They must be lost in the crowd in the last cafe. I had to run out for a few minutes (or so). I couldn’t believe how lively things got! Maybe I should ignore the cafe more often!
Are you talking those yellow flowers? I forgot what you told me they were.
They’re in the back by the house and my Mom asked if I had film in my camera. For about the 40th time I explained to her it was digital and what did she want. She wanted some picture of the flowers. I thought great some for the cafe.
I’ve got an hp 5 MP. It’s got a lot of stuff I still don’t know how to use after all these years. I was on marco and normal. Those pictures were photoshopped a good bit to darken and I forgot the term, but where you can get in really close with the program.
I’ve got one more I’m looking for and I can’t find it.
Argh. I was going to post a couple of pictures, but now that I look at them they aren’t all that great. Certainly not up to Cafe standards.
And I just noticed that I took about a half dozen shots of my 17 month old granddaughter . . . and in every single one of them the flash reflects off the snot dripping down her upper lip.
I’ll go troll around in my photo album some more. There’s got to be some decent pictures there someplace.
… Andi might hold it against me, seeing as how you’re about to become enemy#1 in 2 days LOL.
I thought this one might appeal to you b/c of the lines and angles and whatnot. It really struck me out in ‘the field’ (or my backyard lol). The way each anther is centred in the petal, the pistil aligned to the stamen and anthers, etc.
You’re a master teacher and therefore you deserve the summer off — just don’t tell Andi I said that LOL. 😉
Did you hear the crowd singing the Cdn anthem in Edm the other night — they were outsinging the mike guy and he finally stopped singing and just held up the mike. I’ve never heard a hockey crowd out/over sing the guy on the mike. The fans are so hyped up LOL. If only we didn’t have such bums on our teams …
Here are three shots pulled off my hard drive from times past.
Shot 1, no date: Can’t remember when I took this, or where. We have about three butterfly gardens we like and it could have been the one at the zoo, or at Seattle Center, or maybe this is one of them imported Canadian butterflies that we shot on a trip to Victoria.
This one was most likely from the zoo.
And this is a shot taken in 2003 on the Washington coast. I just like it.
I’m not sure if I’m more impressed with your getting the red butterfly to display itself like that, or your getting the waves to stop like that, or your refusal to post photos of your snotty-nosed grandbaby.
gotta make a trip to my favorite grnhse. this week. Gonna try to get out there Fri, b4 the wkend crowds; they always have a really good sale on annuals on Decoration wkend.
How’s it going … weren’t they cool? I’m trying to think how having an electric blue tail aids in their existence … you’d think they’d be easier to spot.
I’ll be really interested to see how it turns out. Oh, and btw I meant to compliment you on the first designs when you posted the links. Really nice work!
If you’re game, we should put something together. Last time you all did it with almost no help from me, but if you want some promotion for the event, I’ll be happy to help.
More blue from last night.
Still trying to figure out how to get the best back lit by setting sun light to keep from washing too much out. Maybe soon I can get closer to capturing what this stuff looks like early evening in sun… it’s like a purple haze from across the yard. Anyway, it’s cool stuff.
Hey, everyone — over here!
I’m here for awhile. Where is everybody?
They must be lost in the crowd in the last cafe. I had to run out for a few minutes (or so). I couldn’t believe how lively things got! Maybe I should ignore the cafe more often!
Have a good run to where you’re going.
lost part right.
Oh yeah — I keep forgetting everyone’s ahead of me! And, yes, I will be disappearing during a certain 2 hour period.
Everybody who counts is here, right?
(Uh oh, I’m going to get pummeled for that.)
Oh great inventor of the robo-rater. Pummeled?
Never by me, never I say! 🙂
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…
That’s fabulous Olivia.
You took some lovely lily photos today! Wanna tell me about it?
Are you talking those yellow flowers? I forgot what you told me they were.
They’re in the back by the house and my Mom asked if I had film in my camera. For about the 40th time I explained to her it was digital and what did she want. She wanted some picture of the flowers. I thought great some for the cafe.
Lily … lily … a very pretty name for a pretty flower.
They were really great! Did you use any particular setting? What kind of camera do you use?
I’ve got an hp 5 MP. It’s got a lot of stuff I still don’t know how to use after all these years. I was on marco and normal. Those pictures were photoshopped a good bit to darken and I forgot the term, but where you can get in really close with the program.
I’ve got one more I’m looking for and I can’t find it.
I’ll be back in a minute.
Argh. I was going to post a couple of pictures, but now that I look at them they aren’t all that great. Certainly not up to Cafe standards.
And I just noticed that I took about a half dozen shots of my 17 month old granddaughter . . . and in every single one of them the flash reflects off the snot dripping down her upper lip.
I’ll go troll around in my photo album some more. There’s got to be some decent pictures there someplace.
Post them! I don’t think I’ve seen any Omir photos before.
I posted one a while back, but it’s been a while.
Give me a few minutes, I have two ready and want to do a third.
Yet another astounding image, Miss O.
W o w ! Just stunning.
I was having fun tonight. 🙂
How’s things — I saw you today, but didn’t get a chance to say hi! How’s the weather?
Well, I’ll say this: the Woodland Queen is now doing her bird-watching above ground, in our apple tree, so I’d say Spring’s definitely arrived.
We had a lovely day: sun, a little breeze, high of about 62 F. Not bad — with more to come.
Alas, it’s still a bit chilly at night –ergo I’d best go tend to the woodstove & stuff.
Iirc, you’ve gotten some nice weather yourself. I’m sure you’re pleased!
See you later! {{{{ww}}}}
I just went over to flickr to see the bigger version. Beautifully shot.
That’s what gets me. I guess you saw the other ones. I’m going to pop them up on the b for tomorrow.
is spectacular. I like the ‘smear’ of red and yellow behind the bits.
Are you watching Lost right now?
I come over to the computer on commercial breaks.
That is a pretty cool picture.
the tippy top of a circus tent as they are lowering a family of three air acrobatics.
Adjectives fail.
So lets look at technique.
The exposure show the depth of color from the highlighted areas to the shadows.
The focus is tight and sharp across the field of view.
The composition is balanced, but not so symmetrical as to be boring.
The only thing that is wrong with it that I can see is that I didn’t shoot it.
… Andi might hold it against me, seeing as how you’re about to become enemy#1 in 2 days LOL.
I thought this one might appeal to you b/c of the lines and angles and whatnot. It really struck me out in ‘the field’ (or my backyard lol). The way each anther is centred in the petal, the pistil aligned to the stamen and anthers, etc.
You’re a master teacher and therefore you deserve the summer off — just don’t tell Andi I said that LOL. 😉
wonderful composition and the ‘hint’ of symmetry in the image is very appealing.
It reinforces my impression that you’ve really got a painters eye when I see shots like that.
I couldn’t take that photograph…and I mean that as a very sincere compliment.
I like it better as well — the lines really stood out to me. Here’s the large view, which is a little messy d/t the pollen flakes etc.
Time to dust off the clubs and get your summer on.
OLIVIA I need some of your good loving gone bad!!! STAT!!!
Browni, dude, don’t bring up golf where there’s recovering hockey fans whose teams were just eliminated from the play offs. Very very ouch, baby.
Here ya go DJ … here’s some chocolove.
Whew, thanks Olivia! I started to lose it there ya know… ‘golf’ …. shudder.
Psst Sabres won tonight by the way.
GO EDMONTON (hate em right now but GO OIL) and hope that Teemu does well for the Almighty Schmucks.
The PGA has the best groupies in all of sports, by far.
Did you hear the crowd singing the Cdn anthem in Edm the other night — they were outsinging the mike guy and he finally stopped singing and just held up the mike. I’ve never heard a hockey crowd out/over sing the guy on the mike. The fans are so hyped up LOL. If only we didn’t have such bums on our teams …
It really sucks having to watch Pronger… this long. LOL
But, but, where’s’ the Logins & Messina soundtrack?
I was looking around for a picture and can’t find it. I’m calling it an early night. I’m still worn out from today in the yard.
Everybody in the pond have a good night.
Sleep well, and hopefully you can find it tomorrow. Sweet dreams!
Have a good night, FM!
As for me, it’s time I tended to the cauldron. See y’all soon!
I was being soooo “good” in the other room.
Here are three shots pulled off my hard drive from times past.
Shot 1, no date: Can’t remember when I took this, or where. We have about three butterfly gardens we like and it could have been the one at the zoo, or at Seattle Center, or maybe this is one of them imported Canadian butterflies that we shot on a trip to Victoria.
This one was most likely from the zoo.
And this is a shot taken in 2003 on the Washington coast. I just like it.
Whoa!!! That’s really great stuff, OMIR!!!
You guys are all so talented.
I love how the middle one is fully captured. And of course the pink flower 😉
And I like the bottom one as well … very grand in scope.
Thanks for the Douglas Adams info. I love him… I shared it with my hockey pals. XOXO!
I’m not sure if I’m more impressed with your getting the red butterfly to display itself like that, or your getting the waves to stop like that, or your refusal to post photos of your snotty-nosed grandbaby.
Come on grandpa, lets see some snotty noses.
Thanks again, for helping me keep my head afloat for one more day.
Who’s still here? Geezer roll call.
Present but not accounted for.
Going to bed? 🙁
It’s 11, I’m geezer, and Sniff has already warmed the pillow up for me. It was meant to be.
turtles, worms, salamanders,toads, spiders, woods and all associated wildlife…sleep well.
night, Andi.. thx again for those really cool skinks. Those truly made my day.
But those new tulips of O’s are breathtaking. I feel like such a schlub in the company of /sensei/s.
Give the pups some love … ours just had a nice cold cup of Frosty Paws peanut butter flavor. Happy pups.
wuzup IVG? Work winding down from the red stress level?
How’d ya guess? Oh well, long weekend coming up. And lots to plug in the ground.
Thx for the salamander correction. I’m not the brightest in the reptile nomenclature repertoire. heh
gotta make a trip to my favorite grnhse. this week. Gonna try to get out there Fri, b4 the wkend crowds; they always have a really good sale on annuals on Decoration wkend.
How’s it going … weren’t they cool? I’m trying to think how having an electric blue tail aids in their existence … you’d think they’d be easier to spot.
I really meant it when I said that made my day. Work was so stultifying and boring today, skinks just helped me wonder and smile again.
Anyway, those are some pretty wicked looking tulips ya got there. These are currently blooming in your garden, right?
I’m going to put it up at work tomorrow … And isn’t skink just a weird name.
Thanks on the tulips — yep they’re growing right now in the garden. They’re all up right now and just finishing blooming.
Go check the b when you get a chance for a neat ladybug close-up.
just catching up on the last cafe; quite a photo album tonight 😉
How’re you doing tonight?
It was 90 today. Two days ago it was in the 60’s.
oh yeah, just havin’ coffee w/ NDD and one of his pals…couldn’t get away…
Is this you and NDD discussing your picto-railing-abob?
Nope…I think he’s dazed and confused…no coherent communications have been forthcoming from the ll-dimension…
I’ll be really interested to see how it turns out. Oh, and btw I meant to compliment you on the first designs when you posted the links. Really nice work!
Olivia, do you and katiebird et al. have any plans to have another photofair? It looks like you could really have a great display.
I heartily second that suggestion!
No plans that I’m aware of though, just comments that it would be good to do again.
I think we’d have an amazing turn-out. Lots of talented peeps here.
If you’re game, we should put something together. Last time you all did it with almost no help from me, but if you want some promotion for the event, I’ll be happy to help.
I’ll let Andi and katieb know.
Just checked the diaries, and the inaugural one was October 8,9 2005. So maybe it’s a good time to start planning. 🙂
Yeah, did a couple sketches for his loft rail/bkcse…point…shoot…download…send…not quality photography.
Maybe he’ll stop by. I think he and the Mrs. had something going tonight. Honey Do time. :{)
And Honey Do’s are nb … 🙂
it just came up out of the “comment memory”, as did this one, and I neglected to delete it…jeezeus, you’re high maintenance…:{)
… don’t clean out your autofill etc.? No wonder I never know what you’re talking about — you’re not talking to me at all LOL.
And I’m not high maintenance.
nb = important
nb=important…how so? Makes no sense to me…must be a cdn thing…:{)
want to know what happened on Lost.
Well if you do, too bad. I’m going to bed.
Good night.
You mean it wasn’t a repeat? 🙂
Obviously, I need to link to this vital resource again.
More blue from last night.

Still trying to figure out how to get the best back lit by setting sun light to keep from washing too much out. Maybe soon I can get closer to capturing what this stuff looks like early evening in sun… it’s like a purple haze from across the yard. Anyway, it’s cool stuff.
Okay, a little early, but the new cafe is here. See you guys later. Waaaalt