Recently Senate the Senate approved the admendment to build 370 miles of triple-layered fencing. The vote was 83-16 in favor to build the fence and along with 500 miles of vehicle barriers. And of course the wingnuts are jumping for joy. The truth is “The Wall” was already being built.
The idea of building a border fence began in 1990, when Congressman Ducan Hunter (R-CA) presented his plan, Four Achievable Victories, to President Bush. And later that year, the US began working on the supply roads and the construction of the fence.
What is more depressing is when our own Senators don’t know our history. Sen Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is under the impression we had an open-door policy.
Construction of the barrier would send “a signal that open-border days are over. … Good fences make good neighbors, fences don’t make bad neighbors,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (news, bio, voting record), R-Ala. He said border areas where barriers already exist have experienced economic improvement and reduced crime.
But I think the statement came from Sen Dick Durbin (D-IL):
What we have here has become a symbol for the right wing in American politics. Our relationship with Mexico would come down to a barrier between our two countries.
Like every atrocity carried out by this government, it was sold as a “security” measure, but is in reality an act of aggression, sending mixed signals to our neighbors to South, “We luv ya, just stay the hell away.” The injustice of this future electrified construction of brick and mortar, reinforced steel and barbed wire, with its future forbidding guard-towers festooned with weaponry, will soon be a permanent visible symbol American superiority. The memorialize architectural provocation will be nothing more but a reminder of the American conquest of the Southwest, a clear message that United States is the Big Dog in the Western Hemisphere. The right wingnut house can sleep easy knowing that $1.9 billion will be used for new vehicles, aircraft, helicopter gun-ships and boats to shoot down children barely into their teens as a matter of course. The neo-cons along with their white supremacy backers aggression have been relentless, puts their own country and interests (as they perceives them) first.
The so-called “Base” knows that Bush and the rest of the heartless Grand Oppressive Police will not abandon their agenda. And the spineless Democratic Party, in fear of losing their seat, will continue to bow at the whims of the neo-cons. With mid-term elections coming up, it was no surprise to see that both moderate Republicans and Democrats vote in favor of the “wall,” they have continued doing what they have done in the past, cower to the GOP’s ultra right.
Fascist leaders like Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Sessions, Reps. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Tom Tancredo (R-CO) know they only have to push, and push, and push until they get what they want, without giving an inch except under extreme duress – the sort of pressure that our President seems incapable of applying. To the rest of the world, it’s Bush the Conqueror, the Great Preemptor, but with poll ratings at an all time low, the leader is suddenly George the Meek, George the Mild, deferential to a fault. And to Mexico’s President Vicente Fox, who is campaigning for a victory for party in the upcoming Presidential race, Bush is a two-faced backstabber.
Maybe Bush should have remembered what his hero Ronald Reagan did when he did not hesitate to say what needed to be said: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!“
Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe. From the Baltic, south, those barriers cut across Germany in a gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, and guard towers. Farther south, there may be no visible, no obvious wall. But there remain armed guards and checkpoints all the same–still a restriction on the right to travel, still an instrument to impose upon ordinary men and women the will of a totalitarian state. Yet it is here in Berlin where the wall emerges most clearly; here, cutting across your city, where the news photo and the television screen have imprinted this brutal division of a continent upon the mind of the world. Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar.
President von Weizsacker has said, “The German question is open as long as the Brandenburg Gate is closed.” Today I say: As long as the gate is closed, as long as this scar of a wall is permitted to stand, it is not the German question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind. Yet I do not come here to lament. For I find in Berlin a message of hope, even in the shadow of this wall, a message of triumph.
In this season of spring in 1945, the people of Berlin emerged from their air-raid shelters to find devastation. Thousands of miles away, the people of the United States reached out to help. And in 1947 Secretary of State–as you’ve been told–George Marshall announced the creation of what would become known as the Marshall Plan. Speaking precisely 40 years ago this month, he said: “Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos.”
In the Reichstag a few moments ago, I saw a display commemorating this 40th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. I was struck by the sign on a burnt-out, gutted structure that was being rebuilt. I understand that Berliners of my own generation can remember seeing signs like it dotted throughout the western sectors of the city. The sign read simply: “The Marshall Plan is helping here to strengthen the free world.” A strong, free world in the West, that dream became real. Japan rose from ruin to become an economic giant. Italy, France, Belgium–virtually every nation in Western Europe saw political and economic rebirth; the European Community was founded.
General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
You can hear the wingnuts and the isolationist cheer with joy now. They shout with excitement with the illusion that the Wall of Separation will keep terrorists out, not keep people in. It is nothing but wishful thinking The US cannot exist in isolation, bristling with weaponry and little else. US exports is dependent on the Mexico, and this “Wall” does nothing more but send a message a message to Mexico, Central and South America that can damage future relations and in the end, the US economy will come crashing down.
The isolationist’s will argue that the “Wall” will function as a lightning rod for terrorists, but in reality, no matter how many tax dollars are thrown on it, it will fail. No wall, no matter how high it is built, will keep out a determined terrorists. Not even the Great Wall of China was able to keep out it’s builders enemies. As long as we continue following a policy of isolationism by building this viciously vindictive Wall as a sign of American supremacy, the prospects for peace – will vanish within this generation and will be no better than the ones who build first wall of separation.
Mr. Bush, don’t build that wall!
I think the most effective argument is that it won’t work and will therefore be a massive waster of US tax dollars.
Booman I hate to disagree with you, but to argue that it won’t work and will therefore be a massive waster of US tax dollars is standard operating procedure for this administration.
Thinking and compassion has never been one of its strong points.
I’m not sure that they really want something that “works”, I think they want something that appears like they made one hell of an effort though. It is mind boggling how much and what they spend our money on though and none of it is very affective.
Yea, but there’s good money to be made by the giant military contractors, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman.
Another episode in America’s state-planned economy.
Funny how now it comes out right after it is said that the Senate bill will likely be passed. Add another point to Big Business, so the score is what 1,000,001 and 0 for the little people.
What amazes me is how they keep shelling out money for these absurd projects like detention camps and border walls while New Orleans tries to prepare for the oncoming hurricane season with bandaided levees, 40 million Americans are without heaalth insurance, returning Iraq war vets are not receiving the medical care they need and on and on and on.
How do we stopped this before its too late folks?
That, m’dear, is the trillion dollar question. I’ve been searching for an answer to that question for several years now.
I’m afraid there are really only three possible ways. The first is for the current regime to decide that Bush is an anchor dragging them down, and they throw him overboard and start coming to their senses and the Republicans start acting like the less-governnment, fiscally-conservative Republicans of yore. The second is to hope that November isn’t too late to take over Congress and, if we can’t get His Nibs thrown out of office, at least stall and refuse to fund his mad adventures.
The third is either revolution or dissolution, and as bad as things are now, things would be much worse after either of those.
I followed the link on the 1.9 billion dollars and read the whole article. Sooooo what bush wants Congress to do is take that money that was supposed to go to Border Patrol and the Coast Guard for badly needed new equipment and repairs to equipment and use it for the Nat. Guard and building detention centers…until Border Patrol can have enough people hired/trained to replace Guards…So where is that money going to come from?
One Senator(a repub)said that taking that money meant that Guards would be sitting in vehicles that won’t run and planes that can’t take nice right.
Read an article at Common Dreams this morning about how government is going to take bids from companies for Border Patrol equipment…to the tune of several Billion dollars-you think maybe this was the plan all along, another boondoggle for private companies. In fact this was set up several months ago by Homeland Security which hosted an industry meeting with companies like Lockheed, Northrop Grumman etc and asked them then to come up with new technology/equipment for border security. Bids for this is going to start soon I believe.
Imagine if the Billions of dollars would be spent instead maybe on foreign aid to Mexico to help them become better off and creating atmosphere in Mexico for workers/people there to have fair wage jobs and be able to stay there, pursuing the dream in their own country.
Yeah I know I haven’t mentioned the Wall but what is there to say about this obscene and supremely stupid idea that hasn’t already been said here.
Also meant to add while reading a few articles on border security that some company in the late 90’s(can’t remember who)got contract for high tech things like putting in cameras, etc along border…to the tune of 400 and some million dollars. But guess what over 90% of all the equipment they supplied didn’t work-and no I don’t think they had to give the money back. Seems more/more like massive looting of taxpayer money to private firms who take the money and deliver nothing and are not held responsible.
Or single payer health care that REALLY works!!!!!!!!
It just makes me sick…no terrorist entered through the southern border on 9/11. What a waste of money, is Halliburton building that wall?
Exactly. In fact the only terrorist they ever caught trying to enter the US with “the goods,” as it were, came in on a ferry from Victoria, BC. How are you going to fence off the Strait of Juan de Fuca?
I dare say it would be a whole lot easier to get into the US from Canada than Mexico. A long long land border from Washington/BC to Minnesota/Ontario, lots of relative easy-to-cross water . . .
Just like George Bush. All hat and no cattle.
I want to promote this idea if only to hear the Ree-publican Amurka-lovers having to say “Juan de Fuca” over and over again.
Kids, this IS the point. There is no problem facing this country that Bushco can’t turn into a scam for their corporate contributors.
Border security
Public Education
Prescription drugs
Everyone is a scam to put money in corporate pockets.
The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American democracy. For with this primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. As you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done, but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining, for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the aftertime.
It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall rule and guide the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement.
I have a strong admiration and regard for the valiant American people. There is deep sympathy and goodwill in Britain toward the peoples of all the Americas and a resolve to persevere through many differences and rebuffs in establishing lasting friendships.
It is my duty, however, to place before you certain facts about the present position in North America.
From Chula Vista on the Pacific to Brownsville in the Gulf an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.
The idea behind the “New Colossus” is lost