And you have taken up the beer tap? Keep em flowing, FM … and leave a little for us later folks tonight. (I know your generous nature will oblige…) See you all later!
That just about sums up the very essence of relaxing, FM! Definitely the place where I’d really love to hang my hammock! (If I had one.) (In my white one-piece with my hat over my face of course!)
Been wondering how things were going on the other side of the planet. The Artistic Designer seems to be producing some pretty amazing sunsets there, for those (with a digital camera) who are paying attention.
hits a new high as none of the dogs could be bothered to care that there was a deer 50 feet from the door. And obviously the deer didn’t care it was 50 feet from the dogs.
Don’t be. Luna went ballistic on a poor possum last night. She chased it into a corner, and we had to haul her into the house in order to get her to settle down – that took most of an hour, with her pacing back and forth and throwing herself at the door repeatedly. Be glad you dogs are low key where other critters are concerned.
They’ll chase mice, chipmunks, squirrels, and dig like mad for moles. But they’ve all figured out that chasing deer is hopeless. And they just love to howl along with owls.
As long as you don’t make a move toward them, they mostly don’t care. And if the fact that there are three dogs here doesn’t bother them, me and my camera sure aren’t.
I’m glad to hear it isn’t so bad anymore. Have you been having a lot of rain there? We’ve had a solid week of rain and I’ve had a mild headache for the last few days and I think it’s the weather.
Off subject. I keep saying how nice it is to live in a small town and how much doesn’t happen.
Two headlines in our weekly newspaper. The first was a meth lab was busted. The second was a guy was arrested for growing pot plants all over his backyard.
That’s the biggest thing that has happened since the gas station blew up 4 o 5 months ago.
Oh there’s a lot more going on here than that. But this town is the county seat, so besides having the sheriffs department, city police and university police it’s usually pretty safe.
But weve had drive by shootings, a kid stabbed to death in the school cafeteria, not to long ago the church burnings and did I mention I live about 20 miles away from the largest solid hazardous waste dump in the U.S.
Phoning in from my parallel universe to share a quick pic I took earlier tonight… since your deer pic was so cool and I’m actually catching you before you head to bed…
This is one of the new “Indian Hyacinths” we planted last fall (Camassia sp.) They just started blooming yesterday.
Have to do a post and run, since the taco run Chris and our friend has now returned… I’ll be back later with some more goodies I managed to get with the waning sun earlier.
Howdy all, FM, Olivia, KB, Keres, and those who I’m not remembering right now. Gotta go get my yummy Tasty Taco now… 🙂
Thanks for breezing in early and posting it but now we have to worry about what happens when parallel universes intersect. I think it might be like crossing the beams.
Spent a few hours on my own today doing some erranding — I needed the break from the spouse (and he probably needed one from me too).
About to watch tonight’s Olbermann, then the spouse will start to get get caught up on his “Sopranos” viewing while I work on putting away laundry. Though I’m not too happy with him right about now…I asked him to make the bed while I was gone, so of course it’s still unmade… 🙁
Just about ready for the Big Trip in 3 weeks — heading up to Redwood City to get my birth certificate (though I grew up in Santa Clara County, I was technically born in San Mateo at Sequoia Hospital, hence the trek up there).
Hope everyone has a great evening — might pop in later on the laptop while the spouse is watching TV…
We had one last night that came out of nowhere, but today was clear. They expect more tonight.
When it’s 99 degrees with 90 percent humidity I’ll be looking back fondly on May, but right now I could use a whole week of clear skies and warmth. It’s still fairly cool here. But very green 🙂
We finally got out of the fifites this week and it’s supposed to get up to the 70s this weekend. This is one the coolest and wettest Mays I can remember.
But Wednesday there was sun all day and today the sun was out except when it stormed so I’m not griping.
No. I didn’t like Atonement or The Comfort of Strangers and the reviews of Saturday made me think that I’d find a lot of what I didn’t like about those two books in it. I’ve gotten really picky in my dotage.
I didn’t read Comfort of Strangers but I read Atonement and felt slightly gypped. I also read Black Dogs. I like the way he writes, but I don’t like what he writes about, or at least how his stories end up.
I just wondered because so far this one is really strange.
I think he overconstructs his stories and he’s willing to sacrifice character and narrative flow if he gets in the way of his building plans. And the reviews of Saturday made me think it was going to be even worse about that (and then there’s the support for the war in Iraq).
All Newcomers and Lurkers come on in. Enjoy yourself.
Lets get to our real job.
you mean, like winning the lottery?
Oh you, of the “truly naive” perspective Andi… you make me laugh. And I needed that at this point in the day, where I’m about to flee the cubicell.
Thanks! Hope to catch you later if you stay up late enough…
In the parallel universe, you come to the cafe earlier.
That could work too.
And you have taken up the beer tap? Keep em flowing, FM … and leave a little for us later folks tonight. (I know your generous nature will oblige…) See you all later!
I’m shutting down here and headin out the door!
Working just breaks up the times during which one can get loaded.
I got to run an errand real fast.
I’ll be back in a while.
I know you’re calling out SallyCat, but what’s up?
Not much, FM. Just soaking up the juices of freedom. Any plans to acquire a hammock to explore new frontiers of Slackdom?
I’ve been thinking about it, but it has to be at this place. Where ever it is.
That just about sums up the very essence of relaxing, FM! Definitely the place where I’d really love to hang my hammock! (If I had one.) (In my white one-piece with my hat over my face of course!)
as seen through the window next to the computer.
keres that is truly magnificent, and just right outside your window. Wow.
I’d hate to sound smug, but we get great sunsets most nights, and spectacular ones on a regular basis.
You’re very lucky. You are a better person than me. I’d be rubbing eveyones noses in it. 🙂
That’s quite a sunset. Just a gorgeous shot.
Been wondering how things were going on the other side of the planet. The Artistic Designer seems to be producing some pretty amazing sunsets there, for those (with a digital camera) who are paying attention.
Same window, at 9:30am (about 20 minutes ago).

hits a new high as none of the dogs could be bothered to care that there was a deer 50 feet from the door. And obviously the deer didn’t care it was 50 feet from the dogs.
Shouldn’t this be in the Dog.
for them to put it there.
That should read, “Dog Blog“.
Don’t be. Luna went ballistic on a poor possum last night. She chased it into a corner, and we had to haul her into the house in order to get her to settle down – that took most of an hour, with her pacing back and forth and throwing herself at the door repeatedly. Be glad you dogs are low key where other critters are concerned.
They’ll chase mice, chipmunks, squirrels, and dig like mad for moles. But they’ve all figured out that chasing deer is hopeless. And they just love to howl along with owls.
And I’ve made a ‘deposit’ to the dog blog.
That’s a great picture Andi. Deer are so skittish I’m surprised you got it.
As long as you don’t make a move toward them, they mostly don’t care. And if the fact that there are three dogs here doesn’t bother them, me and my camera sure aren’t.
Good point. 😉
I’ll be back in a bit.
I feel a sudden nap coming on.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite!
Oh, I was going to hang out for a while, but my couch is calling me now. . .
And what exactly does a couch say??
You are very sleepy, you’re getting sleepy, your eyes are heavy, heavy, sleepy, slee. . .
Well it was a short nap, but it’ll keep me going for a few hours.
Where is everybody?
Darn it. I am. I was just about to go to couch. But I’m still here.
Well I’m happy you’re here KB. I was beginning to believe my laziness was wearing off on you. I was feeling real guilty.
Oh, I invented laziness for myself. I’m a master.
Hope your headache went away.
How is your head KB?
It’s better still watching me, but better. How are things since your procedure. I read about it at your site.
I was telling Olivia below it’s the same. I can’t tell any difference. I’ll give it some more time before I give a yes/no.
It’s lurking in the background, but essentially contained since I took FM’s advice and tried my father’s remedy.
Tell your father I think he’s a very smart man.
I’m glad to hear it isn’t so bad anymore. Have you been having a lot of rain there? We’ve had a solid week of rain and I’ve had a mild headache for the last few days and I think it’s the weather.
How’s the old noggin today?
About the same. I really haven’t been able to tell any difference yet.
Wait a minute. That’s the reason I’ve been making such stupid remarks today. Yea, that’s it. 😉
… is all well there, you know — relative-wise?
You didn’t get any rebound from the Advil?
Saturday is the day. My S-I-L did the kitchen, but she also washed and ironed all my Mom’s clothes.
It hasn’t been so bad today because I’m not as tired as yesterday.
Now I’ve just got to figure out how to get SN to talk to me again after I mentioned chewbaca. 🙁
Did you send her an FMem? Maybe that would help. 🙂
Good idea.
I haven’t even asked you how your day was?
I hope it was a good one and lighting didn’t get to close.
It thundered and lightning’ed this evening. Seems to have past. Still raining though — I’m turning into a wrinkly prune!
I almost stepped into it again.
I’ll just say, I’ll be glad when you’re rain is gone. 🙂
Something r/t to my wrinkly prune comment?
Lets just say with the wrinkly prune comment and your new purchase of, lets say, support wear a comment came to mind.
need bras with underwires are not suffering from wrinkly prune problems.
I’m not going near this one.
Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope.
You worry too much (or maybe this just a cover-up of the fact that you don’t really have a cleverly licentious remark to make). 😉
I’ll go with the last one.
… something along the lines of: FM, you need to get yourself … ah, ‘out more’ … 🙂
Heck I’ve been out for the last two days.
Off subject. I keep saying how nice it is to live in a small town and how much doesn’t happen.
Two headlines in our weekly newspaper. The first was a meth lab was busted. The second was a guy was arrested for growing pot plants all over his backyard.
That’s the biggest thing that has happened since the gas station blew up 4 o 5 months ago.
We’re turning into a big city here.
How big is your town — population wise.
I grew up in a town w/ ~800 people.
3000, but when college is in session 5000.
Where I grew up at in Arkansas, the closest town was about 17 miles away and had a pop of 42. 1 store, 1 gas station and a post office.
Just less of ’em so that when they’re discovered it really makes the news.
Oh there’s a lot more going on here than that. But this town is the county seat, so besides having the sheriffs department, city police and university police it’s usually pretty safe.
But weve had drive by shootings, a kid stabbed to death in the school cafeteria, not to long ago the church burnings and did I mention I live about 20 miles away from the largest solid hazardous waste dump in the U.S.
Who needs to go to the city to have excitement.
The one difference w/ all this stuff going down in a small town is that you often know who it is b/c you went to school w/ them or their kids etc.
Bummer on the ‘largest solid hazardous waste dump in the US’ … 20 miles is far away enough!
but if you happen to find me, will you let me know where I am? Thanks.
You always bring up this metaphysical stuff.
I’m just trying to figure out if I’m living on a sub atomic particle which appears to be a large planet to me.
As long as you don’t figure it out, it doesn’t matter.
Lovely photo Andi.
the only thing I’ve found that is stupider than deer are guinea hens.
I think I’m up to a dozen functioning … so you can add me to your list. 🙂
Is Jim excited — it’s getting close now!
he fell asleep in his chair (but holding onto the remote).
A true man’s man. I have great respect for Jim.
Whatever you do, never give up the remote.
Phoning in from my parallel universe to share a quick pic I took earlier tonight… since your deer pic was so cool and I’m actually catching you before you head to bed…

This is one of the new “Indian Hyacinths” we planted last fall (Camassia sp.) They just started blooming yesterday.
Have to do a post and run, since the taco run Chris and our friend has now returned… I’ll be back later with some more goodies I managed to get with the waning sun earlier.
Howdy all, FM, Olivia, KB, Keres, and those who I’m not remembering right now. Gotta go get my yummy Tasty Taco now… 🙂
Thanks for breezing in early and posting it but now we have to worry about what happens when parallel universes intersect. I think it might be like crossing the beams.
Really pretty IVG. It appears I’m going to have to wait around for another bout of insomnia before I get to talk to you again.
Where has NDD been today? I read on the sweetner posioning.
BTW where has Refinish been?
Spent a few hours on my own today doing some erranding — I needed the break from the spouse (and he probably needed one from me too).
About to watch tonight’s Olbermann, then the spouse will start to get get caught up on his “Sopranos” viewing while I work on putting away laundry. Though I’m not too happy with him right about now…I asked him to make the bed while I was gone, so of course it’s still unmade… 🙁
Just about ready for the Big Trip in 3 weeks — heading up to Redwood City to get my birth certificate (though I grew up in Santa Clara County, I was technically born in San Mateo at Sequoia Hospital, hence the trek up there).
Hope everyone has a great evening — might pop in later on the laptop while the spouse is watching TV…
Hi Cali. Hope your night gets better and will look for you.
Hi Andi, FM, Olivia, IVG, and Keres (and anyone else I missed). No rain today (yet) so we’re happy around here.
busy day?
Busy week. But I knew it was going to be.
Hi Mary. Hope you’re doing good today.
Hey FM, I saw you had the hammocks out earlier. That was very tempting 😉
Wish you could have dropped by for awhile and enjoyed a nice rest.
me too. Nothing better than laying in a hammock napping. With a glass of lemonade.
OK lemonade would work too. 🙂
a new cafe?
No I’ll go ahead and open a 24/7.
I was in St. Louis yesterday, a lot nicer than I thought.
Really? What part? And you should have told me, we could have met.
I was actually supposed to meet another pond member yesterday, but it unfortunately didn’t work out.
maybe we got all of yours — we had three separate thunderstorms, at 11, 2, 5 (schedule by [almost] dr pepper).
Ugh. Like a regular schedule!
We had one last night that came out of nowhere, but today was clear. They expect more tonight.
When it’s 99 degrees with 90 percent humidity I’ll be looking back fondly on May, but right now I could use a whole week of clear skies and warmth. It’s still fairly cool here. But very green 🙂
We finally got out of the fifites this week and it’s supposed to get up to the 70s this weekend. This is one the coolest and wettest Mays I can remember.
But Wednesday there was sun all day and today the sun was out except when it stormed so I’m not griping.
Have you read Saturday? I’m just starting it.
No. I didn’t like Atonement or The Comfort of Strangers and the reviews of Saturday made me think that I’d find a lot of what I didn’t like about those two books in it. I’ve gotten really picky in my dotage.
I didn’t read Comfort of Strangers but I read Atonement and felt slightly gypped. I also read Black Dogs. I like the way he writes, but I don’t like what he writes about, or at least how his stories end up.
I just wondered because so far this one is really strange.
I think he overconstructs his stories and he’s willing to sacrifice character and narrative flow if he gets in the way of his building plans. And the reviews of Saturday made me think it was going to be even worse about that (and then there’s the support for the war in Iraq).
I got to St. Louis Tuesday night on a business trip and was out of “downtown” by 1:00 p.m….It’s not fair that you have a real baseball team.
That was fast. Too bad we couldn’t meet. Let me know if you ever get back.
Yes, many people are jealous of our baseball team 😉
24/7 Café Here