone to think it’s them.
As if I would say anything like that anyway. 🙂
Wait a minute. I had a lot more *’s up there than that.
When Scoop sees “***” it thinks you want a bolded star, and it prints it out as “*“. I have the same problem with underscores.
Thanks Omir. I was wondering what went wrong.
I just know I’m going to regret this – what catbox cake?
A while back people were posting pictures of cakes for BT’s birthday. I went out and found a picture of a cake made with crumbled yellow cake, vanilla pudding, and properly shaped Tootsie rolls (an elongated kind of chocolate taffy, if the term isn’t familiar to you down under) that very much resembles an uncleaned catbox and posted it.
In deference to Olivia, who I think is still carrying deep psychological scars from the incident, I won’t repost the picture here. 🙂
Ah, got it. And thanks for the discretion.
p.s. I do know what Tootsie Rolls are, being an ex-pat American, but most Australians wouldn’t.
Yeah, having never been to Australia I have no idea what kinds of imported food stuffs people down there know about. About the only Australian food products I know about that are available anywhere around here are Vegemite and tinned kangaroo meat. There are probably others that I just don’t know their point of origin.
Hiya doll, what’s new? Are you rooting for the Oilers?
She has given up on hockey and I’ve not converted her over to tiddly winks. Much more exciting game.
Right FM, there’s nothing like blood on the tiddley.
It’s when a shot goes awry and knocks a tooth out that’s so exciting. I’ve seen some pretty rough tiddly winks in my time.
Hi Jim. How are you?
In 10 days much better. I’ll actually be doing better if this crappy weather ever breaks and I can start racking up miles on my bike. Thanks for asking.
Sorry about the Sens. They looked slow in this last series. Were they tired, or do they need to draft and trade for the post lockout rules changes?
I knew it was getting close. Maybe by the time you’re done, the rain will take a break for a bit.
Sens? Who are they? Oh, you mean those bums pretending to be hockey players. Ha. 🙂
You know what the coach said today in defence of their crappy showing: they didn’t respect Buffalo and so they weren’t trying at first. Duh! Can you imagine? I’m almost glad they lost for that alone.
I think there were a few key players w/ injuries — Hasek obviously, and Chara, Redden’s mother just passed a couple weeks ago from cancer. They’re talking big shake ups, but we’ll see. I’m sure the new salary cap is going to make it interesting in terms of who stays and who goes.
a lot of sympathy.
Are you saying for you or for Jim?
As soon as I hit enter, I thought, Oh God I just messed up.
Think of us though — think of all the wonderful photos we might get!
the mistaken assumption that Jim is interested in doing anything productive in the summer.
How was your day today — didn’t see you around, but saw your 4s.
okay. What I was doing didn’t have the natural breaks that some of the other stuff does.
NHL hockey is only one form of the sport … The Memorial Cup is about to get started here, plus the Worlds is ongoing. Did you know you have a US team playing in a world championship right now? Did you?
I will admit to my shame and horror that I didn’t Olivia.
Just in my defense, when these games have been on, I’ve checked the channels to see if our cable company is carrying them. Alas they haven’t.
Maybe if I moved 20 miles farther north I could get hockey. 🙂
Then you might be in luck … 🙂 Heck, if you moved up here you could watch it from August to June. And then you’d become enamoured of it too. And you could help me w/ my garden — no snakes!
Hockey from August to June? When do you have time for Cricket?
Two words about moving way up north. POLAR BEAR.
Bring it down a few hundred kms LOL.
Yea I know and you’re a city girl.
I’ve been meaning to ask you. Did you get your photoshop installed and have you started using it?
Can you believe it? I’m dragging my feet about it b/c I have to clean up my computer (dealing w/ all my photos etc.) before I load it on b/c it’s a big program.
Are you impressed w/ my slackerly attitude or put off by my procrastination lol.
This w/e I’ll get it set up. I’d like to try lightening the bee and pollen photo for comparison and then I can send it to you. It’s sitting right here beside me just waiting …
If I have any questions you said you were familiar w/ it right?
I’ve used older versions before, but I also have three or four different photo programs. I prefer paintshop myself, mainly because I’ve used it more.
I don’t think I have enough points to immigrate. (Not that it’s an option for me anyway.)
I have “Sports/Hockey” listed on my TiVo as a wishlist item, but right now it’s only showing Stanley Cup playoffs. Nothing about the worlds.
That is, if you’re not scared of polar bears … 😉
Walruses and Seals and Bears, oh no.
To dangerous up there.
I’ve heard about all those alligator deaths in Florida this past week! What’s up w/ that?
It’s a lot of people that came from up north and thought oh was a lush garden of beauty. CHOMP.
All kidding aside, I told my next door neighbor that I wouldn’t be surpirsed one day to see one out in the pond.
Sharks. Unless they can get in a car and drive four hours north from the coast, I’m not to worried.
As long as you don’t have any of them polar-grizzly hybrids sniffin’ around your place.
Can you imagine? I can’t even imagine how they mated in the first place … yikes!
You have led a sheltered life, haven’t ya. 🙂
If that’s the case, I’m glad to be sheltered … 🙂
Check your email — I’m waiting for a response.
Did and done. Thanks.
And let’s not leave out the Bean Pot and the Frozen Four. I love college hockey.
I’m only rooting for the Oilers if they happen to take out SJ. But, I really want SJ to win for DJ and Cali, and only if they don’t make it will I then root for stanley to come home. 🙂
I had a bit of an uncomfortable day. Let’s just say that the underwire in my bra b/came outerwire LOL. I had to do emergency shopping after work, and I really hate shopping.
How ’bout you — are your teeth better?
Yer frend,
Just for you … Chester. 😛
Bu even ran out the door grumbling; IE: not quite a growl, but a sign of great displeasure… :{)
Tell dada to stop being mean to me …
(And I’m sure she’s grumbling at you b/c you’re being mean to me.)
Hez meen…no sooshie…ur ok!!!!!!
o oh…gotz a go nowe
Yep, the teeth are feeling much better. I had a nasty cold this weekend but I’m coming off of that now.
Now I have to figure out how to pay for the tooth implant I want.
Can you carve? Nothing like homemade.
No thanks, I’d probably slice up my gums carving the tooth.
who toddled over to recommend my little diary — I thought it was too important to stick in the News Bucket (there must be a way to get more publicity for it, other than the occasional front paging).
Heading out to dinner shortly — too damn hot to cook…
be right back
Got your fresh, hot lounge here.