Jonathan Singer interviews Joe

Jonathan Singer of MyDD recently interview Joe Sestak, the netroots-endorsed candidate for Congress in Pennyslvania’s 7th District. Make sure to read the whole transcript and listen the interview over at MyDD.

Jonathan and Joe’s conversation ranged from the Hayden nomination, to the War in Iraq, to domestic priorities and Joe’s opponent, Curt Weldon. Read on for some highlights…
Joe doesn’t pull his punches when he talks about Iraq. Here’s what this 31-year veteran of the U.S. Navy had to say:

“Jack Murtha, Congressman Murtha did our nation a great service when he first called for a withdrawal of military from Iraq within a year. I support that position. I have since the day I entered the race… I believe we should be out within a year, but let’s say at least by the end of 2007, next year…

…The reason is this was never a clear and present danger. It is a tragic misadventure. There are so many things elsewhere in the world that we are not giving appropriate attention to. I know. I was in the Pentagon. I saw where the scope of our attention was truly focused upon – Iraq… It is not worth this national treasure of ours to accomplish that when there are other things, including in Afghanistan, which we never, because we diverted our attention, accomplished what we set out to do and where Osama Bin Laden still may be today.”

And what did Joe have to say about his opponent, Curt Weldon?

“He forgets that national security really begins at home. It begins in the health, the education and the economic promise of the people and their children here in the district. How can he vote down there in Congress to lay 46,000 people off of healthcare just before Christmastime? How can he vote for billions of dollars in college education grants and scholarships to be cut just before Christmas?”

Lastly, Joe had this message for the progressive blogosphere:

“Don’t lose the dream. Keep reaching out. Remember, we need to keep our Representatives accountable when they go down to Congress for how they vote. Vote for someone – he doesn’t have to be perfect or she doesn’t have to be perfect on all the issues – but they need to be competent, they need to be honest, and they need to have an understanding of what really are the issues they’re concerned about, because people in America are ready to sacrifice for a common cause greater than their individual pursuits, as long as their individual and family securities are taken care of.

Give Americans a chance to hope again, to fulfill their dreams, to feel like they have a fair chance.”

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And don’t forget to read the whole interview at!