read my mail and was pleasantly surprised to find a “just because” card from a friend. It’s amazing what little gestures do to perk up a person’s mood.
I’ve got the makings for a nice tortilla in the frig now.
Three kinds of beans, (never seen the insides of a can either) kidneys, pintos, and blackeyed peas, plus a few slices of bison brats. Hmmm, I’ll have that for lunch tomorrow.
Nah, I just saved a bunch the other night… that one just seemed kind of appropriate. But for those who are not exactly wanting a full breakfast yet, here’s something for the sweet tooth.
Ok, I’ll be good now. Have to get to bed soon anyway. And since dada didn’t recharge the timewarp, my energy is waning… oh, whatta world! whatta world!
Your mention of ‘floating and encountering’ made me think of something. One of the craziest things I saw was while floating through a shallow river (it had been a real dry spell, fire bans on, and the water was at all time low — we’d have to get out and push in the muck). Canibal frogs! They were eating each other. It was so gross. Big bullfrogs had frog legs hanging out of their mouths! It was like out of some strange sci-fi horror flick.
As I slink off to rest haven in the next room… land of snoring dogs and humans … I’m using the strips again so I don’t snore, lol. Big day of gardening and handing out freebie plants to folks stopping by. Last call for coneflowers, NDD! Unless you want to wait another week or so, lol.
Oh, btw, got my shipment of plants in the mail today finally… 6 hardy primroses, 3 poker primroses, 3 new hellebores and SEVEN new toad lilies! They looked a bit peaked for having been in the mail a week, but should soon be looking better, I hope!
Ok, I’m outta here. Catch you loons on the lake later tomorrow most likely… <yawn>
Dada PHD emeritus, TU, that the space time continuum has been irrevocably breached, and the positive and negative ions are about to engage in an act of interstellar coitus at the cusp of consciousness, that I should beg your leave till the morrow…
Be well, sleep sound and I’ll catch ya on the flip.
I think we’ve lost NDD and it’s just you and me. Don’t think we’ve ever been alone together in a cafe LOL. 😉
I’m heading for bed now … Take care of yourself, and I’ll look forward to seeing what you decide to do tomorrow — or if nothing, than that would be good too!
I bet Andi and Family Man won’t be far along. I’m waitin’ on a load of laundry then it’s bed time for me too. Have a great weekend, I’ll let you all know what transpires. paz amiga.
read my mail and was pleasantly surprised to find a “just because” card from a friend. It’s amazing what little gestures do to perk up a person’s mood.
I find with e/m I’ve stopped writing ‘hand’ letters, but when you get one it is such a nice surprise.
Just checking in to say Good Night! See all you froggies in the morning light!
have a great weekend.
Glad I got to yap atcha at least briefly tonight! Seeya soon, hon.
lull you to a restful sleep.
I’ve got the makings for a nice tortilla in the frig now.
Three kinds of beans, (never seen the insides of a can either) kidneys, pintos, and blackeyed peas, plus a few slices of bison brats. Hmmm, I’ll have that for lunch tomorrow.
I dunno, NDD… but here’s a place I’ve been curious about trying out… wanna give it a whirl? I hear they serve at all hours…

LOL … Fresh City Hormone …
Nah, I just saved a bunch the other night… that one just seemed kind of appropriate. But for those who are not exactly wanting a full breakfast yet, here’s something for the sweet tooth.

Ok, I’ll be good now. Have to get to bed soon anyway. And since dada didn’t recharge the timewarp, my energy is waning… oh, whatta world! whatta world!
univ too. Guess we gotta send dada back to Tesla Univ
I could really go for one of these right about now
steak and eggs and avocado with a pico de gallo…oh boy…
something!!!Be back in 30 seconds.
in the salt shakers?
Right in the middle. Like an old wizened man.
Your mention of ‘floating and encountering’ made me think of something. One of the craziest things I saw was while floating through a shallow river (it had been a real dry spell, fire bans on, and the water was at all time low — we’d have to get out and push in the muck). Canibal frogs! They were eating each other. It was so gross. Big bullfrogs had frog legs hanging out of their mouths! It was like out of some strange sci-fi horror flick.
ah yes, here it is, from my tadpole days of the BT pond.
That is simultaneously horrifying and crazy-funny!
in that thread crack me up, this really has been a consistently fun blog to hang out.
Especially this gem by CI: And not even Chianti and fava beans would cover up the rotten taste.. LOL!
just as I’m about to go to bed, you give me fodder for yet another freaky nightmare, lol. Stay dry tonight/today/tomorrow, Prunella… bye!
As I slink off to rest haven in the next room… land of snoring dogs and humans … I’m using the strips again so I don’t snore, lol. Big day of gardening and handing out freebie plants to folks stopping by. Last call for coneflowers, NDD! Unless you want to wait another week or so, lol.
Oh, btw, got my shipment of plants in the mail today finally… 6 hardy primroses, 3 poker primroses, 3 new hellebores and SEVEN new toad lilies! They looked a bit peaked for having been in the mail a week, but should soon be looking better, I hope!
Ok, I’m outta here. Catch you loons on the lake later tomorrow most likely… <yawn>
I hope you feel better tomorrow. {{{IVG}}}
BTW I think we just got some coneflowers from Guerney’s,and I forget now what else, but I got an assignment to dig up some sod for the flower garden.
hope the weather works out for you in the garden.
Oh it will, Manny… forecast upper 70’s and sunny. Perfect day to plant…
Just remember that by sundown tomorrow there will be 3 candles burning in support of our Latino friends down your way and elsewhere… seeya soon.
Dada PHD emeritus, TU, that the space time continuum has been irrevocably breached, and the positive and negative ions are about to engage in an act of interstellar coitus at the cusp of consciousness, that I should beg your leave till the morrow…
Be well, sleep sound and I’ll catch ya on the flip.
I bow to your brilliance, I could never use ‘coitus’ correctly at this hour. Incorrectly/Inappropriately? Absolutely. heh
I think we’ve lost NDD and it’s just you and me. Don’t think we’ve ever been alone together in a cafe LOL. 😉
I’m heading for bed now … Take care of yourself, and I’ll look forward to seeing what you decide to do tomorrow — or if nothing, than that would be good too!
I bet Andi and Family Man won’t be far along. I’m waitin’ on a load of laundry then it’s bed time for me too. Have a great weekend, I’ll let you all know what transpires. paz amiga.
time to put myself away for the night too, NDD. Have a good night/morning.