Froggy Bottom Lounge
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
hop on in!
hop on in!
Sacreligious behavior will be reviewed and graded.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Hey Manny. I read about your day and Happy Hour is indeed the thing.
Get home soon and start imbibing large quantities of beer.
four hours left here at the cubicell, the virtual brew will have to tide me over until then =(
Four hours? You should tell them for arrival at work you in your normal time zone. But for quitting time, you are on East Coast time.
you think, obviously. 😉
And a pox on flakey co-workers who ditch out and add aggravation and stress to your life!!! (We will do our best to amuse you and make time fly.)
I managed to summon an adrenaline rush so I’ll be in and out for awhile as I tackle the to-do list.
Howdy Senor Eeegee and afternoon gang! Just sneaking a short visit here at work, and eyeing that luscious spread of brew up there. Been another busy one around here today, but I’m hoping the rest of the week will be a bit calmer and more slackerly. Have had to put the slacker lessons on the back burner for a while now, and I need to catch up.
Hey there FM… nice piece on dog hair over at your place today. Ah, the hairy enormity of it all!
Hi IVG. I’m glad to see you. We keep missing each other.
How’re things going with you today?
Nice to connect w/you too, FM. Seems like I always do miss you due to my later hours, but the early evening for me after work is so busy. Especially now that I can be outside putzing a bit in the garden until dark.
We supposedly have T-storms on the way later tonight.. I hope they come in early enough that we can sit on the porch and enjoy the show… not just hear them rumble and roar while trying to sleep.
Figured I’d better get that in now since I can already tell I’m not staying up till your fbc-party-alarm goes off.
Why thank ya, Mizz Andi! Nice to catch you live for once (though I do manage to do that on weekends, it seems). That photo of yours below is awesome.. I especially like seeing those little bits of blue reflected sky in the water… and it sure does look lush out your way.
We got our Trilliums in the ground yesterday along with 3 new hellebores I got in the mail on Friday last. Our woodland garden is filling up fast, and we haven’t even put the new toad lilies in yet… all 6 of em!
Question… do you have wild lupines growing in the woods out there? C has seen them up in the Boundary Waters in N Minnesota… was just wondering if you see those in IN.
There’s lupine in Indiana but not around here — it likes open spaces and better soil.
I figuring maybe this coming winter, when there’s no garden work we might get on the same time frame. 😉
… over at your site! Poor FM, poor George … 🙂
Sorry Olivia I was typing some here, but it started getting to diary lenght.
I’ve made a little headway and I’m waiting to call to see if I can return it.
Good to see you crawling out from under that pile of papers for a check-in … 🙂
BTW, I did something — I went back to salad fingers — did you know there are like 7 parts? The rusty spoons is tame in comparison! LOL
I knew that spooky allure would get to you eventually… I haven’t seen all the parts yet, so I may have to re-visit myself. Though I suspect it will take a long time to live that one down. Still not sure if Man eegee has forgiven me for that…LOL.
Not a good idea to have that much beer with a little something to eat! ;^D
Since it’s lunch time….I guess I know what I’m having…chicken fajitas! Yummy!
Have a great week everyone…
I know what I’m having for dinner now, if I refuse the craving I will wake up tomorrow with a face full of acne. Hi SallyCat!
Sure would like to have what you’re having Sallycat! Great to see you popping in here again… we’ve missed ya.
We had to sit through a boring meeting today and were “rewarded” with mediocre pizza on the company. Blecch. I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that stuff… now my tummy hurts due to the grease (I don’t like the particular place where this stuff came from, for that exact reason.)
Some cute kitties dragging themselves in here… but what did they bring with them? Hmmm.
That looks delish!
Hi SallyCat. How ya been doing?
I wasn’t hungry, but now I am. 🙂
First let me kiss you all over your face 🙂 Hey there!
Secondly, let me do it all over again! 🙂
looked like….
Ember was 19 when she went to kitty heaven…but loved playing peekaboo under blankets!
This is my beloved and pampered Shadow. My husband says she reminds him of Garfield, a cat with an attitude.
How are those cute, adorable grandkidlets of yours?
Wholeheartedly recommend the kid dvd ‘Madagascar’ – too funny by half. Us ‘no kid types’ really miss the good videos. On the other hand – Grandma wants to go back to the Exploratorium alone though…
All those great science exhibits and the kids wanted to keep moving on. Geez – I wasn’t done playing with the magnets yet!! lol
Thanks for the tip, I’ll give it a try. All those fun things you can do with kids that you wouldn’t do ordinarily!
The picture of Shadow just got you out of your multi-tasking Ruh-roh! n/t . 🙂
I wouldn’t multi-task if you paid me…. LOL! (You don’t think blogging in between finally writing an article I promised someone a long time ago counts, do you?)
Of course not. Do you think if blogging came even remotely close to work, I’d be here. Hah I say, Hah. 🙂
That’s a relief, FM. Point well taken. Would hate to think I had fallen off the program competely.
Don’t worry I’ll have you in shape for a slackathon soon.
Does that ever sound inspiring. I would so love to win it. But not at all in an ambitious way. Not at all, O great father!
in the hearts of those who don’t provide dinner precisely on time? The Shadows knows.
Yup, Shadow definitely had some issues. We had one of those kind of food dispenser things, but it didn’t work. When she ate the food nothing fell into the bowl to replace it, and she would get really annoyed at me. We just decided to get rid of the damn thing (actually we gave it to the bunnies who have a better eating technique for it), and give her a regular old food bowl.
How is your day going?
It’s not raining. I’m happy.
Downloading Dixie Chicks’ “The Long Way Around” that I had on pre-order from iTunes Music Store; it’s already getting great reviews… 🙂
Other than that, trying to get stuff done — got two weeks to get this place cleaned up so we can concentrate on packing for the trip…
Okay, back to work…
I hope it tops the charts with iTunes, they are getting swift-boated by the rabid wingers on talk radio and some MSM outlets. I’m glad they’re fighting back.
Did you see any froggies? 🙂
I even went and moved some of the wood that still has to be split to see if there were any toads there but all I found were worms (want pictures of them?).
You mean like this …
Click for larger
I love worms! Nature’s tillers … do garden good … 🙂
pictures of the worms and look what I found! I’ve got a better of the frog — I’ll save it for the next cafe.
That’s so great Andi! Looks at the spots … hehehe 🙂
And you’ve got a frog? … I can’t wait! 🙂
I mistyped. Just the toad but I’ve got a nice close up of him with a spider on his back.
Toads rule! Not sure about the spider, but we’ll have to see … right Manny? <shudder in advance>
And I can pay you back b/c I’ve been out playing in the sunshine-y garden w/ my camera! I’m wading through the 150 odd flower pix right now LOL.
that you’ve got 100s of flower pictures! Of course, right now I’m feeling pretty superior for having shot a picture with a salamander and a toad.
Seriously delightful find! 🙂
that the toad is the lower left hand corner of the photo, don’t you?
I didn’t even notice — the orange spotted thing takes over the shot. Ah yes, this is way impressive … definitely superior-worthy. I thought it was a leaf … are you sure you didn’t PS that guy in there! 😉
for his close-up — he’s in the happy hour lounge waiting for you.
Way to catch the Creator at his/her mysterious artwork!
and not worry about what you might find. 🙂
There is definitely something in that as the basis for a life philosophy!
both temp-cool and kewl-cool. As toasty as it is here today I think I’d rather be in the trees somewhere.
It’s 68 here and of course, under the canopy it’s a lot cooler.
from Redway to Shelter Cove there was a stretch where the temps dropped at least 20 degrees, just like you’d driven into an air-conditioned room. You got a real feel for how the forest influences the natural environment.
BTW there’s a place at Shelter Cove that has the best Fish and Chips I’ve ever found in this country. That is if you consider N CA part of the US, ha!
Hey NDD. I was in the redwood forrest in the 80’s and I couldn’t believe it. Really never experienced anything like that place.
I see an S going through it that looks like part of a spiral. I’ll bet there is even a mathematical formula for it. LOL!!!
Hey there MM… sorry I missed you upstream, and your cute kitty there! Sounds like you’re having fun out there “multi-tasking,” ah hem…
Just wanted to say a quick hey there to you and all … including our buddy NDD above there. I’d better get back to pretending to work for another hour or so here. Probably catch up with the rest of you later…
Bye for now!
See you and the Inner Wierd Child later!
you know what… I look at it and I KNOW that I’d be spending all my time saying, “Wesley!!! Get out of the water!!!!! Oh look at that you got your good shoes all icky!!! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!! HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY”
don’t make you think of falling through ice or slasher movies set at camps, I’m happy.
no News Bucket today, so I’ll drop this here.
From the “Great Story, but Unfortunate Headline” department:
Dracula castle returns to bloodline
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — More than 60 years after it was seized by communists, the Romanian government is to hand back one of the country’s most popular tourist sites, the fabled Dracula Castle, to its former owner, the culture minister said Tuesday.
The hand-over ceremony will take place Friday noon in the 14th century castle’s museum deep within the fortress in Transylvania, said minister Adrian Iorgulescu at a news conference.
The castle, worth an estimated $25 million (19.6 million euros), was owned by the late Queen Marie and bequeathed to her daughter Princess Ileana in 1938. It was confiscated by communists in 1948 and fell into disrepair.
It was inherited by Dominic van Hapsburg, a New York architect who will be at the ceremony on Friday, said Iorgulescu. The Hapsburgs ruled Romania for a period starting in the late 17th century. Under the agreement, the owner will not be allowed to make any changes to the castle for the next three years, Iorgulescu said.
According to the article, Vlad the Impaler (who was reportedly the inspiration for the lead character in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula) never owned the castle, but he did visit it. It has also appeared as the backdrop of several Dracula movies.
Just thought this was interesting…
That is pretty cool Cali. I’ve seen on the History Channel about that place.
Hey there Cali…
Thanks for dropping in and posting that article. I’ve been a fan of all things vampiric since I was a kid, and have of course read all about that place. Not so sure that giving it back to a Habsburg is necessarily the right thing, but it’s their decision. Personally I’d rather see it turned into a museum…
How’s the inner wierd child today? Getting into lots of mischief I hope!
Inner weird child is kind of tired, actually. Work has been way too busy the last week or so. At least finished that report today and it goes out to the client tonight, so hoping for some breathing space for the rest of the week.
no mischief… too tired!
Wishing you and the IWC a refreshing evening and good night’s rest!!
I’m going to have to take a part-timer. School will have to wait a bit… sniff… but I thought “where would I like to work?” A bookstore! I have done lots of volunteering at schools as a reader and at the local library. My dearest friends are librarians…
So I went and applied. The store is only 2.5 miles away from my new digs, too.
And… it’s a really nice, well know, liberal type of bookstore.
But I screwed up all over the application. Left dates off forgot names… all that crap. But I did show that I did have tons of reading work, liberal arts studies (no degree but working on that), community/college theatre, RIF work, and activism/advocacy.
I came home and told my friend that I really yacked it up on the application, that I shouldn’t have tried for the main job on the first try… yadda yadda yadda
They just called and want to interview me tomorrow 🙂 This could be good because not only is a job I would like, but I might be able to do some reviews of children books = they have the largest kid’s book area. It’s really COOL!!!
I know you all will kill me for putting off school for another semester AND taking on a job while moving… but money is tight but I think this could be a good possibility. A good fit for me.
Oh and it is one of the links here on Booman 🙂
This sounds cool DJ. I don’t know your school situation, but you might be able to hook up with a course that would count this as life experience credits. You could do an academic project, write a paper or something, based on your bookstore experience. Doing reviews of children’s books could be something that would get you course credit.
And good luck with that interview! If you left off dates and forgot names, then write something out that you can take to the interview with you with all the 100% accurate up-to-date information. This will really impress them.
Good ideas! I tried calling my old librarian from the county I was in… and the office was closed on Mondays. I am terrible with dates and it’s been forever.
When the lady called I was totally shocked but I’m rather good on the phone and with people so I managed to put the call more to my favor as well.
I explained that I really thought I had mucked it up and had been busily flogging myself for basic screw ups… she said to stop it as I was a good candidate. I had her laughing with my explanations. She’s one of the interviewers. I guess it will be a group interview.
And… the reason I got to really thinking hard about jobs is because of your ordeal and also about what jobs to take – whether o rnot they fit what you want to do. I wanted something that would bring out more of “me”. 🙂
I can see like me that you are not a jobber but someone who actually wants to get some real work done while they are in the business of getting paid for it. Just put a document together that makes your best guess and highlights your exemplary qualifcations. This sounds like it could be an ideal part time job for you, and you would be an asset to their organization, also.
Don’t know what residency requirements are for Oregon schools, but down here in California you have to be in the state a year to get in-state tuition rates (and out-of-state tuition is a bitch).
And you can maybe do some online research and figure out what classes you’re interested it, and maybe even do some reading/study in advance (or at least work on stuff you need to succeed).
Oh, BTW, noticed in a front page diary that Ron Wyden voted “No” on Hayden’s nomination — did Portland CodePINK include a spine delivery when you visited him??? lol
Back to work, again…
Thanks Cali – hey btw our hockey site is having some techie probbies… eek.
Love the Dracul site! Thanks 🙂
As for Wyden. CodePink said that NEXT time we visit they’ll be hearing from Danni 🙂 Guess that got them shaking LOL
Passed the info over to the spouse (who sends his good wishes for employment prospects) — he’s been lurking off and on. Been taking a post-hockey break while I’m trying to get ready for our trip as well as deal with him (loooong story there).
I’ll make it back over sometime before we take off…plus we’ll be dragging the laptop along (of course)…
Hey there you pinkalicious one you! Didn’t get to tell you the other day how relieved I was to hear that the whole house ordeal thing worked out in your favor. Congrats! And I think Cali makes a good point down below about residency requirements for schools… maybe the work thing is not such a bad option after all, since you need the bucks and it sounds like it would be a cool place to work.
But a girl’s gotta do whatta girl’s gotta do! You’ll make the right decision, I’m sure and land on your feet smiling (as opposed to landing on some other part and not smiling…hehe).
Cheery cheers to you from the middle coast!
Thank you! I didn’t get to tell you what a cutiepatootie sexpot you are to me in my cyber brain imagination 🙂
The house… what a stressball that was and is… another delay on the close – Just got the call…
I just hope the schedule will work out for… work. It could be a really good deal for them and me. I’d be in my element. People and books… WOW!
That’s cool DJ. If you can’t be in school at least you’re in a good place.
is to go over to the school and check out the reading requirements for some of the courses you want to take and if any of them are non-textbooks books, you might get them through the books store and get a running start.
Yup, and I’ll get a discount on the books I need 🙂
This is a great concept. Where’s the beer? Or, since you opened so early, is it all gone? 🙁
Nope. We got a tanker out back piping it in just for your arrival 🙂
I knew I could count on YOU Janet.
Your potential job sounds great — if they interview you they’ll want to hire you. (And don’t spend the interview pointing out the “mistakes” on your application — spend the time telling them how great you are with people. )
I SO did not expect an interview. I actually have other applications here from other bookstores that I really didn’t want to work at as they’d be “less than” in my eyes since the “big one” was the first one. And it turned out they were hiring.
I thought that maybe I could move in and then start bugging them to allow me to do some volunteer work there – like with story time or what not. 🙂
I opted for the chardonnay, so there’s still lots of beer still available! I figure it’s always happy hour somewhere on the planet! Always a cheerful reflection.
You can have ALL the chardonnay. We complement each other perfectly.
Sounds like the perfect arrangement. Putting in an order for the nutty, fruity chardonnays though. Will promise to have plenty of beer on hand and not asking too much I hope!
to need some healing for your smashed finger (BooMan stubbed little piggy #4 today too), here’s an alien secretion to apply to the wound.
You really ARE good!
<slurp> feels better already 😉
Poor BooMan, did you make him a special smashed toe drink?
he hasn’t dropped in for happy hour today and I don’t waste the ointment on lurkers 😉
is that YOUR foot? My finger’s not that bad, just a little numb at the tip.
And even if it’s broken there’s nothing they can do for it. You just have to suffer. Poor baby 🙁
no, that is some dumbass that posted a picture of his broken toe.
My toe is not quite that bad. The redness only goes about 3/4 of the way down the toe and not onto the foot itself. It still feels broken though, but I’m hoping I just bruised the bone.
I jammed (or maybe broke) my 4th toe on Christmas Day a few years ago and even after it healed it would still hurt when I got out of bed in the morning if I put that foot down on the ground first. You don’t realize how much you use those little toes for granted until they hurt.
I’m sure that was quite a sight — heavily pregnant large-to-begin-with lady hobbling around in cheap flip-flops (the only shoe I could wear for weeks.) And, of course, since I was pregnant I didn’t want to take much of anything for the pain. And it really, really HURT. Labor was better, truly.
screw the mix drinks, get this man a scotch glass pronto
filled with your favorite, of course.
Margari*toe*? 🙂
instead of salt, the glass is lined with sock lint?
Gross Giggling 🙂
With an extra shot of Lamisil 🙂
…. that excreted that intriguing concoction! Did you take any pictures before he/she/it took off into parts beyond?
that everyone keep a six pack of Bud in the office fridge?
but in general it’s true. In fact, there is beer somewhere in the office. For when we have late afternoon partners’ meetings and we need “beverages appropriate to the hour”. Just don’t think it’s cold. 🙁
Saw you pop in just as I was shutting down and leaving work… thus the delayed greeting. So there’s beer somewhere in your office but you don’t know where? I find that rather hard to believe, hehe. Maybe you need ej to come down and he can sniff it out for ya… he seems to do pretty well finding beer.
How was your Tuesday? Mine was busy but the friggin report is finally done and hoping the rest of the week goes by quickly.
We’ll have to have champagne chilling for the late night cafe to celebrate IVG … 🙂
You’re too kind, as usual Olivia. No need for champagne… beer will work just fine … it was just another boring work report for a client. If it were something truly special I’d be of a different mind. Presentation is tomorrow, but I don’t have to present this time… I can just sit in on the call and pipe up if I need to answer any questions.
How’s weather up your way today? We’ve got rain on the way and it feels like it now… cloudy, warm and muggy.
We’re celebrating your freedom from it … LOL! It seemed to make you a bit cranky the past few days, and who wants to take work home … no one! So, you’re are now unshackled from it for the next few days anyways …
If I’m too nice, should I start being mean?
The sun is out right now IVG! I’ve been out shooting pix in the garden … You’ll have to stop by later tonight to see. <not so subtle hint> 😉
No need to be mean … I like the nice Olivia very much! And sorry if I’ve seemed cranky lately… for some reason this particular project really took it out of me, and if that rubbed off on my lounge mates, I’m really sorry. This is the place I come to to unwind with good people, so want to keep it that way.
I think the sun has peeked back out here right now, so I may run out for a bit and see if I can get some good pics of the False Indigo, which just started blooming the other day. Also need to water the unplanted plants on the patio … just to “prime the rain pump” so to speak.
Ok, heading back to Manny’s pool party for a little bit longer.
Never appropriate unless you are in Britain and they have an extremely bizarre notion of “appropriate” there. [My emphasis.]
Dag Nab It, It won’t be happy hour for another hour!
I figured now that the Lounge is very nearly full, I might as well come in and make an appearance.
I finally slogged through my Fowl Engaging Member patent and did a slew of annowing correspondence and am now looking forward to getting home, opening a cold brew, and sitting down to a fine game of Tales of Symphonia with my kid.
She now thinks I’m the coolest mom on earth because I watched some anime with her and liked it. hehehe.
Bottoms up for the cold brew and having fun with your kid!
why don’t you all grab your swim trunks and head over to the pool. Happy Hour continueth