Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
Newcomer & Lurker Especially Welcomed
Newcomer & Lurker Especially Welcomed
This is an unhosted cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
It’s Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom. Come on in and have a drink.
Please remember to recommend this cafe and unrecommend the last one.
You want to hear something sad. The truck that sprays for mosquitoes just drove down our street.
Oh Olivia, I have some honourary Canadian skating questions.
I just started a fire … ahhhhhhh, warmth.
So what’s up?
OK if we(notice I used the we now that I’m Canadian)call ice skating just skating. What do we call roller skating, or in line skating, or for that matter if you are skating on a job?
I didn’t realize there was so much to learn.
Yes … I can see your confusion. But it is simple, really.
Skating is skating — always refers to the ice. That is the default.
The other forms are bastardized, and are mainly referred to by their form, so Inline or Rollerblading. No need to add the skating.
As for the skating on the job, that’s fine as is, as it conjures up an image of smoothly flowing over a crisp sheet of ice.
How’s that?
Any more questions?
It’s becomming clear, but just one more question. If skates have the blades on them and roller skates have the wheels on them, why is it called Rollerblading?
And instead think of the surface on which they will be used. Skating refers to ice always. Roller refers to non-ice surfaces, so streets, tracks, etc. And blading is addded b/c the inline skate mimics a traditional skate w/ a ‘blade’ of wheels down the centre.
Oh, and Rollerskates are the older quad-wheeled variety.
Does that make sense? 🙂
Perfect sense. I never knew this stuff before.
I feel so Canadian now.:)
… in order to pass yourself off as a ‘real’ Canadian … and I’m passing this on to you w/ trust that you’ll not abuse your status:
No one, and I mean no one, who is a real Cdn ever, ever, ever, ever calls it ice hockey. It is Hockey.
And I’m watching two games right now — NHL Eastern Conf game and Memorial Cup.
I’ll remember this most well kept secret.
It’s such fun learning Canadian. Next you’ll have to teach me soccer, or do we call it football.
Plus if I ever decided to immigrate, would this be on the test, and is it multiple choice. Never was good at fill in the blanks and essays.
Depending on who’s talking about it. Usually those w/ European heritage tend to follow football and call it such. Younger kids call it soccer.
But I think this is similar to what you have, no? Next we’ll have to tackle curling LOL. 🙂
And will you return the favour and teach me some Southern-ese?
What do you think I’ve been trying to teach since I’ve been here. Well yes, slackdom, but how many people of the frozen(well now cold/rainy)north use the term ya’ll?
To live down here you would have to acquire a taste for pimento cheese sandwiches with mayo. I like mine with a slice of pineapple. 🙂
Aren’t they the red things you find in olives?
Now Andi have you ever even eaten a pimento cheese/pineapple sandwich?
You got it. Nothing better than homemade, but we buy the store bought stuff.
LOL — and you add pineapple, hmmm …
Ah, what else have you got?
I think I busted the margin and should have known better.
Food wise a lot of exotic stuff. We have the incredible edible egg down here. Deviled eggs are always good for any get together.
Devilled eggs here too … how ’bout picked eggs? Ya got those?
Oh yea and picked pigs feet. Although I never eat them.
But barbque! Whole hog, pulled pork. Sorry non-pork eaters. But the sauce, Ahhh the sauce.
Everybody has their own name for what they call it. 🙂
…exotic. 🙂
One thing I’d like to know–is napping more common there, or is it something you alone do?
Maybe we should move over to the left. I’ve got a link to show you.
how long will it take you to teach him to say about and house in that sexy Canadian way.
you get for bragging about your weather when other people are suffering. 😛
July and August you’ll hear me talking about suffering.
I’ll be praying for a little rain around then.
I’m continuing to feed my addiction.
I think I prefer creeks over ponds. Moving water and all.
Love the scene.
… where being an enabler is a good thing!
These are lovely.
So what’s swimming in the water — any little fishes or froggies?
Not likely to be any fish — these creeks slow down to a dribble in the summer but frogs are pretty much everywhere.
… to be chronicling your creek!
Any toads?
and they are pretty much everywhere.
You got a hankering for toads?
We used to have a big fat dude that sat outside the front door each night catching the bugs in the light. He was there every night …
I haven’t seen one since I moved in here. No frogs either. 🙁
It’s hard to believe that your garden wouldn’t attract them by the shovel-full.
Not likely to be any fish — these creeks slow down to a dribble in the summer but frogs are pretty much everywhere.
Can’t believe the wonderful green hues you’re capturing in these photos, Andi.
That looks absolutely delicious. (May I say luscious?)
We’ve yet to see that kind of green here, though these rains should help a bit. A little sun would also help.
Having heavy rains every day for a week has brought the inner rain forest in our woods. 🙂
(Yes, you may say luscious. Since SN is taking a break, this will keep you in practice for her return.)
Hope she’ll make it back soon — at least before I lost my internetz.
Hi WW/Bye WW. It gotten late for me and I’ve got to fix dinner.
Be back in awhile.
Maybe I’ll find my ‘up close & personal’ bear photo for you by then ..
My typing’s pathetic lately. You’d think staring at a book entitled ‘Improve Your Typing Skills’ gathering dust on one’s bookshelf would count fer somethin’.
Perhaps I should ask IVG not to imbibe for me any more. I’m clearly hung over.
I thought you said that you’d still be able to get online at the library.
We promise not to say anything bad so you won’t caught by the nanny-filters.
I’m guessing I certainly will — but it won’t be nearly as often & I’m sure I’ll miss load of good stuff (especially in wintertime, when I tend to go hermitoid).
And what perfect timing it is as I sit on my back porch and consider how much my already good mood might be improved by the addition of a bottle of hard lemonade. Unfortunately said bottle is all the way downstairs and I’m just too damn lazy to go get it.
I knew if I kept sending out slacking thoughts they would hit.
Welcome to the club Kelly. 🙂
Ooh! Praise from the slack master! I only hope that I am worthy. In that vein, I’m still resisting the urge to go get a drink. I’m surrounded by sleeping kitties, perhaps watching nature’s born slackers is helping.
I forget what number rule it is in the slacker handbook, but to go and get a hard lemonaide isn’t considered slacking. Once you’re back and comfortable it a slacking enhancement.
Thanks for the absolution, but I really am feeling too lazy to move. Maybe in half an hour when it cools down and I have to think about going in to get some socks on.
You have just advanced up the ladder of slackdom many rungs Kelly.
You’re sitting on your back porch and online at the same time? That’s sounds just wonderful!
It has it’s moments all right. I’ve got a wireless rig and work exclusively on my laptop so pretty much anywhere in my yard or house is internet ready. As an added bonus Dr.Mc’s campus is a wireless ready campus and I can wander over there and sit on the quad under the trees and go broadband.
I’ve been waiting on a router for over a month. They screwed up the first delivery. I’d love to be down in the living room or on the patio blogging.
I’ve got one problem. I’ve got the wireless keyboard and mouse. I’m still not comfortable using the laptop keyboard.
The laptop keyboard does take a little getting used to if you start from a nice big normal one, but I went laptop more or less straight from a Mac Classic with its tiny little keyboard so I never noticed the difference. I’m always weirded out when I end up using Dr.Mc’s ergonomic thing.
Frankly, that sounds terrific to me.
(Then again, anywhere under the trees ranks pretty highly in my book.)
I hope to experience something similar when I’m situated in a phone-line-free zone (& they bring wifi to these mountains in 30 years or so).
I’m with you there. My favorite places on earth are sitting on wild side of the St. Mary lakeshore in Glacier National Park, and bobbing up and down in Hanalei Bay on Kauai. I’m pretty fond of my little park-facing screen office too, but it’s not the same.
Unfortunately, the sun just went behind my birch, and it’s now time to do something about cold feet. If I don’t make it back after I collect my socks and a drink, I hope all of you have a lovely evening.
I do hear you on cold feet, Kelly. Not a lot of fun.
Hope you enjoy your evening as well.
Oh wow. I’ve got the most excellent image of you now, typing your novels in the most exotic spots LOL!
was an indoor location. I was working on an SF short at National Air and Space Museum in DC, leaning against a case full of artifacts from the moon landing. It was way cool. In general, it’s just the screen porch. I work much better if I can be three quarters outside. I’d go for all the way more often, but the Wisconsin mosquitos would drink me dry.
Sounds wonderful. 🙂
I think if I got an extra long phone cord I could probably get out into my garden LOL … maybe I’ll give it a shot if it ever stops raining. 🙂
Back from a day of bureaucracy…actually San Mateo County knows how to do things right; had my birth certificate within half an hour (and that included the time to fill out the application). Found out I was born 15 minutes earlier than I thought…that’s interesting…
Heading out to have dinner shortly — even in the midst of marital crisis, some traditions must be kept, including soup/salad at Sweet Tomatoes…
Glad it went so smooth and enjoy your dinner.
I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing some marital discord. I hope that things work out for you. {{{Cali}}} Enjoy your dinner.
They keep track of the time you’re born on birth certificates? I’ve gotta get one!
I got so excited about the time thing, I didn’t read your last sentence. I’m very sorry to hear that you’re having discord. {{Cali}}
Just got down to this part of the page. I hope the crisis soons settles down for the better.
I’ll second that, if I may.
Just got back. Anybody still drinking?
Does George need to hook up another keg.
Hi Ho Olivia.
I saw your secret upthread. Left you a couple more questions.
I’ve been off reading and it looks like cafe has emptied out so I think we’re good as is.
Sounds good to me.
One of you library books?
I haven’t started the one you thought sounded interesting yet (Last Alchemist) but I’ll let you know whether I thought it was good after I do.
Just thought I’d share this archived photo of an antique Japanese statue in a neighbor’s garden — a very friendly greeter for the new tomato plants!
Always enjoyed seeing it there. So cheerful, no?
I like the looks of it — to me, the body language says ‘I am THE frog and you are not’.
I don’t know Andi. To me it looks like it has indigestion.
That’s right! A Diva frog.
He looks quite large … 🙂
Hope that doesn’t mean the image is too big! I’m having trouble downsizing lately.
In actuality, iirc, the statue’s just a wee bit taller than the tomato plants behind.
It’s a shame about his nose — but I guess a frog that old would look a little weathered.
Picture is fine WW. Wish I had that frog out by the my pond.
I was referring to the froggie. He looks like a big statue. So a couple feet then. And yes, weathered does suit. 🙂
This is the one link that keeps popping up. I haven’t had a lot of time to review it or what it requires but I thought I’d pass it along.
haloscan recent comments
Thanks I just popped over and scaned it. It lookes like what I was looking for. It doesn’t look to difficult and I’ll probably try it tomorrow.
I didn’t answer on the napping. Nope it mostly me. I’ve found I have a natural talent for it. 😉
Before you fiddle w/ the template save a clean copy. 🙂
If you run into any problems, just shoot me a FMem.
I don’t forget what Olivia says.
I’ve saved every change on the template since I’ve started, and you should already how if I run into trouble you can hear me whinning all the way up there. 🙂
Right here.
I’m going to go read some more and then head to bed.
You outlasted Andi … wow.
Hi Mary. Yea I’ve been trying to stay up to see the wild going ons with the night crew, but I never make it.
How was your day?
I remember the days when you were a wild late night guy. Before you started taking all those naps 😉
My day was fine. And yours?
Yea I know, what the heck happened to me?
I’ve had a very slackable/napable day today.