The PA-08 congressional race has already turned ugly just one week after Patrick Murphy won the primary. Not only has Mike Fitzpatrick already resorted to name calling, but now his campaign manager is attacking not only Patrick, but the whole Kos community!
(Cross posted at Daily Kos)
Yesterday, while talking about Patrick’s “Call to Action” on his campaign blog, one of his staff members said: “The 2006 budget, which Mike Fitzpatrick voted for, drastically cut funding to a number of programs affecting people and organizations throughout the 8th District.”
Because he’s weak and running scared, Fitzpatrick’s campaign manager has the audacity to DOWNRIGHT LIE and claim that the FY 2006 budget is somehow good for Bucks County!
— The budget resolution called for an estimated $30 billion to $35 billion in cuts over the next five years from low-income “mandatory” (also known as “entitlement”) programs, including Medicaid, food stamps, and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
— Education and training programs were cut by $38 billion over the five-year period, with the reduction in 2010 also amounting to 14 percent. The cuts to natural resource and environmental programs total $28 billion over five years, with the 2010 cut amounting to a severe 21 percent.”
–The Budget Resolution Conference Report Cut Funding for Funding for Veterans’ Health Care by $13.5 Billion Over 5 Years.
Can somebody tell me how Oscar thinks this is good for the citizens of Bucks County?
And it’s my understanding that all of Patrick’s staff signed this supposed “truth pledge” from the Courier. Well, as you can see Emily is certainly “truth-telling.” So where is Mike Oscar? Maybe worried about his wife getting hooked up through Sen. Spector’s office?
But this is where some of you should really take notice:
“Worse still, when attempting to back up the claim, Murphy’s blog links not to the House of Representatives website, or a non-profit think tank but to the Daily Kos, a partisan liberal blog that is connected to left leaning political action groups. Not exactly the best source for the dispassionate and objective reporting of news.”
Help Patrick Murphy out in the fight against an ultra-conservative Republican who specializes in hypocrisy and hating the netroots.
PS Mike Fitzpatrick wants to shut down Kos – No seriously – read it here at this left leaning political action group:
For shame…Pat should only link to the objective and well respected Booman Tribune.
Fitzpatrick and fellow Republicans, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert, endorsed new legislation (click here for PDF) that would cordon off access to commercial Web sites that let users create public “Web pages or profiles” and also offer a discussion board, chat room, or e-mail service.
PS He’s not alone in view of dKos. Oui (can’t, won’t, used to, banned to) contribute at Big Orange.
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