It’s a big week here in Philadelphia. Tomorrow we have the primary. In the U.S. Senate race, I endorse Chuck Pennacchio over Bob Casey Jr. Alan Sandals is also running and he is a good man. I’d like to see a big protest vote against the coronation of Casey by Reid, Schumer, and Rendell. I am adamently opposed to the strategy of eliminating competitive primaries.

I also endorse Patrick Murphy in his primary for the 8th Congressional seat.

I have some friends that are running in more local races. Lt. Paul Lang is running for State Senate in the 6th District. Anne Dicker is running for State Representative in the 175th Distict against two machine pols. Chris Bowers and Kevin Scott are running for State Democratic Committee in Pennsylvania in a write-in campaign. Jennifer Murphy is a candidate for the State Democratic Committee, (501st District) and is, I think, on the ballot. Follow the link to find out how to help them out. Our very own Albert Yee is running for Committeeperson in his ward.

The Philadelphia Weekly has a good article about our movement. If you are having difficulty believing in the future of the Democratic Party you should take the time to read about what we’re doing.

Tuesday night we have our usual Drinking Liberally, and it is also CabinGirl’s birthday.

On Wednesday, Markos and Jerome Armstrong will be in town. The book signing will be at the Drinker’s Tavern on 123 Market Street at 6-8pm on Wednesday. There will be a smaller group of activists and bloggers meeting up at the Khyber, at 56 S. 2nd St. in Old City during the late afternoon.

Thursday we’ll be doing some stuff for a documentary on the blogging movement, and then we’ll be meeting up with one of the more prominent contenders for the 2008 Democratic nomination. I’ll be talking about the need for competitive primaries in the future.

Friday, I’ll rest.