Introducing your new froggybottom waitress.
All tips to be paid in the form of chocolate.
Thank you.
All tips to be paid in the form of chocolate.
Thank you.
(Oh, and behave yourselves.)
Munchies and chocolate bars are located near the door next to the newspapers. |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Splash on in!
Yay, Olivia!! The place looks great!
Phew … that’s a lot of logging off-and-on-ness. π
Well, you did an excellent job! I’m glad you got your feet wet.
Fan-freakin-tastic Olivia! We always knew ya had it in ya … yay yay yay… now we don’t have to have dada do surreptitious time warps when things get too crowded, hehe.
All mischief-y and breaking-the-rules-ish. π Plus we made FBC hx: how many other froggies can say they were in a cafe posted by our very own dada?
Um, none that I know about… but I’ve only been here a couple of months, remember? I know it seems like an eternity I’ve been pestering folks around here, lol.
… but hey, I could be wrong. (Let’s talk about him some more in the third person … I know he’s done the Thursday Dog Blog and the Friday Jazz Jam, so maybe he has.) Thx for bursting my bubble IVG LOL.
You never pester. π
and You Were There.
wanted to get O’s debut off to an auspicious start…:{)
And what does Fritz mean. I gotta ask — no idea.
NDD and I were talkin’ lumber-type boards…izat close?
It would help if I could spell…”Fitz” is a ‘first comment’ tradition at FDL…based, loosely on the old “First” comment at dKos C&J, which automatically got ya a troll rating…stupid net tricks, eh? Guess I been doing this too long, may be time to take a loooooong break…starting to have a trivia base.
I had no clue either… now it all makes sense. Back when I actually read the comments on Americablog (which I no longer do), people always started that out with “Frist!” which often got misspelled as “Fist!” which sends me to imagery I’d rather not share nor imagine right now, hehe.
Maybe if we manage to make the first comment around here we should shout out DADA!
DADA! — yes!
I’ll make you a deal, no DADA! comments if you stick around. No more loooooooong break talk, okay?
Sage Spliff pic comin’ up at the bottom asa I get it to PB…BRB.
I wasn’t sure if you were making a sound effect LOL.
Thanks for roasting me properly!
Eek — taking a long break? Say it ain’t so.
He better not be serious, or NDD and I are gonna have to drive out there and chain him to the keyboard and permanently log him in here… now we wouldn’t want to have to do that would we, dada?
… restraints!
curious, what sort of problems… that stuff is pretty popular in Fargo these days.
Are you guys talking about that recycled decking stuff? Chris’ folks have had that for several years and I’ve been impressed with how well it holds up to our winters and summers. And I do like the idea it’s made from reclaimed crap… but if dada has the poop on why it’s bad, I’m certainly willing to get his perspective (as on most things).
surface flaking and general deterioration. May be UV related as the worst instances I’m aware of are on S and W exposures. Although other exposures suffer as well. There’s a large affordable housing project here in town that’s having to replace all of the deck surfacing after @ 5 years…very expensive and somebody’s getting sued.
No arch’s or custom builders up here use it to my knowledge. I won’t have it on my projects…not worth the risk…no thank you.
UV’s a bitch up here…altitude plus 300 days a year sunshine, combined with fairly extreme surface temp differentials, esp. in winter, wreaks havoc on lots of materials.
Well we got conditions from -40F to 105F ambient, surface of deck probably 120-130F. So we’ll see what happens in Fargo. I doubt it’s even been in use for 5 years there. And then there’s quite a variety of manufacturers too. No doubt some better than others.
Seems like none have passed the grade in your area. Our UV rating is probably not as high, but the rest of the conditions would be similarly severe, I’d think.
I’ll have a chat with my friend in the lumber yard and see what he’s heard about it.
The deck here is small enough I can afford to do exactly as I please, especially considering the aforementioned priority of little to no maintenance requirements. So if available I could go with the B grade redwood.
Any thoughts on cedar… that seems to be a popular option in these here parts also.
Cedar seems to splinter quite abit if used as a hor. walking surface. Tends to be more open grained and aggreviated by low humidity. I suspect your RH % is generally higher so it should workbetter. I would think there’s gotta be a lot of it around that’s been there for a while, so info should be around re: it’s performance.
All my deck surfaces are 2×4 B Rdwd. and I don’t do anything to them. No deck finishes or oils. They’re 10 yrs old and weathered to a very nice grey…zero maint, my friend.
This is my first and last comment here, as I was coming in as you were turning out the lights in the other place. It’s about chocolate: one of my favorite things about the Harry Potter books is that whenever the children get injured in any way, they are fed chocolate, as the universal remedy for just about everything.
What a great fantasy world!
Nite, you all.
… in between cafés … Hope you’re feeling better today cold-wise. And I agree 100% w/ you about the HP chocolate remedy. Sweet dreams!
google “MS nutrasweet aspartame” some time. But not tonight, it will give you nightmares.
Sleep well. I’ll link you up later to the diet soda story if I get around to telling it tonight yet.
I’ve been waiting since I read it over at FM’s b.
Just got back from seeing the Robin Williams movie RV. Executive summary: Totally predictable, some physical comedy laughs, wait for it to come out on Comedy Central. My granddaughter thought it was funny (“disturbing, yet funny” was her assessment) so I guess it was worth the trip. (Sometimes I go just to be with the family.)
Thanks for the review.
as if I didn’t know that already. No one, no how, could get me to endure that movie. Robin Williams needs to go away for a while again and come back when he’s got something to say. Last thing I liked him in was very atypical, that very strange film One Hour Photo.
Just goes to show what a great grandfather you are!
Sometimes it’s not about me. OK, a lot of the time it’s not about me.
There were a few good moments in the movie — like at the beginning, where Williams is defending his daughter from a sock-puppet tickle monster who speaks like Sylvester Stallone. Not nearly enough of them, though.
There are remarkably few movies I care to go see these days. Hollywood is all freaked out about people uploading movies to the Internet and the like, and blaming “piracy” for their losses. Personally I think that if they just went to see movies that people wanted to watch, they could be making more money than they are now. (Case in point: There were seven people in the theater tonight, and five of them were our group.)
Thanks, Omir – another movie I don’t have to see. Most informative review I’ve read since the FT’s review of the current Mission: Impossible movie. Title of the review was, “Mission: Risibly Improbable.”
I love that, and it even works in French! Heya GR, how’s it going?
I read today that Da Vinci Code was less than well received at Cannes last night… not only was it not applauded, but apparently the entire audience laughed out loud at some pathetically melodramatic line Tom Hanks “delivered.” Hoping that bilge sinks without a trace, though I’m sure enough fools will part with their money on that. Saving mine up to be at the first night of An Inconvenient Truth when it hits town here!
Doing well, thanks, and you?
Actually, I used to think the most improbable part of all those old James Bond movies was the armies of loyal functionaries that always worked undetected, in spite of their numbers, in the totally unknown, secret laboratory of, say, Dr. No. Now I realize that all it takes to make those armies credible is to attach them to shadowy government agencies.
and given the times (even though I was very young), I think people could truly imagine such well funded evil organizations (e.g. Blofeld, Dr. No) existed… even if they were bankrolled by perhaps the CIA or the USSR. At any rate, there was tons more wit in those films than Tom Cruise could conjure up in a millenium of scientological audits…
Well, my granddaughter liked it, but what does she know. She thinks Spongebob Squarepants is funny the twentieth time around and insists on telling me all the “funny” parts of episodes of Kim Possible I’ve already seen five times. But, that’s what grandpas do.
If you like physical comedy there are bits that are worth watching if you can catch it for free on TV sometime. Don’t bother spending money on it, though.
I have to behave myself???? Better tell dada to bring the restraints in case I get outta hand, hehe.
… unlike some … π
I guess no one else drinks caffine after 10:00 p.m.??
No tobacco, and no diet sodas Why?
My preference. I prefer not to watch people poisoning themselves. I just think they can do it at home on their own time. Tobacco we know about.
Nutrasweet-aspartame. OK, here’s the story.
The accountant at the local cooperative farmers elevator in my hometown, and married to a high school classmate of mine passed out one day. When she “woke” up she was having a “fit”. Later, all involved realized it probably didn’t help that her husband and his friend were trying to restrain her.
Anyway, they hauler her off to the hospital. Diagnosis; brain seizure. So she spent two years on dilantin (sp?) anti-seizure meds anyway. She’s fine now. Never has a headache, unless she inadvertently ingests some nutrasweet. (Not all labels list it even though it is contained within.)
My friend’s wife was drinking 6 diet Mtn Dews per day, prior to the seizure.
There’s been a huge MIT study going on about seizure-aspartame connections. Sorry, I can’t google it for you from here, just too cumbersome at 31.2K speed.
All this happened over 15 years ago. So there should be some results by now on the MIT study.
Also I have known people who were getting headaches. I said, “Are you drinking diet pop?”
When they quit the headaches went away.
Now that’s one thing. But what I’m even more concerned about is the MS and nutrasweet connection. More and more people seem to be getting MS symptoms.
Do the google, MS nutrasweet aspartame, read some of the anecdotal articles by real people, researchers, etc. Of course the MS society and the AMA discount all neg nutrasweet talk as unproven… well what else is new. (This is the same AMA that says there’s no therapeutic benefit to smoking the “herb” for chemo, radiation, and other med uses. I have friends who have used it for this and claim very positive results.)
Anyway, I’m of the belief that nutrasweet causes MS symptoms, actual changes in the brain that can be view by… which ever scan they use for that.
And I’m suspicious that diet soda is causing obesity, causing what I have taken to calling sumo-wrestler-itis. I have as yet no proof of this.
However there seem to be ample anecdotal accounts of MS connections with aspartame.
Hence, no tobacco and no diet soda on the premises.
I really do think anyone partaking of nutrasweet products ought to do the google search and decide accordingly.
That’s really scary about your friend. Has she recovered fully? And does she link her experience to the diet pop?
You know, I just read something about aspartame a couple weeks ago — one of many journal articles scanned during the day. I’m trying to remember what it was about … I’ll take a look at work tomorrow to see if I can recall. If it looks interesting, I can forward it on to you.
Just did a quick google re: the MS link. I’ll have to read more in depth later.
I think you’re on to something wrt the obesity link — in general I think it has more to do w/ ‘exposure’ for lack of a better word. Lite products (all food items) are ingested in greater quantities d/t the labelling and assumption of no cals.
I’ve always been suspicious of fake sugar. I feel that if I’m going to eat something sweet, I’m going to eat the real thing. I also try to avoid products w/ food colour added, flavour added, etc. I do get migraines from certain food colouring agents.
>Has she recovered fully?
Yes, as far as I know. At least I haven’t heard anything to the contrary. …I’ll ask her next time I see her.
And does she link her experience to the diet pop?
Definitely. As I mentioned the only time she ever gets headaches now is if she drinks or eats something with nutrasweet in it.
Re: the MS link; there’s no end of articles on that, you can spend hours working your way through all that, but worth it if you you yourself, or friend, family have symptoms related to nutrasweet poisoning.
As for sugars, I only use honey or brown sugar(cane sugar only) sugar beet sugar tastes crappy anyway.
I’ve never heard of so many people with migrane problems since I discoverd BT. Sure hope it ain’t BT related, ha!
I get them rarely — I know my triggers and have found a good med (myo relaxant) that works if I catch it early. But if not, it it pretty severe — severe photophobia, and I usually end up vomiting.
I guess I’m lucky. The only time I’ve had one, or come close, was after a cross-country drive, 24+ hours, little rest, etc.
I got back from CA, crashed at a friend’s place in ND for a few hours, then made it home, but later that afternoon couldn’t stand to be in the sun, had to be in the shade, and somewhat nauseous.
Mentioned the symptoms to the same friend who was familiar with migraines and he diagnosed my symptoms. And have come close a few times since, but always due to lack of sleep.
… was after a very awful, stressful day at an orientation for a new job. (It was a horrible situation and I ended up quitting before I even started.) I could feel myself getting sicker as the day wore on and no meds handy. I ended up throwing up on myself in the car driving home! It was unexpected and no advance warning other than general nausea w/ the h/a. Ever since then I get sick when I have migraines.
Aaacckkkk! that just sound nasty!!
I only know very few people who have migraines. And it just seems to me by logic or intuition, whatever, that there should be some better solution to them than what I’ve been hearing from… well particularly BT bloggers.
I’m curious if people who spend more time in front of the CRTs, cathode ray tubes, like computer sceens have more migraines.
Did you know that there is a positive electromagnetic field eminating from these screens? I wonder if LCD screen users have the same degree of suseptibility to migrains.
If I can afford it, the next update to computerology I’ll be getting an LCD screen.
And if not that, what other factors may influence migrains. With women, lack of progestrone, and estrogen levels can play a part, but for men??
I’m going to bed now NDD. Thanks for posting the aspartame story, especially knowing your slow connection rate. See you tomorrow–don’t work too hard!
natural cane ‘turbinado’ (raw) sugar. It’s the only sugar I use. Very granular, kind of a gold/brown colour and no additives of any kind. Has almost a caramel-like tinge, to my taste buds. Quite good, IMO.
Excellent rant, NDD. Here’s my 2c worth on some of your points…
and finally, totally unrelated (well sorta)… When P&G first introduced Olestra (that fake fat stuff) to the market, a lot of the test marketing was done in Cedar Rapids and the surrounding area, and there was ample evidence that it caused horrible diarrhea, cramping, gas and related gastro-intestinal problems, yet they launched that crap anyway. To my mind, anything that’s engineered to be indigestible in the intestines and designed to slide on through so to speak, has got to be bad stuff.
The moral of the story as I see it? There’s always a price to pay for indulging one’s gluttonous tendencies. Whether one considers it “guilt free” (e.g. no sugar, no fat, etc.) or as a means to an end (losing weight), a person must eventually weigh the consequences. And to my mind, a bit of self-restraint vs. self-indulgence is in order. I’ll take the self-restraint any day. That way I can have my chips and eat them too… just not that often….
… another one IVG. I can’t imagine eating anything w/ a warning of ‘explosive diarrhea’ on the label.
I mistakenly ate some of those Wow! chips at a party once and WOW, yeah, I found out what those were all about. Never again. There’s a reason your body won’t absorb that stuff… and it ain’t pretty.
It was rejected by Health Canada. And I’m pretty it’s still n/a … I’ve never seen any fat-free chips in the stores anyways. But, yeah — I’ve heard the stories IVG. Not pleasant is an absolute understatement.
sage spliff
For external use only. Use only as directed.
daddy long legs holdin’ that fatty?
Very dense … You said 10-12″ right?
this one’s 6-7 stems and @ 14′ L total. When I ‘roll’ them, I wash the stems off so they’re wet, then twist them together and wrap tightly w/ twine. Takes a little practice.
Once you get it going and blow out the flame, it burns very similar to incense.
That ‘holder’ is a mtl ant sculpture…works really well for that purpose. 1 of a long line of whacko christmas gifts I and several old friends exchange every year…:{)
14′ L total??? Wow that’s some mega sage you’re growing out there bud… and btw, was telling Chris about your smudge stuff tonight and he wanted to know if you’d be willing to trade sage smudge for home made incense (yeah, he makes his own). Just throwing that out there… do with it what you will.
these he could prob. do in his sleep…:{) I’d be happy to share if I get enough sage to make a bunch. I lost 1/3 of my plants this year and the rest are looking kinda iffy still. If I have to start w/ new plants, there probably won’t be much harvest for smudges after cooking stock is taken out.
Thx for the info, dada. I’ll pass it along… our sage plants don’t usually produce that much, but given where they’re planted it makes sense (along a gravelly fence line next to our neighbor’s driveway). I think he just wants someone to like his incense… some of his “magical” blends send me reeling from the room, but others are quite delightful. I told him he should just follow your technique, which, to wit, I will save your pic and show it to him to convince him… 1) that BT is a cool place to be and 2) that I’m hob nobbing with the cool folks… that might get him off his butt to join up here. Though… if that happens, you’ll not see both of us on at the same time, due to his dead computer right now. LOL…
That’s really interesting … what kind?
You’d have to ask him for all the details… but many are aromatic wood based blends. The frankincense ones I like, some of the others, not so much.
Alas … you’ll have to ask him for me, seeing as he shuns us … π
This is very good — lots of explanation and a pic. I’m looking forward to trying it out. I think the hardest bit of it all will be wrapping. Yours is so neat!
Your friends have eclectic and interesting taste … good stuff!
What a lovely peek into your garden!
I was gonna point out that it was an ant… but quick trigger choc-Olivia had to beat me to it. Saw some of those at Target last weekend, and thought they were kinda creepy, actually. Chacun son goût….
So you can’t see the positives about this lil guy.
friend of mine told me a story about those peony ants. A an older lady, friend of hers decided the ants were not a good thing, so got rid of them… somehow… I suppose poison of some kind. And whaddaya know, ended up with no peony blossoms that year. symbiosis? do they call it?
Although the poison could have done them in … Not all garden creepy crawlies are bad.
Hey, flower expert that you are, I’d a thought you knew… the ants eat off a coating on the bud, so it can bloom, so no ants no blossoms, and so with peonies, the ants are essential to its survival and blossoming.
Good to know NDD, I’ll make sure to note if my peonies have ants in the next few weeks. Night!
and we didn’t even get MM to de-lurk. π
Great début, choc-Olivia!
But it’s time I go dislodge the dogs from my side of the bed and get some sleep. Still harboring that headache here, but I’m used to them by now. All in a day’s work.. but no way am I going to try what FM did today. That sounded absolutely horrifying, with no true value proposition for the outcome!
See you all on the time warp flip side!
Nighty, night… time for furry creatures to get to bed.
Hope you’re feeling better when you wake up! {{{IVG}}}
and wake up refreshed.
What’m I gonna do without the peanut gallery??
don’t forgit to brush with TOOTHPASTE
it’s late even for me …
Thanks for hanging w/ me in the debut cafe.
Sweet dreams to you both!
Got to call it too.
Night NDD, EnEssAy, et al,
Sleep well.
Catch ya on the flip.
I mean, talking with myself here… guess I might as well hang it ooop 2!
Been another fine evening, anyhow!!!