Your host was abducted by aliens so this is an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
Tinfoil hats in all sizes are located near the door next to the newspapers.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
any takers?
I think it’s time to relocate.
You think I’M going to help you get off the hook? You’ve got another thought coming mister π
Hey Mary, glad to see you back, and in fine form, no less! Also glad to hear the retreat wasn’t toooo awful.
or should I bring ya the marble rolling pin?
I use force of character π
they’ll probably melt like silly putty at a mere glance, then
I see they’re gittin’ “lippy” again. They must think you’ve left for the night.
and I’m heading off to bed anyway. See ya’
Maybe you need one of these nifty utensils…

In the cafe?! π
Wuzup NDD?
Saw your rabid critter comment…can’t go weedwhackin’ w/out a sidearm eh.
We’re supposed to be behavin’ now. π
maryb and NDD are going to use forceful eyes on us … and you put up those wallpapers in the last one — that wasn’t me that started it in the last cafe. π
weed whacker only relative to FM’s experience, I only weed whack a coule of times a year, if at all, I should get a little electric one for around the house, makes less racket.
Been quite a while since anything was dispatched around here, might be the rabies thing has diminished over the years, I’ll have to ask my brother as he’s around these here parts full time.
While waiting to load BT, I’m converting wordperfect 5.0 files to wordperfect 10.0 files, and then copying to MSWord. Seems to be going OK.
That conversion sounds really tedious, NDD. When you get done, maybe you can convert all the old stuff on my old computers for me, since I was too lazy to do it when I got new ones. Maybe I could bribe you with some of this?

I’ll go ask dada if it’s fit to burn in a pipe
It might be kinda hard to light in a pipe, since it’s some kind of oddball Japanese drink. hehe
I need my hip waders already…you don’t wanta get me in trouble now, do ya.
You’re coming up w/ some interesting items — monkey fizz eh?
Lol… you missed the “salty cat” part of that one? These are from http://www.engrish.com, a site that specializes in pics of odd usage of Engrish. I had to go there to get you some chocolate, that’s how this got started.

This sound good?
I much rather those cute little flowerpots you posted the other night. π
Oh, there’s worse… but I’ll save those for later. That site is worth a visit when you need a real chuckle. The restaurant signs are usually a hoot, like this one…
LOL. I think I’ll wait and let you surprise me … π
Does that mean what I think it means? (I hope!)
I think he’s gonna be slinging verses (or the “project”) our way!
about the only real pain in the buttinski is highlight, copy, and then pasting into MSWORD. The the orig wp file defaults to a conversion from 5 to 10, so it’s just to click yes on that when I go to close.
So other than the copy and paste it ain’t too bad a process, and beats lifting barbells whilst waiting for BT to load.
Saw this, and thought maybe this is the right room for ya, dada…

Want the key?
Thanks for the offer, but I have beer, and I’m sticking with it! Coffee is for mornings as Trix are for kids!
Since you haven’t been misbehaving like O and dada YOU can continue to have beer.
I appreciate that. I have a case of this… want to serve them some of this stuff?
diet water? what calories do they take out of it?
Love the new tulip!
ooh, I didn’t notice the new tulip. It’s a lovely shade!
I was getting tired of the dorito … and maryb I think it was you who said I should update it w/ new ones this month since they’re blooming now. π
of your choice. I like the idea of you switching the flowers for what’s currently blooming.
We’ll take two of whatever you’re serving!
Nice froggies. Howdy MM. Did you have a good day?
Hey, maryb! Nice to have you back from your “retreat.” Sounds like it went well… ?
My day was OK. I had a meeting with a potential client this morning, did a little work on my book, fooled around on the garden, fooled around on the Internets, took a nap, and then watched my favorite fake news shows. Had to turn off KO, since he showed that sicko nut case GWB giving his little speech.
yes, I can retreat with the best of them π
I didn’t get home until late so I missed the little big man’s speech. Oh. too bad.
I don’t think there was nearly enough napping in your day. FM will be disappointed.
Way to go, Retreat Meister!
As far as the napping goes, I know what you mean, but am counting on FM’s patience and forebearing as a teacher. The skills involved take many years and practice to perfect. Wish I had more time to devote to it, since I will be slamming back into the daily grind on Monday. <cringes>
I was in the other room during the ‘speech’ but then KO sort of went back to snarking away, but he had Tweety on too, so that was a bummer. KO did get some good licks in though, and even Tweety was sniping at Chimpy.
Darn! I need my KO snark fix! I tried flipping back, but ugly was still on there and I just can’t stand to watch him. They rerun it here at 6 AM, so maybe I’ll try again for the snark-fix if I’m awake by then.
Sorry about the sore muscles, BTW! I’m sure it must feel good to have gotten so much work done in your garden!
I think he got good at about the 40 minute mark… so skip everything up till about 35 min.
I take it this was a fountain? Haven’t heard you complaining about rain lately. How ya been?
Yup, it was a fountain! Good guess. It probably won’t rain again on the Lower Left until October.
your froggy friends don’t look like they’re into sharing…How goes it MM?
I think they just had a fight. Or else they’re keeping a look out for something or other.
I’m good. How are things on your end, dada?
looks like it’s going to stick around now.; at least for a week or so.
Does that mean it goes back to winter or on to summer in a couple of weeks? LOL
the last couple of junes have been exceptionally cool and wet.
Another plus is that commencement was friday, and after a final wild weekend, we’re in for 12 wks of relative tranquility…w/ the exception of tourists.
It’s very nice! Population drops about 1/3 when the U finishes up.
Lots of faculty leave for the summer and summer school’s not very large.
Do you have some exciting personal projects planned?
hopefully some serious time to devote to playing with the cameras, and the ever growing list of things that need done to the house. Painting the exterior has got to be done b4 winter…big pain in the a**…I HATE to paint, and don’t know if I can afford to have someone do it all.
playing with camera(s) sounds like fun! Something to look forward to… and if you paint the outside of your house by yourself, you should get a medal! Big pain in the a** doesn’t half describe the situation!!
No summer session there, dada? Then that must be blissful! Gotta love sleepy college towns in the summer… one thing I miss about academia, besides being a slacker for a couple of months.
Don’t think I read anything about it today … how’d it go?
I haven’t been on much, due to various RL distractions.
Thanks so much for trying to check in (and to AndiF also). My son’s recital went exceptionally well. My son was great and I’m not just saying that because I’m his mother… LOL! There was only one moment where he slipped up a little bit, just enough to remind me how precarious it is to be the mother of a performer.
How is life treating you?
I wish I could have listened in … gotta get myself caught up on the technology front.
I’m in camera withdrawal — it’s been raining here for days and so I haven’t had much of a chance to get outside to take any pix. π
Oh, ouch! I know how that feels, though I do envy you the rain. I miss it already and probably won’t see any for months. How long is it suppposed to last?
… according to the weather channel.
Glacier Wolf Dog
Black and white puppy, 5 weeks old
ready to survive wind, snow, cold
big paws, long legs, muscles, stamina
took you from your neurotic mama
her blue eyes gazed straight through me
wild-energy chained, no longer free
Ferocious furry puppy, razor sharp teeth
rip the hide off a carcass, find meat underneath
you chomped my hand one day in play
I learned to keep fingers out of your way
Sneaky you, pulled a glove out of my pocket
then off you streaked, just like a rocket
the challenge, to chase you around the campsite
the game of tag, your ancestral rite
I left to work construction during the day
you wanted to follow, I made you stay
hot baked potatoes that night in the dark
you’d unrolled asswipe all over the park
Later that winter living in town
found the entry covered in brown
you’d shit on the walls, shit on the floors
I granted your wish for cold outdoors
Curled up on the frozen ground all day
snow swirling ’round where you lay
you waited to run along the Red River
wind-chill was enough to make me shiver
Your patience rewarded, untethered and free
now you think you’re the equal of me
for a moment, I take my eyes off you
snow covered prairie drifts into view
Full speed you hit me, buckle both knees
all I see then, the tops of the trees
I land crashing, on your panting chest
that was the trick you liked best.
Sounds like a beloved friend …
I agree, Olivia! Took me a while to get down here to read this! I think NDD has some other great goodies to unleash later, from what he’s said. Looking forward to whatever he graces us with when he finishes his big project.
And, with that, and a major case of the yawns, I’d better be heading out, since I have an earlier than usual morning today….
Gonna need to brew a strong pot of this in the morning to get me going again!
See all you resident crazies tomorrow at some point! Rest well, all…
You’re crazy too IVG … we love ya! Sweet dreams … and good luck getting up for your meeting. π
thanks for the compliments tonight, everyone.
Just discoverd I’ve been at 28.8K instead of the usual 31.2K, next time I’ll check and log off and back on again, not that it’d help much but sheesh it’s slow enough as it is…
Truly mans best friend.
Did you all go off to bed?
Not quite yet, but it won’t be long. Just doing a little blog walk looking for signs of Fitzmas…alas, none to be found.
Thursday is the latest right?
Damn, I’ve been looking too, and had the same results. Not giving up hope yet though. Still nothing at FDL? That’s one place I’ve not been to yet tonight.
Damn, the yawns are hitting bad… maybe I’ll wake up to good news, ya never know….
Leopold and Truthout still standing behind their story, lots of spin…no definitive news.
I trust Fitz, I believe he wants them as bad as we do, for a lot of reasons. So far, IMO, he’s done one hell of a fine job of lawyering.
Scooters toast, and if he indicts Rover, he’ll be too.
Hope springs eternal.
Do I hear an echo across the canyon?
I’ll drop you an email when I quit BT tonight.
You’ve got good ears to hear that … π
Life reveals spirit
You gave some of yours to mine
Mystical woman
… that is really beautiful!
See you in the morning light, all you lovely little froggies!
My patience with dialup has about taxed the cranium here tonight.
Got to send and check some emails and then hang it ooop. Been a great night even if it was hard to keep up with the usual craziness.
it’s off to bed.
Night O, NDD, et al.
Catch ya on the flip.
You know I love ya, right? Sleep well my friend!
Good night NDD! Looking forward to your email!