Man, this guy never ceases to amaze me. He has become just fearless and with the combo of smarts and experience he is a force to be reckoned with. He is everywhere these days… and he ain’t pulling any punches.
So… today comes the news that Gore has partnered with MySpace to promote his climate change film. This is big news… MySpace has 70 million members. And they spend a lot of time there…
MySpace’s campaign… includes a custom-designed site where the community’s more than 70 million registered members can meet and exchange ideas. Among other features, the page offers a “personal environmental impact calculator” for users to assess their personal contribution to global warming.
… the campaign will culminate in a 10-city MySpace theater buyout on June 16, with free tickets going to select members of ” An Inconvenient Truth”‘s MySpace community.
In addition, MySpace’s music channel is featuring an artist-on-artist interview between the former vice president and a to-be-announced rock-star who also happens to be part of the MySpace community. The MySpace movies channel will spotlight an interview with the film’s director, Davis Guggenheim.
~ via 3i marketing blog
The website for the film totally rocks as well, has a ton of resources to spread the word and take action, a pledge to see the film on opening day and has a blog 🙂
Go forth and show Gore and our planet some love people!
And if this segues into a presidential run, well, let’s just say Bill and his saxophone may look well, shall we say, “so 20th century…”
(One can dream…)
You know KP, who would have figured 6 years ago that we’d all be raving about how “cool” and “hip” Al freakin’ Gore is… that guy really shows what connecting with yourself is all about.
In terms of a prez run… well, a soap box surrounding with 70mm people will help 😉 never mind SNL, the Today Show, Wired, etc. etc. The man IS gonna run… I’m willing to go out on a limb about it. (well, that will be the only outcome that my sanity needs will allow ;))
Thx for the diary, Spiderleaf… we can never get too much info about this important film out to the public.
I remember the not ready for prez run Gore did in 88 when I was a grad student and I got to talk to him briefly on a corner where he was giving a speech on the environment. I was impressed with his ideas, but he was stiff as that pole he’s so often been compared to. I’ve always admired his principled stands that somehow all got swept into that fabled “lockbox” back in 2000. I knew they were there, but they wouldn’t let him let them out. Pity.
As to Al running in 08? I’ve said before here that my dream ticket would be Gore/Feingold, but I just don’t think it’s gonna happen, as much as I would love it to be so. I saw parts of his interview with “fluff anchor” Katie Couric last night, and he categorically stated he will not run again. If that’s how he truly feels, so be it. It’s his life. But if he changes his mind, I can see the flip flop accusations coming already… and that would truly be a pity.
Heh (to quote armando). I think his stance right now “I’m a recovering politician” is the right one strategically. He’s got a film to release that he wants people to pay attention to, regardless of political affiliation… BUT he IS a politician and he knows about building buzz… the “live from the oval office speech” on SNL and the “well, there is always the chance of a relapse” tells me he is waiting for the “tipping point”.. the ground swell that he just can’t ignore. Then it’s not, Al Gore the sore loser, it’s “Al Gore, the patriotic American who answered the call”…
Well, one can only hope eh??
I think he knows exactly what he is doing and what other people are doing. And I hope there is a groundswell.
His time with Clinton is long past. He’s being himself, now, not being “handled”. From a tiny bit of close0up experience, I can say he is warm and approachable one-on-one and an excellent speaker in small groups and when he isn’t doing a purely political sound-bite in front of the camera (ditto Howard Dean). He seems to improved a lot now that he isn’t in the shadow of the Whitehouse or his familial expectations.
The charge of be a “flip-flop” doesn’t apply, as politicians from the beginning of time have claimed not to be running until they stand in front of the microphones and announce formally.
I’m delighted to see him in this leadership role, whatever becomes of it.
Yes, Spider, I had considered all those factors as well, and believe they do apply, even in Al’s case. I just don’t want to get my hopes up too high or have him commit any slight faux pas that would leave him open to eventual attack. But maybe that’s just being too cautious… He should be used to the attacks and seems much more likely to respond forcefully this time around, if it happens.
Didn’t mean to imply I don’t think he should run, because it would really thrill me, especially with the wise choice of Feingold (I’m a wee bit biased there).
We can hope, yes… and we’ll see what happens!
it would be even better if the Democratic Party would be doing all the right things….but hey, I’ll take what I can get at this point ; )
great to hear from you again spidey, hope life is doing well by you,
Good to see you around the pond too, IP! 🙂
ain’t that the truthiness right there.
But it’s a whole new Al Gore and 2008 is his to grab. Hillary knows it. The Repubs know it. Hell the man now has a list of over 112k people who pledged to see his film on opening day…. and add in all the people he’ll attract on MySpace and get email addy’s for… and well, he’ll have a list bigger than Dean’s before the primaries… 😉
Good to see you to IP! It’s been too long. Hope all is well my friend.
a fantastic idea.
3 cheers to Gore for continuing to claim a place among America’s youth. As a member of that particular demographic, I couldn’t be more impressed.
as I said over at DU, I like the policy wonk, smarty pants Al Gore. I think it’s his best trait. = )
I of course would LOVE him to run and I would spend hours every day kicking the media’s ass to keep them in line.
Funny how a damned blue stained dress got that boy’s tongue and it wasn’t even his dress, or Tippers, or even his babysitters! And hey hey hey…..I don’t see a Lieberman tossed in there. After hurricane season is over this year I wonder how badly all these Southerners are gonna wanna vote for fellow Southerner Gore? Just speculating!
I am beginning to wonder of Al Gore hasn’t REALLY figured the whole thing out.
The political system is broken, and both parties are so beholden to Corp money that there is only ONE THING more important to them than what their owners want.
And what is that?
And the popular opinion that drives them.
The reason they need Corp money in the first place is to buy the media clout to produce votes. To win. To be there at the finish line first.
The race broadcast:
Here we are at the most recent running of the President’s Cup. The weather is stormy and the track is REALLY sloppy, but it looks as if they are going to run the race anyway.
The horses all bunch up at the beginning of the race. A couple sprint out to an early lead.
But…WHAT’S THIS!!!???
ONE of the horses isn’t running!!!
He’s…he’s sitting down by the side of the track with what looks like…yes, it’s a computer and a cell phone!!!
Let’s send our trackside correspondent down to see what this totally unprecedented incident is all about.
Hopalong…are you there?
Yes Brad, I’m here. This horse seems to have thrown off its jockey and it bridle and saddle and will not let its previous trainers within 40 feet of him. He is on the phone with…yes, it appears that he is on the phone with the BETTORS!!! UNHEARD OF!!! Let me see if I can get closer to him.
Al!!! Oh…AL!!!
Yes. He seems ready to make a statement.
Here it is.
Who wants to win races anyway? I have all the oats I need now. On the evidence, maybe even a few too many.
If approached about the idea of a draft by the Democratic powers-that-be, my simple answer will be…
Thank you ladies and bettors.
Could be…
He’s certainly been ACTING that way, ever since he started his TV network.
Could be…
One smart racehorse, if that IS what’s happening.
As in 1776.
Maybe he DID invent the internet.
Gore for the most important cabinet post of the next administration!!!
Secretary of Energy.
“Let’s take our country back.”
It’s his to say after the theft of 2000.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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