Wired, the online Magazine,has a good article up on their site. Its the goods that Mark Klein has on AT&T regarding their co-operation with the Fed’s on the NSA’s spy program on americans. EFF(Electric Frontier Foundation) has filed a class action lawsuit against the once Ma Bell, now just Big Bell AT&T.
Mr. Klein is a former AT&T tech and now the star witness against his former employer. The Wired article has Mr.Kleins entire public statement regarding what he knows AND copies of company manuals that ANYONE can download showing how AT&T installed the spyware on their systems to get the info the NSA was looking for.
I hope AT&T takes it deep and hard in EFF’s lawsuit. As a customer of AT&T I wrote them an email last week regarding this bullshit. Their response I posted on my personal blog,basicially says they didn’t do anything outside the law..pardon me whilst I toss my cookies over THAT one..The title of Wired’s article: Whistle-Blower’s Evidence, Uncut.
Hmm..wonder if the MSM will have anything on this? Don’t hold your breath folks..you will turn blue and die.
(Wired News) May 22 — Klein goes into additional details of his discovery of an alleged surveillance operation in an AT&T building in San Francisco.
Klein supports his claim by attaching excerpts of three internal company documents: a Dec. 10, 2002, manual titled “Study Group 3, LGX/Splitter Wiring, San Francisco,” a Jan. 13, 2003, document titled “SIMS, Splitter Cut-In and Test Procedure” and a second “Cut-In and Test Procedure” dated Jan. 24, 2003.
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 517,¹ the United States of America, through its undersigned counsel, hereby submits this Statement of Interest [pdf] to advise the Court that the United States intends to assert the military and state secrets privilege in this action. In addition, the United States will also move to intervene to seek dismissal of this case. The United States requests that its forthcoming submission be considered in conjunction with the parties’ pending motions.
● EFF’s Class-Action Lawsuit Against AT&T for Collaboration with Illegal Domestic Spying Program
● Judge: AT&T docs can be used in wiretap suit
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks, that was the article I referenced, I just didn’t know how to link it. My first post over here.
Thanks for the info dusterella. I am a techno-geek and followed the trail to the actual documents, and they are exactly as described. Not only does the NSA have AT&T calls, but through the “peering links” at the AT&T switches, they have virtually every other company’s call info also. AT&T routes lots of calls which originate in and/or are destined for other company’s networks.
Thanks again for posting this and Welcome Aboard at BooMan Tribune!
OH, and thanks to Oui, also, for the links!
btw, the docs show that the circuit-splitting was completed in feb 2003 for this particular office…….
I have learned the use of codes as I started posting at dKos and here @BooMan. I write the articles in Word with a standard list of frequently used standard HTML codes. It’s easy once you can just insert text to finish your article.
I’ve hotlisted superscalar’s diary ::
How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer)
BTW a great start for your first diary and I extend my welcome to you. For some joy and leisure, the frogs meet at the pond for an introduction and welcome!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thank you both for a warm welcome. I was very nervous about my first entry. I appreciate your comments and the links.
Keep the pressure on them!