ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, I have ahd so many meetings this week I have hardly been here at all. Today no meetings and I do not have any for the weekend at all!!!
After work, I will be doing laundry. Then this weekend I will be catching up on design work, looking for a place to move to in June and cleaning house.
Okay you have to stop now — that’s already more I can handle. In fact, I’m feeling compelled to go drape myself over a fainting couch and have the vapors (or at least go have breakfast).
I’m fickle, egotistical, and have a short attention span — I’m only interested in the weather I’m having, not the weather I might be having or will be having.
Casual day, huh? Every day is casual day when you work from home (though the office is just as casual; one guy commented that if they had a casual day, everybody would have to come nude).
I hope we both get a cessation of constant rain and regain some regular appearances of sun. (Forecast for next week is looking pretty good.)
Yea there is Cat, she stays inside and there’s Tom, he stays outside.
Tom in the carport.
I’m afriad it is yard work today. The damn neighbors keep mowing their lawns, so what can I do.
So you have casual day today. I always liked the idea of pajama day. Have someone go really overboard and come in with robe and curlers in her hair. Now that’s casual.
LOL Well, I was a little hungover yesterday from too much fun at a meeting the night before and still had another one to attend last night. I kept to my two dink minimum last night as I could not handle another hangover today. LOL I love the fact that most political meetings in Austin are in Pubs. LOL
Time for me to get ready for work. I hope everyone has a great day and I will try and check in from work and of course join the happy hour this evening.
Oh, it was maybe just a hunch… given it’s Friday and all and you do them up so well with the Happy Hour lounge. With the way things have gone this week (busy!) at work, I may need a martini when I get home, but then I’d probably not get that mowing done, lol.
My plans? Work until 5:00 then flee! Lots of gardening work to get done this weekend… more delphiniums to get in the ground, and I’m contemplating buying even more (I know, I’m insane, I’ve already gotten 21 to replace all the ones that died!) Just the usual manic spring planting panic around here…
Ok, gotta get back to work here! Have a great day CG!
Howdy all you insanely early folks! You know who you are, hehe. Sorry, Andi, but there’s a sunny day on tap for us today, with a high of about 77 or so predicted. Had some really nice, gentle thundershowers move through late last night, which was a pleasant way to drift off to sleep. Yes, another one of those grrr days at work, so better get with it.
Hey there Andi, FM, CG, Oui, RF, Olivia … howdy to anyone I missed and/lurkeroos. Hope I can make it to happy hour tonight, but not sure since someone on his day off yesterday did NOT mow the yard and it’s reaching crisis proportions again. And we need to apply another round of the mosquito killer tonight, so that has to be done! I’d ask FM to do it, but I know what his answer would be… lol.
Hope everyone has a great day! Catch you later… oh, and how’s the weather up in Ottawa, “Prunella?”
They have plenty of grass! Remember, we’re on a corner, so there’s all that parking/curb to mow, plus 3/4 of the back yard is all theirs. You sound like our neighbor… whenever we till up a new area, she always frets about “Where will Pepa and Rolly have to run around?” LOL… they’re royally spoiled, don’t worry!
with are the rutty spots in the ground and some sassy squirrels with major attitude! Well there are some of those “S” things, but haven’t seen a one yet this year.
Ok, I’m outta here now…have had my coffee. Bye for now, folks!
head off to the vet. The price increase of gas has brought about one very very nice happening. Sadly, the internet helped create lots of puppy mills because we all know that puppy photos are infectious. My vet told me last month that they shut one down here…mostly small dogs, but they numbered over 90 dogs and the health of the dogs was so bad with heart worm and mange that about half of the dogs had to be destroyed. People haven’t been buying puppies lately though like they were last year mostly because I think we are all feeling the fuel cost squeeze! It was crazy last year…..all of my German Shepherd puppies were gone in a weeks time. It was even a little bit disheartening because they just don’t disappear like that, it usually takes weeks or even months placing all of them. Last month the phone did not ring at all about the pups. What the hell, buy an extra 40 lb sack and get a bigger pooper scooper! The puppy mills have shut down so fast though it is amazing….if there isn’t a fast easy buck to be had then the people just won’t mess with it. Sigh of relief there!!!! Phone ringing again though about the puppies. Two leaving soon and one left last night and now I’m very attached to each one them….like anybody could keep, love, and feed that many German Shepherds! Dalmation Plantations only work in Disney movies.
Howdy! The main part of my book tour is over. Most of the rest of it is local, or at least no more than 200 miles away. I’m home for now, but I’m dragging like a pooped pup.
Several people left hi’s for me over on CabinGirl’s birthday cafe and I only saw them just now. Sorry about that, guys, and many thanks.
Trying to be productive today — already got one batch of laundry put away (finally), about to start on batch #2, then get more laundered — mostly stuff we’re donating to charity (that’s typically the lowest priority).
Haircut day tomorrow for both of us — my bangs have developed the shaggy dog look — and assorted other stuff.
Morning Andi!!!!!
So lay out your busy schedule so I can feel all tired out just by thinking about it.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, I have ahd so many meetings this week I have hardly been here at all. Today no meetings and I do not have any for the weekend at all!!!
I have done a podcast this am. Please Explain
After work, I will be doing laundry. Then this weekend I will be catching up on design work, looking for a place to move to in June and cleaning house.
Okay you have to stop now — that’s already more I can handle. In fact, I’m feeling compelled to go drape myself over a fainting couch and have the vapors (or at least go have breakfast).
ROTFLMAO!!!! I really do not see you as the Scarlett O’hara type so I suggest breakfast.
Good morning Andi. We’re off to Memphis. Keep the pond going for us while we’re gone.
Have fun in Memphis!!!!!
And then come back and tell us all about it.
What Andi said…with pictures!
Morning everyone.
How are you doing today?
I’m fine. Just trying to get my eyes open.
How are you? Weather supposed to be good today?
More rain and the low 60s. 🙁
I hope it will at least be like yesterday and have some intermittent sun.
I was reading last nights cafe and be glad you don’t have Manny’s weather. 97F and some triple digits.
I know even with the rain we get, I’m enjoying it because I know what this summer will be like.
I’m fickle, egotistical, and have a short attention span — I’m only interested in the weather I’m having, not the weather I might be having or will be having.
Yea instant gratification is great.
I think that’s why some many people love digital cameras.
Hey all – Andi, FM, Oui, r69!!!
Andi — you’ll have to be on the lookout for sun again? I’d hoped that you were on your way to blue skies …
Morning Olivia. How’re ya doing today?
Long w/e starts tonight, oh and it’s casual day at work, so jeans = much comfort.
How ’bout you?
Doing fine. Already gotten George and Cat out and in. Cat and Tom have been fed and now George and Cat have decided to go back to sleep on the bed.
Relatives are leaving late tonight or either very early in the morning.
Glad to hear you’ve got a long w/e.
Do you have another cat? No lawn work or anything to do today? So you might have a slackerly day ahead of you. 🙂
Casual day, huh? Every day is casual day when you work from home (though the office is just as casual; one guy commented that if they had a casual day, everybody would have to come nude).
I hope we both get a cessation of constant rain and regain some regular appearances of sun. (Forecast for next week is looking pretty good.)
I do envy you Andi … but in the best possible, complimentary way. 🙂
Yea there is Cat, she stays inside and there’s Tom, he stays outside.
Tom in the carport.
I’m afriad it is yard work today. The damn neighbors keep mowing their lawns, so what can I do.
So you have casual day today. I always liked the idea of pajama day. Have someone go really overboard and come in with robe and curlers in her hair. Now that’s casual.
Maybe you should have today as your very own casual day: casaul lawn work day — go out w/ your PJs and curlers … 😉
That’s and idea, but hair is not long enough for rollers. Maybe I could find something to make a mohawk and run around the yard wearing, well……..
It’s some many things to consider today about doing the yard, and I just decided. I’ll probably nap all day pondering all the complexities.
Howdy FamilyMan!!!!
Heeeey Refinish.
I was asking about you yesterday. Hadn’t heard anything all day and I got worried. Got to have that daily dose of Refinish.
LOL Well, I was a little hungover yesterday from too much fun at a meeting the night before and still had another one to attend last night. I kept to my two dink minimum last night as I could not handle another hangover today. LOL I love the fact that most political meetings in Austin are in Pubs. LOL
Smart politicians. I would got to one faster at a pub then say a metting hall. Just a more homey feeling. 🙂
Time for me to get ready for work. I hope everyone has a great day and I will try and check in from work and of course join the happy hour this evening.
Enjoy Refinish. Good to see you this am.
Good morning to all! Any chatter?
DOJ Patrick Fitzgerald Watch
October 28, 2005 Media Advisory
smoke signal
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Morning Oui. How’re ya doing today?
Good morning Andi, refi, Oui, FM, olivia, Indianadem and anyone else I may have missed!
A lovely rainy morning here at Chez Cabin…perfect for going back to sleep if I didn’t have so much else to do today!
You have my blessings on sleeping as long as you want. Rainy morning are the best time for it.
You’ve got rain to? Rain, rain, rain. It’s never gonna stop. 🙂
Mine has actually stopped, and the sun is coming out. Hopefully it will dry everything up pretty quickly.
You’ve been having a wet week too?
Hey there waterlogged women up thread! Sunshine here! neener neener neener!
You fixin on having some of those “orange blossom specials” later today CG?
How did you know I’ve been thinking about those all week? I’ve got my orange nectar, and I’m going to attempt to make the “at-home” version later… 🙂
What are your Friday afternoon plans?
Oh, it was maybe just a hunch… given it’s Friday and all and you do them up so well with the Happy Hour lounge. With the way things have gone this week (busy!) at work, I may need a martini when I get home, but then I’d probably not get that mowing done, lol.
My plans? Work until 5:00 then flee! Lots of gardening work to get done this weekend… more delphiniums to get in the ground, and I’m contemplating buying even more (I know, I’m insane, I’ve already gotten 21 to replace all the ones that died!) Just the usual manic spring planting panic around here…
Ok, gotta get back to work here! Have a great day CG!
… and will continue into next week …
parliament hill weather cam
Howdy all you insanely early folks! You know who you are, hehe. Sorry, Andi, but there’s a sunny day on tap for us today, with a high of about 77 or so predicted. Had some really nice, gentle thundershowers move through late last night, which was a pleasant way to drift off to sleep. Yes, another one of those grrr days at work, so better get with it.
Hey there Andi, FM, CG, Oui, RF, Olivia … howdy to anyone I missed and/lurkeroos. Hope I can make it to happy hour tonight, but not sure since someone on his day off yesterday did NOT mow the yard and it’s reaching crisis proportions again. And we need to apply another round of the mosquito killer tonight, so that has to be done! I’d ask FM to do it, but I know what his answer would be… lol.
Hope everyone has a great day! Catch you later… oh, and how’s the weather up in Ottawa, “Prunella?”
(For Pepa and Rolly, right? 🙂
It’s wet IVG. ‘Closed-windows and doors and not gentleness’ wet.
Good luck w/ the report. And take care of those eyeballs!
They have plenty of grass! Remember, we’re on a corner, so there’s all that parking/curb to mow, plus 3/4 of the back yard is all theirs. You sound like our neighbor… whenever we till up a new area, she always frets about “Where will Pepa and Rolly have to run around?” LOL… they’re royally spoiled, don’t worry!
Morning IVG. Hope your day goes well today.
Lawn crisis? Oh sure, I’ll be right over to take care of it. Yeah sure. 🙂
with are the rutty spots in the ground and some sassy squirrels with major attitude! Well there are some of those “S” things, but haven’t seen a one yet this year.
Ok, I’m outta here now…have had my coffee. Bye for now, folks!
head off to the vet. The price increase of gas has brought about one very very nice happening. Sadly, the internet helped create lots of puppy mills because we all know that puppy photos are infectious. My vet told me last month that they shut one down here…mostly small dogs, but they numbered over 90 dogs and the health of the dogs was so bad with heart worm and mange that about half of the dogs had to be destroyed. People haven’t been buying puppies lately though like they were last year mostly because I think we are all feeling the fuel cost squeeze! It was crazy last year…..all of my German Shepherd puppies were gone in a weeks time. It was even a little bit disheartening because they just don’t disappear like that, it usually takes weeks or even months placing all of them. Last month the phone did not ring at all about the pups. What the hell, buy an extra 40 lb sack and get a bigger pooper scooper! The puppy mills have shut down so fast though it is amazing….if there isn’t a fast easy buck to be had then the people just won’t mess with it. Sigh of relief there!!!! Phone ringing again though about the puppies. Two leaving soon and one left last night and now I’m very attached to each one them….like anybody could keep, love, and feed that many German Shepherds! Dalmation Plantations only work in Disney movies.
Howdy! The main part of my book tour is over. Most of the rest of it is local, or at least no more than 200 miles away. I’m home for now, but I’m dragging like a pooped pup.
Several people left hi’s for me over on CabinGirl’s birthday cafe and I only saw them just now. Sorry about that, guys, and many thanks.
Book tours look exhausting from what I witnessed with Markos and Jerome. Did you have any enthuisiatic fans come up and hug you?
I got startled by that and it wasn’t even my book tour.
There have been some huggers, but the only startling contact came from the husband of a hugger. He was a presser-up-againster. Ew.
Markos and Jerome had a much more extensive and exhausting tour than mine. Good thing they’re younger.
Ew is right! What did you do? Yuck – I’m going to be thinking about this all day!
I moved away. 🙂
Trying to be productive today — already got one batch of laundry put away (finally), about to start on batch #2, then get more laundered — mostly stuff we’re donating to charity (that’s typically the lowest priority).
Haircut day tomorrow for both of us — my bangs have developed the shaggy dog look — and assorted other stuff.
Okay, back to the grind…