I never heard that on the giant flying roaches. I lived in San Antonio for about 5 years and the biggest thing I saw was bats. I used to keep wondering why so many birds were flying at night. Someone finally filled me in.
No giant water bugs (roaches) in SA? When I lived there, I saw plenty. Maybe you were living on that old military toxic dump, like we have here in big wicked Detroit. At least it keeps the bugs off, as one student told me (aabout living in a house built on lead-laced soil.
Maybe SA was too dry, I can’t remember. But in Austin and East Texas, those huge roaches were almost family pets. I quit eating dates because they looked so much like those roaches.
I see that you just brought up those unmentionable creatures here. Now I’m not going to be able to look over in the corner where you are without fearing what I’ll see.
(and i’d almost forgotten those most horrible Texas experiences. . )
Born in Miss,(Greenwood, then Greenville), but mostly lived in the MO bootheel where my parents grew up, and in Western KY. Had relatives in Western TN, Southern IL. College in Minn, worked in IA.
Near great places like Cooter, Monkey’s Eyebrow, Possum Trot, Skullbone, Poplar Bluff. . .
It has been raining since last tues (not this week, the previous one) and it’s not going to to stop until next week! I said I was turning into a wrinkly prune (hence the comment upthread).
Nope, that’s not Sally, not blonde enough, so must be one of her imitators. Not that I ever saw any of that stuff (remember, I’m only a neo-geezer) but I can remember my dada talking about her when I was a kid and she still was doing the circuit well into middle age. Trying to remember the name of that documentary on risqué dancers I saw on HBO a while back, where they did a loving profile of Sally, as she was the originator of the feather and “Bubble” dances way back when.
LOL… not at all! That was a mere slip of the fingers there… I meant my dad!!! He’d be 87 today if he were still alive, and I think he saw Sally Rand back in the late 40’s before any of present company was still alive, right?
Maybe we need to shake up the lounge with a big splash of color?
Took this one tonight… first open flower of my new Chinese Hibiscus I got a couple of weeks ago. It’s already due for repotting, and looks like it will be a good bloomer for the patio this summer.
Everyone still having a good night? We, like dada, have all the windows open and it’s a great night outside, despite a few showers that moved through earlier this evening. Just enough to give a gentle watering to the newbie plants out in the garden…
This is kind of up close and personal, though not as personal as O can do… I tried a few really close shots but they were too blurry. As windy as it was I was lucky to get one this clear, lol.
This is the non-hardy, tropical variety… the giant ones are just now breaking ground and won’t be blooming until mid-late July at the earliest. This one will summer outdoors, then come inside for the winter.
They’re actually pretty easy to over winter inside as long as you can give them decent light and water them regularly. They can get kind of huge though, and I plan on keeping this one pruned to keep it bushy. It was a steal… only $5.98 for a big 8″ pot, so I couldn’t resist. And I just loved the shade of red, sooo….
I’m pretty sure this was my best one-day record for site hits. skippy, latinopundit and cursor.org all linked to my border wall piece. Cool beans (pun intended)
A nice surprise when you noticed your site hits leaping! You’re a great writer, and your pieces are very passionate — it doesn’t surprise me that you’re getting linked up! 🙂
Hey Manny… good to hear about your site hits today… I’d better get over there tonight and read your latest. Would have gone during work today, but I’m busy writing another one of those maldito reports right now (grrrr). Very much looking forward to the weekend… how about you? Any mariachi fests to check out?
but I did receive notice of a candlelight vigil on Saturday at the federal courthouse to protest the militarization of the tierra. I’ll prolly go check that out and hope that enough people show up to make some headlines for Peace.
Hey IVG … 🙂 That’s a lovely hibiscus. And a great shot — like it’s sticking its tongue out at us from between red lips. How’s the eyeballs/h/a tonight?
Actually the h/a I had again all day has let up quite a bit… much better than last night! Eyeballs (lol) are the same ones I had last night, hehe. If you thought that one looked like it was sticking its tongue out, try this…
Oh, and SN, don’t get scared… “Audrey” won’t hurt ya!
Psssst.. Olivia… we’re getting another gentle rain shower right now… just heard a very distant rumble in the distance…. ahhhh, the flowers are gonna love it.
I was hoping that might lure you out of lurkerdom, MM. Yeah, I thought sassy when I saw it at the garden center, and it was such a steal that it screamed at me to come home with me and live in our garden. So there she is! Need to get her repotted very soon though.
You can always feel me lurking in the background, huh, IVG! I’m just finishing up with my nightly snark fix. No Colbert for 2 weeks, and I guess Stewart is probably taking a break, too.
Just steppin’ in to do a little whining (like the dog in the joke — because I can). Caught myself a headcold & spent most of the day asleep. Dreamt of moose. Woke & found the usual slow burn in DC: no disgraced, mobile grey matter tip-toeing onto the rubber plank; no trigger-happy undead collapsing into dust in the sunlight; no undeniable collisions with actual realities for the aging sockpuppet-cum-dictator.
Hey there, maryb.
Nope, no chocolate mooses — actual animals (or their spiritual representatives). Apparently they’re a message to give thanks for how far I’ve progressed in my personal manner of being.
I was busily explaining to a friend the difference between male & female moose.
Good to see you. Alas, I’m literally on the nod here — must return at a later date.
Awww, WW! Sorry to hear that you’ve gotten that cold! Just when I was about to say hello… oh well, get your rest and shake that thang off soon! Sleep well, lovely woodland goddess! (and snuggle with the kitties… you’ll feel better)
Come on in and have a beer. Just beware the shriveled prune people.
what are the shriveled prune people? Or shouldn’t I ask?
It has to do with having a lot of rain and being in a lot of water.
I think a certain cafe opener made a Freudian Slip … shriveling … ha!
Hey, you’re letting out a male secret here. It doesn’t matter if you’re 50 miles from water.
Swimming, yea that it.
That Froggy Bottom just doesn’t know what he’s talking about sometimes. Hah.
Unfortunately for you FM, the evidence lies in the last cafe …
You’d better watch it. I can go back to a certain cafe and find where you were calling Andi a goddess and linking it with wet dog odor. Hah.
is my house’s air freshner. Didn’t bother me a bit.
And it was right here. I think she is a saint for loving her doggies despite wet doggie odour …
You are right and how could I have ever thought anything else.
Oh the shame, the shame I feel. 😉
We’re still waiting on your thoughts.
Probably not. I’m fading pretty fast now.
Actually I’ll say good night to you here and say goodnight to everyone down thread.
Honestly, walking in here is kind of like mid-movie in Mystery Science Theater. Prune people.
In Texas, that’s what we called the giant flying roaches, but I’m sure that’s not what you mean here.
Or I hope not.
I never heard that on the giant flying roaches. I lived in San Antonio for about 5 years and the biggest thing I saw was bats. I used to keep wondering why so many birds were flying at night. Someone finally filled me in.
No giant water bugs (roaches) in SA? When I lived there, I saw plenty. Maybe you were living on that old military toxic dump, like we have here in big wicked Detroit. At least it keeps the bugs off, as one student told me (aabout living in a house built on lead-laced soil.
Maybe SA was too dry, I can’t remember. But in Austin and East Texas, those huge roaches were almost family pets. I quit eating dates because they looked so much like those roaches.
Now, anybody want a nice snack??? Date bars???
Actually I lived on an old military base there. Part of my job was to test the water leaving the base.
After having to crawl down into spaces loaded with black widow spiders and walk down to spillways with rattlesnakes, roaches were mighty tame for me.
just thinking about MST3K. I miss it so.
Yes, me too. Almost like listening to a “hormone storm” song.
I figured that prune people made you think of the ‘Attack of the Mole People’ episode which is one of my favorites.
Are you feeling better cold-wise?
Yes. I made it to work today, and actually talked almost like a human for a couple of hours before I began to sound like a strangling chicken.
How’re you doing this day?
I see that you just brought up those unmentionable creatures here. Now I’m not going to be able to look over in the corner where you are without fearing what I’ll see.
(and i’d almost forgotten those most horrible Texas experiences. . )
I doing fine Kidspeak. Thanks for asking.
Question is how’re you doing?
Much better, thank you.
We saw the sun today, finally! My yard is a swamp, but then, being from the Mississippi River valley, I’ve seen that before!
I wanted to ask you if you don’t mind, what part of the MS river valley.
Your diary the other day sounded exactly like where I grew up.
Born in Miss,(Greenwood, then Greenville), but mostly lived in the MO bootheel where my parents grew up, and in Western KY. Had relatives in Western TN, Southern IL. College in Minn, worked in IA.
Near great places like Cooter, Monkey’s Eyebrow, Possum Trot, Skullbone, Poplar Bluff. . .
Where were you from?
Some other time. . g’nite
Between Mariana and Hughes Arkansas. Memphis was about 50 miles away and Forrest City wasn’t that far.
Grew up on a farm that was nothing but flat land and feilds and dirt roads.
Same, g’nite
got him out of the chair, and off to bed. Time for me to geezer on out of here.
Night everybody.
Night Andi.
Goodnight, go to the end of that rainbow.
spouse is turning off the lights. I’m off to try to sleep a little earlier tonight.
Have fun, nite-owls. I’ll take my giant water bugs with me – – -zzzzzzzzz
Night kidspeak.
Night everybody. NDD stay away from the diet sweet stuff.
Everyone have a good night.
and anybody else that I mighta missed.
Hi O…maryb?…?
Just chillin’…have all the doors and windows open enjoying a beautiful evening…you?
Have all the upstairs windows open. But since it’s about 11 o’clock, I do have the downstairs windows and doors closed.
your weather has improved. Really nice here tonight; about 70°, no wind…very close to perfect.
no rain at least. It’s about 60 degrees. It’ll get chilly tonight.
good sleeping weather.
Sounds like you’re enjoying some nice weather w/ your open doors and windows. 🙂 Have a good day?
Puttered in the yard all evening; watering, weding, etc. played a little frisbee w/ Bu in the alley…nice indeed.
Your rain stopped?
It has been raining since last tues (not this week, the previous one) and it’s not going to to stop until next week! I said I was turning into a wrinkly prune (hence the comment upthread).
are gonna come in handy…:{)
It’s been really hard keeping my feathers dry. 😉
I’ve been meaning to ask ya dada… that pic you posted the other day, was that Sally Rand? Was too small for me to make a positive ID on it….
Here’s a LINK to the bigger version…maybe you can ID her from it…[not a big file 40k +-]
This is cheating … 😉
but where are the feathers? :{)
Nope, that’s not Sally, not blonde enough, so must be one of her imitators. Not that I ever saw any of that stuff (remember, I’m only a neo-geezer) but I can remember my dada talking about her when I was a kid and she still was doing the circuit well into middle age. Trying to remember the name of that documentary on risqué dancers I saw on HBO a while back, where they did a loving profile of Sally, as she was the originator of the feather and “Bubble” dances way back when.
That sounds just like what a neo-geezer would say … 😛
LOL… not at all! That was a mere slip of the fingers there… I meant my dad!!! He’d be 87 today if he were still alive, and I think he saw Sally Rand back in the late 40’s before any of present company was still alive, right?
That cracked me up!
When you’re in one, stop diggin’ :{)
And you are correct!
Maybe we need to shake up the lounge with a big splash of color?

Took this one tonight… first open flower of my new Chinese Hibiscus I got a couple of weeks ago. It’s already due for repotting, and looks like it will be a good bloomer for the patio this summer.
Everyone still having a good night? We, like dada, have all the windows open and it’s a great night outside, despite a few showers that moved through earlier this evening. Just enough to give a gentle watering to the newbie plants out in the garden…
is that one of the ‘Giant’ varieties…or did you just get up close and personal w/ it?
This is kind of up close and personal, though not as personal as O can do… I tried a few really close shots but they were too blurry. As windy as it was I was lucky to get one this clear, lol.
This is the non-hardy, tropical variety… the giant ones are just now breaking ground and won’t be blooming until mid-late July at the earliest. This one will summer outdoors, then come inside for the winter.
I love hibiscus and that’s a beautiful color. I never get them for my patio. I don’t know why.
They’re actually pretty easy to over winter inside as long as you can give them decent light and water them regularly. They can get kind of huge though, and I plan on keeping this one pruned to keep it bushy. It was a steal… only $5.98 for a big 8″ pot, so I couldn’t resist. And I just loved the shade of red, sooo….
It looks like it’s going to eat me. No jokes.
it won’t have to worry about getting hair in its mouth after your shaving. :-X
Well, it wasn’t that thorough a job if you know what I mean. 0:-)
earned your halo
I have regrown my halo after many years of debauchery.
How goes it?
I’m pretty sure this was my best one-day record for site hits. skippy, latinopundit and cursor.org all linked to my border wall piece. Cool beans (pun intended)
Of course they did, because you are a supremely talented young writer and you make people think without engaging in rhetoric.
if you’re not careful, you may lose that halo of yours. 🙂
ya want to lay it on a little thicker SN?
I’m not sure that’s possible.
I have faith in you 😉
A nice surprise when you noticed your site hits leaping! You’re a great writer, and your pieces are very passionate — it doesn’t surprise me that you’re getting linked up! 🙂
Hey Manny… good to hear about your site hits today… I’d better get over there tonight and read your latest. Would have gone during work today, but I’m busy writing another one of those maldito reports right now (grrrr). Very much looking forward to the weekend… how about you? Any mariachi fests to check out?
but I did receive notice of a candlelight vigil on Saturday at the federal courthouse to protest the militarization of the tierra. I’ll prolly go check that out and hope that enough people show up to make some headlines for Peace.
Should I light my San Martín Caballero or Virgen de Guadalupe candles for the occasion?
an awesome showing of solidarity. 🙂
Then consider it done!
slummin’ with the Late Shift…:{)
My standards are slipping, that’s for sure. 🙂
Hey IVG … 🙂 That’s a lovely hibiscus. And a great shot — like it’s sticking its tongue out at us from between red lips. How’s the eyeballs/h/a tonight?
Actually the h/a I had again all day has let up quite a bit… much better than last night! Eyeballs (lol) are the same ones I had last night, hehe. If you thought that one looked like it was sticking its tongue out, try this…
Oh, and SN, don’t get scared… “Audrey” won’t hurt ya!
Isn’t it amazing how it just lauches it’s most delicate bits right out there like that! Love it — great photo IVG!
You and your ‘delicate bits’ make me smile every time. 🙂
I thought you might appreciate that particular perspective. 🙂 I know how you like to get a good look at the delicate bits of flowers, hehe.
Psssst.. Olivia… we’re getting another gentle rain shower right now… just heard a very distant rumble in the distance…. ahhhh, the flowers are gonna love it.
Do you have to close your windows? ‘Cause I’ll feel better if you have to close your windows … 😛
And some gals have all the crappy weather. 🙂
Nice Hibiscus, IVG! Sassy!
I was hoping that might lure you out of lurkerdom, MM. Yeah, I thought sassy when I saw it at the garden center, and it was such a steal that it screamed at me to come home with me and live in our garden. So there she is! Need to get her repotted very soon though.
You can always feel me lurking in the background, huh, IVG! I’m just finishing up with my nightly snark fix. No Colbert for 2 weeks, and I guess Stewart is probably taking a break, too.
Good night everyone. Second Nature is going to enjoy her last night in the big bed by herself before Mr. Snorefart comes home from his business trip.
husband is Mr. Snorefart and your cat is Pussy McFlabbington, what’s your household nick?
Your Highness.
Don’t let the BBs bite!
Good night, SN… enjoy your big bed! See ya soon.
Hi, folks. Hope everyone’s had a good day.
Just steppin’ in to do a little whining (like the dog in the joke — because I can). Caught myself a headcold & spent most of the day asleep. Dreamt of moose. Woke & found the usual slow burn in DC: no disgraced, mobile grey matter tip-toeing onto the rubber plank; no trigger-happy undead collapsing into dust in the sunlight; no undeniable collisions with actual realities for the aging sockpuppet-cum-dictator.
At this rate, gimme the moose!
Hi ww.
But was it a chocolate moose 😉
Hey there, maryb.
Nope, no chocolate mooses — actual animals (or their spiritual representatives). Apparently they’re a message to give thanks for how far I’ve progressed in my personal manner of being.
I was busily explaining to a friend the difference between male & female moose.
Good to see you. Alas, I’m literally on the nod here — must return at a later date.
Feel horrid. Back to bed.
Ugh is right — all the froggies are getting sick w/ this bug. I hope you feel better soon! {{{{ww}}}}
Thank you, Miss O.
Thanks to dada as well for good wishes .. zz .. zzzz
Awww, WW! Sorry to hear that you’ve gotten that cold! Just when I was about to say hello… oh well, get your rest and shake that thang off soon! Sleep well, lovely woodland goddess! (and snuggle with the kitties… you’ll feel better)
Thank you, dear.
Y’all have definitely helped the situation with your thoughts.
I’m gonna go open a new cafe if no one else is.
And here it is