Yes this was from the good old days at my bad old job where I could jog down to Point Lobos and hike camera-in-hand on my lunch break! I guess I am just not fated to be one of the ones who gets all the ingredients lined up for the perfect existence. But who could be greedy enough to have that expectation?
We had sun today from when the fogged burned off about 9 till 5 (apparently it is a working stiff — who knew) when it stormed. I was very happy to see it.
What I would really like to do is grab those people by the collars, give them a a world-class shaking, and make them write 5000 times ‘I am lucky to have FM in my family and I will start showing him my great appreciation immediately.’
Hi all, BluGalinDE here – just signed up. Met Mr. Booman hisself tonite @ Crashing The Gate with Marcos and Jerome in Philly. He said to come and introduce myself. Hey, I can follow directions!
Anyhoo – a little about me. I’m originally from Georgia, lifelong Dem. Live in Wilmington, Delaware with Sig Other, Steve – fellow Dem. Have wingnuts on both sides of the family.
Involved in Wilmington politics, Delaware to a lesser degree. Been in Delaware 20+ years.
Own my own bidness – Employee Benefits – insurance.
No kids, 3 lovely fur babies – Dusty, Ginger, Moxie (cat variety of fur).
Drinking a Pepsi right now – a nice vodka/tonic would be good around now!
And a warm welcome to you, Blu! (is it okay to shorten your name already?)
I’m glad you stopped in! Welcome to BooTrib and you’re always welcome to stop in the cafe any time. There’s usually someone around. We also have quite a habit of posting photos of our furry pals, although there seems to be a preponderance of dogs around here.
Hi back atcha! Yes, left too late in life to lose the accent totally. That’s okay, though. It’s a great conversation starter – “you’re not from these parts are you?”
Good to meet you tonight, too. Great bunch of folks there tonight. It’s so nice to chat with people who you can agree with! We hang out with way too many wingnuts!
Gotta go to bed now – heading to Bible Belt tomorrow (Georgia). Got to go take care of Mom for a few days. She just had hip replacement and I get to take care of her when she comes home. I’ll be around online – can’t sit and watch Mom 24/7!!! Need to escape as much as possible.
everbody else just let it slide, so I had to assume my ascessment was correctomundo. But now the peanut gallery registers its dissent. AKKK! What next?
Hey, I cleard my garden of debris today. Hope my troybuilt will fire up tomorrow. Don’t have anything to plant this trip, but it would still be good to make a pass through and loosen things up a bit.
Peanut gallery, huh? harrrummph… I prefer cashews, I’ll have you know…
Not much new here other than the usual stultifying report writing at work. Though we did get 9 columbines planted tonight and a few more annuals in the ground. Pulled some weeds after work, but had such a killer headache that I left most of the hard labor to Chris.
We did spot many new lupine seedlings coming up (planted the seeds a few weeks ago) and our first Indian Hyacinth (camassia) is blooming. Hope to get a pic or two of it tomorrow… it’s really cool, and new this year.
All lunacy aside, we’re all pretty friendly and very politically palatable around here, so Welcome to the crowd! Drop in anytime for a great place to yap on all sorts of things at all hours… Glad you joined our pond here… look forward to seeing more of you around these parts.
Well things are happening but I have to admit that I don’t think the show has been nearly as good as it was last season and the last few shows have had several things that bothered me. But I’m still watching it so I guess I’m still hooked.
Yeah, there have been a couple of episodes this season that I didn’t like at all, but I’m still hooked, too. The writers seem to be masters of keeping you hooked as well. A friend and I were just arguing if they knew where they were headed or not — he’s starting to get a Twin Peaks vibe, but I still trust them.
WOW! Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ll be sure to check in as often as possible. However, I will admit I’m more of the lurking variety vs. verbose poster!
Nothing wrong with verbosity – I love to read everyone else’s posts! Now, get me face to face – ya won’t have an ear left!
Again, thanks and hope to get to know you all better.
As far as that goes I mostly just picked up the debris from yesterday and repiled it in a new spot. Raked up the grass (too long when I mowed it), moved the little haystacks to the garden area to use for mulch later, cleared last years debris from the garden, looks like I’ll have to replace most of the landscaping cloth I use to keep the weeds down.
Then this evening remowed the orchard area, as that had bee mowed as high as I could the last time, this time down to normal height.
Weather looked a little iffy, so decided not to start cutting into my wall for the new ledger board. And not sure I have all the supplies I need…
If’n I run on any more I’ll have start my own blog, like FM.
on the previous deck the joists ran through the wall and into the house and were attached along side of the floor joist. So technically the deck was cantilevered.
Now I’m cutting the old deck joist off flush with the outside of the house, caulking, flashing, and then attaching the “ledger board” over that area.
The ledger will get joist hangers to hold the joists on the house side, then I will have to “plant” two 4×4 posts to hold a beam under the outer end of the joists.
Actually, the beam will be back a couple feet from the edge, and I’ll have a width of 6′ this time instead of the 4′ I had before.
I didn’t want to use posts the first time around, but now it looks like the simplest option.
No doubt this is all perfectly clear to you now, eh?
and the carpenters call some of that stuff by different names in each place.
Even mechanic talk is diff in CA. I told the guys in the shop I was going to “drop the oil” on the JDeer Tractor. They all looked at me like they had no clue.
Then the my supervisor, an old farmer from Oregon had to tell them, “He’s going to change the oil.”
Ha! I get a kick out of all the regional differences.
Like in MB, they used to say, Well, that’s good enough for the Queen of England.”
The equivalent here is, “Well, that’s good enough for government work.”
So far all I know the could call it something diff up there… you’ll have to ask your resident carpenter, ha!
What’s ‘magic’ @ 4′ to bm? Ya gotta ‘plant’ the posts anyway, make it 5 or 6′ then the 2′ cantilever is easy. Rule of thumb on cants is 1/3 span, but if ya frame @ 16″ oc, 5 and 3 will prob. be fine…6 and 2’s a no-brainer. What’s yer decking? 1x or 2x material?
Got some cheap, cool railing designs if yer interested too.
@4, just a progression of very slow thinking. As in first I’m replacing as it was. Then I’m thinking, hey I’m using posts I can expand, and now I’m thinking, hey according to dada I can expand even further…
about the only constraint I would have is the view from the kitchen window. Which would bring up the question of how far in from the ends of the deck could the posts be and still support the beam (2-2x8s?), length of deck was 118″ before… probably don’t need it any longer.
Any rail desings would be appreciated. Also I have a loft inside that some people seem to think needs a railing around it. What’s with people anyway… no appreciation for potential excitement???
To give you an idea of decor… scissor trus ceil at 2-12 pitch, of T&G pine, walls bull-nose oak, kitchen walls T&G pine, bathroom cedar, bedroom cedar, only sheetrock is in basement.
I’ll take some pics and send/post them on the rail I first used at my house. I’ve used it on several other projects as well, and it’s been copied a number of times… plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery…it uses 11/8″ dia; galv. fence top rail for the intermediate horizontals; redwd/cedar vert 4X4 stanchions and 2X6 top rail…20′ L for about $17 last time I priced it…zero maintenance and looks cool.
The last open loft I did had 2′ H X 16″ W bookcase/bench for a “rail”…a corse, we had to build it after final insp. after removing the ‘dummy’…code people got no sense of design. I would venture that’s not a problem there…:{)
Dbl. cant on beam I’d prob use 1/4 span max. @ ea. end…if it’s single 1/3 still good.
The outdoor rail sounds very interesting. I like low maintenance sh*t these days. Ain’t gittin’any younger, and even if one can afford help finding qualified people here in the boonies is a challenge. So I will try to continue to do for myself as long as possible.
Indoor, loft railing also sounds very interesting, as I have a need for book case space. Also I have a stained glass window I’d like to stick in the rail next to the 4′ wide walk way that runs along the windows for 16′ over the living room area.
Domicile is 28X40 with loft over the 24′ length. So ya got more clues to work with…
Code? What code? Only real codes we got now, just instituted in recent years is how close to the township road you can build. If you build too close the snow drifts across the road and rode maintenance is fouled up. So now we have one code besides the state elect insp. ha! Come built in ND.
Only inspection I ever had was the electrical. We did all our own plumbing, wiring, etc.
It’s been nothing but problems for people up here…and for what it costs you can use rdwd, B Grade 2X4’s w/ brass deck screws. I avoid it like the plague…highly unrecommended.
To think we had three solid teams amongst us here at BT — what a crappy ending. So the Western final: Edmonton v Anaheim(!) and the Eastern final: Buffalo v Carolina.
Yeah, I’ve just learned what a ledger board is. Sounds like NDD is working hard.
Not too much exciting going on w/ me tonight. You?
Who’s still up and about? Just us regular loons? Nice to see BooMan brought a new froggie into the fold… still working on that on my end here, and not with much success as you can see. 🙁
How’s it going w/ you tonight — I read that up there that you had a h/a … hope you’re feeling better. Did we scare C away — you’ve been telling him how crazy we all are?
I always have some sort of headache it seems, but part of it I know is that I desperately need new glasses, which I need to take care of very soon. Not sure I want to try FM’s thing, but I’ve not read his latest post yet, but it didn’t sound good from what I inferred up thread.
Still working on Chris signing up here… keep telling him about all the folks he’d find with common interests here and at Village Blue, but I think the whole blog scene either doesn’t interest him or intimidates him. Not sure which yet… plus, overcoming inertia for him is a major thing, lol. Besides, he has to like crazy otherwise we wouldn’t have been together going on these 9 years! lol…
Sounds like hockey land was not kind tonight… is it all over now? Did the fat lady sing? Then cater dinner?
Don’t worry, buddy… I never, ever ever drink that diet crap, especially if it has NutraDeath in it. Well, or any of those artificial sweetener things. I rarely even drink regular sodas, maybe a Coke or Sprite once every couple of weeks.
Part of the problem is my arthritis, but mostly I think it’s due to eyestrain caused by my way too weak lenses right now. Been putting the new specs off for way too long because it’s usually about a $700-800 affair to get new ones because of my “eclectic” correction for astigmatism… a long story.
No 1/2 key, 1/4 or Florida Key, sorry. (I might be able to scrounge up a church key though…) I did finally crack open that Woodford Reserve, which ought to flush Mary out if she’s still around lurking…
Sorry you can’t sleep, but great to see you anyway! No rain here today, though it sure looked like it many times. We had a hellacious batch of wind blow through late this afternoon… as I was waiting outside work for Chris to come pick me up I thought that had I one of those Sally Field nun thingies, I would have gone airborne!
Heyas Izzy! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s have Olivia do it! (not that you’re not the consummate hostess, no question about your inimitable and numerous talents!)
How’s your Wednesday?
I’ll be in and out of the cafe tonight, but this bartender looks sort of… um, friendly.
(with chardonnay!)
Lovely photo, MM!! Good to see you!
Yes this was from the good old days at my bad old job where I could jog down to Point Lobos and hike camera-in-hand on my lunch break! I guess I am just not fated to be one of the ones who gets all the ingredients lined up for the perfect existence. But who could be greedy enough to have that expectation?
How are things on the Upper Left this evening?
or the lack thereof — got plans for your remaining days of freedom?
Just hanging out, AndiF. Taking care of the homestead and menagerie. How are things in your (gorgeous) neck of the woods?
Well, enjoy them heartily.
We had sun today from when the fogged burned off about 9 till 5 (apparently it is a working stiff — who knew) when it stormed. I was very happy to see it.
Hope that working stiff is getting minimum wage at least! LOL
It’s actually quite hot here! And I’m supposed to be baking a cake, of all things.
Maybe you can bake it outside on the sidewalk! LOL. Not the heat but the humidity?
I forget, where’re we at now?
Bad things are happening and mysterious goings on are afoot. Plus, I heard Desmond might be in this one!
Instead of my normal 27 drinks, I’ll have 127, keep them coming and don’t stop until I’m passed out on the floor.
Oh and BTW, make them doubles.
Coming right up, FM. Did you have a bad day?
To say it sucked would be an understatement.
But I’m here to get drunk and have fun.
How’s everybody doing in the cafe?
Ooh, sorry to hear that! Tell the bartender I said drinks are on the house for you tonight!
Everything’s fine here, I think. We went bowling this afternoon.
I looked back earlier and saw ya’ll went bowling.
Of all days I have to miss bowling.
until you us tell how it went today.
To much to go into, but I will say it’s the closest I’ve ever coming to passing out from an injection.
Disclaimer. It wasn’t the injection, but I didn’t know I could hold my breath that long.
At what point will you know if getting the injection was worth it?
I’m rooting for you. I’m sorry, though, the process was so awful.
Uh, oh! What happened? Needing to drown the sorrows, FM?
Hi MM. Nope to drowning the sorrows.
Just glad I’m back home and around friends now.
{{{Family Dude}}}
Hi SN, Thanks.
{{{{{{{{{{FM}}}}}}}}}}} Lot’s of hugs, we’re glad you’re here, too!
Thanks MM, I’m already feeling better. 🙂
Where are you on the 127?
Well if I drank I think I would be around number 42 at the moment.
Nothing wrong with imaginary drinking. Much easier on the liver, I imagine! LOL. Imaginary bottoms up, FM!!!
You have to spill it now FM … you can’t leave us hanging w/ that pointed comment …
I’m OK and I’ll put something up over at my place in a little while, but like I said, to much to go into for the cafe.
How’s the Flower Goddess of the Frozen North doing today?
Well I’ve got to check and see if dinner is ready. Here’s a link to a wonderful day.
Pretty Lights.
Everyone have a good night in the cafe.
I know someone who can take care of those relatives for you – IF you know what I mean. 😉
I’m starting to get ticked off at those relatives myself. I think we might need to plan in intervention or something to rescue FM from them.
No fooling. This is taking Southern Charm™ a little too far. We need to teach him righteous anger! Grrrrrr!
But I mean really, from what he’s posted today … they sound so … thoughtless or something!
What I would really like to do is grab those people by the collars, give them a a world-class shaking, and make them write 5000 times ‘I am lucky to have FM in my family and I will start showing him my great appreciation immediately.’
Hi all, BluGalinDE here – just signed up. Met Mr. Booman hisself tonite @ Crashing The Gate with Marcos and Jerome in Philly. He said to come and introduce myself. Hey, I can follow directions!
Anyhoo – a little about me. I’m originally from Georgia, lifelong Dem. Live in Wilmington, Delaware with Sig Other, Steve – fellow Dem. Have wingnuts on both sides of the family.
Involved in Wilmington politics, Delaware to a lesser degree. Been in Delaware 20+ years.
Own my own bidness – Employee Benefits – insurance.
No kids, 3 lovely fur babies – Dusty, Ginger, Moxie (cat variety of fur).
Drinking a Pepsi right now – a nice vodka/tonic would be good around now!
Good to meet everybody!
Make yourself comfortable…the water’s fine.
And a warm welcome to you, Blu! (is it okay to shorten your name already?)
I’m glad you stopped in! Welcome to BooTrib and you’re always welcome to stop in the cafe any time. There’s usually someone around. We also have quite a habit of posting photos of our furry pals, although there seems to be a preponderance of dogs around here.
Nice to meet you to!
I’m sporadic around here, but I welcome you all the same! 🙂
Glad you could join us.
Hey!! You really do follow directions!! Good to see you tonight. 20 years in Delaware and you still have a wonderful hint of that Georgia accent.
Hi back atcha! Yes, left too late in life to lose the accent totally. That’s okay, though. It’s a great conversation starter – “you’re not from these parts are you?”
Good to meet you tonight, too. Great bunch of folks there tonight. It’s so nice to chat with people who you can agree with! We hang out with way too many wingnuts!
Gotta go to bed now – heading to Bible Belt tomorrow (Georgia). Got to go take care of Mom for a few days. She just had hip replacement and I get to take care of her when she comes home. I’ll be around online – can’t sit and watch Mom 24/7!!! Need to escape as much as possible.
Good night. Have a fun trip to Georgia. Are you taking a midnight train?
yoost don’t take dees here lunatics in da cafe too seriously, they’s all gone bonkers long ago!!
I’m the only sane one here!! That I know of!
Sane one, indeed… now trot along back to your parallel universe and we’ll invoke you later when we’re in need of toothpaste. Hehe
everbody else just let it slide, so I had to assume my ascessment was correctomundo. But now the peanut gallery registers its dissent. AKKK! What next?
Hey, I cleard my garden of debris today. Hope my troybuilt will fire up tomorrow. Don’t have anything to plant this trip, but it would still be good to make a pass through and loosen things up a bit.
What you been working on?
Peanut gallery, huh? harrrummph… I prefer cashews, I’ll have you know…
Not much new here other than the usual stultifying report writing at work. Though we did get 9 columbines planted tonight and a few more annuals in the ground. Pulled some weeds after work, but had such a killer headache that I left most of the hard labor to Chris.
We did spot many new lupine seedlings coming up (planted the seeds a few weeks ago) and our first Indian Hyacinth (camassia) is blooming. Hope to get a pic or two of it tomorrow… it’s really cool, and new this year.
Toothpaste indeed … you’re a hoot IVG!!!
All lunacy aside, we’re all pretty friendly and very politically palatable around here, so Welcome to the crowd! Drop in anytime for a great place to yap on all sorts of things at all hours… Glad you joined our pond here… look forward to seeing more of you around these parts.
Wanna know what happened on Lost tonight?
Noooooo! You’re cruel! (was it good?) I’m tivo-ing Alias and Lost and watching The Amazing Race, so I won’t get Lost till even later than usual.
Well things are happening but I have to admit that I don’t think the show has been nearly as good as it was last season and the last few shows have had several things that bothered me. But I’m still watching it so I guess I’m still hooked.
Yeah, there have been a couple of episodes this season that I didn’t like at all, but I’m still hooked, too. The writers seem to be masters of keeping you hooked as well. A friend and I were just arguing if they knew where they were headed or not — he’s starting to get a Twin Peaks vibe, but I still trust them.
The previews promise big revealations in next week’s two hour finale so …
Well, I hope the night owls show up pretty soon to keep you company because I’m off to bed.
sure, I show up and you leave. 🙁
Hoping your tomorrow will be a drier and sunnier one! Catch you behind the coffee cart tomorrow morning, no doubt…
WOW! Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ll be sure to check in as often as possible. However, I will admit I’m more of the lurking variety vs. verbose poster!
Nothing wrong with verbosity – I love to read everyone else’s posts! Now, get me face to face – ya won’t have an ear left!
Again, thanks and hope to get to know you all better.
Hi Izzy, I’m lost. Where are the others?
Et tu, Maryb?
Actually I don’t watch it. So I can’t give anything away.
lookin’ at the stars, and drinking Sky Blue Waters…
Are you making progress?
As far as that goes I mostly just picked up the debris from yesterday and repiled it in a new spot. Raked up the grass (too long when I mowed it), moved the little haystacks to the garden area to use for mulch later, cleared last years debris from the garden, looks like I’ll have to replace most of the landscaping cloth I use to keep the weeds down.
Then this evening remowed the orchard area, as that had bee mowed as high as I could the last time, this time down to normal height.
Weather looked a little iffy, so decided not to start cutting into my wall for the new ledger board. And not sure I have all the supplies I need…
If’n I run on any more I’ll have start my own blog, like FM.
You could post your poetry and your country tales, along w/ your great ND landscapes. 🙂
Still sounds like you had a busy day. What’s the ledger board about?
on the previous deck the joists ran through the wall and into the house and were attached along side of the floor joist. So technically the deck was cantilevered.
Now I’m cutting the old deck joist off flush with the outside of the house, caulking, flashing, and then attaching the “ledger board” over that area.
The ledger will get joist hangers to hold the joists on the house side, then I will have to “plant” two 4×4 posts to hold a beam under the outer end of the joists.
Actually, the beam will be back a couple feet from the edge, and I’ll have a width of 6′ this time instead of the 4′ I had before.
I didn’t want to use posts the first time around, but now it looks like the simplest option.
No doubt this is all perfectly clear to you now, eh?
I know about joists etc., but had never heard of ledger boards … learn something new every day in the bt cafe.
and the carpenters call some of that stuff by different names in each place.
Even mechanic talk is diff in CA. I told the guys in the shop I was going to “drop the oil” on the JDeer Tractor. They all looked at me like they had no clue.
Then the my supervisor, an old farmer from Oregon had to tell them, “He’s going to change the oil.”
Ha! I get a kick out of all the regional differences.
Like in MB, they used to say, Well, that’s good enough for the Queen of England.”
The equivalent here is, “Well, that’s good enough for government work.”
So far all I know the could call it something diff up there… you’ll have to ask your resident carpenter, ha!
That’s another new one to me.
No marshmallows?
no bonfire no marshmallows, no Pacificos, no nada!
If you see this, I’m commiserating … {{{{{DJ, Cali}}}}}
is that the series? Kinda gave up following it after the Av’s and Sen’s went down the chute.
I see NDD’s been carpenterin’ upthread…
I’m thinking 4′ to beam with 2′ overhang, using 2x8s ya think I could get away with 5′ and 3′ overhang?
What’s ‘magic’ @ 4′ to bm? Ya gotta ‘plant’ the posts anyway, make it 5 or 6′ then the 2′ cantilever is easy. Rule of thumb on cants is 1/3 span, but if ya frame @ 16″ oc, 5 and 3 will prob. be fine…6 and 2’s a no-brainer. What’s yer decking? 1x or 2x material?
Got some cheap, cool railing designs if yer interested too.
That might ‘perk’ things up…:{)
formula for converting C to F. ha ha ha.
@4, just a progression of very slow thinking. As in first I’m replacing as it was. Then I’m thinking, hey I’m using posts I can expand, and now I’m thinking, hey according to dada I can expand even further…
about the only constraint I would have is the view from the kitchen window. Which would bring up the question of how far in from the ends of the deck could the posts be and still support the beam (2-2x8s?), length of deck was 118″ before… probably don’t need it any longer.
Any rail desings would be appreciated. Also I have a loft inside that some people seem to think needs a railing around it. What’s with people anyway… no appreciation for potential excitement???
To give you an idea of decor… scissor trus ceil at 2-12 pitch, of T&G pine, walls bull-nose oak, kitchen walls T&G pine, bathroom cedar, bedroom cedar, only sheetrock is in basement.
I’ll take some pics and send/post them on the rail I first used at my house. I’ve used it on several other projects as well, and it’s been copied a number of times… plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery…it uses 11/8″ dia; galv. fence top rail for the intermediate horizontals; redwd/cedar vert 4X4 stanchions and 2X6 top rail…20′ L for about $17 last time I priced it…zero maintenance and looks cool.
The last open loft I did had 2′ H X 16″ W bookcase/bench for a “rail”…a corse, we had to build it after final insp. after removing the ‘dummy’…code people got no sense of design. I would venture that’s not a problem there…:{)
Dbl. cant on beam I’d prob use 1/4 span max. @ ea. end…if it’s single 1/3 still good.
Mana tuk, as the Norskies say.
The outdoor rail sounds very interesting. I like low maintenance sh*t these days. Ain’t gittin’any younger, and even if one can afford help finding qualified people here in the boonies is a challenge. So I will try to continue to do for myself as long as possible.
Indoor, loft railing also sounds very interesting, as I have a need for book case space. Also I have a stained glass window I’d like to stick in the rail next to the 4′ wide walk way that runs along the windows for 16′ over the living room area.
Domicile is 28X40 with loft over the 24′ length. So ya got more clues to work with…
Code? What code? Only real codes we got now, just instituted in recent years is how close to the township road you can build. If you build too close the snow drifts across the road and rode maintenance is fouled up. So now we have one code besides the state elect insp. ha! Come built in ND.
Only inspection I ever had was the electrical. We did all our own plumbing, wiring, etc.
decking is likely to be 5/4s synthetic. I’m forgittin’ the brand name now. So 16″ O.C assumed.
It’s been nothing but problems for people up here…and for what it costs you can use rdwd, B Grade 2X4’s w/ brass deck screws. I avoid it like the plague…highly unrecommended.
To think we had three solid teams amongst us here at BT — what a crappy ending. So the Western final: Edmonton v Anaheim(!) and the Eastern final: Buffalo v Carolina.
Yeah, I’ve just learned what a ledger board is. Sounds like NDD is working hard.
Not too much exciting going on w/ me tonight. You?
thinking real hard about those lonely beers in the fridg…may have to liberate one if I’m gonna have company…:{)
But, if you take just one wouldn’t that make them lonelier?
So, you gotta check out my latest flower pic … I just posted. It’s ah, my most risqué to-date I think. LOL.
how do you hold the camera and the feathers at the same time?
Who’s still up and about? Just us regular loons? Nice to see BooMan brought a new froggie into the fold… still working on that on my end here, and not with much success as you can see. 🙁
Oh well, how’s everyone doing? Any liquor left?
How’s it going w/ you tonight — I read that up there that you had a h/a … hope you’re feeling better. Did we scare C away — you’ve been telling him how crazy we all are?
I always have some sort of headache it seems, but part of it I know is that I desperately need new glasses, which I need to take care of very soon. Not sure I want to try FM’s thing, but I’ve not read his latest post yet, but it didn’t sound good from what I inferred up thread.
Still working on Chris signing up here… keep telling him about all the folks he’d find with common interests here and at Village Blue, but I think the whole blog scene either doesn’t interest him or intimidates him. Not sure which yet… plus, overcoming inertia for him is a major thing, lol. Besides, he has to like crazy otherwise we wouldn’t have been together going on these 9 years! lol…
Sounds like hockey land was not kind tonight… is it all over now? Did the fat lady sing? Then cater dinner?
not tell me you ain’t drinkin’ no diet pop/soda.
If you are drinkin’ that nutrasweet/aspartame stuff, I’ve got a headache story that’ll curl… well… curl something…
I want to hear/read that too — saw it over at FM’s b… BRB.
Don’t worry, buddy… I never, ever ever drink that diet crap, especially if it has NutraDeath in it. Well, or any of those artificial sweetener things. I rarely even drink regular sodas, maybe a Coke or Sprite once every couple of weeks.
Part of the problem is my arthritis, but mostly I think it’s due to eyestrain caused by my way too weak lenses right now. Been putting the new specs off for way too long because it’s usually about a $700-800 affair to get new ones because of my “eclectic” correction for astigmatism… a long story.
Sometime I’d like to hear more about that. I am SO addicted to Diet Coke! And I do have migraines. lots of late.
You should get them checked soon! And as for FM, go read his latest b post.
Hockey is over for the BT teams — Avs, Sens, and Sharks are all out. The west/east conf still to play, and then the cup finals.
for you…you never show up until now anyway. Did you bring that 1/2 key w/ you? :{)
No 1/2 key, 1/4 or Florida Key, sorry. (I might be able to scrounge up a church key though…) I did finally crack open that Woodford Reserve, which ought to flush Mary out if she’s still around lurking…
I just walked in. Should be asleep by now, but, as usual for lately, can’t sleep. More rain. . .I’m growing moss on my feet.
Sorry you can’t sleep, but great to see you anyway! No rain here today, though it sure looked like it many times. We had a hellacious batch of wind blow through late this afternoon… as I was waiting outside work for Chris to come pick me up I thought that had I one of those Sally Field nun thingies, I would have gone airborne!
Same here, our cats were huddled under the bed intermittently throughout the day. Wet, icky, and we had our first mosquito.
Well , I am off to bed.
If you find yourself still up, Olivia just posted her first cafe/lounge… so come on over where the folks love ya!
Would you like to put the next cafe up?
It might take me a bit though …
The 24/7 template?
Sure, that’ll be great! If you need anything, just let me know. I’m sure you’ll do great!!
Heyas Izzy! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s have Olivia do it! (not that you’re not the consummate hostess, no question about your inimitable and numerous talents!)
Oh, I see that everyone left. Sob, goodnight, Mrs. Calabash. . .and loungers.
anybody with headaches ought to quit all nutrasweet/aspartame products immediately. If you miss the story in the 24/7 use my email in sig line.
And yes, that means you: NDD and IVG!