Doing well. Just got a call from Cal State Monterey Bay for a job I applied to last month. They want to come up there for an interview. Puts in perspective how much I miss being able to run out my door and go for a walk on the beach with my digital.
Still pretty wet up in your neck of the woods, ay?
I’m confused about my present situation since I’m scheduled to start the new job on Monday and am really NOT looking forward to it. I got the forms for the drug test and background check, and still feel really icky about that whole part of the process. It just feels so invasive, and even though I know things are going in the Big Brother direction everywhere, I still don’t like it.
I kind of would like to go to the interview, though. Just to see.
… is take it as it comes. Keep an open mind and weigh all your options. I hope you find something that you enjoy, whether it’s your new job (maybe it’ll surpise you) or something else.
No particular reason, other than they’re so unusual looking and come in such luscious varieties of colors and spotty variations. Kind of one of those “holy grail” type plants I’d love to have all the time in the garden. I tried planting them from seeds several years ago, but none of them came up, <sigh>.
Oh and MM, yes, they are also referred to as Peruvian Lilies, though they’re not really lilies. You know me and my botanical names, but I’ve always known them by alstroemeria before I ever heard the common name.
So, that’s what they are. I thought they were Peruvian lilies. My son’s girlfriend gave me the bouquet, wasn’t that sweet of her? I took it out in the backyard for a photo session.
First off, I like that design as the decks do have a classy look to them. And I like the horizontals, not only for the look but the gap at the bottom makes it easier to pushing snow off the deck.
It took a little meditation… but I think I’ve got the idea for how the install works.
Did ya happen to have deck 2 photo, as you made ref to the close up of the stanchions…
deck, and deck3 photos came through, which gave a great perspective.
Now, I’m wondering who in town might handle the horiz material, as I haven’t seen fence made of that here.
You should only need one intermediate stanchion; IMS, the total width 10′ +-…
The horiz mtl is std chainlink fence “toprail”, should be readily available…that’s why it’s so inexpensive. Not as strong as stl pipe, but you’re not building a ladder…just don’t let 200lb. guys stand on it…:{)
use a forstner bit and drill in @ 3/4″ at ea end bd. pound on secondary stanch 2X’s…it should be a tight fit, and screw entire assembly in place…all prelim. assembly can be done on the flat and set into place…do it prior to install of wood top rail.
Once you start to lay it out it should become crystal clear…measure twice cut once…don’t wanna hear none a that: “i’ve cut it twice and it’s still too short” shit…:{)
I love the blooms on those trees, just hate those nasty lil things that drop later in the summer and get all sticky and messy. Glorious flowers in the spring though!
Yes, I was… didn’t know there were varieties that were actually worth eating. I was thinking of the ones with the small fruit that nothing will touch, not even a squirrel or rabbit.
Yikes to 97, Mannee! It has started hotting up out here, too, but still in the 80s, thank God.
I forgot to turn off ugly Rita after KO. She is doing her bit for the Rovian Noise Machine with the Border Battle story. Anything to keep our little minds off Shrubzilla’s tanking poll numbers.
Most, I think will recall some pics of this view I posted a while back. This is to show where things are today, minus all the tulips and such. Olivia, note in the background the lysimachia ciliata you so cleverly identified for me last weekend. That stuff is already huge! As are the ostrich plume ferns…
Oh yeah, we gotta get those bags of dirt out of there soon! They detract from the view, lol.
Give this another month and in the back, to the left of the rock, the Bee Balm will be blazing red and there will be blue delphiniums and poppies all over the place. Oh, and our first Irises started blooming yesterday. Will have to get some pics of those this weekend… they are our heirloom plants… the original ones that were here when we moved in almost 8 yrs ago.
I used to do some, back in my B&W period…long lenses are recommended. I did a couple series on skid row denizens in Denver back in mid 70’s…actually got to know some of the regulars, as I worked down there, and was able to do some more ‘portrait’ like shots w/ normal 50mm…lot’s of people get real pissed if they see you taking their picture, esp if they/you are strangers. Be very careful if you try that! got lots of shots of my kids, and a few good ones of family and friends…generally un-posed/candid kinda stuff.
LOL. I’ll make sure not to get beat up … have my running shoes on … π
Seriously though, the reason I ask is b/c I sorta volunteered to be part of a pool to take candids at our co retreat in June. I figured if I could take my camera and play w/ it I could get out of participating in any o’those crazy retreat shenanigans … blech.
use the longest lens you’ve got tho, and keep the camera with you at all times as much as possible…that’s one of the ways to sort of get people to relax…they just get used to seeing you with the cam.
Would rec you use a pretty fast asa setting, 1000 – 1600 too. Gives you more depth of field and allows you to shoot faster so folks don’t feel like “subjects”
And since it’s not film, blast away. Being it’s people you’re familiar with, it could be a fun exercise.
I think I’m not comfortable exposing that bit of myself … they know I like to take photos, but it’s sorta my own thing separate from that sphere. Melding the two is gonna be the biggest hurdle I think.
it’s an experiment. Don’t put, or allow anyone else to put, unrealistic expectations on it. It’s a very different kind of photography, actually, IMO, pretty damn difficult to do well.
Maybe you should try buildings, or cars or something inanimate…:{)
I gotta remember to come back here and “capture” this philosophical nugget!
I have got to hang it up for the evening. The past several days must have taken some energy out of me, in a good way, I mean, I’m so relaxed I’m about to fall out of the chair to the floor. ‘Twood be better if I made it to the bed, ha!
Night night o, dada, mm, keres, and all other lurkers…
I gotta get me some of this sweet woodruff stuff… I’d heard the name but never really connected it to the flower until O posted a pic of it a while back.
Oh, and just an FYI to anyone using Firefox (excuse me if you already knew this) … if you right click on the image and select “view image” you’ll get a much larger version of this where you can see the individual plants more clearly (such as the ferns and holly bushes in the background there, as well as the lysimachia.)
They’re both growing intertwined right now. Actually, they’re taking over the garden … if this darned rain would stop I could get out there and start pulling some out!
Wow, the sweet woodruff leaves really remind me of lupin leaves… and … we discovered last night that tons of those lupine seeds Chris planted about a month ago are coming up all over the place. We’re really excited about that, as we want to get fields of them going here… they’re so dramatic and cool!
Well most of them probably won’t bloom this year, but some of those from last year should… our lupines rarely make it past the 2nd year when they bloom and then mysteriously die off. We’ve decided they’re more of a biennial here than perennial, thus we’re always planting them every year.
And of course, you will see pics, whether you want to or not! hehe
No wonder those looked familiar then! Though every time we plant forget me nots, they forget us and never return. So we just gave up on them, though I think they’re really lovely little flowers.
Yes, that’s it … if you drew a line from the bumper of that middle car toward the house, that would be about where IT is. I took a pic of it tonight, but nothing much different other than it’s a bit taller.
Has anyone here heard of a freebie program called “Panorama?” I read about it months ago… it’s a program that you can use to take several contiguous shots and merge them together into a panoramic view… I’d like to do that with this side of the house so you can get a better perspective of what all is in there! (Huge bleeding hearts, ligularia, ferns, lupines, toad lilies, etc.)
and have seen some pix on flickr that used it. I haven’t used it myself — my canon has merging software. That would be a great shot … You could always add it to your to do list. π
and blues get going out there, not to mention the CA poppies all over the place. I planted some more seeds for those last weekend, and thought of you while I was doing it. I think you’re forever connected with those in my mind after that wet belly shot you took of them a while back! lol… look at it this way, the association could be much worse!
Are you still around? Just got back after a major computer malfunctions. Can’t wait to see all the colors! You are truly an inspiration. I was trying to show you a picture of my jade when everything froze up on me…..
but post it anyway if you can/want… I’ll check in the morning while I’m trying to wake up at work with my cup of coffee! Glad you like what you see… it will just get better as time goes on. Night, MM!
almost tempting me to make a drive to see it in person.
Now back in the good ol’ days it didn’t take much of brainstorm to come up with an excuse for a road trip. Heck, I know some people who drove to San Fran for burgers and turned around and came back again, all one continuous drive.
Now I’d have to wait for 35mph wind out of the NW, and attach a sail or sumptin’. And then a SE one to come back on.
Thx for the compliment, NDD… just keep watching as summer progresses. I’ll be posting here or at the “B” Olivia has convinced me to start. And if you and Ms. NDD ever decide to head down this way, you know you’re more than welcome at our house!
btw, any chance you can get an overhead view of that. I mean don’t be fallin’ out of tree or off the roof now on my account, just thought that perspective might be interesting…
Hmm… I suppose I could try some shots out of the bedroom window upstairs… but the roof, no way. The slope is way too steep and I’m terrified of heights as it is, lol. Good idea though, especially when all the colors start to riot in a month or so…
Well, I’ve got a super early morning ahead of me today before I can get liberated for the weekend (ack, report to write! bane of my existence!), so I’ll put this one last one up for the night. I am really impressed with these Wood Hyacinths this year… we put in 100 in fall 2004 and they came up but didn’t do much last spring. This year they have really come into their own! Poste a pic a week or so ago, but they’re at their peak now, I think… anyway, here goes.
Ok, time to wander off to bed… Pepa is getting restless and trying to tell me something (like YO! get yer ass in bed dude!) so here I go. Catch you all tomorrow, most likely.
Thx, as always, O… aren’t those flowers purrrdy? I’m really impressed with them now… and they were so cheap… I got 100 bulbs for $5.95!!! eat your heart out… now I go POOF!
Thought I would brighten up the place with one of my birthday bouquets!
glad to see you can still find beauty where ever you are!!!
Hey, NDD. Same to you! Thanks for the beautiful crab apple blossoms. Any apple pies in the forecast?
Glorious, bountiful, pinkness!
How ya doing?
Doing well. Just got a call from Cal State Monterey Bay for a job I applied to last month. They want to come up there for an interview. Puts in perspective how much I miss being able to run out my door and go for a walk on the beach with my digital.
Still pretty wet up in your neck of the woods, ay?
How does this sit w/ your present situation? Are you going to go for the interview (i.e., is it a job that you’d really like)?
Wet is an understatement … π
I’m confused about my present situation since I’m scheduled to start the new job on Monday and am really NOT looking forward to it. I got the forms for the drug test and background check, and still feel really icky about that whole part of the process. It just feels so invasive, and even though I know things are going in the Big Brother direction everywhere, I still don’t like it.
I kind of would like to go to the interview, though. Just to see.
… is take it as it comes. Keep an open mind and weigh all your options. I hope you find something that you enjoy, whether it’s your new job (maybe it’ll surpise you) or something else.
Those things are so damn beautiful they just about make me get all… <fill in the blank>
Great bouquet … I want some of those, maybe I’ll go buy myself a bouquet this weekend. I just wish I had a /hard/y variety that would grow here!
It might come in handy at some future point … π
Any particular reason why they’re so meaningful — sounds like you have a real gut reaction to seeing them.
No particular reason, other than they’re so unusual looking and come in such luscious varieties of colors and spotty variations. Kind of one of those “holy grail” type plants I’d love to have all the time in the garden. I tried planting them from seeds several years ago, but none of them came up, <sigh>.
Oh and MM, yes, they are also referred to as Peruvian Lilies, though they’re not really lilies. You know me and my botanical names, but I’ve always known them by alstroemeria before I ever heard the common name.
So, that’s what they are. I thought they were Peruvian lilies. My son’s girlfriend gave me the bouquet, wasn’t that sweet of her? I took it out in the backyard for a photo session.
Lovely, SNN!! This place is looking pretty darn cheerful!
Ya had me wondering there for a while, ha!
South Nebraska Neophyte?
Hey, d’ya get the deck stuff?
will be working on railing for this deck here tomorrow, then start shopping for the other deck materials for a trip up sometime next week.
Your arm tired from throwing the frisbee?
to get it in shape…esp the elbow. :{)
(ya should have some info @ addy in yer sig)
goose egg for all day. I better go look now case I’ve got any ?s
First off, I like that design as the decks do have a classy look to them. And I like the horizontals, not only for the look but the gap at the bottom makes it easier to pushing snow off the deck.
It took a little meditation… but I think I’ve got the idea for how the install works.
Did ya happen to have deck 2 photo, as you made ref to the close up of the stanchions…
deck, and deck3 photos came through, which gave a great perspective.
Now, I’m wondering who in town might handle the horiz material, as I haven’t seen fence made of that here.
Yahoo said they all went…oh well. Here’s a link to all three:
deck, deck 2(stanchion), deck 3
You should only need one intermediate stanchion; IMS, the total width 10′ +-…
The horiz mtl is std chainlink fence “toprail”, should be readily available…that’s why it’s so inexpensive. Not as strong as stl pipe, but you’re not building a ladder…just don’t let 200lb. guys stand on it…:{)
yeah, chainlink fence toprail should be no prob.
Now just to be sure here, when you say “let into” ya mean I cut 1 1/8″ hole in the tapered 2ndary stanchions.
use a forstner bit and drill in @ 3/4″ at ea end bd. pound on secondary stanch 2X’s…it should be a tight fit, and screw entire assembly in place…all prelim. assembly can be done on the flat and set into place…do it prior to install of wood top rail.
Once you start to lay it out it should become crystal clear…measure twice cut once…don’t wanna hear none a that: “i’ve cut it twice and it’s still too short” shit…:{)
a come-along to it and stretch it back out to size.
The bits are really clear!
and now that I’m back on highspeed I’ll have to go see what’s new at the o b.
I love the blooms on those trees, just hate those nasty lil things that drop later in the summer and get all sticky and messy. Glorious flowers in the spring though!
these are real tasty eating, one of my favorites out of the whole bunch.
And one of the few trees that I planted that survived the rabbits and mice ringing the trunk, before I got smart and put protection around the trunks.
If I do more each will have it’s own fence around it too, to keep the deer away.
Yes, I was… didn’t know there were varieties that were actually worth eating. I was thinking of the ones with the small fruit that nothing will touch, not even a squirrel or rabbit.
the levels of absurdity attained tonight on the ER finale is baffling….
….can’t wait for next season!!!!
Sorry, Mannee. Makes me glad I avoided all that frustration by not watching at all. How are things with you otherwise? Is it getting hot out there?
hit triple-digits yet but we’re flirting pretty hard here in the Old Pueblo. I think it was 97 today.
Now the evening news is on, showing today’s photo-op by Shrubzilla.
Yikes to 97, Mannee! It has started hotting up out here, too, but still in the 80s, thank God.
I forgot to turn off ugly Rita after KO. She is doing her bit for the Rovian Noise Machine with the Border Battle story. Anything to keep our little minds off Shrubzilla’s tanking poll numbers.
Better change the channel!
Haven’t watched it all season, but it was like a totally different show!
Most, I think will recall some pics of this view I posted a while back. This is to show where things are today, minus all the tulips and such. Olivia, note in the background the lysimachia ciliata you so cleverly identified for me last weekend. That stuff is already huge! As are the ostrich plume ferns…

Oh yeah, we gotta get those bags of dirt out of there soon! They detract from the view, lol.
it’s really filling in nice, I remember one of your earlier pics of ‘the finger’ rock…:{)…you’re a good month ahead of us.
Give this another month and in the back, to the left of the rock, the Bee Balm will be blazing red and there will be blue delphiniums and poppies all over the place. Oh, and our first Irises started blooming yesterday. Will have to get some pics of those this weekend… they are our heirloom plants… the original ones that were here when we moved in almost 8 yrs ago.
sweet woodruff is trying to, some wild flowers and ground covers.
The Grn Ash in the front are just beginning to open their second budding…got hammered by an early warm spell and then a late frost.
any chance you feel like practicing w/ the XT? … ah, maybe you could take some close ups of those irises … maybe … π
I don’t have a macro, and don’t normally do that kinda phtog’y…might give it a shot…no promises.
I’ll try something different too. Expand my borders a little. Any suggestions? Have you ever done people, like candids?
I used to do some, back in my B&W period…long lenses are recommended. I did a couple series on skid row denizens in Denver back in mid 70’s…actually got to know some of the regulars, as I worked down there, and was able to do some more ‘portrait’ like shots w/ normal 50mm…lot’s of people get real pissed if they see you taking their picture, esp if they/you are strangers. Be very careful if you try that! got lots of shots of my kids, and a few good ones of family and friends…generally un-posed/candid kinda stuff.
LOL. I’ll make sure not to get beat up … have my running shoes on … π
Seriously though, the reason I ask is b/c I sorta volunteered to be part of a pool to take candids at our co retreat in June. I figured if I could take my camera and play w/ it I could get out of participating in any o’those crazy retreat shenanigans … blech.
use the longest lens you’ve got tho, and keep the camera with you at all times as much as possible…that’s one of the ways to sort of get people to relax…they just get used to seeing you with the cam.
Would rec you use a pretty fast asa setting, 1000 – 1600 too. Gives you more depth of field and allows you to shoot faster so folks don’t feel like “subjects”
And since it’s not film, blast away. Being it’s people you’re familiar with, it could be a fun exercise.
I think I’m not comfortable exposing that bit of myself … they know I like to take photos, but it’s sorta my own thing separate from that sphere. Melding the two is gonna be the biggest hurdle I think.
it’s an experiment. Don’t put, or allow anyone else to put, unrealistic expectations on it. It’s a very different kind of photography, actually, IMO, pretty damn difficult to do well.
Maybe you should try buildings, or cars or something inanimate…:{)
You’ve never met some of my colleagues … LOL.
Ya, sure, I guess they’re sort of traveling
I gotta remember to come back here and “capture” this philosophical nugget!
I have got to hang it up for the evening. The past several days must have taken some energy out of me, in a good way, I mean, I’m so relaxed I’m about to fall out of the chair to the floor. ‘Twood be better if I made it to the bed, ha!
Night night o, dada, mm, keres, and all other lurkers…
Think I’m gonna call it too, so =
G’Night O, Keres. MM, EnEssAy, et al.
Sleep well.
Sweet dreams!
I gotta get me some of this sweet woodruff stuff… I’d heard the name but never really connected it to the flower until O posted a pic of it a while back.
Oh, and just an FYI to anyone using Firefox (excuse me if you already knew this) … if you right click on the image and select “view image” you’ll get a much larger version of this where you can see the individual plants more clearly (such as the ferns and holly bushes in the background there, as well as the lysimachia.)
The sweet woodruff is up now too though. I’ve got a pic if I can find it …
Sweet woodruff
Forget me nots
They’re both growing intertwined right now. Actually, they’re taking over the garden … if this darned rain would stop I could get out there and start pulling some out!
Wow, the sweet woodruff leaves really remind me of lupin leaves… and … we discovered last night that tons of those lupine seeds Chris planted about a month ago are coming up all over the place. We’re really excited about that, as we want to get fields of them going here… they’re so dramatic and cool!
Can I put in a request for some pix when they’re in their glory? π
Well most of them probably won’t bloom this year, but some of those from last year should… our lupines rarely make it past the 2nd year when they bloom and then mysteriously die off. We’ve decided they’re more of a biennial here than perennial, thus we’re always planting them every year.
And of course, you will see pics, whether you want to or not! hehe
No wonder those looked familiar then! Though every time we plant forget me nots, they forget us and never return. So we just gave up on them, though I think they’re really lovely little flowers.
The lysimachia ciliata — is it that darker clumb in front of the middle car?
And more nbly, where’s IT?
Yes, that’s it … if you drew a line from the bumper of that middle car toward the house, that would be about where IT is. I took a pic of it tonight, but nothing much different other than it’s a bit taller.
Has anyone here heard of a freebie program called “Panorama?” I read about it months ago… it’s a program that you can use to take several contiguous shots and merge them together into a panoramic view… I’d like to do that with this side of the house so you can get a better perspective of what all is in there! (Huge bleeding hearts, ligularia, ferns, lupines, toad lilies, etc.)
and whatever photo shopping prog you use…you may already have one…the one I use came w/ the Canon software and is called “PhotoStitch”
Hmm, don’t recall anything like that coming with the Fuji, but it’s probably worth a look-see. Thx for the tip, dada-O … π
and have seen some pix on flickr that used it. I haven’t used it myself — my canon has merging software. That would be a great shot … You could always add it to your to do list. π
Right along with all the plants/seeds to get planted… “B” to start, house to clean, etc. Good idea, though O!
I know how busy you are. I like making people L there A’s O! π
Wow, IVG! Looks totally plush and gorgeous! Nice photo, too, The colors are really vivid.
and blues get going out there, not to mention the CA poppies all over the place. I planted some more seeds for those last weekend, and thought of you while I was doing it. I think you’re forever connected with those in my mind after that wet belly shot you took of them a while back! lol… look at it this way, the association could be much worse!
Are you still around? Just got back after a major computer malfunctions. Can’t wait to see all the colors! You are truly an inspiration. I was trying to show you a picture of my jade when everything froze up on me…..
but post it anyway if you can/want… I’ll check in the morning while I’m trying to wake up at work with my cup of coffee! Glad you like what you see… it will just get better as time goes on. Night, MM!
I’m about out of steam for tonight myself… must have been all that great outdoor air that’s got me more relaxed than usual.
I can post the picture tomorrow. It’s been giving me trouble anyway.
Don’t let the BBs bit!
almost tempting me to make a drive to see it in person.
Now back in the good ol’ days it didn’t take much of brainstorm to come up with an excuse for a road trip. Heck, I know some people who drove to San Fran for burgers and turned around and came back again, all one continuous drive.
Now I’d have to wait for 35mph wind out of the NW, and attach a sail or sumptin’. And then a SE one to come back on.
Thx for the compliment, NDD… just keep watching as summer progresses. I’ll be posting here or at the “B” Olivia has convinced me to start. And if you and Ms. NDD ever decide to head down this way, you know you’re more than welcome at our house!
btw, any chance you can get an overhead view of that. I mean don’t be fallin’ out of tree or off the roof now on my account, just thought that perspective might be interesting…
Hmm… I suppose I could try some shots out of the bedroom window upstairs… but the roof, no way. The slope is way too steep and I’m terrified of heights as it is, lol. Good idea though, especially when all the colors start to riot in a month or so…
if’n you’re gonna be dangling out the 2nd story window!!
That would be so funny to see — IVG hanging out the window w/ C holding on … π
Don’t worry… both of us are equally terrified of heights! lol, though I’m less of a wienie about it than he is, but still…
Taken last Spring.
We don’t weed and we don’t water – so it’s a bit of a “win or die trying” garden.
Hey there Keres!
For a no-weed/water garden, that looks pretty damn nice! Lots of cool colors and textures there…
Look at all the colours!
Thanks you two.
I’ll have to see if I have any photos of the ice plant (known here as “pig face”) it bloom. The colors are riotous.
BTW, Ice Plant it native to Australia, and very popular as a garden plant.
Olivia, I put up a Albert photo just for you.
Well, I’ve got a super early morning ahead of me today before I can get liberated for the weekend (ack, report to write! bane of my existence!), so I’ll put this one last one up for the night. I am really impressed with these Wood Hyacinths this year… we put in 100 in fall 2004 and they came up but didn’t do much last spring. This year they have really come into their own! Poste a pic a week or so ago, but they’re at their peak now, I think… anyway, here goes.

Ok, time to wander off to bed… Pepa is getting restless and trying to tell me something (like YO! get yer ass in bed dude!) so here I go. Catch you all tomorrow, most likely.
Thanks for sharing all your great pix w/ us tonight! I really enjoy seeing and hearing about it. π
Thx, as always, O… aren’t those flowers purrrdy? I’m really impressed with them now… and they were so cheap… I got 100 bulbs for $5.95!!! eat your heart out… now I go POOF!