photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning ANdi!!!
to you, refinish.
Good morning. Why am I awake?
Because you failed to give the right answer to the question “why am I not asleep”.
Good morning Andi, Refinish, er, Booman.
Booman why are you awake?
Good morning, FM. I have no idea. Every bone in my body is telling me that I should be asleep. My brain says I should take a shower.
Never listen to you brain. I can see I’m going to have start my slacking lesson with you also.
Click for more info on FM’s life story
So whose got rain today? LOL. 🙂
Morning Olivia.
I got, nah I can’t say it, especially with a fellow Canadian suffering.
Got big plans today?
Shouldn’t you be busy doing some like … yawning … a lot.
I was going to comment earlier when the site went down. I’m not yawning, but maybe having a little trouble getting my eyes open. Since I made it to work, I think I’ll be okay though … 🙂
I don’t really know. I know I’ve got to get the energy to get the lawn today. Just waiting for it to show up.
I tried the comments thing last night even before I left the cafe. It’s pretty easy to install and it shows who commented last. I didn’t keep it because of one thing. On the code they give you, at the top of holoscan is an advertisement. You have to join their premium whatever to get the advertisement gone. I hate when little surprises come up like that so I said to heck with it.
I’m trying to decide to go with it or not.
That’s good to know about the comments — that it worked, but I figured there would be something like that w/ the free version. I responded via e/m when the site went down so you have some Oem. 🙂
Did I miss something? Serves me right for going to bed early, I guess.
He’d like to have a recent comments section on the sidebar and I found a link, but it’s got some crazy adverts that are not appealing.
And yes, you’ve been missing all the late night fun! You’ll have to stop getting a good night’s sleep … 😉
We’re having a dry spell here now…I might even have to water the plants in my pots!
Is it STILL raining there?
No rain today (I hope) just overcast w/ sunny breaks. Tomorrow should be sunny, but the rest of the week had little rain drops last night on the forecast. 🙂
I don’t think it’s raining right now, but it’s in the forecast for most of the week. I think.
But this is Seattle, so what do you expect?
Hi Omir. How are you today? 🙂
Hi Andi, FM, refi, and BooMan! What’s up?
They just finished up a segment on the Today show about the drugs I’m writing about today…hmm.
Morning CG. How’s the day going?
Off to a good start…I have a paper I started yesterday and want to finish by noon on Friday, so I’m working my way through that this morning before I go for a dog walk. How about you?
Is this the real CG or or the one in another dimension.
I’m doing pretty good. Finishing a paper by Friday? Which one were they talking about on Today?
They had a segment on about taking birth control pills continuously and never having your period…and they had a young lady who was 22 proudly proclaiming that she hadn’t had her period in 5 years. I can’t help but wonder how that might affect her later, since they don’t have much in the way of long term safety data for doing that. I’m sure the marketing/PR folks at the drug company were delighted with her performance, though.
But enough about that…
Actually I find that very interesting about the long term effects and all.
We go a little dry spell going here also. It’s like I’ve said, I hate to think of mid summer.
I was reading about this the other day. Seems to be the new fad. There is also a version of the pill (or something like it) that limits your period to four times a year. It all sounds good on paper, but I too wonder what the long term effects of such a thing will be.
BTW: Morning all…stayed up too late in the Cafe last night and I’m paying for it this am. ;>)
my brain is being asked to fire way too early today at work.
Ouch. I guess I’m lucky for all I have to do right now is type up this incredibly boring patent application. Patent language is really weird and even after three years, I’m still trying to wrap my head around inserting male members into female members. :>)
I’m trying again, but I keep get internal server error. Just trying to see if this gets through.
This is really wierd. I see the first try got through, but I still got the message. I don’t know if it’s on my end or the server gods end, but I’m shutting down and I’ll try again.
We’ll see if this get through.
OK now I know it. I’m in an alternate dimension Booland.
What am I going to find here? Is this a Twlight Zone Booland or a…..
OMFG I’m in a Booland where I work and I’m late. The boss just called and wated to know where the hell I am.
Please, please server gods, bring me back to point of origin.
Hi again. I got the e and replied. Thanks.
Now you’re the real “O” aren’t you? We still live in the United Provinces of Canada don’t we?
But maybe the late night cafe Time Warp has stretched over to include the morning cafe. 🙂
I knew it, I knew it! I knew you late nighter were playing around with some heavy stuff, but to change the space/time continuum. Oh for shame, for shame, I say!
keep your jesus off my penis.
That was great! Thanks Cedwyn.
‘Morning, folks. Hope everyone’s doing well. It’s a lovely day here in the mountains — shifting clouds, long minutes of absolutely brilliant sunlight, swift breezes blowing the clouds away, birds singing out their joy.
A stellar day so far, with even better tidings to come.
I thank everyone who’s sent their magical, sunny wishes on my behalf.
Regardless, just had to step in & express my astonishment at Olivia’s photo above. Absolutely incredible, Miss O. Gorgeous isn’t the word. Awesome might be, if I didn’t find it so retro.
Springtime cheers, o denizens! Tweet tweet!
Hi WW. I’m glad you have such a lovely day.
Yes! It’s getting better by the minute, too — with thanks to you, no doubt!
Hope your weather continues reasonable. I’ve got to say, I’m not looking forward to midsummer either. We experience such intense shifts in weather throughout the year here — as I think I’ve said, by the time we hit the 80s & 90s in August I’m about ready for that lovely, refreshing snow.
Never satisfied, am I.
In any case, I have no more excuses — must get to work on cleaning out the trailer & moving on.
Hope to see you later, FM. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Did I say ‘midsummer’?
Just checked in at NOAA; apparently we’ll be seeing highs near 90 by Memorial Day.
Mercy please, O Mother.
Just got back. 90’s up there? Geez you need air conditioning.
Hope to see ya later too.
Hope your good weather sticks around … 🙂
Good Morning [yawn]
How’d ya sleep?
I think my boss was lurking in last night’s cafe because she has suddenly taken on the screaming banshee role.
I’m sorry to say that visual had me giggling … I feel for you! LOL
I’m sick of people who are so irresponsible that their actions are causing my life to be a total clusterf*ck sh*tstorm! If you give your two weeks notice, don’t be f’ing lazy and call in sick the last couple of days you’re supposed to be here tying up loose ends. ESPECIALLY when so many people in your small-sized agency has left recently. It’s rude and inconsiderate of the rest of the unfortunate souls that have to spend obscene amounts of time cleaning up the chaos you have unleashed.
Maybe you could tell your boss you have a “brain cloud”? And take some time off?
If you do call in sick, remember to take your luggage!
Or maybe a little lamp from the islands would perk things up?? XOXOX
nice to see you around today. I wish I could take a vacation, unfortunately so many people have jumped ship that I have no choice but to tough things out. We’ve been interviewing for replacements but the candidates have been….the wrong fit for the job. Yeah, that’s it.
Jumping into a volcano is mighty tempting tho! 🙂
My Scorpi senses tell me that you’re no virgin! 🙂
Sorry about the tough days at work my friend.
I can’t even make the cut to go out in style 🙂
I’ll get through it, thanks for listening to me whine
Now for some wine
Oh Manny, your not “whining” – you’re sharing.
I’ve got two shoulders for ya always. One for you and one for Bud 🙂
I’m trying an experiment of listening to my iPod, blogging, and riding on my exercise cycle all at the same time. (Gives me more time to fully devote myself to slacking off later on.)
How the heck does that work — cycling and blogging at the same time? I’m exhausted just trying to imagine it LOL!
Hope you’re seeing a little sunshine today! Great flower photo! Orchids present special challenges, but you really rose to the occassion as usual.
For me it takes less enegy to do three things at once that it takes to do one thing at a time. It’s a special brand of laziness.
I have an in-tray tied to the handle bars of my cycle, and my lap top just fits in there perfectly. But DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! I have 30 years of dance training under my belt! LOL
I can’t believe that you’re multi-tasking like that. If FM catches wind of this, you might be in for some trouble though LOL!
The sun is in and out today, and no rain! How ’bout you, o weather nerdess. 😉 Rain stoppped there?
How could you accuse me of something so foul? (So you think FM will see right through my “special brand of laziness” cover story?) LOL
Yay, sun in-and-out and no rain! Can you get out on your lunch break and take some super great artistically cloud sky pictures?
Rain all gone here, it’s now getting hot again. But it was nice while it lasted and the ground got a much needed soaking.
I’m on the home stretch now — it’s 3pm. A couple more hrs to go. 🙂
Is there enough light to take pictures when you get home?
As long as it’s not cloudy.
Sorry about the delay — had a meeting to attend!
I saw that. 🙂
Thanks for the pic!
You’re not blogging, cycling, snapping pix, and uploading them all at once … or are you! LOL
When I figure out how to do all that at once, I’ll write a book about it! No, I’m done with the cycling part and onwards to a gentle yoga stretch (gentle stretch, FM, just a gentle stretch!). Haven’t figured out how to blog while yoga stretching either!
That is pure brilliance!!!
JOb? you don’t need a job. You need a patent 🙂
((((MM))) too. damn. cool!
Thanks, DJ! I thought it was pretty clever, myself! Usually I just read, but then I thought I would see if I could type at the same time. It takes a bit of concentration, but can be done!
I’m thinking there would probably need to be some warning label on it like:
Warning: Janet should not attempt to use due to risk of injury or frustration.
Okay for the warning, but I’m also thinking up a good instruction/guidebook to go along with this which would take you through the easy stages, beginner, intermediate, advanced, and before you know it you will be writing all your best blog entries while peddling at top speed!
I had a stationary bike onces. Till I learned how to ride while eating Ben and Jerry’s ice cream 🙂
I think that’s the kind of thing that got us all kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Shocking!
But stationary bikes are basically boring. Hence my little “improvements” so I can convince myself to get on and peddle.
Too bad you can’t burn off fat just by getting mad at your bulges. If so, I would still be as svelte as in my younger, dancing days!
what do you call the toe next to the pinkie toe? I think I busted one of mine?
What did you do?
I stubbed it and I can barely walk on it. I need some kind of padding for the top of it so it doesn’t rub against my shoe when I walk.
One doesn’t realize just how important toesy woesies are untill they bum one up. Then it’s harder than hell to get around.
Have you tried taping it to the next bigger toe? Poor Booman.
The answer is Booman. Don’t walk. Sit or recline for the next week.
Ouch … that hurts! What did you do?
Owie, Booman! Better ice it!
Around my house there’s Mr. Big Toe and Pinkie Toe. The rest are all “this little piggie”.
Hope your piggie toes gets better. (((Booman)))
but I think its the piggy that went to the market. Did it get in a crash on the way?
(I hope your day is getting better … {{{Manny}}} …)
not really…but at least I’m not hungry anymore, I scarfed down a chorizo, egg and potato burrito for lunch.
[/silver lining]
This little piggy went to the market (big Toe)
This little piggy stayed home (#2 toe)
This little piggy had roast beef (with mashed potatoes and crecent rolls etc etc) (middle toe)
This little piggy had NONE (Boomans toe)
and this little piggy went whee whee whee all the way home.
Fair and Breezy: 88°F (31°C), Humidity: 40 %
Wind Speed: S 23 G 29 MPH
So this looks like the day for light physical tasks; print BBQ invites, draw more deck const plans and material lists, buy materials, etc.
Expect to hang around BT for a half hour or so while the invites are printing.
I’ll bring daquiries and ice cream 🙂
ice cream and daquiries would be a good start…
And…I’m done w work for the day…:{)
Did you take that pic today w/ the XT? 🙂
feelin’ a bit catty today, are we?
Hello everyone. Today seems to be a frustrating day for everybody.
that’s got you frustrated?
Olivia I’ll put it in the Happy Hour cafe.
Come on over to the Froggy Bottom Lounge, where the beer and snark flows freely.