If I had ever been here before
I would probably know just what to do
Don’t you?
If I had ever been here before
On another time around the wheel
I would probably know just how to deal
Update [2006-5-15 20:2:21 by BooMan]: use this thread to mock Bush’s speech.
Part D: Will late enrollment penalties be waived?
Also included info on Charles Grassley’s campaign contributions.
We know the Democrats have had no legislative agenda during this Congress, but their political agenda is becoming clearer by the day.
They want the White House in 2008. But they know their policies won’t fly with the American people. So they’ve embarked on a plan to take control of Congress in 2006 and then use Congress to initiate a long series of investigations and possible impeachment to win the White House in 2008.
You know that Senator Russ Feingold has introduced legislation to “censure” President Bush. He has called for hearings and has vocalized his support for possible impeachment.
On a national newscast, Senator Dick Durbin, the second most powerful Democrat in the US Senate, refused to rule out impeachment of President Bush.
Another chilling comment from a Democrat Leader was in the Washington Post just a few days ago:
[House Democrat Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi also vowed “to use the power to investigate” the administration on multiple fronts…. When asked if this would lead to impeachment of the President, she said, “You never know where it leads to.”
The likely Democrat Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (where impeachment begins), has already made it clear that he supports the Democrat’s plan. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has sponsored a resolution calling for an investigation with the clear aim of initiating impeachment proceedings. Already, 35 Democrats plus Senate candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have signed on as cosponsors. One of Rep. Conyers’ web-sites even has an entire section dedicated to investigations and possible impeachment.
If this were not enough, a coalition of over 100 liberal organizations have banded together to push the Democrat Leadership to impeach the President.
Help me stop this irresponsible, vengeful, and destructive course of action by the liberal Democrats.
I need your immediate help.
Please click here now to make a contribution of $33, $50, $100, $500 or $1,000 today toward the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s campaign to protect our Republican Senate Majority.
The future of our conservative agenda and the Bush presidency will hinge on whether we win this campaign.
Destroying President Bush is at the top of their wish list.
But Democrats want to do more than that . . . .
You see, for months now, Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers in the House and Russ Feingold and Hillary Clinton in the Senate have been planning for the moment when they have the Majority in Congress…because that’s the moment they can begin to wipe out the accomplishments of the last six years.
They want to roll back the tax cuts that have restored our economy and that put an end to the Clinton recession.
They want to undermine all Republican efforts to win the War on Terror.
And they want to reverse the ban on partial birth abortions and radically change the traditional definition of marriage between a man and a woman.
We can’t let this happen. That is why your immediate support for the National Republican Senatorial Committee is so urgently needed.
[Contribute $500, $100, $50 or $33 to the NRSC]
Your financial support will enable the NRSC to rush much-needed campaign support to each of our outstanding 33 Republican Senate candidates who are under withering attacks from the liberal Democrats and their Special Interest allies.
Without your support, Democrats like Russ Feingold, Dick Durbin and Harry Reid will be calling the shots in Washington.
The NRSC is counting on dedicated Republicans like you to stand with us now and help prevent these reckless liberal Democrats from gaining control of the Senate and putting their damaging, pessimistic agenda into motion.
But remember – we are facing a well-organized and well-funded Democrat machine.
That is why it is critically important for the NRSC to remain in the best possible financial shape possible throughout the course of the entire 2006 election campaign.
So please, click here to help the NRSC stop liberal Democrats from capturing the Senate. With your help right now, we can keep American moving forward on the right course.
Thank you for helping the NRSC and our hard-charging Republican candidates defend our critical Republican Majority in the upcoming 2006 elections.
Elizabeth Dole
United States Senator
Chair, National Republican Senatorial Committee
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This is the most hopeful thing I’ve read in a long time. Do you think Liddy knows something about the Dems that we’ve been missing?
Talkleft has posted a denial received from Rove’s attorney Luskin.
Leopold’s article not true. Karl Rove’s status unchanged
I can’t handle watching him. Comedy Central has reruns of TDS and Colbert Report. Thats what I’ll be watching.
Really wasn’t up to cluttering my beautiful mind.
Is Malkin live blogging this shit?
Go here and see the wingnut in action.
Lordy, that speech was full of pandering but I’m more sickened by the talking heads. I’ll write more later, need to digest food and the info from the Chimp’s speechifying.
I don’t think he’s made anyone very happy with this speech. Dick Durbin came back asking why all bills submitted in the past years since 9/11, that asked for funding for 10-11,000 additional border patrol agents were not passed. And then he commented on our over-stretched National Guard.
Anyway, he’s such horse’s ass – and what’s up with the hands??
These are not the drones I’m looking for….
please move along
The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
Completely OT, but how have you been? It’s been forever since I’ve seen your comments here. But I do try to sneak over to Soulforce when I can. And wasn’t it quoted in a article some weeks back?
I did not listen to Bush’s BS this evening. Heard about 35 seconds of NPR’s post-BS punditry before our public radio volunteers broke in with “a little refreshment” & played ‘Let’s Impeach The President’.
I love community radio.
on the speech: I can not stand to hear the mans voice; consequently, I mute him and watch the body movements. He had lots of makeup on tonight to cover up his bags under his eyes. His nails were done perfectly. The cue cards or monitor was done in the right fashion as not to view to the public. His rheteric as I have heard was not him….in language and style. I was told he had a good speech writer tonight…:o)
He looked as if he was staring a deer in the headlight. He looked blank and emotionless. He for the most part looked like he was afraid…
Now that is my take on it…I did not listen to him speak..with his mouth, only his body.
good night and good luck, ya all….hugs
The speech was straight ahead. He did not try to dodge the fact that he supported some sort of earned citizenship and he insisted that it was not amnesty. Durbin’s response, other than saying the Bush administration had not been doing enough in the past to build up border enforcement and that it was not clear how Bush was going to support the Guard in this further stretching abilities, seemed to be in general agreement with what Bush said.
This will make it that much harder for the Republicans to blame the Democrats if Frist loses control and can’t get a bill thought the Senate or the house members of the reconciliation committee will not bend.
As you read this one, remember I am on their mailing list..for how long, I do not know….once the find out that I am spying on them it will stop, I am sure of that one…:o)
I recieve their emails for I once wrote frist a email, after all he is one of my senators and complained about something a long time ago..I am now on their mailing list..If y ou want me not to post these things here, I will stop…no skin off my nose. I just thought you all would love to see what the other side is saying too. I get a big laugh out of them, if I choose to read them…As of lately they have been coming hot and heavy to my mail and almost on a daily basis. One would have gotten the idea I am not one of them, but they still get the mail to me. Just let me know if you do not want to see this stuff anymore..will not hurt my feelings one bit..
I am looking forward to President Bush’s speech tonight on border security and immigration. I encourage you to watch it.
In the Senate we have restarted the debate on the critical issues of border security and immigration. Over the next ten days, 20 amendments will be offered by Republicans. Many of these amendments if passed by the full Senate would strengthen the border security and interior enforcement provisions of the bill. We must secure our borders first.
One such amendment that will be introduced by Senator Jeff Sessions would meet the demand for real fencing, constructing an additional 370 miles of triple-layered fencing and 500 miles of vehicle barriers along the areas of our border with Mexico that are most often used by smugglers and illegal aliens. This fencing is to be constructed immediately and will be completed within two years of the passage of this border security legislation. This fencing mileage, combined with provisions in the bill on the Senate floor that authorize other technologies asked for by the border patrol to keep our borders fully surveyed so they can intercept those who cross the border as quickly as possible, will go far to enhancing our border security and keeping America safer.
I strongly support this amendment. If you do as well, I encourage you to leave a comment on my blog by clicking here.
Remember to keep visiting my blog over the next ten days for up to date information on the amendments strengthening our border security legislation…
Bill Frist, M.D.
P.S. I’ve just completed the third edition of my weekly podcast, “Majority Leader’s Questions,” in which I answer questions from my blog readers on issues ranging from drilling in Alaska to out of control government spending. To listen, click here. To post a question of your own, click here.
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but still a nation that invites immigration. I don’t think the Republican base is going to buy that and he keeps talking about controlling the border and illegal aliens. He is going to at least lose another percentage point between his pissed off racist base and the Latino support that the party garnered through all of their wedge issues!
I happen to think you are right with this one, Tracy. Anyhow, I am hoping so.
Pro-Internet Democracy Blogs Run Ads for Corporate Takeover of Net: Another Example of Why BuzzFlash Won’t Accept Advertising — A BuzzFlash Editorial.
Are they talking about that add that’s you’ve got in your sidebar (I’m afraid to click on it.) And what’s your feeling about the issue? I’m not trying to start a fight, I just happened to read the editorial and then see the ad here.
No one’s signing up for the Guard, because folks know it’s not the easy meal ticket it used to be.
Caught the speech repeat and the analysis on the special edition of “Countdown” — now they’re saying that they’ll ask for “volunteers”; probably means, “Would you like to volunteer for the border or for Iraq?”