OK as usual I’m just jumping in. KB knowing you, I know you’ve already gone to all the web sites to look up all the info about this medicine.
As we’ve talked about before, every medicine effects every person differently. I looked it up and it didn’t mention headaches, but pains in other areas.
I agree with Andi. Talk with your doc. He may just say this is one of the side effects, but whenever you take any new medicine and have side effects, you need to let the doc know.
I do want to talk to my doctor (and I haven’t gone to any websites — I just read the flyer that came with the pill.)
But, I’m stalled out because I’ve got a million (5) doctors appointments coming up and I have to talk to her when I’ve been to those (which won’t be until the middle of July.) And I’m thinking I might just wait and add this Boniva thing to the list for that conversation.
Except that it has nothing to do with those other issues. And maybe I should see a specialist, but who?
So I’m stalled. Luckily it’s a once a month pill and I just took it so I have a while to decide what to do.
Does your doctor have email? Because you could email the article I linked to and ask for an opinion on it. That’s what I think I’m going to do (or if there’s no email I’m going to take the article to the office and ask my doctor to read it and get back to me).
Headache isn’s one of the more common side effects. Since it’s springtime, I’m wondering if your headaches are allergy-related. Does it go away after you’ve been for a while?
CabinGirl, they seem sinusy — but I’ve been tested (5 years ago or so) and I haven’t any allergies to speak of. Which surprised me. Everyone I know has allergies.
Sorry — I got up early and I just realize that I hadn’t turned off the alarm when I left the bedroom. I didn’t want it going off and waking up mister so I ran back to get it (30 seconds before it went off)
Last party lasted a decade after their 1st EC Cup was won by Barcelona in 1992 with Johan Cruijff as trainer/coach. Only five players have won the Cup as player and later as coach!
Pretty good, FM, thanks. And you?
Did not overextend in the celebrations yesterday, so up early as usual. link to more images (click on image for the next one).
I went through all the pictures and I think you picked the best of the lot. Although I do like the little boy and girl by the roses and the little girl at the last with the big glasses.
No wonder why you get up so early when you get a chance to see this come into view! When you get a minute, could you send a wallpaper version to me? I’d love to put it up at work today.
Teddy Bears… believe it or not, I never was much into those as a kid… I had a little yellow bunny that I slept with every night (and I still have him, antique that he is!). Odd that I have such antipathy toward the bunnies now, with all the rampaging they do in the garden, lol.
I thought you were already slaving away there, Olivia! Hey there! And you too, FM… btw, that post on detergent yesterday was both hilarious and infuriating!! (though you were not the cause of infuriating… of course)
I hope you don’t mind my popping in here, but there’s no open thread to post in yet today and this is a timely.
I have a live thread up now over at my place for the confirmation hearings of General Michael Hayden as CIA director. Everyone’s welcome. (I’m taking my Cheerios with me.) Thanks!
Actually hope to get something accomplished today, even if it’s just finishing up getting stuff ready for the trip (it’s only 3 weeks away, ack!).
A little bummed about the Sharks being knocked out — but they’re a young team, they’ll be back in it next season. 🙂
KB — I heard somewhere that a lot of people who normally don’t have allergies are being bothered by them this year; talk to your doctor and let her know your symptoms.
No flying for me today, I’m still slow from inaugurating Olivia’s 1st cafe last night. 🙂 And still pestered by that headache I’ve had for the past couple of days (likely due to allergies and eyestrain), but here I am in the cubicell again.
A hearty good morning to you all, Andi, O-Livia, FM, KB, Indy, CG, Ask, Oui, Cali and anyone I forgot (short term memory’s not what it used to be!)
Looks like a sunny day shaping up here today, and rain chances down to “slight” at 30%, so it should be a good day for the flowers to dig in and grow. We’re progressing at getting all the stuff we bought recently into the ground, but still so much to do. I’m hoping to plant a couple more delphiniums tonight and get some Larkspur seed planted around them as well. That may be the extent of what energy I have left at the end of another day of report writing grrrr… and you all know how much I just love that!
Better get going here… hope everyone has a great day! Oh, and FM… in case you didn’t notice, I left a little bit of a rant over at your place last night, hehe.
I know about the eyes thing… I hope to get that taken care of next month if the finances allow. Always something around here! See ya later, and enjoy slacking away your cafe day! Maybe catch you later this afternoon or tonight (if you can stay up).
Give George a good pat or two for me…
You try to enjoy your cubicle day. I’m sending a hacksaw to try and get that chain off.
Hope to see you later tonight too. If you or I had the time I would give you a good rant about the glasses. I think a little bit of Andi’s mothering thing is rubbing off on me. 🙂
No flying for me today, I’m still slow from inaugurating Olivia’s 1st cafe last night.
Thank you, I appreciated it IVG! I hope you don’t strain your eyeballs too much today, although w/ that report you’re writing it’s going to be hard not too. Take care of yourself!
Morning Andi.
Got sun today?
Can’t tell yet — it’s still dark. Only a 30% chance of rain so I sure hope so.
How are you feeling this morning?
Oh and don’t worry about opening a cafe before your dentist appointment. I’ll open a froggybottom one if it’s needed.
I’m feeling pretty good and thanks for asking.
And don’t worry about opening an FBC later because I’ll be here today. It’s nothing pressing and I decided a change in plans would be in order today.
Good Morning Andi.
You’re up early. How are you doing this morning?
I woke up at about 4:30 with a screaming headache. And finally got up about a half-hour ago. I’m hoping the coffee I’m drinking does something to it.
I hope so too. It’s so rotten to wake up with a headache.
I blame the Boniva. I’ve had a headache every morning since I took it.
to stop taking it. Are you going to talk to your doctor about it or just stop taking it?
OK as usual I’m just jumping in. KB knowing you, I know you’ve already gone to all the web sites to look up all the info about this medicine.
As we’ve talked about before, every medicine effects every person differently. I looked it up and it didn’t mention headaches, but pains in other areas.
I agree with Andi. Talk with your doc. He may just say this is one of the side effects, but whenever you take any new medicine and have side effects, you need to let the doc know.
I do want to talk to my doctor (and I haven’t gone to any websites — I just read the flyer that came with the pill.)
But, I’m stalled out because I’ve got a million (5) doctors appointments coming up and I have to talk to her when I’ve been to those (which won’t be until the middle of July.) And I’m thinking I might just wait and add this Boniva thing to the list for that conversation.
Except that it has nothing to do with those other issues. And maybe I should see a specialist, but who?
So I’m stalled. Luckily it’s a once a month pill and I just took it so I have a while to decide what to do.
Does your doctor have email? Because you could email the article I linked to and ask for an opinion on it. That’s what I think I’m going to do (or if there’s no email I’m going to take the article to the office and ask my doctor to read it and get back to me).
I like this email idea. I’ll call the office ask if she has an email address. And if she doesn’t I’ll print it out and mail it to her.
OK, but I’m a natural worrier. So I’ll be thinking about you.
(Sticking my nose in to kb’s business)
Headache isn’s one of the more common side effects. Since it’s springtime, I’m wondering if your headaches are allergy-related. Does it go away after you’ve been for a while?
CabinGirl, they seem sinusy — but I’ve been tested (5 years ago or so) and I haven’t any allergies to speak of. Which surprised me. Everyone I know has allergies.
You actually can develop allergies at any time in your life. Maybe you should think about looking into it again?
I hope if that’s helped before, it does now.
If not, try your Dad’s method.
I didn’t think of that at all. Thanks!!! I’ll do it now.
I’m back (and dressed even.) I don’t think the headach is gone. But it seems contained (if that makes sense.) At least it isn’t screaming any more.
Thanks FM for the reminder. I totally forgot about it.
I’m glad you’re feeling at least a little better.
This is a switch for me. I’m usually told I give people headaches or that I’m a pain in, ahem, other areas. 🙂
because then all those obnoxious relatives wouldn’t be showing up.
Hey it’s true. When I’m mad I never say please and thank you. When I’m really mad, you can forget about a “You’re welcome”.
Ya gotta draw the line somewhere. 🙂
YOU ARE NOT! I can’t imagine anyone believing that of you.
Yea you’re right. It conflicts with my inner slackdom.
Opps, preaching slackdom and KB in the same thread. Where is my mind today. 🙂
Now I’m all hurt and over in a corner crying.
No good morning for me KB?
Well OK, not hurt or crying, maybe a whimper, but how are ya doing today KB. 🙂
Sorry — I got up early and I just realize that I hadn’t turned off the alarm when I left the bedroom. I didn’t want it going off and waking up mister so I ran back to get it (30 seconds before it went off)
And just got back again.
Good morning FamilyMan!! How are you today?
I’m fine KB. Just playing earlier. You are up early today.
How’s your day going or going to be today?
Don’t answer I just saw upthread.
Good morning all!
EC 2006 Final:
FC Barcelone – Arsenal 2-1
Coach/trainer: Frank Rijkaard
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hello Oui. How long will the party last?
Last party lasted a decade after their 1st EC Cup was won by Barcelona in 1992 with Johan Cruijff as trainer/coach. Only five players have won the Cup as player and later as coach!
NYT – Barcelona Wins Champions League Soccer Final
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
A decade long party? Why am I living here? I have got to move.
This will make a good replacement for olivia, cali, and dj whose hockey teams are all out of the playoffs.
Bye stanley cup, hello world cup.
Good Morning, Oui!
Good morning Andi, FM, kb, and Oui!
The week is almost over…yikes!
The week? I’m still trying to come to terms that it’s mid May.
Don’t even go there this early in the morning… 🙂
the faster the semester goes
the sooner your coursework is over
so yay, not yikes … right?
Good morning, CG.
Normally, that would be true, but it’s been a busy week with my birthday and all.
The week is almost over…yikes!
??????? I am experiencing a disconnect reading this…
I am self-employed and work from home…therefore, the weeks usually end quicker than I would like…I know, it’s weird.
Good morning all.

Young celebrant yesterday:
That’s a wonderful picture Ask.
How’re you today?
Pretty good, FM, thanks. And you?
Did not overextend in the celebrations yesterday, so up early as usual.
link to more images (click on image for the next one).
I doing fine Ask.
I went through all the pictures and I think you picked the best of the lot. Although I do like the little boy and girl by the roses and the little girl at the last with the big glasses.
Looks like it was a wonderful time for all.
Still raining here … grrrrr … lightning scheduled w/ today’s rain to spice things up though.
Good to see FM up and about!
but it’s clearing up this morning. Nice mist in the early morning light. I hope you get the same.
(And I saw how late you were up last night — shouldn’t you be busy yawning?)
… to take some sun pix, that would be really lovely! ::hint:: 🙂
Supposed to rain until Sunday they’re saying now, instead of Tuesday.
LOL about last night — I had to stay up late and enjoy the 24/7 cafe!
now about every other night …
I can take a hint but not necessarily the pic. Here’s a shot from the porch.
No wonder why you get up so early when you get a chance to see this come into view! When you get a minute, could you send a wallpaper version to me? I’d love to put it up at work today.
It wasn’t a great shot so it may not look that great at a higher res but I’ll send it along to you. 800×600 or do you want bigger?
btw, did you see P4’s latest post?
pic is sent.
Last time I went over she didn’t have anything new and I hadn’t checked …
Just came back. Great pics. Looks like she found the right camera.
I love how the sun is glinting off the leaves. Thanks for sharing your sun w/ me!
I hope this one does work too. I tried to convince her to check out a canon 😉 but looks like she’s a nikon user.
Morning Olivia.
It’s a new day and things are wunderful (aka Lawrence Welk).
Sorry to hear about your rain and lighting. But just think, when it’s over you have so much to look forward to, like mud for one. 🙂
You and your mud … 😉
Isn’t it wunnerful? See, I’m learning. 🙂
Actually you’re learning better than me. You spelled it right.
I saw the 24/7 cafe. Not that I probably would have been awake anyway, but I missed your first cafe. 🙁
Well, it was only a late night cafe. But just you wait ’til your birthday … hehehe 😉
My B’day changes constantly. It’s not easy being a 5 y.o. in a 53 y.o. body. When I turn 6 I’ll let you know. 😛
… she knows everything!
… how to be older than 53 but be permanently 18.
I’ve always heard women mature faster then men.
In my permanent 5 y.o. stage I’m still carrying around my teddy bear. George does get jealous from time to time though.
I still sleep w/ one — Mr Fuzz. 🙂
I do too! Mine’s a Winnie-the-Pooh I’ve had since I was 6.
… we’re kindred teddy spirits! 🙂
Hey we’re all just teddy bear kind of people.
I might add, some of the best people you can know.
Teddy Bears… believe it or not, I never was much into those as a kid… I had a little yellow bunny that I slept with every night (and I still have him, antique that he is!). Odd that I have such antipathy toward the bunnies now, with all the rampaging they do in the garden, lol.
I thought you were already slaving away there, Olivia! Hey there! And you too, FM… btw, that post on detergent yesterday was both hilarious and infuriating!! (though you were not the cause of infuriating… of course)
Can you read this thread: NDD’s aspartame comment and migraine stuff. We’d like your input o’knowledgeable one.
Yes I will. When I scanned this am, I saw some mention on it.
I’ll read and give you my most learned opinion. 🙂
I’m off to start the day … See you all later!
You have a good day and stay away from that lighting.
Mmmmm…Cheerios with banana slices!
I hope you don’t mind my popping in here, but there’s no open thread to post in yet today and this is a timely.
I have a live thread up now over at my place for the confirmation hearings of General Michael Hayden as CIA director. Everyone’s welcome. (I’m taking my Cheerios with me.) Thanks!
Actually hope to get something accomplished today, even if it’s just finishing up getting stuff ready for the trip (it’s only 3 weeks away, ack!).
A little bummed about the Sharks being knocked out — but they’re a young team, they’ll be back in it next season. 🙂
KB — I heard somewhere that a lot of people who normally don’t have allergies are being bothered by them this year; talk to your doctor and let her know your symptoms.
Okay, time to get stirring…
I’m sorry Cali. 🙁
I hope you have a good day Cali.
No flying for me today, I’m still slow from inaugurating Olivia’s 1st cafe last night. 🙂 And still pestered by that headache I’ve had for the past couple of days (likely due to allergies and eyestrain), but here I am in the cubicell again.
A hearty good morning to you all, Andi, O-Livia, FM, KB, Indy, CG, Ask, Oui, Cali and anyone I forgot (short term memory’s not what it used to be!)
Looks like a sunny day shaping up here today, and rain chances down to “slight” at 30%, so it should be a good day for the flowers to dig in and grow. We’re progressing at getting all the stuff we bought recently into the ground, but still so much to do. I’m hoping to plant a couple more delphiniums tonight and get some Larkspur seed planted around them as well. That may be the extent of what energy I have left at the end of another day of report writing grrrr… and you all know how much I just love that!
Better get going here… hope everyone has a great day! Oh, and FM… in case you didn’t notice, I left a little bit of a rant over at your place last night, hehe.
Hi IVG. I did notice and thanks.
BTW, you go and get those eyes checked and new glasses!
OK there was my little rant. 🙂
I know about the eyes thing… I hope to get that taken care of next month if the finances allow. Always something around here! See ya later, and enjoy slacking away your cafe day! Maybe catch you later this afternoon or tonight (if you can stay up).
Give George a good pat or two for me…
You try to enjoy your cubicle day. I’m sending a hacksaw to try and get that chain off.
Hope to see you later tonight too. If you or I had the time I would give you a good rant about the glasses. I think a little bit of Andi’s mothering thing is rubbing off on me. 🙂
No flying for me today, I’m still slow from inaugurating Olivia’s 1st cafe last night.
Thank you, I appreciated it IVG! I hope you don’t strain your eyeballs too much today, although w/ that report you’re writing it’s going to be hard not too. Take care of yourself!
Breakfast is way past and it’s time for a new cafe.
I think a little slackdom is in order.
Be back in a minute.
Cafe Hammock Time