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I found the perfect solution to the dilemma of whether we should eat bad food or start drinking — we can do both! Plus, it involves shoes. What could be better?
reminds me of an old comedy slogan… Shoes for Industry! Shoes for the dead!
I’ll leave it at that, for those who would like to ponder, but dada would nail this one in a heartbeat… maybe you can too?
I’m still waiting for the day for someone to explain to me the perennial fascination women have with accumulating shoes… any insight on that one?
I have no insight. I’m too deep into the problem to be able to see it clearly.
Well, they always say that recognizing the problem is the first step… hehehe… no judgment there, just always have been curious about that. Seeya later!
But what’s the perfect shoe for taking that first step?
as many shoes as I do, I’ll have to disagree with your premise.
BTW, if you are a neo-geezer, does that make me a paleo-geezer?
I think you must be the exception, Andi… and I would never ever use the prefix paleo in combination with you. Some people are just ageless… oh that I could lump myself into that one, but I can’t.
and have embraced both my inner and outer geezerhood.
Then again I’m just one of the bozos on this bus, waiting for the electrician or someone like him.
Don’t crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
I believe the track is called “Tingings” (on side 2 IMS)… but I’m amazed at the number who jumped on this one!
Now follow along in your book, and repeat after me as we learn our next three phrases in Turkish… Bath … towel… border…
Actually I think “Waiting For The Electrician” is my favorite of their albums. “Temporarily Humboldt County” may just be the best six-minute synopsis of the history of North America ever done, and the title track is somehow disturbing in its surreality.
I too love that history of N America… where the settlers came from small places with strange names, like Smegma, Spasmodic, and the far-flug Islets of Langerhans…
Not to mention there were a bunch ofTheosophists down at the end of the bar raising the devil… Ah, fond memories of FS (btw I have all those ones you mentioned if you ever need a fix and don’t have them).
lying around in a circle with our heads on each others bellies bobbing up and down as we all giggled uncontrollably
(now you know how I spent most of my high school years)
and they say if you remember the 60s you weren’t there… ha!
For me it was during the college daze of the late 70’s … in smoky dorm rooms smelling of stale beer and bongwater. Yes, a lovely memory, indeed… LOL.
I’m looking for a copy of their “Aliens Must Register” PSA from the two-disk retrospective “Forward Into The Past.” It’s on Side 3, I think, with commercials for a movie called The Straight People and the Mexican Air Force (“you can get so high they’ll never find you, man!”).
If I could get a copy of that PSA — well all of them would be groovissimo, but specifically that one — I would be most grateful. I have a friend who does a silly music podcast and occasionally rounds out segments with various odd bogus commercials. I want to get him a copy of the PSA but I don’t know if it’s ever been put on CD.
But I’ll look into it a bit and see if I can find any of those on CD. All mine’s prehistoric vinyl ya know. With authentic scratches and pops, even!
You might try searching for starters… that’s where I’d look first, then maybe ebay.
We’re glad you made it.…I’m on the same moving yellow line as IVG… slowly replacing my vinyl w/ cd versions, so it may be out there somewhere.
Maybe you should have googled that one, dada! hehehe, evil laughter…
Rococo you slimy blackmailer! How did you get in? You don’t have a key!
Only half a key – I had to split it with the sound man.
Got FST in a heart beat…and,
O…you hush now…that’s not ladylike…:{)
Nah, I’ll just slap you silly with the Tail of the giant rat of Sumatra instead! Give me that half a key, you weasel…. You know how it all comes back to you, like a hot kiss at the end of wet fist!
Just goes to prove to all of us that Everything you know is WRONG!
Add it to your list d! đ
since a lady is someone who never has any fun.
How’s it going Andi? It’s raining cats and dogs here. Seems like things are quiet here right now.
We had sun until 5:00, then it clouded up and then it stormed (with thunder, lightning, and hail) and then the sun came out while it was still storming.
Did you lose power — how reliable are your power lines during storms in general.
We get light flickers all the time, very brief outages (a minute or two) almost as often, and lose our power pretty regularly – which is why we UPS for all our computers.
So how was your slackering today? Did you get out w/ Bu?
many frisbee tosses and retrievals later, she’s now contentedly in the Snooze Zone…even took a pic of the notorious Sage Spliff for the elucidation of the late shift…
And definitely looking forward to being elucidated … đ
There apparently is some parody of Randy Sparks’s “Saturday Night in Toledo, Ohio (Is Like Being Nowhere At All)” (popularized by John Denver) called “How Can You Be In Two Places At Once (When You’re Really Nowhere At All)”
Not sure if I can track it down, though. Sometimes things wander through my brain leaving only vague, maddening memories (“But it was funny as hell, I tell you!”).
My girlfriend has this problem. Every available piece of space in both of the closets we use is taken up by shoes.
Me, I usually have two or three pairs of shoes — work boots, sneakers, and one pair of nicer shoes for when the parents are visiting or whatever. Well, I guess I also have tall boots for riding horses, but those get me funny looks if I wear them out of context.
What cracks me up, though, is that after four years together, it’s starting to get a little contagious. I see cute shoes now, and rather than my old way of thinking (“I don’t need any shoes”), I’m starting to think “hey, those are pretty cute. I should see what they cost”.
Luckily, I snap out of it pretty quickly.
when I received a pair of shoes I ordered… blush
They’re practical though — walking shoes, but with Velcro instead of ties. I wanted something comfortable to wear on the plane up North, but also something that would slip on/off easily (had to trek through the terminal carrying my shoes till I could find a place to sit and tie them after I went through security last trip). They’ll be perfect, and look nicer than my other shoes for casual dinners on the ship.
Still need dress shoes (black) and I’d like to get a nice pair of walking boots for some of our shore excursions in Alaska where we might be clambering over some rugged terrain — going to hit REI sometime early next week.
I’m a bit of a shoe fanatic, but all of mine are of the practical type — walking shoes, exercise shoes, a couple of pairs of dress boots…I have a hard time finding shoes that fit because I have boat feet (8-1/2 W); dress shoes are especially tough because I have weak ankles so can’t handle spiky heels. About the one part of the trip I’m dreading is the “formal” night; I found myself a nice cocktail outfit (blouse and skirt), now I have to find shoes I won’t kill myself in…
frou-frou drinks though — strictly beer (no wine), or maybe 7 and 7’s (Seagram’s 7 and 7-up) or Rum & Cokes. The latter two were my drinks of choice when I was in the work bowling league — I actually even won a trophy for most improved bowler, though when you start as piss-poor as I did, that’s no big accomplishment. đ
Got to get moving shortly — I did some FM power napping this morning lol now need to get stirring and get some work done. Spouse is going to start a large batch of laundry; I’m trying to decide what to work on first…
I’ll tell ya — the first sunshine in a week!
Sun dappled ferns always cheer me up… and you too, I would suspect. Great pic as always, Andi … are the pups excited about the sun too? Or maybe they’re just as happy tromping through the mud and muck, just so they can keep you busy mopping the floors when they come in….
Ok, must force myself to go back and write some more on this cursed new report I’m working on! Enjoy the afternoon, slackeroos!
Glad you’re getting some sun, Andi! I was bitching about our brutally grey winter and longing for sun, but yesterday got well above 80 and I already feel myself becoming ungrateful.
I hear that! We’ve been here in Ohio since last Thursday and this is the first day it hasn’t rained. ‘Course, the day ain’t over yet. (I am not complaining, I love the rain.)
How’s everyone around here?
I don’t mind the rain — I just want it broken up with some sun.
How’s unpacking going?
I’m taking today off to rest, so it’s going great! đ
We took delivery of our new washer & dryer today, which is good because all our stuff is dirty, and right now we’re just sitting around waiting for the maintenance dudes to show up and confirm that the appliances are hooked up properly before we turn them on. (This is a leasing property rule, and not because we are too stupid to hook up appliances, lol.)
How’s things down in Brown County? And did I miss any major happenings in the Cafe?
BC is fine. I can’t think of anything major (do pictures of SN’s son going to the prom count?) but then again I’m pretty sure that all the exciting stuff in the cafe happens after I go to bed.
Oooh, I will have to go look up the prom pictures. Those are always so fun to see.
you exist!
I’m sure you’re frighteningly busy, so many wishes for easy unpacking (and the minimum possible broken and lost items).
you exist!
Way to send me into a minor existential crisis, Spit. (This is actually one of the many reasons why I like you; you induce that sort of thing on a regular basis. I cannot hear a declaration such as “you exist” without stopping to make sure that I do, according to all verifiable criteria, actually exist.) Thanks for the good wishes. đ
without frequent existential crises would be such a drag.
You have boxes to unpack, therefore you exist.
now I’m having an existential crisis. I haven’t had to unpack boxes in forever.
But I do have laundry to do — which is, IMO, not so terribly different from pushing large rocks up various inclines forever. At any rate, I guess I’ll feel that I exist so long as I’m behind on whatever I should be doing. I’m comfortable with that.
Procrastination is the ultimate proof of existence.
I guess I exist more than most people then, and have existed from several moves back.
I’ve been missing you lately!!! {{{INDY}}} Good to see that you’ve made it!
Not like you don’t know where to find me, Olivia. đ {{{LIV!}}}
you haiku goddess you! đ
Thank you for the sun Andi! You light up my life! đ
aw shucks, tweren’t ma doin’ anyways.
… you had the great sense to plant yourself down in the most beautiful spot imaginable … and then to take a walk today and bring you camera along. đ
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your bowling.
I want to invite you all over to Village Blue for a quick minute to wish DIANE a Happy Birthday. Come say Hi and leave a wish for the incomparable Diane 101. . .
Party On!
Very nice. We lost our neighborhood bowling alley in March — the land just got too valuable, they got an offer to buy and were looking at huge tax bills. Sad but true in today’s America.
Although it seems to me like most of the deviants here would go for a sport where the balls are lighter and you don’t have to wear funny shoes.
ARGH! That picture was just cruel to foist on the unsuspecting!
Sorry, it was literally the best one I could find while searching for something like “naked table tennis.”
Next time I’ll try to remember to put up a warning.
Oh yeah. I posted another picture down-diary. WARNING!
there was an apartment building across the street from the queer bookstore I used to work at, and for a while a couple of young-ish (college-age?) guys lived in the top floor. Apparently they had a ping-pong table, and since summers are so damned hot here, they had developed a liking for opening all of their windows in the evening and playing ping-pong in their underwear.
I used to wind up with whole crowds of customers just standing out on the sidewalk with their cups of coffee, neatly arranged as though this was a planned event, watching in silence. Should’ve sold tickets.
I never wear shoes when playing table tennis.
I suck at it so much that it stops even being funny after about 15 minutes worth of gutter balls.
I’ll just hover and drink the cheap beer, thanks.
Me, too! Only I don’t stop thinking it’s funny for some reason. We can be partners.
that I do get some sick amusement out of watching the staff at the bowling alley wince every time I accidentally hurl the heavy ball rather than rolling it. Even the “thunk”, great as it is, isn’t nearly as satisfying as the groans that follow.
Ha, I suck at it, too. If I bowl flu temperatures, I’m having a banner night. I’m also down with the pitchers of cheap beer, but I further enjoy the the wonderfully cheesy 70s synth pop jukebox selections. Yeah, I’ll drop a fiver to hear Ambrosia and the Little River Band, don’t judge me.
One way to tell if your wife’s been fooling around:
(hat tip to Boingboing and Ads Of The World)
Today is my birthday and I am having a party on Village Blue so hop through the doorway and come on over and join in.
Hi everyone, hope all are having a great day.
Happy birthday, Diane!! Who knew the cafe was full of Tauruses?
I hope you are having a wonderful b’day.
Happy Birthday, Diane!
Happy birthday, Diane!
Hi froggies — I couldn’t resist popping in when Firesign Theater popped up in the recent comments. Haven’t had time to even lurk much lately. Got any size 7 1/2 bowling shoes back there?
I’ve been playing with giving myself a beard lately. The best I can currently manage is messy stubble, but I’m working on it.
My favorite part of this picture is that a different picture of me is on the computer screen behind me. Me me me! Haha!
I was finding it kind of hard to get a self-portrait that neither cut off parts of my anatomy nor caught me looking like even more of a weirdo than usual.
this was supposed to be a reply somewhere.
But it’s even more fun out of context.
It was awesome out of context! You’re such a cutie.
well, you know, I work out.
Like my ass, for example. It’s been getting a good workout supporting the rest of my body for most of today.
My ass is on strike. I can hardly blame it, I’ve overworked the poor thing terribly and haven’t let it have any fun in the past 8 weeks. Fortunately, I hear there are good local queer clubs ’round these parts so me and my ass are gearing up for some public wiggling — soon as the strike’s over, that is.
Just stay away from hiring temporary ass scabs. Doesn’t sound like a good idea — might be too inflammatory.
in and out so quick today (at work, ya know) it just dawned on me you were actually here! (have seen ya lurking a bit lately though) Or as Spit put it upthread, you exist! Well I knew that, just didn’t know that you had finally finished the big trip and made it there. Tell ya what, my ass would be on strike too, after such a long trip!
Good luck with the unpacking… eeek… hate that… we still have boxes in the basement from our move 8 yrs ago that remain unopened. And since they’ve been there that long, I’m almost afraid what I might find! Either treasure or embarrassing reminders of my checkered past. hehe
Great to see ya back in action. Aks yer momma how she durrin! Bye hon!
Good to see you as well, IVG, in top form as usual.
Yes, we’re finally here. So far, so good. Really busy, though, we still have a living room and a dining room with stacks and stacks of boxes. We’re contemplating just arranging them into furniture like shapes and thus crossing two tasks off of our endless to-do list.
But we’ve finally got high speed internet — which I’d use to post something hilarious and inappropriate but my brain has decided to join my ass on strike so any new plateaus of comedic genius will just have to wait until the body starts functioning as a team again. đ
have you found any freebie Shirley Q. on the net yet? I guarantee she’ll have ya rolling on the floors in spasms of laughter.
Well since your floors are currently encumbered with all those boxes, maybe that’s not such a great idea just yet… hehe.
About time for me to bail from the cubicell here, so maybe I’ll catch you later if I can keep the energy up long enough tonight. Hoping to plant a few things before dark tonight, so who knows.
Glad you’re back among the loons around here!
I’ve been playing with giving myself a beard, too – but it’s just this damn perimenopause crap.
right in his putrid little woman hater nugget. She is trying not to throw stones though.
book signing that she is at right now. She had to step outside so she could catch her breath.
Hey…I thought we got to guess!?
I was thinking of endless good possibilities.
maybe she could spit in his coffee when he isn’t looking.
I don’t want that guy’s mouth anywhere near me, thanks!
This isn’t looking good. I think we may need to take up a little bail collection guys.
… The game has just started (San Jose v Edmonton). And the crowd cheered through the entire US anthem. Classy. Sent shivers up and down my arms!
Let’s hope that SJ doesn’t go down tonight for DJ and Cali!
The lounge is now open!