30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Wanted to post a pink flower for MM earlier, but was in the cubicell and had to wait till I got home. This is a fly by right now (Daily Show on in 5 min!), but I’ll be back later to see who’s still partying away.
So… ONCE AGAIN… Happy Birthday Mythmother!!! Here’s a blast of pink for ya hon!
You’re more than welcome, my dear! Yes, it’s one of our pink (take note, Olivia!) peonies from 3 June, 2005. They’re already up and budding out and should pop again toward the end of the month. Wanted to give you a gorgeous blast for your big day (or medium day or however you like to describe it.) If you’re using Firefox, right click on the photo, select view image and magnify it for a big in your face version!
Thx, O! And they smell wonderful too… I just love peonies and wish they lasted longer than a week or so or at least re-bloomed, but I guess that’s part of what makes them so special… the color, fragrance and the chance to have ants parading around in the house for a few days (though we usually shake them off as best we can before bringing the flowers in).
Well, we do have an airport here in case you ever want to make it down this way… and real jets fly here too! hehe… I hope you noticed my judicious comment about pink, hehehehe.
I’ve got two peony bushes in the garden, and I was out there tonight and the one has little baby buds appearing!!!
And the columbine is up and some are blooming! And the lily of the valley, the honeysuckle, and purple sandcherry. And my Alliums are blooming now too! Can you imagine?! We’ve still got tulips popping up and the chives are blooming.
You have columbine blooming already? Ours are up but still kind of small, but I did notice a bud on one tonight before it decided to rain again. Also noticed that our lily of the valley is starting to bloom as well… a bit behind the French, as that’s the traditional May 1 flower to give to friends and loved ones… Muguet des bois as they call it. I’m sure the Québecois have some other twisted archaic name for it though, hehe.
Our little native Red & yellow Canadians are blooming, and the bigger dark purple ones, plus the “cross-breeds between those and a couple of others. Those columbines have bred all over our backyard. I’m still working on the mysteries of photobucket – I have a great treepeony pic that I want to share, even if it is Sept. before I figure out how! Right now it is zillions of pixels too big, I’ve got to shrink it down.
Wow, we’re still struggling to find the right place to get real stands of columbine going here! I envy you that, and the tree peony too! I was wondering if columbines sported easily and it sounds like they do at least at your place.
re: Photobucket… and Olivia or dada, correct me if I’m wrong… I always re-size my photos before uploading so they’re more manageable in size, both for viewing and in terms of not taking up so much space on PB. I assume you are using some kind of photo program, and all the ones I’ve ever used have some sort of re-size command to shrink them down to size. Most allow you to re-size by resolution or pixels… so poke around and I’m sure you’ll figure out how to do it. Just make sure you rename them so you don’t lose your original big one, should you ever want to print it full size.
We weren’t successful with them in Iowa, either. Don’t know why, except we were terrible newbies at northern gardening then. Many years in Texas are no prep for growing stuff in Iowa. On the other hand, about all we had to do in Iowa was shove a dead stick in the ground and it would grow like crazy. Not so here in Detroit. Things require some TLC – but not our columbines. They make so many babies that I am constantly pulling them out like weeds. Right now they are dukeing it out with our barrenwort and hostas to see which one is going to take over our very shady back yard.
Also the free PB acct. has a max 512k size limit and automatically reduces things that are larger. Go into “Account Options” and set max. size there. I rec. using the 512k. allowable. If the file’s too big, PB won’t load it at all.
I also don’t worry too much about width as its really easy to set it in the code when you post it, Thusly:
< img width=400 src=PIC URL > Close brackets , Preview, Post.
Note: Max. width for a New comment is 400…that has to be reduced if you’re replying to an exist comment. Would rec. that you only post pics as New till you get the hang of it.
about doing it as anonymous. I still managed to sneak in who I was so you would know. But when I get signed up there, I can post comments in my real personality, as opposed to the ghostly one. hehe
Well if I can wrangle that vacation time off around Memorial Day, that would be a good time to get started, since all the planting will still be fresh in my mind. And you know, you folks here will be the first to know about it. (I still have to go back to FM’s tonight to get the report on what didn’t happen at his doctor’s today.)
I’ve been off getting my nightly snark-fix, but I’m back now. It is truly a beautiful peony and we are all so lucky that we can share in the joys of your garden!
That’s what I say! And anyway it’s too totally painful to watch that ugly moron sitting at Al Gore’s desk. Jon Stewart should get the Nobel Prize or something. I read that watching him makes youth cynical, which I see as a good thing. Given the mess we’re in, we really need our outh to be cynical!
sunny, 65-70F, no wind. Some apple trees in the orchard full of blossoms, as were a few old plum trees.
Then this afternoon un-installed a 12’X 4′ deck from the 2nd story here in the rural locaion. Sort of nasty work, but near ideal outdoor working temps.
Non-recycleable pieces are on the bonfire now, want to roast some marshmallows?
I took a break to get my daily dose of Jon, Stephen, and Keith. But I’m back now, if you’re still around…. maryb. Yes I was lucky to be able to celebrate my birthday before rejoining the work force…. it was a lovely day. I got a very nice present from my son and husband, which is a gift certificate at my favorite spa for a massage and facial. Such thoughtful guys, there are!
my worksite was a polling station for the special bond election for the county so I stuck around to lock up the building after they finished with the tearing down of things. I had to go to one of our buildings that didn’t have lights working and got totally creeped out (we have ghosts). The empty/dark classrooms were uber-spooky. Perhaps moreso than the fat, hairy spiders in your window.
an old children’s medical facility and was shut down several years ago due to malpractice. They over-restrained two patients over the course of a couple of years, resulting in death. The place is loaded with creepy noises, weird things like bathroom faucets turning on and door slamming. I was not pleased to have to walk through a maze of classrooms with nothing but a flashlight. {eebie jeebies}
I wouldn’t do that to Manny after such a rough day … I’m not that mean. 🙂
Hi Kidspeak … yeah, Canada the country. Are you talking tarantulas like the one Manny found outside his office doors? The ones on my office window are about the size of a loonie. 😉
Oh dear God, I’m going to have to move above the Artic Circle. I’ve always held out Canada as my last hope if I have to live alone – that is, without a resident killer of those unmentionable things.
I use my fear of those – and please do NOT mention their name! – to my students as an example of a phobia and why people do not routinely get treatment for phobias. I’ll live with mine, thank you very much. Loonie size – shudder. Toonies – forget it
I noticed a chocolate urge upthread and decided to take advantage of it. I bought my mom a chocolate fondue fountain for Mother’s Day, it was a big hit with the familia. I grabbed a 4 lb. box of strawberries at the store and we feasted on their divinity.
Sure! Why not? We got the Cabana Room Lounge all set up on the porch last weekend, and though we may be a bit short on chairs, we can improvise! We even have the mood lighting installed as well… and as always, FBL froggies are always welcome at our house!
Yes, ma’am. That is really good stuff. I was about to come out of my usual lurking mode and talk about Bourbon balls, or Ky pecan pie, or some such requiring Maker’s Mark or something similar. But there you are.
And it is a perfect night to drink, even if it isn’t Friday.
I feel like whining. I’ve been a good girl and I’m tired of being a good girl.
Got a very very bad cold – am ready for a full head and lung transplant, any time now (going on 4 weeks).
I need to earn money this summer instead of doing my research. But if I don’t do my research, I won’t get a raise next year in my teaching job.
My brother found out 2 weeks ago that he has bad, Stage IV cancer. He hadn’t a clue. But my mom is all upset that my brother isn’t taking this calmly. Do we have to be calm about everything? Of course! she says. Is it any wonder I became a shrink??
It has rained and rained. . well not 40 days and 40 nights, but the hostas are knee high, the tree peonies have come and gone in the rain, and the weeds are – well, one visitor with not so swift eyesight remarked on my “lovely yellow button flowers” in the yard.
Oh, well. That’s more than enough whinging, and it’s already Wednesday here. I need to go sleep, if my head will allow it.
is overrated. And venting in the Lounge is always allowed.
I’m really sorry about your brother. And sorry that your mom is frowning upon emotion at a time that SHOULD be emotional. It’s probably her way of dealing with it.
About your cold. If your head is stuffed up, try the hot salty water up your nose routine. Katiebird told me it worked and I tried it the last time I had a cold. It helped me breathe much better.
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. Sending best wishes to you and your family. I hope that you at least feel better from your cold soon so that you can deal w/ the other stressors you’re facing. {{{Kidspeak}}}
All kidding aside though, very sorry to hear about your brother’s cancer. The family should definitely allow him his emotions and then some, given such a situation. I don’t know what it is with these “stoic” mothers (I have one and in spades!) with their “just be calm” stuff. I still haven’t forgiven mine for telling me to “quit feeling sorry for yourself and pull yourself up by the bootstraps” back in 97 when I had severe clinical depression. I had just nearly driven my car into a busy intersection to kill myself, and that was her idea of “cheering me up.” sheesh. Anyway, Dr. IVG recommends a good shot of whiskey for the cold, followed by some honey and lemon and a big glass of water before bed. I’d recommend Zicam, but it sounds like you’ve had it too long for that to be of much good at this point. But hope you get to feeling better soon! Spring colds really blow!
Oh, that response to depression is one of my big-time rants in my abnormal course. It is such a common response, and so terrible – and even deadly. Depression’s one of my things in the work I do.
But enough of that – Your home-made cold remedy sounds great, and it’s pretty much identical to my grandmother’s “cramp medicine”. She, of course, never drank a drop of whisky in her life. Medicine, however, was an entirely different thing.
Though bourbon balls are tasty (we make em for Xmas), I’m not sure I’d use the Woodford for those… maybe make them with something less expensive, but wash them down with Woodford! 🙂
hey there dada-o! Just the regular sized bottle… should have gotten the economy sized drum if I’d have known there was such interest… I do have some Old Crow in reserve, and Chris got some mezcal and that Husson fancy tequila in the moonshine jug… so I think we can accommodate most tastes with what we’ve got. I even think we have a bottle of Chardonnay lurking around somewhere in case MM needs reinforcement…
Hmmm, let me think on that one… oh yeah, we do have some After Eight mint and orange thingies around, and some leftover chocolate covered cherries! The Hershey’s miniatures are in my desk at work though…
Actually, I thought of you at the liquor store tonight… they had these little bottles of Godiva chocolate liqueur at the check out… been meaning to try some of that sometime, even though I don’t go for the sweet stuff usually. Some friends of Chris’ were talking about making “Tarantinis” with that last weekend… some kind of potent thing with Godiva, Bailey’s and vodka I think? All I remember is that you chill the glass, pour in some melted chocolate, swirl it around then add the booze. Maybe Manny knows what those are….
LOL… that subject line leaves you wide open for some nasty punnage there, but I’ll restrain myself. Wouldn’t want to offend the sensibilities of my favorite ND plainsman. I can only count my ND friends on one hand at this point, so I better be a good boy.
and about a 2 inch diameter clump of stems, clipped in length to about 6 inches. Same tactic as dada, dry them upside down after wrapping them with the string. Since humidity is non-existent down here, it doesn’t take long to get them dried out.
so I recommend only doing it outdoors, but you light the end of the clump and let it burn abit, then blow it out to create some red coals (and fragrant smoke). It’ll probably take some trial-and-error to get it just right where it burns on its own without having to re-light every once in awhile. (you use the whole clump at once, not individual stems)
Good to note that you blow it out, Manny! (e.g. just like incense) I’d hate to imagine Olivia running around with a flaming clump of sage in her hand wondering why her house is filled with smoke! That might put her off on the whole thing, hehe.
I usually cut them longer tho, 10-12″, and twist ti before wrapping so its a little denser. Also, I’ve always used gardening twine.
Harvest whenever the plant’s big enough. I usually do it in the fall just before it freezes, and then let them hang all winter. I’ve got 1 unlit one left, maybe I should take a picture of it…:{) It doesn’t look like Manny’s at all…think big ole fattie w/out paper. :{)
much needed, especially after casting my ballot today.
Well, if dada says it’s primo it’s good enough for me!
Howdy all (thx for new cafe Manny…)!!!
Wanted to post a pink flower for MM earlier, but was in the cubicell and had to wait till I got home. This is a fly by right now (Daily Show on in 5 min!), but I’ll be back later to see who’s still partying away.
So… ONCE AGAIN… Happy Birthday Mythmother!!! Here’s a blast of pink for ya hon!
What a gorgeous photo! Is that from your garden?
Here’s a thank you flower for all the lovely birthday wishes!!!
And that’s such a delicate pink IVG, it’s really almost white … 😉
You’re more than welcome, my dear! Yes, it’s one of our pink (take note, Olivia!) peonies from 3 June, 2005. They’re already up and budding out and should pop again toward the end of the month. Wanted to give you a gorgeous blast for your big day (or medium day or however you like to describe it.) If you’re using Firefox, right click on the photo, select view image and magnify it for a big in your face version!
Glad you liked it… just my humble contribution.
… is gorgeous IVG. 🙂 I really do wish that time machine thingy worked so I could fly down and visit you and your furry pals and your wonderful garden.
Thx, O! And they smell wonderful too… I just love peonies and wish they lasted longer than a week or so or at least re-bloomed, but I guess that’s part of what makes them so special… the color, fragrance and the chance to have ants parading around in the house for a few days (though we usually shake them off as best we can before bringing the flowers in).
Well, we do have an airport here in case you ever want to make it down this way… and real jets fly here too! hehe… I hope you noticed my judicious comment about pink, hehehehe.
I’ve got two peony bushes in the garden, and I was out there tonight and the one has little baby buds appearing!!!
And the columbine is up and some are blooming! And the lily of the valley, the honeysuckle, and purple sandcherry. And my Alliums are blooming now too! Can you imagine?! We’ve still got tulips popping up and the chives are blooming.
You have columbine blooming already? Ours are up but still kind of small, but I did notice a bud on one tonight before it decided to rain again. Also noticed that our lily of the valley is starting to bloom as well… a bit behind the French, as that’s the traditional May 1 flower to give to friends and loved ones… Muguet des bois as they call it. I’m sure the Québecois have some other twisted archaic name for it though, hehe.
Our little native Red & yellow Canadians are blooming, and the bigger dark purple ones, plus the “cross-breeds between those and a couple of others. Those columbines have bred all over our backyard. I’m still working on the mysteries of photobucket – I have a great treepeony pic that I want to share, even if it is Sept. before I figure out how! Right now it is zillions of pixels too big, I’ve got to shrink it down.
Those blossom photos are gorgeous.
Wow, we’re still struggling to find the right place to get real stands of columbine going here! I envy you that, and the tree peony too! I was wondering if columbines sported easily and it sounds like they do at least at your place.
re: Photobucket… and Olivia or dada, correct me if I’m wrong… I always re-size my photos before uploading so they’re more manageable in size, both for viewing and in terms of not taking up so much space on PB. I assume you are using some kind of photo program, and all the ones I’ve ever used have some sort of re-size command to shrink them down to size. Most allow you to re-size by resolution or pixels… so poke around and I’m sure you’ll figure out how to do it. Just make sure you rename them so you don’t lose your original big one, should you ever want to print it full size.
We weren’t successful with them in Iowa, either. Don’t know why, except we were terrible newbies at northern gardening then. Many years in Texas are no prep for growing stuff in Iowa. On the other hand, about all we had to do in Iowa was shove a dead stick in the ground and it would grow like crazy. Not so here in Detroit. Things require some TLC – but not our columbines. They make so many babies that I am constantly pulling them out like weeds. Right now they are dukeing it out with our barrenwort and hostas to see which one is going to take over our very shady back yard.
I duplicate everything before I mess w/ it.
Also the free PB acct. has a max 512k size limit and automatically reduces things that are larger. Go into “Account Options” and set max. size there. I rec. using the 512k. allowable. If the file’s too big, PB won’t load it at all.
I also don’t worry too much about width as its really easy to set it in the code when you post it, Thusly:
< img width=400 src=PIC URL > Close brackets , Preview, Post.
Note: Max. width for a New comment is 400…that has to be reduced if you’re replying to an exist comment. Would rec. that you only post pics as New till you get the hang of it.
Thanks for the photo suggestions, I think I’ve been missing some kind of re-sizing command, I’ll look for it.
So I took some pix tonight too. I’m trying to get it sized and uploaded to the b, but it’s a slow process.
I received a clump of l-o-t-v yesterday as a gift! I still have to plant it in the garden — it’s sitting in a pot on my back patio.
OH! and thanks for commenting at the b today! What a lovely treat that was. 🙂
about doing it as anonymous. I still managed to sneak in who I was so you would know. But when I get signed up there, I can post comments in my real personality, as opposed to the ghostly one. hehe
You might find it works better for you b/c you can write a post if you feel like it — not tied to anyone’s schedule but your own. 🙂
Well if I can wrangle that vacation time off around Memorial Day, that would be a good time to get started, since all the planting will still be fresh in my mind. And you know, you folks here will be the first to know about it. (I still have to go back to FM’s tonight to get the report on what didn’t happen at his doctor’s today.)
I’ve been off getting my nightly snark-fix, but I’m back now. It is truly a beautiful peony and we are all so lucky that we can share in the joys of your garden!
Wasn’t JS’s coverage of the chimp speech just priceless? Who needs to watch the real thing when Jon will give us the skinny and make it all funny!
That’s what I say! And anyway it’s too totally painful to watch that ugly moron sitting at Al Gore’s desk. Jon Stewart should get the Nobel Prize or something. I read that watching him makes youth cynical, which I see as a good thing. Given the mess we’re in, we really need our outh to be cynical!
Hi froggies. Is it time for bartender’s choice?
How was your re-entry to the work world?
and I have some client related activity every night this week <sigh>
How was your day? What did you do?
sunny, 65-70F, no wind. Some apple trees in the orchard full of blossoms, as were a few old plum trees.
Then this afternoon un-installed a 12’X 4′ deck from the 2nd story here in the rural locaion. Sort of nasty work, but near ideal outdoor working temps.
Non-recycleable pieces are on the bonfire now, want to roast some marshmallows?
Got chocolate and graham crackers too?
Sounds like a nice day. It was cool and rainy here (again). And all the tree blossoms have turned to green.
I’ll lay in a supply!
I ate the last of the Frangos just minutes ago!
no Frangos left? I’ll have to re-think this trip. It’s a long way for a bonfire 😉
there’s not a sound tonight but the crackling of the fire, and then there’s a whole hemisphere of sky full of stars. Are ya wavering still?
means no rain. Let me get my private plane out and I’ll be right there. Now where did I put the pilot’s pager number ….
pilot’s pager number… thought you’d have that’n memorized…
Hi maryb….!!!
I just woke up from my nap and am watching JS. What’s new in your corner of the world?
Hi MM! Nice flower up above.
Did you have a nice birthday? It was fortunate you got to celebrate it before you started the new job.
I took a break to get my daily dose of Jon, Stephen, and Keith. But I’m back now, if you’re still around…. maryb. Yes I was lucky to be able to celebrate my birthday before rejoining the work force…. it was a lovely day. I got a very nice present from my son and husband, which is a gift certificate at my favorite spa for a massage and facial. Such thoughtful guys, there are!
(before I run out of time.) Hope you had a great day!
Thanks, NDD, but I guess you probably ran out of time already…..?
how about a mudslide?
Welcome home Manny. Been a long day for you.
my worksite was a polling station for the special bond election for the county so I stuck around to lock up the building after they finished with the tearing down of things. I had to go to one of our buildings that didn’t have lights working and got totally creeped out (we have ghosts). The empty/dark classrooms were uber-spooky. Perhaps moreso than the fat, hairy spiders in your window.
… at least the spiders are on the outside.
Ghosts eh? What’s the story behind them?
an old children’s medical facility and was shut down several years ago due to malpractice. They over-restrained two patients over the course of a couple of years, resulting in death. The place is loaded with creepy noises, weird things like bathroom faucets turning on and door slamming. I was not pleased to have to walk through a maze of classrooms with nothing but a flashlight. {eebie jeebies}
Just knowing the history of the place is enough to give a bad feeling about it.
well, ok
The ghosts didn’t get you and you’re home safe.
I feel much better already. I know how rare those are around here. :-]
in the drink you made me must be affecting my judgment 😉
results in a smile, then there shouldn’t be any complaints. heehee
You have those unmentionable 8legged horrors in Canada? Or do you live in Canada, Florida, perhaps. (I may be thinking of someone else.
don’t encourage her, she might be enticed to post one of her flower-lurking vicious creatures from the garden. Eek!
I wouldn’t do that to Manny after such a rough day … I’m not that mean. 🙂
Hi Kidspeak … yeah, Canada the country. Are you talking tarantulas like the one Manny found outside his office doors? The ones on my office window are about the size of a loonie. 😉
Oh dear God, I’m going to have to move above the Artic Circle. I’ve always held out Canada as my last hope if I have to live alone – that is, without a resident killer of those unmentionable things.
I use my fear of those – and please do NOT mention their name! – to my students as an example of a phobia and why people do not routinely get treatment for phobias. I’ll live with mine, thank you very much. Loonie size – shudder. Toonies – forget it
…looks like we’ve got quite the group of arachnophobes here at BT, plus one snakeophobe … 🙂
This place has the very best bartenders 😉
Welcome home from work.
I noticed a chocolate urge upthread and decided to take advantage of it. I bought my mom a chocolate fondue fountain for Mother’s Day, it was a big hit with the familia. I grabbed a 4 lb. box of strawberries at the store and we feasted on their divinity.
NO OLIVIA — he told ME about it first! Sheesh, she’s such a chocoholic 😉
You’re such a good sun. The strawberries are just starting to come in here. In fact, I’m eating some right now. But no chocolate to dip them in 🙁
I’m sorry,
gives added meaning to mudslide. O:-)
and I’ll stick with the fondue fountain. And strawberries. I’ll pretend I’m part of the familia.
Never had one. And I ran out of Pacifico tonight. Dang!How’d that happen anyway?.
Tried one of the remaining Tequizzas, two sips, and dumped the rest out.
probably hard to find ’em out in the toolies too.
Hey all, who’s up still?
…how’d ya make out w/ the dic*khead?
It is indeed!
… call people dickheads, so I kinda surmised that this was a big deal for ya. 🙂
but no prob finding Bud-lite, that’d be about 7 minutes travel time.
If you’re not slugging down those mudslides, just wanted to say hey and let you know I bought a bottle of Woodford Reserve tonight… ya want some??
I hope you have enough room to host the gaggle of us this fine spring evening.
Sure! Why not? We got the Cabana Room Lounge all set up on the porch last weekend, and though we may be a bit short on chairs, we can improvise! We even have the mood lighting installed as well… and as always, FBL froggies are always welcome at our house!
Yes, ma’am. That is really good stuff. I was about to come out of my usual lurking mode and talk about Bourbon balls, or Ky pecan pie, or some such requiring Maker’s Mark or something similar. But there you are.
And it is a perfect night to drink, even if it isn’t Friday.
Or you just like to drink on Tuesdays in May?
I feel like whining. I’ve been a good girl and I’m tired of being a good girl.
Got a very very bad cold – am ready for a full head and lung transplant, any time now (going on 4 weeks).
I need to earn money this summer instead of doing my research. But if I don’t do my research, I won’t get a raise next year in my teaching job.
My brother found out 2 weeks ago that he has bad, Stage IV cancer. He hadn’t a clue. But my mom is all upset that my brother isn’t taking this calmly. Do we have to be calm about everything? Of course! she says. Is it any wonder I became a shrink??
It has rained and rained. . well not 40 days and 40 nights, but the hostas are knee high, the tree peonies have come and gone in the rain, and the weeds are – well, one visitor with not so swift eyesight remarked on my “lovely yellow button flowers” in the yard.
Oh, well. That’s more than enough whinging, and it’s already Wednesday here. I need to go sleep, if my head will allow it.
is overrated. And venting in the Lounge is always allowed.
I’m really sorry about your brother. And sorry that your mom is frowning upon emotion at a time that SHOULD be emotional. It’s probably her way of dealing with it.
About your cold. If your head is stuffed up, try the hot salty water up your nose routine. Katiebird told me it worked and I tried it the last time I had a cold. It helped me breathe much better.
I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. Sending best wishes to you and your family. I hope that you at least feel better from your cold soon so that you can deal w/ the other stressors you’re facing. {{{Kidspeak}}}
Thanks, Olivia
it promotes mucous production you know!
All kidding aside though, very sorry to hear about your brother’s cancer. The family should definitely allow him his emotions and then some, given such a situation. I don’t know what it is with these “stoic” mothers (I have one and in spades!) with their “just be calm” stuff. I still haven’t forgiven mine for telling me to “quit feeling sorry for yourself and pull yourself up by the bootstraps” back in 97 when I had severe clinical depression. I had just nearly driven my car into a busy intersection to kill myself, and that was her idea of “cheering me up.” sheesh. Anyway, Dr. IVG recommends a good shot of whiskey for the cold, followed by some honey and lemon and a big glass of water before bed. I’d recommend Zicam, but it sounds like you’ve had it too long for that to be of much good at this point. But hope you get to feeling better soon! Spring colds really blow!
Oh, that response to depression is one of my big-time rants in my abnormal course. It is such a common response, and so terrible – and even deadly. Depression’s one of my things in the work I do.
But enough of that – Your home-made cold remedy sounds great, and it’s pretty much identical to my grandmother’s “cramp medicine”. She, of course, never drank a drop of whisky in her life. Medicine, however, was an entirely different thing.
I think I have just enough Maker’s Mark left. . .
Good night, I must get to bed.
Chase that nasty cold away and hoping you feel better in the morning!
Though bourbon balls are tasty (we make em for Xmas), I’m not sure I’d use the Woodford for those… maybe make them with something less expensive, but wash them down with Woodford! 🙂
That would be criminal! Ditto any baking use! Woodford is for savoring in liquid or aromatic form.
oh sure why not? I’ll be hugging everyone soon …
Hope it’s a big bottle…bunch a sots in here don’t cha know…:{)
hey there dada-o! Just the regular sized bottle… should have gotten the economy sized drum if I’d have known there was such interest… I do have some Old Crow in reserve, and Chris got some mezcal and that Husson fancy tequila in the moonshine jug… so I think we can accommodate most tastes with what we’ve got. I even think we have a bottle of Chardonnay lurking around somewhere in case MM needs reinforcement…
Hmmm, let me think on that one… oh yeah, we do have some After Eight mint and orange thingies around, and some leftover chocolate covered cherries! The Hershey’s miniatures are in my desk at work though…
Actually, I thought of you at the liquor store tonight… they had these little bottles of Godiva chocolate liqueur at the check out… been meaning to try some of that sometime, even though I don’t go for the sweet stuff usually. Some friends of Chris’ were talking about making “Tarantinis” with that last weekend… some kind of potent thing with Godiva, Bailey’s and vodka I think? All I remember is that you chill the glass, pour in some melted chocolate, swirl it around then add the booze. Maybe Manny knows what those are….
I’d settle for chocolate ice cream w/ Bailey’s drizzled on top.
I’ll leave my half bottle of Maker’s Mark. If I take it with me, I might drink too much of it.
the “Brown Liquor” with the others, I’ll help Chris w/ the Husson…I’m trying to avoid Mescal these days…:{)
I’m burning some sage here tonight. Just ran across it in a drawer yesterday. Now if I could only find…
What was sage doing in a drawer? If I might ask.
It’s probably been there some 5 years minimum. I’m not known for my filing/organizational abilities..
Where do you keep your sage then… ya got a special sage container?
Maybe NDD likes to use it instead of lavender as a sachet for his tender, delicate undergarments?
<snort> … 🙂
I’ll have you know I haven’t worn any below-the-waist
“delicate undergarments” since ’69.
LOL… that subject line leaves you wide open for some nasty punnage there, but I’ll restrain myself. Wouldn’t want to offend the sensibilities of my favorite ND plainsman. I can only count my ND friends on one hand at this point, so I better be a good boy.
NDD, I hang i,t upside down, in the garage to dry after bundling and wrapping it.
harvest some. How do you decide when to harvest?
And what do you wrap it with?
and about a 2 inch diameter clump of stems, clipped in length to about 6 inches. Same tactic as dada, dry them upside down after wrapping them with the string. Since humidity is non-existent down here, it doesn’t take long to get them dried out.
So when you burn, do you take this same bundle as is, or do you pull it apart and burn individual stems?
so I recommend only doing it outdoors, but you light the end of the clump and let it burn abit, then blow it out to create some red coals (and fragrant smoke). It’ll probably take some trial-and-error to get it just right where it burns on its own without having to re-light every once in awhile. (you use the whole clump at once, not individual stems)
I’m really looking forward to trying this out this summer.
Good to note that you blow it out, Manny! (e.g. just like incense) I’d hate to imagine Olivia running around with a flaming clump of sage in her hand wondering why her house is filled with smoke! That might put her off on the whole thing, hehe.
to imagine 😀
(btw I sent you an email earlier …)
I usually cut them longer tho, 10-12″, and twist ti before wrapping so its a little denser. Also, I’ve always used gardening twine.
Harvest whenever the plant’s big enough. I usually do it in the fall just before it freezes, and then let them hang all winter. I’ve got 1 unlit one left, maybe I should take a picture of it…:{) It doesn’t look like Manny’s at all…think big ole fattie w/out paper. :{)
I’d like to see it. How many do you make?
Depends on the plant(s). I didn’t make any last year, this one’s from 2 years ago and then, IMS, I made 5 or 6.
This year’s a big ? Out of the 3 plants I had, 1 is kaput, and the other 2 are still looking iffy.
gonna open up the 24/7 cafe.
the 24/7 Lounge is open. The windows are open to air out all the hookah and sage smoke.